• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 3,378 Views, 38 Comments

Dazzling Sunset: Compatibility - Snowflake Dissonance

  • ...

Aria Pitture

Sunset strode into the garage to find Aria working on the motorcycle. A few pieces lay scattered around her and the toolbox was open nearby. Sunset leaned against one of the unused desks, setting her bag down, and watched Aria work curiously.

"Is it alright?" she asked.

Aria barely gave her a glance, having heard her come in. Grabbing a wrench to twist one of the pieces into place, she gave a shrug and replied, "Just fixing a few things up on her."

"Oh yeah?" Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Did I push her too hard the other night? Is it not used to carrying more than one person?" The motorcycle was built more for speed, being sleek and small.

"Nah, this wasn't you," Aria explained, finishing with the piece and standing. "Sonata ran into a little trouble with that Griffin Gang and needed to high-tail it. Pushed her harder than usual. It's mostly my fault. Should've been doing regular tune-ups on her."

"Well then, it's a good thing we don't need it for our date today."

Well, that was a segue. Aria perked up as she wiped her hands on her worn jeans. "Yeah? And where would that be at?"

Sunset smirked. "Just somewhere within walking distance." She nudged her bag with her foot and asked, "You any good at paintball?"

Violet eyes lit up excitedly and Aria grinned. "You bet I am. I can toast anybody anytime."

"Glad to hear it!" Sunset laughed. "It's going to be you and me against Rainbow Dash and Applejack, then."

"The Rainbow Weirdos are going to be coming along?" Aria frowned. She didn't like that. Last thing she needed was to deal with the friendship nuts while on a date.

"I figured you could use a real challenge," Sunset explained with a nonchalant shrug. "If you're not up for it, though, we could-."

Aria waved down whatever Sunset was going to say next. "Relax, Sunshine. I don't mind, so long as they're on the opposing team." A sadistic grin, very reminiscent of Adagio, slid over her lips. "I can't wait to rip into'em."

Sunset vaguely wondered if her friends would make it out of this alive, but she made no comment. Instead, she glanced to the garage clock. "I told them we'd be there in around an hour. That enough time for you to get cleaned up?"

"Plenty of time." Aria tugged at her worn work shirt. "Meet ya at the door in forty?"

Sunset nodded and hefted her bag again. She made her way to the living room to wait for Aria to finish up. She thought back on her date with Adagio. It would be great if all of the dates went that well, though without the additional company. Adagio may have kept herself under control, but Sunset had little doubt that if Aria had been in her stead instead, the guy would have ended up with a black eye long before Sunset returned. While funny, Sunset didn't want to get kicked out of or banned from any of Canterlot's restaurants before she could even fully enjoy them.

Thankfully, this would be perfect. Aria seemed much more like a 'less talk more action' kind of person, similar to Rainbow Dash. Of course, Sunset would never say that out loud, and certainly not to her face. But they really did have that in common. Which meant paintball would be the perfect date. The added bonus, in Aria's eyes at least, would be that they were going against the two most athletic people in the Rainbooms. It would be no easy feat to beat both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Pinkie Pie had offered to come as well, but that would make the teams uneven. Even if Aria would’ve loved the added challenge, it would still have been unfair. Not to mention that Pinkie was her own kind of magical and they'd never be able to win with her on the opposing team.

True to her word, Aria was down from the shower in around thirty five minutes, hair freshly dried. She had decided on a different set of workout clothes, still worn with age, but not with as many oil stains. She cracked her neck as she descended the stairs. She couldn't wait to show those Friendship Nuts how to really do battle. Plus, it helped that she wouldn't get in trouble if one of'em got hurt. Well, maybe not too much trouble.

"Alright, Sunshine, you ready?" she called, grabbing her jacket.

"When you are," Sunset chuckled, hefting the bag with their gear. "The great thing about you girls living near the edge of the city is that there are plenty of trees to pose as obstacles and no bystanders get hurt in the crossfire."

Aria hummed noncommittally as they strode down the sidewalk. To be honest, she really didn't care about where she got to fight someone, so long as she did. Though, she did feel the smallest most minuscule pang at the thought of some innocent sap getting caught up in her fun. She was spending too much time around Sunset, ew. Whatever, so long as nobody got hurt except the Rainbozos' egos, she'd be happy with just running around and getting messy for an hour or two.

