• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 87: Pride and Prejudice and Pre-teens

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

You look from his gritted teeth, to his furrowed brows and his clenched fists and take a step back.

"Uh, it’s what I just said. I got Bob to light the torch for you," you say with a confused smile.

"Why?!" he demands and your smile diminishes.

"Because you were struggling...?" you guess more than answer.

"I didn't need your help Nightshade!" he yells angrily, throwing his arms up in the air.

"You did too! I know you were nervous up there!” you say more forcefully as your confusion slowly bleeds into annoyance.

"I was about to light it! I just needed some practice!” he argues stubbornly not wavering at all. "Nopony asked for your help!"

You roll your eyes and frown, "Well, you're welcome anyways! At least I thought to help unlike anyone else."

"Ugh!" He sucks air in between his teeth and begins to stomp away angrily.

"What's up with you?! Why are you even angry? Everything turned out fine!" You shout while trotting after him.

"What's up with you? Why do you feel the need to hold my claw all the time? I'm not a baby Nightshade!" he growls while still walking away from you.

"You needed help and I gave it! What's so hard to understand?!" You yell back, still on his heels. "Isn't that what friends do?"

He gives a growl befitting a dragon and turns sharply, pointing a finger right at your face, which stops you in your tracks.

"Maybe I don't want one of my “friends” up my bucking ass every minute of the day!"

You stand there shocked for a second with an expression of disbelief, surprised to hear him swear and talk like that. Seconds later though, anger surges through you causing your shards to glow.

"Well buck you too then!" you cry out in frustration.

He just scowls even deeper before he turns and stomps away again.

What? No! Why are we fighting?! Why did I say that?! you think guiltily. You reach your hoof out towards him and begin to follow again,

“Spike! Wait I-“

"Just leave me alone, Nightshade!" he grunts without turning around. Once again you freeze in shock with your hoof still outstretched as a lump swells in your throat and you feel as though someone’s punched you in the heart.

He…He hates me? You think in melancholy as your shards glow even brighter. Anger surges through you to cover the hurt you feel and you clench your teeth hard.

"Fine! I'll never talk to you ever again!" You shout to the heavens, your voice echoing throughout the palace, as you stomp your hooves onto the floor, cracking a large portion of the crystal. And with that, you turn tail and run off in the opposite direction huffing and puffing the whole way.

You angrily pace your way out of the Crystal Palace, with guards and servants alike giving you a wide berth as they can sense the menacing aura about you.

Stupid Spike! Why do you have to be such a bucking jerk?! You think maliciously. I was only trying to help you you bucking buck!

“AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” you growl outloud as you exit the palace and now pedestrians know to give you space.

Why do you gotta be mad when I did something good?! It’s just like with Daddy and Mommy! Everyling’s out to get us! BUT I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT SPIKE!!! I thought…I thought…

Kichi’s Comment

Your pace begins to falter as you walk under the wide arches of the palace and the feelings of rage start to dissipate.

I thought…I thought you liked me… You think forlornly as only sadness and hurt remains. You sit down right then and there as you stare off into nothingness. You remember all the good times you spent with him, and it only adds to the grief as those days are surely over now. Someway, somehow, you’ve driven him away. But that’s just my life isn’t it?

Your lip begins to quiver and tears begin to flow down your cheeks as you begin to sob in the middle of the street and the amulet pieces shine even brighter.

Everyling will go away in the end. It’s only because of me that things have gotten so bad! If I was never born, Daddy would never have gotten into all those fights, the whole world wouldn’t hate us and Spike wouldn’t…
The tears continue to stream out as you clench your glowing eyes closed.

It’s because I’m just a monster isn’t it? Maybe everyling was right. Maybe I really am Nightmare Mo-

“AGH!” you cry out in pain as the shards in your chest begin to burn white hot. “Agh, what the buck, what the buck?!” you whimper as the pain begins to spread throughout your entire body.

Looking for the source of this agony, you spy the familiar shape of the Crystal Heart, rotating on it’s pedestal as a wave of blue energy pulses from it. Every time one of the pulses washes over you, the pain flares up again.

“Agh! Stupid-Magic-Macguffin!” you grunt as you drag yourself away from the artifact. As you get further and further away, the Heart’s rotation lessens less and less and the waves start to diminish as well. It’s not until you’re about a block from the palace does the pain and burning start to go away.

Panting and sweating, you lean against a building and try to get your breathing back under control.

“Stupid-*pant*-bucking-*pant*-Heart!” you grunt out and eye the palace with a glare.

If this is what Sombra had to go through in his childhood then Princess Amore can go buck herself! She’s the one who made this stupid necklace too! You think angrily.

“Nightshade?” an older voice interrupts your thoughts. Looking over you see Grandbuggy giving you a concerned look.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“You alright honey?” he says as he walks over to you.

“I’m…I’m fine Grandbuggy, just a little tired,” you say dodging the question as you pick yourself up and wipe your brow. You weren’t technically lying, as you’ve had a full day up until this point. He of course doesn’t entirely buy it as he raises and eyebrow.

“You sure you’re fine? You look like you just ran a marathon through the badlands,” he observes before placing a hoof on your shoulder. “Is it the amulet?”

You pause and look down to your chest. They don’t burn anymore, but the flesh is still tender and the scarf rubbing against it is a tad irritating. You sigh and nod, knowing that lying to him wouldn’t help anything.

He frowns at that before he glances off in the direction of the heart and bites his lip.

“Come on honey, let’s take a walk,” he says gently as he leads you further away from the palace. It’s hard at first since you still feel exhausted, but you both take it slow and trek through the busy streets as evening sets in.

“I had a hankering that the Crystal Heart would react to the amulet. It’s made from Umbrum after all, and those two things go together as well as Gasoline and a lit match,” he says, sounding as if he’s berating himself.

