• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,081 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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Shining Armor's Report

The Royal Guards escort Princess Cadance and Shining Armor to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia and Luna are eager to hear Shining Armor's full report as former Captain of the Royal Guards.

"Good afternoon, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor," Celestia greets.

"Good afternoon to you, Princess Celestia," Shining Armor and Princess Cadance bow in respect.

"How are you doing, Cadance and Shining Armor?" Princess Luna calmly asks.

"We're doing fine," Cadance replies.

"We're working our magic to have a foal of our own soon enough," Shining replies to Luna's question.

"We wish you well in that department, Shining Armor," Luna responds.

"Shining Armor, may we have a word with you?" Celestia calmly asks.

"Sure. I'm all ears. I have all day to be precise," Shining Armor replies.

"Is my hubby in trouble?" Princess Cadance jokingly said.

"We're going to find out," Celestia remarks. Her tone quickly changes.

Shining Armor sweats a bit. He's unsure what Princess Celestia meant by that statement. Princess Cadance gives Shining Armor a quick kiss on his cheek, easing the tensions.

"Shining Armor, my sister and I will like a full progress report during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards," Luna commands.

"You're serious, right?" Shining Armor asks in confusion. "Asking a full report during my reign as Captain of the Royal Guards?"

"That is correct. My sister and I want a full report during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards," Luna states as she nods.

"Uh, just simple work as Captain of the Royal Guards. Ensuring the safety of Canterlot. Standing in attention, patrolling in Canterlot, stopping thieves, the works."

"What about outside of Canterlot?" Princess Celestia asks. "Any calls, needed of assistance, trying to stop different groups of cults throughout the borders of Equestria?"

"Not much happened when it came to the outside borders of Canterlot. I received no reports and indications of any distress calls and situations that'll lead the Royal Guards and me to approach the situation."

Princess Luna narrow her eyes. It causes Shining Armor to sweat a bit. He's still unsure of what the Princesses are trying to get out of him.

"Are you sure you received no transmissions from anywhere else in Equestria during your time as Captain of the Royal Guards."

"Negative, Princess Celestia."

"Discord," Princess Celestia pronounce loudly.

"Yes?" Discord hovers down from the ceiling as he eats popcorn.

Shining Armor sweats a bit more. Princess Cadance is reading Shining Armor's body language. Is Shining Armor hiding crucial information?

"Do you detect deception from Shining Armor since you and Luna hopped back in time?"

Discord sniffs Shining Armor. He plucks a single strand of his mane and licks it. Discord places his claw on Shining Armor, making him uncomfortable.

"Well, reading his body language and feeling his heart rate, I detect he is hiding crucial evidence from you two."

"What?!" Princess Cadance cries out in horror.

"Oh, c'mon. It's Discord. He could be lying to you cause of how I'm feeling. He is a trickster of a God after all," Shining Armor complains a bit then stares at Discord.

"If you think he is lying then tell us your side of the story," Celestia commands.

"I received no transmissions from any of the Royal Guards. I specifically told them to alert me of any signs of trouble outside Canterlot's borders."

"Which we assume none did," Luna stated.

"Exactly. Therefore, I was performing my duties to ensure the safety of everypony in Canterlot."

"Were you paid in bits to keep your mouth shut for the Royals and Nobles?" Princess Luna asks.

"Well, uh," It struck a nerve in Shining Armor. Princess Cadance looks at her husband, hoping that he wasn't bribed.

"Well?" Celestia raises an eyebrow, waiting for a response from Shining Armor.

"Were you paid in bits to keep your mouth shut?" Luna asks, repeating Celestia's question.

Shining Armor is silent for a moment. Princess Cadance gathers enough courage to ask Shining Armor:

"Shining, if you're telling me that I married a liar that takes bribes instead of being honest, I will divorce you."

Fear struck his heart when Cadance said divorce. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He starts to hyperventilate a bit as he succumbs to the question at hoof.

"I was paid a hefty price by Prince Blueblood to keep my mouth shut during my first days as Captain of the Royal Guards. The Nobles want to ensure their living conditions. The Royals demanded of us to protect them more. At the time, it was wrong that I accepted it. However, I noticed more of the Royal Guards doing what I've done. Getting paid to follow instructions, protecting the Royals and Nobles for extra bits, attending to many openings in Canterlot. Since money was talking to me, I neglected some calls from other regions of Equestria."

Princess Cadance steps away from her husband. She is in disbelief about what he is saying.

"Whenever I try to answer those cries for help, Prince Blueblood would make an appearance and offer me a lot of bits to help him and the other Nobles. He had timing and he is persuasive to get what he desires. That is why I send the Royal Guards to help in other regions of Equestria. I made it clear that I want a full report of the situation. Every time I sent them, they come back with positive feedback. Ponies are grateful for the assistance. I pity them cause they didn't take hefty bribes from the Royals."

"I can't believe you.., You took bribes from that horrid Prince?" Cadance trembles in her speech. Her right leg twitches as she holds herself.

"There have been other times I have gone out to help ponies outside of Canterlot. They were gracious. After accepting many bribes, I was able to help my family more with some debt they were in, especially some sicknesses my parents nearly succumb to. I think about my decisions from those times I've accepted those bribes. I look back and think I'm a horrible pony that took the money over lives. I'm sorry for being a grade-A punk. Now you know why I have trouble sleeping at night, Cadance. I wasn't sure how to break it to you after all this time..," Shining said, lowering his head expecting the worse from her.