"There it is," Sunset spoke up after a moment, indicating a building near the treeline. Two familiar figures were standing outside, likely waiting for them. Aria felt excitement build in her chest. Time to crush some pride.

Rainbow Dash perked up when she saw Sunset's familiar hair coming into view. She elbowed Applejack and rubbed her hands together. "The competition's finally showed up!" she called, loud enough for the approaching pair to hear. "Hope you're ready to get your tails handed to ya!"

Aria scoffed and crossed her arms. "Big talk coming from someone who couldn't even win a regular brawl with me two weeks ago."

Rainbow Dash pouted at the reminder and she huffed. "Oh yeah? Well, we'll see who the real winner is this time. You two don't stand a chance!"

Applejack and Sunset just watched the two of them exchange taunts. Sunset turned to Applejack. "So, ready?"

"Yup," Applejack responded, tipping her hat slightly, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Our session's all paid up n' ever'thin'. They'll be givin' us th' gear once we're all padded up."

"Thanks for letting me borrow some of your family's gear for this," Sunset whispered. "I really appreciate it."

"Ain't no trouble, sugarcube," Applejack told her. "'Sides, not like we were usin' it any. It'll be nice ta put it ta use."

Sunset gave her a grateful smile and reached down to bring some of the gear out. It was pretty generic black paintball gear. A padded safety vest, shin guards, arm guards, and a helmet with protective visor. She tossed Aria hers and began putting on her set. Rainbow Dash had brought her own and Applejack had her own set from her family, so they wasted no time in suiting up too. Once they were all ready, the group headed inside to receive their paint and guns. Naturally, Rainbow Dash chose blue and Aria chose violet.

Rainbow shifted from foot to foot as they waited for their turn to head into the woods. She was so stoked to toast some tail. Yeah, she'd lost a fight with Aria when they'd showed up at the Sirens' house, but no way could she lose in something athletic like paintball. Hello? Athletics were her specialty! Aria didn't know what was comin'!

Sunset eyed her competition for a moment before leaning closer to Aria. "Ya wanna wait to see how they play before talking strategy?"

Aria grimaced beneath her protective visor. "Strategy sounds way too much like Adagio's style, to be honest. The less thinkin' I gotta do, the better." She lifted the gun and smirked. "Best to just let the muscle and the gun do the talkin', Sunshine."

Sunset chuckled and hefted her gun as the latest players stumbled into the building, tracking paint all over the floor. "Alright, then. We'll see how that goes."

"Looks like we're up, y'all!" Applejack grinned. She motioned for them all to head in. "Alright, so we got a few rounds. Figured it would be too borin' if we only got one hit in, so we gotta hit th' target three times for'em ta be outta the game. Once both members of a team're hit three times, round's over'n we choose different colors for the next one. Oh, an' the nice folks're lettin' us play however we wan' so long's we don't tryta hurt each other on purpose, ya hear." She stepped toward the entrance of the woods. "If'n ya run outta paint, ya better hope ya kin race ya tail back across this here line for a refill 'fore somebody gitcha. Y'all ready?"

"Try not to get out too soon, Rainbow Dweeb," Aria sneered. "Would hate to be bored."

Rainbow scoffed and hefted her gun. "We'll see who's bored when you're lyin' facedown in the dirt."

Applejack rolled her eyes with a grin and called, "Alright teams, head out. No one starts shootin' till we hear th' whistle."

Both groups shot out into the trees. All four of them easily scoped out the easiest places to shoot from and ducked into the brush. After a thirty second count, the Game Official blew the whistle and the game was on.

Sunset raced through the trees. She preferred more open spaces honestly, having been a pony half her life, but she didn't mind this kind of play either. Leaping over roots and ducking branches was something she would've expected to do back in Everfree Forest, probably running from Timberwolves she couldn't fight. She's glad it wasn't as life or death here. And unfortunately for the other three, she had an added advantage. A sense for danger.

Just before rushing past a tree, Sunset stopped and hid behind it. Just in time, too, as a paintball slammed into the trunk. She heard a muttered curse, likely from Applejack, and chuckled. Ducking back the way she'd come, Sunset tried to keep an eye out for the foe chasing her, her teammate, and her other opponent. This would actually be a bit harder than expected, but she was down for a challenge.