“But it didn’t do anything yesterday when my friends and I took pictures in front of it,” you point out remembering the fun you had last night. You then remember how you and Spike snapped a picture in front of it and that sinking feeling in your gut returns.

“Well you probably weren’t glowing like a Hearth’s Warming Light at the time,” he points out before frowning again. “But what’s got you upset today Shade? I can still see it on your face.”

“I was just…I…I…” you begin as you fail to collect your thoughts. With all the burning pain earlier, you’d forgotten all about your grief, but now that you’re safe again… “Spike and I had a fight.”

Grandbuggy raises both eyebrows at that, and even his cigar curls upward in his mouth.

“Really? You and him?” he asks in surprise and you nod sadly. “Well what brought this on? It must have been something terrible if it was enough for the Heart to react.”

“I don’t know, he got mad at me for lighting the torch for him,” you pout. “You saw how he was choking earlier in front of all those ponies! I was just trying to help so that noling would laugh at him!” Grandbuggy processes your answer before he sighs and tilts his hat down.

“Figured that might of been you. Black flame ain’t exactly in that guy’s wheelhouse just yet,” he says in understanding.

“Yeah, but noling else would know that! Fire’s fire and he’s a dragon. No one laughed at him so I don’t get why he…hates me now,” you say quietly looking at the ground.

“Baby, he doesn’t hate you,” Grandbuggy tries to comfort.

“Yes he does,” you say adamantly as your voice starts to warble. “He told me to leave him alone and that he didn’t want my help!”

“Nightshade, that’s just a spat, it doesn’t mean he hates you,” Grandbuggy says resolutely. “He was just upset. Both of you were.”

“But why? Why was he upset in the first place? I just don’t understand,” you say as your voice hitches and tears threaten to shed again. Patting you on the back Grandbuggy begins to explain.

“Calm down honey. I’ll tell you exactly what happened.” You look up at him expectantly and he continues, “Shade, when it comes to boys, they tend to have problems with pride, especially when they're young.”

“Pride?” you question. “What does pride have to do with anything?”

“Nightshade, I know you tried to help, but to Spike, it looked like you stole his moment,” he says plainly and your eyes widen.

“Stole his moment?”

“Think about it hun, how rarely does that boy get the chance to actually shine when compared to all them gals he hangs with?”

“Well he…um…He…” you try to argue but you begin to falter as you truly think about it. With all of the crazy feats that the Deadly 6 have performed, what has Spike done?

The Deadly 6 have performed many crazy feats over the last four years. They stopped your mommy while she was still merged with Luna, stopped Discord, helped save the Empire, captured Chrysalis and have fought back your Daddy multiple times

But what about Spike?

“Oh! He and I fought Sombra together and he’s the one who returned the Heart and saved the day,” you finally answer and Grandbuggy nods.

“Exactly. In the eyes of the world at large, that’s the one thing he’s contributed,” he says plainly and your eyes widen.

“He’s always being overshadowed by the others,” you say in understanding.

“Precisely. And for the first time, he’s actually getting recognition like he should be. He’s got a statue, plenty of fans, and he’s getting pampered like a king. That’d boost anyling’s ego with pride,” he points out and your face slacks.

“So…even if he was struggling…?” you trail off and he nods.

“Even though he was failing, it was still an honor and a grand moment that he was offered. Maybe he wouldn’t have gotten his flame breath to work and who knows what would have happened then…but in his eyes, when you lit it up for him, he felt that his chance had been taken away from him.”

Your mouth gapes as you look at it from that angle and suddenly, you feel as though you could understand.

“…When I met up with him, he thought that he’d gained the ability to make black flames with his mind. He seemed so excited by it…and I laughed before telling him the truth,” you say suddenly feeling shameful. Grandbuggy sighs and takes off his hat.

“That probably didn’t help matters, but know this. You didn’t do anything wrong baby, you were trying to help a friend,” he comforts. “And if he’s anything like the dragon you believe he is, he’ll come to his senses soon and realize that.”

You feel a bit hopeful at that before pessimism takes the wheel again.

“But even if he does realize that…I told him I never wanted to speak to him again,” you say guiltily. “He might think that I hate him…” To that, Grandbuggy actually smirks which throws you off.

“Nightshade, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the things we say in anger fade faster than acts of love.”

You mind momentarily freezes at that last word but he continues.

“Trust me. When we were young, your Great Grandma hit me in the head with a shovel and said she’d never trust a lying, thieving varmint like myself,” he says with a chuckle.

“She hit you with a shovel? Why?”

“…Okay, to be fair I did steal her diary because I wanted to see if she’d written anything about me and lied about it when she found out,” he admits while scratching the back of his neck and you look at him judgingly. “B-But the point is we got over it, just like you two silly kids will.”

You take in his words and you think them over. You know that you don’t want things to end with Spike like this, but at the same time you do still feel upset, and you’re sure he is too.

“Just give it time baby. Nothing good ever happens overnight,” he advises and you nod.

“Thanks Grandbuggy,” you say, genuinely grateful for his wisdom. “I guess I’ll talk with him when I’m not all grouchy.”

“Good thinking kid,” he says with a smirk before becoming serious again. “But there’s one more thing I want to advise you on that concerns me.”

“What is it?” you ask curiously.

“What you did today, even if the intent was altruistic, was still dangerous,” he scolds and you tilt your head taken aback. “Sure ya didn’t get caught this time, but that was Dark Magic ya used honey. Had they been a tad more perceptive, Celestia, Luna and Sparkle might have been able to trace it back to you.”

“Oh…” you say as your eyes widen and you shudder, never having thought of that possibility. Grandbuggy lowers himself and looks at you in the eye.