Princess Cadance looks away from Shining. It now makes sense. His sudden cries when he's alone, the anger and frustrations when he talks in the mirror alone, those nights when he had a horrible time sleeping. His guilt was eating him up. His guilt never left him. She turns back to her husband.

"I don't blame you for wanting a divorce. I deserve it for my decisions."

"Is that why you don't want to bring a foal to this world? Cause of the decisions you made and the bribery?"

"How can I bring a foal into this world, knowingly that I neglected many foals from other aspects of Equestria? Knowing that I probably have a good portion of Equestria suffer due to more bits in my pockets?" Shining shakes his head. "I'm ashamed of myself. I had to hide my actual feelings cause I loved you so much, Cadance. You are my everything and, I was afraid that I was going to lose you if you were to ever find out of my darkness. Now you know of my dark history, are you going to leave me?" Shining Armor said as he starts to become teary.

"No," Cadance shakes her head. She trots to her husband. "I married you for better or for worse. Now that I know why you had trouble sleeping and the actual reason why you didn't want to bring a foal, its time that you start redeeming yourself."


"Become something greater than you were as Captain of the Royal Guard."

"I don't think that's possible."

"It can be actually," Princess Celestia noted.

"Please explain, Celestia," Shining asks.

"Also, why you wanted to know about Shining Armor's history as former Captain of the Royal Guard? Something doesn't add up," Cadance claims.

"As you know, Discord and Luna time hopped. The reason why is because there was a lot of deception from my Royal Guards throughout my thousand-year reign without Luna. They saw how the Royal Guards demeanor change when the wealth came into play, leaving a good portion of Equestria to suffer in the clutches of different cults, creatures, and forces of mother nature."

"Oh my," Cadance shockingly responds.

"The Royal Guards have failed Equestria and gave me a bad reputation. Not everypony knows about my reputation as a Princess, yet."

"I'm sorry," Shining Armor apologizes to Celestia of his mistakes.

"Corruption and wealth got the better of you Shining Armor. The same was for me as well. I do appreciate you apologizing to me."

"So, what are you planning to do now, Princess?" Cadance calmly asks.

"It was my departure from the Castle of the Two Sisters that caused this chain of events. So, I've decided to leave Canterlot and reside in a small village where I can concentrate on becoming a better Princess."

"Good for you, Celestia," Cadance said.

"When I move, I'll create an Equestrian Protection Unit. They'll be the new protectors of Equestria as the Royal Guards failed to live up to the name as protectors."

"Understandable," Shining said. His head is down from his guilt and shame.

"Cadance is right. You can become better. How would you like to have a second chance in redeeming yourself, Shining Armor as Commander of the Equestrian Protection Unit?"

"Commander? Celestia, I am not worthy of that title."

"I know how you are feeling, Shining Armor. The wealth, Nobles, and Royals have controlled me in a certain way. That is another reason why I'm leaving Canterlot. I believe in second chances when given the right push."

Shining Armor feels Cadance putting her arm around his back.

"I believe you can do it, hun," Cadance smiles as she gazes at her husband.

Shining Armor takes a deep breath. He turns to Luna and Discord.

"Luna is given a second chance to become a better Princess and, I'm given a chance to become a better Draqonecuus. She is right about second chances when given the right push," Discord noted. Princess Luna nods in agreement with Discord's claim.

Shining Armor blinks several times. He ponders on his decisions throughout the years. The perfect opportunity to renew and redeem himself is right in front of him. All he has to do is accept it.

"Alright, Princess Celestia. I'll accept your offer. I need time to recuperate now that I released a huge burden of stress out of me."

"Understood, Shining Armor. Take all the time you need. It'll take me some time to orchestrate the Equestrian Protection Unit."

"So, when will you address your departure?" Princess Cadance curiously asks.

"By the end of the week. I'm passing the torch to Princess Luna to lead Canterlot in a better direction. A thousand years in the moon, she now needs to gain experience as a full-time Princess in Canterlot. I trust and believe she'll be better than I am as a Princess in Canterlot."

"Should we inform Twilight of this news?"

"No, Cadance. I shall address Twilight of my departure. She is my student as a Princess. There is more for her to learn when it comes down to making crucial decisions as a Princess of Equestria."

"Understood. Let's go, Shining Armor. We wouldn't want to keep Twilight Sparkle waiting any further."

"Thank you for your time, Princesses," Shining graciously said.

"Thank you for your honesty and your time. Now be the stallion you are meant to be, Shining," Celestia said with a smile on her face.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor leave the throne room. They are being escorted by the Royal Guards to the train station. As they left, Princess Celestia turns to Luna.

"Whatever you do, do not listen to Prince Blueblood. He has a lot of explaining to do with his involvement with the Royal Guards."

"Understood, Celestia. I never really trusted him to begin with."

"See you two around, I got a date with Fluttershy. We are having a tea party."

"Have fun, Discord."

"Have fun, Draqonecuus."

Discord snaps his claw, teleporting himself to Fluttershy's cottage for a tea party. Princess Celestia discusses more with Luna about her time in Canterlot and how Luna can improve based on her experience during her thousand-year reign.

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