Meanwhile, Rainbow snuck through the trees easily. She was one of the fastest people in Canterlot High, so of course she would be able to move between some hunks of wood like it was nothin'. She kept her ears pealed for anything that might be coming her way. As she peeked around a trunk, Rainbow felt something smack into her from behind. She stiffened and spun around, rolling through the brush to try and get some cover.

Where the heck'd she come from? Rainbow thought, looking through the bush she was currently hiding under. She hadn't heard any footsteps and hadn't seen the telltale sight of gear. Nothing indicated Aria's presence. She knew it had to be Aria, obviously. Her plan with AJ was that Rainbow would take out Aria while AJ kept Sunset busy and then they'd take out Sunset together.

Seems the plan might need to be tweaked a little.

Bolting from her cover, Rainbow took off through the trees. She couldn't hear any footsteps coming her way, but she knew Aria was around. How did she manage to run so lightly? Was it an Equestria thing? Rainbow was not gonna lose a shooting game to a bunch of horses.

Sliding behind a tree, Rainbow took a deep breath and slowly peered around the tree. Another paintball slammed into her arm. HOW?? She couldn't stop moving. She couldn't stop moving or Aria would have a perfect read on her. Somehow, she was reading all of Rainbow's moves. That wouldn't do. Darting around trees, Rainbow took off into the wood. She couldn't get hit again or she'd be out. If that happened, there'd be no one to have AJ's back!

Rainbow panted heavily as she skidded to a stop around another tree. She found herself face to face with a large smirk. "Gotcha," Aria snickered, pulling her trigger. Rainbow went down.

Sunset grunted as she fell over a tree root. Rolling to the side, she just barely avoided getting hit with one of Applejack's paintballs. They were both down, two for two. Next one to get hit would be out. They had to be careful. Applejack ducked behind a tree. She'd given away her location by shooting, so she needed to move.

Sweat dripped down their faces as they tried to think of a way to outwit the enemy. Sunset was really wishing she'd talked over a plan with Aria now. If she got taken out, Aria would be alone against both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Sunset knew Aria loved a challenge, but even against those two, she'd have trouble. Rainbow Dash was the fastest runner and Applejack had experience hunting game.

Taking a deep breath, Sunset decided to just go for it. She had to do something, after all. Better to go out guns blazing. She snorted at that and decided to share the thought with Aria later, once they'd all calmed down. Alright, here goes.

Rushing from around her tree, Sunset bumrushed Applejack's last noted location. Applejack leaped out from behind the tree and aimed her gun, ready to fire. Sunset lifted her own and took aim, but before either of them could do anything, a shot rang out. Sunset paused in confusion and Applejack looked down at her arm in shock.

"I been got?" Applejack muttered. "But..."

"Gotcha," Aria laughed, dropping from the trees. "That makes this round our win."

Applejack gaped at her. "You climbed the tree?" she exclaimed. She wasn't even angry. If anything, Aria's thoughts on how to play impressed her. She remembered that she'd told the others the Game Officials would let them play how they pleased, but even then, she and her friends had stuck to the ground. Aria had no such reservations.

"Ancient songstress from before time began?" Aria smirked, hefting her gun as they all began heading back toward the checkpoint. "Of course this isn't my first time handling this kinda thing. And you didn't say we couldn't climb the trees, now didja, Cowgirl?"

"I like her," Applejack chuckled. "Next two game're gonna be way more inter'stin' now."

Aria's eyes flashed with a hint of the green power she and her sister's used to absorb. Sunset and Applejack chalked that up to the trees, though. The grin stretching over her face was more unsettling anyway. "Don't expect me to have revealed all my cards first round," Aria sneered. "I'm only just gettin' started."

Rainbow sulked as she stood across the boundary line. She couldn't believe she'd gotten taken out so easily without even firing a single shot. That sucked! No way was she going to let Aria pull that off again. Her eyes scanned the trees and she hummed thoughtfully. She had a plan...

"Alrighty, gals," Applejack laughed. "Let's see what we got this time!" She chose green while Sunset picked yellow. "I reckon things'll be a lot better'n the previous round. You ready ta rumble, Rainbow?"

"You bet!" Rainbow grinned over at the opposing team. "Don't expect me to go down as easy this time! I was holdin' back on ya before."