“Nightshade, you’re the strongest filly I’ve ever met. Even before this amulet got stuck in you, you’d overtaken your parents in power level.” You blush in embarrassment at that but he continues. “But that power isn’t the answer to everything. Might doesn't always make right, that’s what led to that cursed thing getting stuck in your chest. You don’t have to utilize that power for everything, especially now with so many folks present.”

“Okay, I won’t use it anymore with so many ponies around,” you say and he shakes his head.

“Not what I was driving at kiddo. If there’s an emergency, don’t hesitate to light it up, but if you just feel the urge to flex your power or just to make something easy, then think things through,” he corrects. “We know how unstable you can get thanks to the dang shards, and now that we know the Crystal Heart doesn’t particularly like that. Ya just gotta play it smart baby. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all.”

“Nothing at all?” you say perplexed.

“That’s right. Depending on the situation, it may not be the easiest or the most desirable choice, but it might just be the right one,” he explains.

“You’re not telling me not to save people are you? Like that stupid Mane of Steel movie?” you ask, remembering the absolute butchering of Supermane’s Dad’s character.

“Oh buck no, give me a little credit here Shade,” he says with a chuckle. “All I’m saying is use your head a bit more. You’re more than your magic, so much more. You’re a sweet, kind, and loving filly who just want the best for everyone. Trust your heart, trust your mind, and trust those who care for you and you’ll never go wrong.”

You stare at your Great Grandfather in awe at this profound wisdom before you take a deep breath and sigh.

“Okay. I’ll try to have more control over it and not let it control me,” you say, taking his words to heart before you give him a hug. “Thanks Grandbuggy, I love you.”

“I know dear, I love you too,” he says with a smile before patting you on the back. “Now, you up to seeing an old friend?”

You pull back from the hug and look at him confused.

“Huh? Old friend?” you ask and he chuckles.

“Where’d you think I was walking us this whole time?” he smirks. Looking around you spot a cafe and in one of the outdoor tables you spot a familiar stallion smiling at you.

“Jack?!” you yelp in surprise.

“Hey there Nightshade, been awhile huh?” he says raising up his cup of coffee towards you.

You look incredulously between him and back to Grandbuggy.

“I thought you met with him yesterday?”

“I did, but the poof said he wanted to update me on the progress. Apparently he works fast,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “That’s where I was headed when I found ya panting.”

“Oh…well I guess I could use some good news,” you admit as you follow the old bug towards the leader of Torchwood.

“Sorry if I was interrupting a tender moment back there, looked serious,” Jack says cooly as you both take a seat.

“Nah, nothing too important,” Grandbuggy lies for you.

“Really now?” he asks clearly not fooled.

“Yeah, it’s nothing. Just…stuff,” you add not wanting to get all mopey again. You can tell he clearly knows there’s more, but he just shrugs and lets it go.

“I won’t pry,” he chuckles.

“Good,” Grandbuggy says sternly. Not wanting the atmosphere to still be gloomy, you speak up.

“It’s nice to see you again Captain. How are Mia and Aqua doing?”

“They’re good…I presume,” he says putting his hoof to his chin.

“You presume?”

“Haven’t exactly heard from them since the Games started,” he ponders before shrugging. “Though that’s not out of the norm for them when keeping an ear to the ground. Lots of people gathered here and all.”

“Oh…” you say feeling a bit disappointed at not seeing them again.

“Don’t fret so much Nightshade, they’re the best I’ve got in Torchwood,” he boasts.

“That’s not saying much compared to all those loons ya picked up in Appleloosa,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Jack frowns.

“I’ll have you know those ragtag band of misfits have almost single handily stopped two alien invasions this year alone,” he lectures. “Just goes to show how effective it is throwing dangerous idiots into space.”

“…Is that why the Doctor made you and Grandbuggy companions?” you snark and both of them look at you in surprise. This causes you to giggle and loosen a bit of the stress you’ve felt.

“I suppose I walked right into that one,” Jack chuckles.

“Good one honey,” Grandbuggy congratulates before he turns back to the immortal. “Now, what’s it you want to follow up on?”

“Right to the point eh? Not even gonna order anything?” he smirks.

“They have anything besides coffee?” you ask. “I don’t like coffee.”

“Good girl. Stay away from it as long as possible before you become dependent on it like most adults,” he says, not actually answering your question.

“We’ll order later Jack, so spill it. What’d you come up with in only a day?” Grandbuggy orders.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Two things actually. One on the machine and the other on…” he trails off and looks at you unsurely. “Well, the other problem. Are you sure she should-“

“She can handle it. Quite frankly after today we could do with an update on that,” Grandbuggy answers and your eyes widen.

“You’ve got a lead on getting the shards out?!” you say excitedly and both of them shush you causing you to blush. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just that after the whole thing with the Heart a bit ago, I’m not exactly happy with them.”

“Ah, so the Crystal Heart does affect them, just as we suspected,” Jack says reading between the lines.

“That’s one way to put it,” you grunt. “So ya, can you remove them?”

“After receiving Sombra’s Journal from Princess Cadence, we do believe we have a lead,” he says confidently before frowning. “Though it’d be best to pursue it after the Games have come to an end.”

“Well that’s not too long,” you say. “So what’s the lead?”

“Well recently we’ve uncovered the entrance to the Umbrum prison out in the arctic wastes,” he explains. “Since the amulet runs off of their power, we believe that they could be the ones to take it back.”

Grandbuggy’s eyes widen at that.

“That’s a dangerous gamble there Jack. The last thing we want to do is release those monsters. They make the Hive look like chums,” he warns.

