• Member Since 24th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen March 24th



'Isn't this dream lasting a tad bit too long...?
Why is it so coherent?'

Never had Willhelm thought he'd have a dream about Equestria that would pass through multiple days in said world.

Journey through the life and dreams of Willhelm in Equestria, as he loses the ability to distinguish fiction from reality.

Image made by me.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 10 )

Pretty nice so far. While it's not a brand new idea, I do agree that its not a common one.
I look forward to seeing where this goes and I wish you luck in writing it.
This is a concept I enjoy for the mere plausibility of it actually happening.
I hope we get updates often, but I understand its a hard thing to do.
Happy Hearthswarming! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you too~

Yeah, I've got things mostly figured out up to a certain point.
It'll be a matter of actually writing it down, really.

This is my first time even writing 1,400 words, so it'll take some getting used to.
Doing so many things at once, on top of work, updates will happen, but they'll likely be slow :twilightblush:
I was already happy to put an hour or two into drawing on top of this :derpytongue2:

It's admittedly not brand new
The term "dream walker" had definitely been used in a fic I'd read before, but it was definitely not explored to its full potential.
I'm now noticing there's 4 other stories by the name "dream walker" so I might need to think up something fancier :twilightsheepish:

Edit: Name changed. It's probably too long now, but at least it's unique :twilightsheepish:
Edit edit: I didn't like it, too long. Sorry for all the name changes, this should be the last one. :moustache:

Very nice. I like the title change too, very fitting. I love his introduction to dreamstriding too, very clear what it was.
Not too bad on the chapter structure either, not the best, bit I've got no clear idea of how to make it better without it loosing structure and clarity.
I'm excited to see where we go from here. I look forward to the next chapter.

Yeah, I can see where the seams kind of break, but I put a lot of thought into trying to make it all work.

If you find out how to make it clearer, I think we'll both be learning something from it :twilightblush:

I actually ended up separating some parts of the backstory with workplace events to keep the pacing from getting too out of whack, I felt at a few points the exposition would've gotten too heavy/dry otherwise.

Glad you like the new title change! It's going to stay that way this time around :derpytongue2:

Very nice, very nice indeed. The hall and asking them to follow is a method I've heard other people use in shadow integration and other similar things. And I think this is the first story to outright mention tulpas, the information here is all accurate, well done!
I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this from here.
(On a side note, have you considered using other self consistent thoughtforms to keep track of information in your dreams?)

(More of a bonus than anything, I'd think. Other thoughtforms are prone to the same issues with dreams as we are, so their judgement is just as accurate a representation in the end.)

Shadow integration? :derpyderp1:
First time hearing about that one.

It basically happened on accident :twilightsheepish:

I was all like
"Bring me... Kingdom Hearts!"

And then my brain went "Yeah, no"

(By self-consistent thought-forms, did you mean recurring dream entities?)

Shadow integration is basically making yourself more whole by accepting and integrating the parts of yourself you don't necessarily like or are proud of. And by self-consistent thoughtform, I mean its like a tulpa, but in this case, it would just be an object you could call up at any time, dream or reality. Call up as in use, not physically summon into reality. I was thinking a notebook or something to keep track of details from within the dream that you think you might forget before you can write in the dream journal. Then you could call it back up after you wake up if the details are a little foggy and need a refresher.
Ryan Cropper on youtube has a lot of information on both of these subjects if you want to check them out more. Just search in his channel for "thoughtforms" and "shadow integration"

Aaah, ok, so in the same category as using a totem

I used to do that, but now I recall most dreams vividly enough to not need to write them down
If I do, I write them on a TXT file on the computer and call it a day :moustache:

Sorry about stoner :fluttercry:

Comment posted by GeekyGami deleted Jun 18th, 2019
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