Aria rolled her eyes and loaded her gun. "Sure you were. Well, ya better put up a challenge this time, Puke Hair or I'll be bored to tears."

They set off into the trees again. Sunset took deep breaths as she tracked back to a large bush she recalled seeing as she was running last time. She slid into it and kept herself low to the ground. Perfect cover, perfect vantage point. Anyone running past wouldn't even know what hit them.

Aria took to the trees, but she knew Rainbow Dash knew her trick by now. She kept herself immersed in lower branches rather than high this time to keep more cover. She waited for the sound of the whistle to go off and kept to her spot. This time, she'd wait for her prey to come to her.

Applejack hummed a moment as she stepped carefully through the woods. She was not interested in being taken down like last time. She kept her eyes on the ground and the trees, wondering if Aria really was going to try the same technique as last time. Hearing a rustle above, Applejack was just in time to dodge a shot.


Rainbow glanced around. Okay, seemed like the coast was clear. Putting her gun down, Rainbow hoped this worked. She imagined her guitar in her hands and started to move her fingers as if she were playing Awesome as I Wanna Be. She felt the rush flow through her body. Sparkles appeared around her and her wings grew from her back. Her hair lengthened and ears popped up in her hair. Now it was time to go!

She grabbed her gun and lifted into the air. She doubted any of the Game Officials would be watching the sky, so it would be no big if someone spotted her. And even if they did, who would actually believe them. She soared through the air, keeping an eye out for a target. She needed to scour the trees. She had no doubt Aria would be in the trees again, so if she wanted to grab her target, she would need to watch the trees.

Sunset blinked as a large shadow passed overhead. She spotted... Rainbow Dash?! What the hell was she thinking? Someone could spot her! Sunset watched Rainbow soar overhead and hummed. Alright, if Rainbow wanted to play that way, Sunset could too. Having grown up in Equestria, Sunset knew a few things about Pegasi that would be lost on Rainbow.

Applejack huffed as she jumped behind a tree to avoid another shot. She grinned and scaled the tree she'd jumped behind, taking aim. She fired off a shot. Aria ducked behind her own trunk and the shot missed. Applejack cursed under her breath and leaped from the tree, taking off again.

Aria's heart pounded as she followed after Applejack. She liked this even more than toying with the Rainbow Moron. The Farmgirl could keep pace with her, push her further. She wasn't weighed down by an overconfident ego. A sadistic grin twisted Aria's lips. She'd have to thank Sunshine once they got home. The thought made her cheeks flush a little, but Aria shoved that train of thought off the rails.

Rainbow kept her eyes peeled as she soared over the treetops. She couldn't find a single sign of any of her friends. What the heck? Did she go too far out? Maybe she should head back toward th-.

A paintball slammed into her back and Rainbow nearly lost her balance in the air. Whirling around, Rainbow stared through the trees. Nothing. She couldn't see a thing. Who had hit her? There was no sign of anyone as far as she could see. A shot whizzed passed her head and Rainbow started off in a random direction. Someone from the opposing team was after her. She couldn't see them, but she knew they were on her tail. She's never really used these wings to fly before. She didn't have the experience to go too fast.

Another shot pelted her chest and Rainbow lost her balance again. Cursing under her breath, Rainbow stared down into the trees. She had to figure out who was coming after her or she would be out twice without having fired a single shot!

Sunset snickered as she hunkered down beneath a bush. Pegasi were great for getting a bird's eye view of things, but they weren't of much help in wooded areas. The leaves blocked their vision, so they couldn't see as well. Rainbow had a good idea, going higher, but she didn't think it through very well for the situation.

Raising her gun, Sunset took aim at Rainbow and smirked. "Gotcha."

Applejack let off another shot, nailing Aria in the chest. They both panted as they stared at each other. They'd made it to a stalemate, just as Applejack and Sunset had last time. They took aim at each other. "Any last words before I toast ya, Cowgirl?" Aria asked.

"I reckon y'all have plen'y'a profanities once I gitcha," Applejack smirked.

They shared a chuckle and made to pull their triggers. Just like before, a shot rang out behind them and Applejack felt something slam into her back. "Aw, come on!" Applejack groaned, turning to find Sunset smirking directly at her. "I know this's a date, but you two're killin the mojo by shootin' durin' tense moments!"