“Yes, as I said, it’s a lead. We still have to figure out if it’s possible to remove that power and still keep them imprisoned. But the fact of the matter is, that amulet must be drained of all magic first, otherwise we’ll never be able to remove the pieces.”

“And there’s no other way to drain it?” you ask, already knowing the answer.

“Nope. Unless of course you want to take a trip into Tartarus and taunt Lord Tirek himself,” Jack jokes before laughing.

“I’m gonna say buck no to that,” Grandbuggy says with a shudder. “That’s like trying to defuse a bomb with an even bigger bomb.”

“That’s that magic sucker guy you talked about before right?” you ask Grandbuggy and he nods.

“Eyup, and the last thing we need is him running around high off the Alicorn Amulet,” he says.

“Oh, okay,” you nod before an idea comes to you. “You think there’s a way to take the Blue Flu that Discord’s got and, like, make it work only on the amulet?”

“From what I’ve heard from Ditzy, I wouldn’t want to risk experimentation on such a disease, considering what it’s already done to a god,” Jack explains.

“And ain’t no way I’m letting you get all of your magic sucked dry and becoming a weak little mummy Nightshade,” Grandbuggy adds.

“Yeah alright. Probably only works on living things anyway,” you say rubbing at your shards. “So after the Games, we go see the Umbrum?”

“Well, we’ll research them more for sure, but as for meeting with them, I think perhaps we should wait for Sombra himself to return with your parents,” he says.

“Oh so like he could talk to them first and let them know I’m cool and everything?” you ask.

“Something like that,” he says unsurely. “Truthfully, we have no idea what will happen when we attempt to give him a body. For your mother it’s a fairly simple procedure, but for him…we have no idea if he’ll come out as a pony or as his true race.”

“Oh…” you say, having momentarily forgotten that Sombra was sort of a combo of the two. But then, something else about that sentence peaks your interest. “Wait, Mommy getting her body is going to be simple?”

“Well, as simple as transmutation can be I suppose,” he says with a smirk before he reaches into his bag and pulls out what looks like a Sci-fi raygun made up of all the artifacts you and the Outcasts gathered.

“Land’s sake, you’ve already built the dang thing?” Grandbuggy says in surprise as you look at the alien looking weapon that wouldn’t look out of place in a Fallout game.

“For the most part,” Jack smirks. “We already had the blue prints drawn up after all. With Aqua and Mia out doing whatever they’re doing, no one was around to keep my bed warm last night, so I decided to crank it out.”

“They warm your bed for you?” you question obliviously as Grandbuggy shoots him a glare. “I know you don’t have magic, but why don’t you just turn up the heater?”

“Uh, well…power bills cost too much and all that,” he excuses, not making eye contact with you.

“Oookaaaayyy,” you say realizing it’s more weird adult stuff that will never be explained.

“And good gravy, BOTH?” Grandbuggy whispers to Jack, but you still hear it.

“What? Not my first ménage et trois,” he whispers back with lidded eyes. “You would know, you were there for first.”

Grandbuggy’s eyes widen and he scoots away from Jack with a blush.

“I was drunk that night and only remember the parts with Clopopatra! You have been completely erased from that memory!”

“Oh but I haven’t forgotten Fixxy,” he smirks before Grandbuggy grabs his coffee and dumps it on his head.

“It Never Happened!” he yelps.

“What?” you ask confused while Jack laughs.

“Nothing! I never touched him! It was just the Somnambulan Queen I swear!” he says with shifty eyes and sweat beading on his brow.

“Keep telling yourself that handy man,” Jack laughs and Grandbuggy nearly chips a tooth from clenching his teeth.

“Um…I don’t get what’s going on, but can we please get back on track?” you offer.

“Gladly!” Grandbuggy yelps and Jack rolls his eyes.

“Of course Nightshade,” Jack responds as he shifts the gun in his hooves and shows you the top. “For the most part, it’s complete, but as you can tell by this slot on the top, we still need the Siren Stone to make it all complete.”

“Which Daddy should be bringing back soon right?” you ask hopefully and he bites his lip.

“We can only hope,” he says. “Time is different on that side, so he might still be in the early days of his search, or he’s already found it. All I know is that he hasn’t used the Shifter, so only time will tell.”

You sigh at that, hating the vagueness of the time table.

“I just wish they’d come home already,” you pout and he nods.

“So do I Nightshade,” he comforts. “But on the bright side, when they do come, we’ll be ready immediately to separate them all into their own bodies.”

“So it’s as easy as zapping them?” Grandbuggy questions, looking over the convoluted looking weapon.

“For the one operating it? Yes,” he nods. “Once the Siren Stone is added, the device will be primed, but after it’s fired is where things get tricky.”

“Oh?” you question.

“Sadly with this much concentrated magic, no matter where we are, it’s going to be noticed. The alicorns for sure will feel this surge and will have a pretty good idea where it was fired.”

“Well that just means we gotta put some distance between us and them before we fire,” Grandbuggy theorizes.

“Precisely, that will buy some time, but after the three of them have been separated, we’ll need an evacuation plan,” he explains.

“Even if they’re hundreds of miles away?” you ask in concern and he nods.

“Yes, because your parents and Sombra are going to need time to recuperate after they’ve been separated, so we’ll need a way to safely transport them before the Princesses come knocking.”

“Whoa hold on now, this thing is going to hurt them?” you say in surprise.

“What we’re doing is essentially rebirthing them into this world,” he lectures. “You were a newborn once, even if your body was aged, and you still required a lot of sleep and care yes?”

“I…I guess so,” you admit, remembering how sleepy and hungry you used to be. It’s then that your eyes widen at that. “Oh gods, please don’t tell me I’m gonna have to keep them in MY inventory and run around the world being chased?”

“I don’t think it will go that far,” Jack says with a raised brow. “But utilizing your inventory to transport them after the initial separation sounds promising.

“Okay…but I swear, if I somehow take over Daddy’s roll and start freaking out over their safety and hurting ponies, I’m gonna be so bucking pissed!”

“Oh, such language!” comes a bubbly female voice. Whipping your head around, you see Ditzy “Derpy” Do herself standing next to your table with a cup of coffee and a muffin in her hooves.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Derpy?” you yelp out in surprise.

“Hi Nightshade,” she smiles. “I didn’t think you were coming to this meeting, but it’s still good to see you, potty mouth and all! I loved your friend’s performance! You were all great!”

“Oh, thanks! We did work hard on it,” you chuckle at the praise. “But what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Ponyville with the Doctor?”

“Oh right, well there was this thing with the tryouts for the games, and Rainbow got injured, so I was set up to be her back up. But I guess she was faking it, however, I was already recognized as a backup player in case anyone got sick or hurt, so I got to come along to see the games!” She says excitedly. “And since I knew Jack was up here I decided to stop in and hang out.”

“Which I’m always thankful for Ms. Do,” Jack says smugly and she looks at him.

“Ahem, that’s Mrs. Do-Turner now, thank you very much,” she brags proudly.

“That one don’t roll off the tongue so well though,” Grandbuggy chuckles and she looks at him crossly.

“Well too bad Quick Fix. It’s my name now, and that’s never going to change,” she declares, though still with a smile.

“And you more than earned it,” you add and she nods in your direction. “Speaking of, where is the Do-Er, I mean Time Turner? Didn’t him or Dinky come with you?”

“Nah, they’re having some quality Father and Daughter bonding time,” she says happily. “Also large sporting events make him nervous for some reason, so there’s that as well, but they said they’d be cheering the team on over the projector screens.”

“Projector Screens?” you ask.

“Mhmm. The games are being broadcast since it’s a national event. Mostly at bars and grills and places like that, but lots of ponies who didn’t get to come still get to watch,” she explains.

“Oh…” you say having not realized this.

So even more people were watching Spike than I thought. No wonder he was so nervous.

“But anyway, what’s gotten Nightshade so upset and swearing?” she scolds the two stallions.

“She’s just worried that she’ll take her father’s place once we separate them,” Jack answers holding up the gun.

“Jack! What are you doing waving that around in public for?” she scolds and he flinches back.

“Relax, no one in this time period will think it’s real anyway,” he tries to placate.

“Uh huh, try telling that to the security that frisks everyone down and won’t even let you bring in a bottle of water,” she harrumphs.

“They’re just extra cautious since Chryssy and her gang broke out a month ago,” Grandbuggy explains. “Their set up isn’t so bad. Probably would catch the average drone if they tried to sneak in. But I ain’t no average drone.”

“Well still, my point remains, put that thing away before someone tries to confiscate it and frisk us down,” she orders Jack who just sighs and does what he’s told.

Dang, you go girl, you think impressed. She then sits down next to you as Grandbuggy and Jack begin to talk about possible locations to set up for the Separation.

“Ah, and back to business as usual, even on vacation,” she says with a shake of her head.

“Well you never know, it might not be a vacation for you if Bulk Biceps or Fluttershy pull a wing muscle and you gotta fill in,” you say.

“Oh? You don’t think it’d be Rainbow Dash getting hurt?” she questions coyly and you look at her deadpanned.

“Dash won’t hurt herself. She’d kick her own flank if she did,” you say with surety and she giggles.

“I suppose that’s true,” she admits before her eyes widen. “Oh! Right, before I forget, I’ve got something for you.”

“You do?” you ask curiously as she rummages in her bag and pulls out a familiar looking locket. Your shards momentarily blip in guilt as she holds it out to you.

“My hubby was able to fix it up like you asked. Even without being a Time Lord, he knows his way around tools,” she says dreamily. “And since I figured you or your Grandbuggy would be meeting with Jack also, I decided to bring it along to hand off.”

You take the locket from her and sure enough, it looks a lot better. There’s still scratches upon it’s surface, but it’s not jacked up anymore. Even still, the memories of that night in the forest playback in your mind and your mood is brought down again. Shaking your head you look back to Derpy.

“Thank you, this means a lot,” you respond, and she takes notice of your change in tone.

“Don’t worry Nightshade,” she says with a reassuring smile and a pat on the head. “I know you’ll make things right with that colt. Fixing broken things is a good step towards that.”

“I guess so,” you say as you pocket the piece of jewelry.

Added To The Inventory

Frost’s Locket (Fixed)

“I mean sure it’s not completely fixed,” she admits and you look at her with a raised brow. “I mean, whatever enchantment was in that gem you shattered, The Doc wasn’t able to repair it.”

“Oh…well that’s a shame,” you say actually meaning it. “I think it made the kid look like an adult for some reason.”

“That’s what Jack said when I had him look it over last night,” she nods. “He also said something about it being a Mana dampener with a unique spell matrix and other big fancy words that I can’t quite remember.”

“Huh,” you grunt, recalling the blast of ice after you broke the thing. “And the picture of the mare inside?”

“No clue,” she says with a shrug. “It’s a very old painting though, not even a picture. But since he’s a colt, I’m gonna make a guess and say that it’s his mama.”

“How’d you come to that conclusion?” you ask and she looks at you incredulously.

“Let’s just call it Mother’s Instinct,” she says. “Also, if you had a locket, wouldn’t you want to have your parent’s pictures in it?”

“…Good point,” you say with a nod. “Well if that is mom, I’m curious how she and a Windigo got married.”

“I’d start with an apology first before asking something like that,” Derpy advises.

“Obviously,” you say with a roll of your eyes.