"Sorry, Applejack," Sunset chuckled. "But I kinda did owe her for last time."

Applejack frowned. "Alright, I kin agree ta that. So, didja spot Rainbow?"

"Spotted me alright," Rainbow grumbled, flapping down. "Got me good. Stupid unicorn from another dimension..." She dropped to the ground and her pony traits sparkled out of existence.

"Unicorn from another dimension that still kicked your butt," Sunset laughed as Aria walked over.

"Nice goin, Sunshine!" Aria praised, throwing an arm around Sunset's shoulders. "That's twice the Rainbow Freak has been beat to dust. You sure she an athlete or are the kids at your school just that weak?"

Rainbow growled softly as they all made their way toward the boundary line. "I wanna switch partners," she grumbled.

"I call Sunset," Applejack piped up immediately.

"What!" Aria and Rainbow exclaimed.

"How come you get Sunset?" Rainbow whined.

Applejack smirked. "Cause it'll be easier to take you two down thatta way."

Rainbow huffed and they all sat to take a break. While they did, Applejack grabbed Rainbow for a talk. Aria gulped down half her water bottle before turning to Sunset. "Nice moves out there, Sunshine," she said quietly. "Didn't know you were skilled in this kinda stuff. Weren't you ponies all about peace and shit? How'dja learn war tactics like that?"

"Didn't," Sunset shrugged. "Just applied my knowledge to the situation and went with it."

Aria hummed idly and downed the rest of her water bottle. Applejack and Rainbow Dash strolled back over. "Y'all ready ta go?"

"What was that about?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Applejack was tellin' me how I should work as a team to get things done," Rainbow sighed.

Aria snorted. "Tough chance."

"That's what I said." Rainbow shrugged. "Anyway, we gonna do this or not? Should be no problem taking these two out."

"Hey!" Applejack and Sunset countered. "One of us done got two'a those present in a stalemate twice, and th' other kicked a certain someone's tail!" Applejack huffed. "I think we'll be fine."

"We'll see," Aria chuckled. She chose white for the paint color this time. Sunset chose pink and they all set off. The whistle blew and the game was on.

Both Aria and Rainbow Dash spread their wings and took off through the air. Rainbow Dash knew now that being too high up might be a bad idea, so instead, she only used her wings to soar short distances. Aria, on the other hand, had no problems weaving through the trees looking for her targets.

"Dash will be the easier target," Sunset muttered. "Once we take her out, the two of us should have no problems with Aria."

Applejack spotted a flash of blue and took aim. The shot went off and they grinned at a shouted curse from Rainbow. "Well, that's one down. Let's do this, Sugarcube."

The groups weaved throughout the trees. Paint flew in every direction. Bushes and trees took the brunt of the attacks, but a few marks hit the target. Rainbow managed to snag a shot at Sunset and Applejack nailed Aria's chest completely by accident. Each team panted heavily as they tried to think of the best way to take out their opponents.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, each with two strikes already, shot at each other and sealed their respective targets. Aria, watching from the sky, and Sunset, hiding under a bush, immediately took off for other points. It was down to the two of them.

Rolling out of the way of a shot, Sunset spun and spotted a flash of purple. Shit, Aria was right on her tail. Pounding through the bushes, Sunset switched around and took a shot. Aria swung out of the way of it and kept on her. Sunshine was way harder to catch than the farmgirl or the moron. Aria wasn't sure she'd actually be able to win this one.

Sunset huffed and decided to take a shot in the dark. Whirling around, she raced toward the purple and black blur zooming toward her. Aria's eyes narrowed and she took aim. Sunset's eyes met hers and they each pulled the trigger.

The paint hit its mark.

Sunset skidded to a stop and Aria bowled into her. Rolling over each other, they finally slowed to a stop and looked at each other. Aria smirked down at Sunset, brushing her hair back. Sunset chuckled up at her.

"Well, Sunshine, who do you think won that one?" Aria whispered.

Sunset hummed, tapping her chin in mock-thought. "Well, I'd say that depends."

Aria's eyebrows pulled together. "Depends?"

Sunset reached up to Aria's hair and pulled her hand back with a necklace in it. A black choker with a violet star pendant hanging from it glimmered in her fingers. "I believe this belongs to you," she said quietly. "If you'll have it?"