“Hey now, no need to get smarmy,” she lightly scolds before smiling again. “But anyway when you see your friends again, tell them I thought your flag routine was the greatest!”

“Oh, heh, it wasn’t anything special,” you say humbly and she giggles.

“Like heck it wasn’t. Because of you fillies, everypony’s psyched for the Ponyville team. Even the Griffonstone team was intimidated. And then it was capped off with Spike lighting the torch with Black Flames, oooh that was a good opening ceremony!”

Her bubbly words start to fade though as you hear about “Spike’s Flames” and you look at the table solemnly.

“I didn’t even know he could do that, is that something you taught him?” she asks innocently. And just like that, your mood becomes lowered again.

“No…that was me,” you admit and her eyes widen.

“Oh…” she says nervously while rubbing the back of her neck. “Um…does he know?” You nod without looking at her and she bites her lip, reading between the lines. “Hoo boy.”

“Don’t worry about it muffin gal, I already talked with her about it,” Grandbuggy reassures.

“At least most ponies think it was him, so I guess that’s something. People thinking he and I have something in common…” you say a bit moodily and the adults look around nervously.

Even some unseen figures cringe at the awkwardness at your table before moving on.

“Well look on the bright side Nightshade,” Jack speaks up. “What’s done is done, and things can only get better between you two.”

The Next Day

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

You had to go and open your bucking mouth didn’t you Jack?! you think intently staring into your Icy Gem Slushie.

You are seated in a cozy little restaurant with the rest of the CMC after the most important competition of the day. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps took the silver for Ponyville, and that should have been the highlight of the day. But...

“I still can’t believe he did that,” Scootaloo says in shock as she digs into her sundae.

“I know, I haven’t cringed that hard since Mom asked for the manager at that clothing store in Manehattan,” Diamond says with a shudder.

“I know right? Why didn’t Shining Armor stop him?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“And why didn’t he just stop singing?” Silver Spoon ponders.

“He was sweating up a storm and he just kept digging himself deeper,” Applebloom says sympathetically.

Even as your friends ask over and over again “Why?” you don’t say a word because you know the answer is You.

During the medal ceremony, the Wonderbolt Team stood with their gold medals and Spike had run onto the field to sing the Cloudsdale Anthem. Even not knowing it yourself though, you could tell he had no clue what the words were and it was the most awkward thing ever.

And I didn’t do a bucking thing to help him because I was trying out Grandbuggy’s method! But Guess What?! It Didn’t Bucking Work Either! You mentally shout and your shards blip. But would he have hated me even more if I had helped?

After the disastrous anthem, Spike had run off, and you and the girls had decided not to watch the rest of the Day’s Game and decided to look for the wayward dragon. But after a few hours, you had no success, so you all stopped in for a snack, which leads to all of you now just lamenting the day with your various desserts. The thing is, you haven’t even touched yours, you don’t even remember ordering it consciously. It’s a slushie with crushed blue gems in it, and you haven’t attempted eating crystals since that disastrous incident back in Ponyville.

So why did you order it?

Perhaps it’s because your mind is still focused on one specific dragon who you knew loved gems.



Why do I keep thinking of that word? You mentally groan as that same feeling of helplessness, loss and…something else washes over you. It’s a weird feeling that you’ve felt since the fight yesterday, and it’s only been compounded after this day’s events.

I should have talked to him and said I’m sorry last night, you think in melancholy. If I had he wouldn’t have tried to sing and he wouldn’t be embarrassed because of me…

You continue to berate yourself going over what you should have done, but even still last night you were still too nervous and conflicted. You wanted to talk, but didn’t at the same time.

Why am I like this? You pout as your friends continue chattering around you. It isn’t until Scootaloo shakes you that you realize they’ve been calling your name.

“Huh? What’s that?” you blather as you focus on the waking world.

“I said isn’t that the Crystal Pinkie Clone from the palace?” she repeats and points to the front counter. Looking that direction you do indeed spy the crystal mare speaking with the lime green cashier.

“You want 15 of the Icy Gem Slushie?” the employee asks in surprise.

“That’s right. The Savior of the Crystal Empire is…” the clone trails off and bites her lip as the cashier looks down in sympathy as well. “Well, let’s just say he needs a pick me up.”

“Of course. He may be going through a rough patch but he did still save all of us,” the green stallion nods before he turns around and starts whipping up the order.

“Oh, well there’s our answer of where Spike went,” Applebloom facehooves.

“Why didn’t we check his room first?” Silver asks in frustration.

“It was so obvious we didn’t even consider it!” Sweetie Belle shrugs.

“Well let’s finish up here and head over,” Diamond orders and the others start to down their treats, but you go back to staring at yours.

“Nighthsade? What’s wrong? Brainfreeze?” Scootaloo asks.

“No,” you shake your head. “I was just thinking that maybe you all should just go check on him and I’d just hang back.”

They all pause in their feasting at that and stare at you in shock.

“You don’t want to go see him?” Sweetie Belle asks wide eyed.

“I…Well…” you falter and scratch the back of your neck. “He’s probably really put out and he might not want to see me.”

“That’s a bunch of horse apples cuz. Of course Spike would want to see ya,” Applebloom points out but you bite your lip and look at the table.

“Maybe…but I don’t know if I can see him myself right now,” you admit and they all look at each other.

“Are you…scared?” Silver Spoon asks.

“N-No! I’m not scared! I’m just…nervous I guess,” you admit shyly while rubbing your hooves together. “So you all should check on him and I’ll just-“

You are cut off as someone grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to look into their very agitated face.

“What in the world is wrong with you?!” Diamond all but spits at you and you are taken aback.

“Diamond what are you-“ Applebloom starts but she ignores her and continues.