Aria blinked down at Sunset, her face unreadable. "That's for me?" she asked slowly. "Just me?"

"Just for you," Sunset affirmed.

Aria huffed and rolled her eyes. "Okay, well, um... it looks nice." Sunset smiled. "Well, what are ya waiting for? Gonna... put it on me or not?"

She backed off of Sunset, sitting up and crossing her arms. Sunset sat up as well, a wide grin on her lips. Leaning forward, she carefully clipped the choker around Aria's neck. The star pendant fell just above the gold clip of her Siren Gem. Aria reached up to rub the star gently.

"Looks much nicer now," Sunset said.

Aria didn't really have any words for that. Usually, she would have a snide quip or something, but... this was really special. Only her sisters ever did something special for her. And most of the time, when one of their admirers wanted to give them something, it usually went to Adagio first. She never got anything that was just for her.

Sunset stood and stretched. "Alright, we should head back to the boundary line and see if we can decide on a winner." She glanced over to Aria with a smile. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Aria coughed. "Yeah, let's go."

They walked back to the boundary line in silence. Aria stroked the star gently as they walked. Sunset let her have her silence.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash sipped water while they waited for their friends. Their gear had already been removed and slipped into their bags. "Do ya think the ploy worked?" Rainbow asked. "Would hate to have let myself lose for nothin'."

"Relax, Rainbow," Applejack told her. "If I know Sunset, she wouldn' pass up a opportunity like that."

Footsteps made them perk up and they turned to find Aria and Sunset walking forward. Applejack stood with a grin. "How'd it go y'all?" she called.

"Yeah, who won?" Rainbow Dash added.

"Aria did," Sunset chirped, practically bouncing. Aria shot her a confused glance, which was missed by the other two.

Rainbow leaped into the air with a grin. "Yes! Knew we could do it!"

"Darn, that's three losses in a row fer me," Applejack laughed, not looking the least bit upset. "Guess we're callin' it a day fer now?"

"Sounds good," Sunset agreed. "Thanks again for letting us borrow the gear. I'll clean it and return it at school, okay?"

"Noted, Sugarcube." Applejack and Rainbow gave them a wave as they headed out.

Sunset and Aria slipped their gear off and Sunset stuffed it back into her bag. Aria still hadn't said a word, but Sunset didn't think that was a bad thing. It did no good to rush people. They headed back to the house and Sunset made to head up the stairs, but stopped at a hand on her shoulder. She turned back expectantly.

Aria bit her lip. She wasn't good with the whole 'using words' thing. If it wasn't sarcasm and snipes, she wasn't the best for it. She liked using actions, but sometimes the message can get jumbled up. Still, even the meaning of this could come across with little mixup. Clutching the front of Sunset's shirt, Aria pulled her down and pressed a rough kiss to her lips. She held it for a moment before letting go.

"Thanks," she muttered, heading off toward her room.

Sunset watched her go, another goofy grin curling her lips. That was pretty awesome. That was the best outcome she could ask for. She was starting to enjoy this whole dating three ancient monstrous songstresses thing.

Author's Note:

Gods, how LONG has it been since I've had the opportunity to work on anything? Since I've had the inspiration? Motivation? Drive! Ugh, I have so much to catch up on. I suppose I should start here. Hope ya liked it! Happy late Solstice!

(I've never been paintballing in my life, but laser tag wasn't as exciting a prospect.)

Comments ( 13 )

I love the thrill of paintball. I'd say you got close enough, you know minus the flying and magic and all.

Glad to see this story move.

Happy Holidays! 🎄

And then there was one.

Nice to see this return!!!!!

I'm glad you back, I can't wait to see the date of Sonata :heart::twilightsmile:




This is awesome. I love this. I hope you continue. And good luck on your writing

HEY! Long time no see! And what d'ya mean? I'm like the abyss! I don't exist, but I do! 😁
Nah, but really. I'm definitely glad to be back in the game. Can't wait to see what I get up to now that I've rekindled my love for EG. Good to see you again. :pinkiesmile:

Good to see you again.


Ay tho the same this happened for me, Dagi! I'm more or less back the site. gotta come up with a day we can get Nar, Deme, Silver, you and I on discord.

Read the whole thing in one go.

Hope this comes back soon. Good stuff.

This story coming back soon?

Hope it continues! and I'm looking forward to Sonata!

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