"Are you seriously going to let something like nervousness get in the way of your amazing friendship?!" she growls as if personally insulted and you jaw drops as you fail to comprehend the situation.

“W-Well I-I-“ you stutter but she brings her face in closer.

"If you hesitate now, you might never get the chance to make up ever again, and your friendship will be damaged forever!"

“FOREVER!!!” the Pinkie clone shouts from the counter and you all look to her. She sheepishly chuckles when she notices your stares. “Sorry, force of habit.”

Everyone then goes back to staring at you and Diamond who looks like she could choke you out at any moment.

“Is that what you want Nightshade?! To lose him?!”

“Di, I don’t think the situation’s that dire,” Scootaloo tries to placate but she shakes her head.

“Of course it is! If she doesn’t face this now, it will only get harder! It's better now than tomorrow, weeks from now, or even months! Tartarus! When her parents come back she might leave Equestria forever!"

The CMC's ears droop at that and the color drains from your face.

N-No! We won’t leave forever…Will we? You think unsurely as a sense of sadness and regret hits you. We are always on the run…

And while everyone feels regret at the uncertain future, Silver spoon places her hoof on Diamond’s foreleg with sympathy.

"This is about him, isn't it,” she asks simply and Diamond’s anger falls from her face and she smile sadly.


"Who are you talking about? Spike?" Sweetie Belle ask, but Silver Spoon shakes her head.

"No. Diamond and I had a friend a few years back. We used to be a trio like you guys…but then…” she trails off and Diamond slackens her hold on you.

“We had a fight one day…only I was doing all the yelling,” she sighs and shakes her head. “We didn’t talk or see each other after that, and then he moved to Baltimare so I never even got to say goodbye.” Her words are laced with regret and hollowness and you know that your own voice must’ve sounded like that these last two days.

"What were you fighting about?" you ask the pink filly and she looks at you with that same sad smile.

“I don’t even remember, and really, it doesn’t even matter. It was just a dumb fight between two dumb foals and I still regret never making up with him,” she says regretfully before looking into your eyes with determination. “Don’t make the same mistake Nightshade, otherwise there will always be a pit in your stomach, even when you try to remember the good times.”

Everyone at the table goes silent at these profound words, and just absorb this wisdom in both shock and awe. After a few moments, you give a small smile and put your hoof on her shoulder.

“Diamond, it’s times like these it still baffles me why we were ever enemies,” you say sincerely and she chuckles.

“Nah, I used to be a nasty little brat,” she admits and you both laugh.

“But you’re right, I can’t just ignore this situation. I’m going to see Spike!” you declare before pointing at the Pinkie Maid. “You! Miss Totally Not a Clone! Give me those slushies, I’ll deliver them personally!”

“You will?!” she declares as she whips around with a big smile on her face.

“That’s right!” you say as you leap over the table, pick all of the slushies up in your magic, put them into your Inventory and run out the door. “I’m coming Spike!”

And as you exit the shop, your friends sit stunned at the table.

“Soooo, should we go after her?” Applebloom asks.

“Nah, I think she’s got this one,” Diamond Tiara hoof waves and sits back with her drink. “Besides, they probably need some alone time.”

“Alone time?” Sweetie gasps before blushing. “Do you think they’re gonna like start kissing and stuff?”

“Huh? Wha- I have no idea,” Diamond stutters taken aback.

“Well if they are, I ain’t walking in on that. Gross!” Scootaloo gags before sitting back.

“It’s not gross, it’s romantic,” Silver Spoon chides and she rolls her eyes.

“All your minds are jumping to conclusions awfully fast,” Applebloom says in disappointment. “But on the other hoof, why tempt fate.”

And with that, your friends sit back while the Pinkie Clone pays for the slushies.

“And now my break comes early! Yay!”

A Few Moments Later

After running through the city streets like a lunatic again, albeit with less collateral damage, you arrive outside of Spike’s Luxury Suite just as Twilight is exiting.

“Oh! Hi Nightshade,” she says in surprise seeing you.

“Uh, Hi Ms. Twilight,” you respond, not having expected to run into her.

“I’m guessing you’re here to see Spike as well?” she says and you look to the side and nod in embarrassment. This actually gets her to give a small smile.

“I’m glad you are. He hasn’t exactly been…the same since yesterday,” she says with a wince of sympathy.

“I noticed,” you nod, cringing once more at the butchering of the anthem.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

She sighs as she no doubt flashes back to that moment too.

“Yeah, I figured you would,” she admits before shaking her head. “I just can’t wrap my head around how this has all gone down though.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just…I don’t know if you saw, but during the Torch Lighting Ceremony yesterday, he was kind of struggling with it,” she says.

“Yeah, I noticed that one too,” you say.

“As expected of my student,” she smirks before her face becomes worried again. “But yes, when Spike was struggling with lighting the torch, I started an incantation to light it for him, but before I’d finished, that black flame appeared.”

“R-Really?” you stutter and start to sweat nervously, but she doesn’t notice.

“Of course, I was confused and concerned, especially when I scanned the fire later and found out it had traces of dark magic,” she explains. “But when I scanned him last night, I found no trace of it.”

“Oh…so, uh, what do you think happened?”

“I have no clue! Because unless Nightmare Moon lit that torch herself, the only logical explanation is that Spike did it somehow by drawing on negative energies. I just don’t know how he did it, and when I spoke to him about it, he got really upset with me,” she says with a sigh.

“He got upset with you?” you ask curiously and she nods.

“He got all huffy saying he wasn’t a weakling and told me to stop trying to look into Dark Magic that wasn’t even there! Even though I explained to him my findings, he still told me to stop,” she shrugs and your jaw drops slightly.

Spike…were you still trying to cover for me? Even after the fight? You think, just a tad bit touched by the gesture.

“Again, I’ve found no trace of Dark Magic on him, so I don’t know why he decided to sing an anthem he doesn’t know the lyrics to today,” she says pinching her nose. “Maybe it’s something I did? Not trusting him and now he thinks he has to prove himself?”

“I, uh, I don’t think that’s it Ms. Twilight,” you say patting her leg. “But whatever it is, I’ll try to help out.” She smiles at that and pats you on the head.

“Thanks Nightshade,” she says before her face becomes solemn again. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find your Great Grandfather. Your friend Garble chewed a hole in a fountain, and that Greta lady got in a drunken brawl when her team came in third.”

You facehoof at that.

“Really guys?” you sigh. “What about Ember?”

“Oh she’s actually doing well. She’s having lunch with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as we speak.”


Loganic’s Comment

“You know, you pony royals sure know how to treat a dragoness,” Ember says as she messily devours an entire platter of cakes, pies, and other treats while reclined on Celestia’s personal couch. Said piece of furniture is getting many food stains on it from the mannerless dragon.

“That, uh, that was supposed to be for all us…” Luna says apprehensively.

“No spit? Wow, I figured you all were just waiting for your portions. You’re both big enough for them,” she says before belching.

Luna winces and then looks at her older sister who’s eye is twitching in annoyance.

“Sister, calm down. We don’t need to start another international incident,” Luna warns in a whisper as Celestia clenches her teeth watching Ember wipe her mouth clean on the couch.

“That cake took 15 hours to prep, and was started yesterday! I didn’t even get a slice! And that’s my favorite couch!” she growls, doing all in her power to keep it at a whisper.

Chuckling nervously, Luna stands up and announces,

“Well that was a lovely meal, but perhaps we should get back to the stadium? The ice archery competition will be starting soon.”

“Ice Archery? That sounds awesome,” Ember says as she sits up and heads out the door. “You get a better view from the royal seats right? I call the seat next to you Lugia.”

“…It’s Luna,” the moon princess snorts as Celestia glares at her.

“She’s sitting with us too?” she whines.

“She’s royalty as well sister,” she rolls her eyes. “Come along, there’ll be other baked goods, it’s not the end of the world.”

“Sure feels like it to me,” she pouts. “I swear, nothing else better upset me today or I swear…”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Huh, well I guess she finally started learning how to be a diplomat then,” you say with misplaced pride.

“Indeed,” Twilight says optimistically. “But anyway, I have to get going. Please cheer Spike up for me?”

“I’ll do my best,” you say sincerely. Nodding, she heads downstairs and leaves you to it.

Left all alone in front of his door, you take a deep breath as her hoofsteps get quieter and quieter. Once they die down completely, you muster the rest of your courage and crack open the door.

"Spike? You in here?" you call out as you enter, and as you do you see that his room is a mess littered with bowls, cups and other food stuffs. “Yeesh. Spike?”

The dragon in question peeks out of a pile of clothes bundled in the corner, which you find weird since nearly no one wears any clothes.

Where did he even get those? You wonder

He looks at you stonefaced, not showing any discernable emotions.

"Oh, it's you, Nightshade. I thought Twilight came back in," he says, looking away from you as he excavates himself from the pile.

“Nah, I ran into her in the hall, she’s long gone by now,” you tell him. It’s then that things get really, really quiet and awkward as the two of you have a hard time looking each other straight on.

"I… I thought you weren't talking to me ever again," Spike says sadly as he scratches his neck.

"I didn't mean it!" you yelp as you look him in the eye. "I-I'm…"

"I'm sorry!" The both of you yell at the same time. After that declaration, both your eyes widen.

"Wait? You're sorry!?" you ask in shock.

"Why are you sorry!?" he asks in surprise.

"I yelled at you and told you to never talk to me again! I should have never said that!" you declare.

"But I told you to leave me alone! It's my fault, Nightshade, all you wanted to do was help me!" he confesses.

"Yeah, but I should have known when to leave you be!” you shout.

"You were just trying to be helpful because you're a nice pony Nightshade, I shouldn't have gotten mad at that!” he yells.

“I used Dark Magic in front of everyone and you had to help cover it up! I know I’m a bit of a bother to you, but I just wanted to make up in case I move away fore-“

“Nightshade!” Spike interrupts as he rushes towards you and puts his claws on your shoulders. "You could never bother me! You're my best friend!"

He says it so forcefully and with such conviction that you choke on your words. His feelings strike right through you as you see tears in his eyes, which bring your own waterworks forth. Letting the tears fall, you pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry for saying I never wanted to speak with you again!" you sob, causing him to hug you back tighter and say,

"I'm sorry for pushing you away yesterday and today! I was being a flankhole!"

“Me Too Spike, Me Too!” you blubber as you both hold onto each other. Time passes as you two hug it out, but eventually you both gain the ability to speak again.

“Spike?” you ask wiping away a tear.

“Yeah?” he responds.

“I’m also sorry for not trying to help you today during the medal ceremony,” you apologize. “I didn’t know if it would make you angry again and-“

“There was nothing you could have done about that Nightshade,” he reassures. “I brought that on myself for being a tryhard. If anypony could have helped me in that moment I would have accepted, but it was all my fault.”

“And, uh, and Ms. Harshwinny didn’t hurt you at all?” you ask as the thunder crash and neighing goes off outside.

“Huh?” he asks taken aback. “Uh, I mean she was upset today, but why would she have hurt me?”

“Because she’s absolutely terrifying!” you proclaim. “That’s why I did what I did yesterday because I thought she was going to steal your soul or something if you failed!” He blinks owlishly at that a few times.

“Um…I don’t think she would do that,” he says warily. “So that’s why you did that?”

“Yeah…” you admit as you scratch the back of your neck. “So, uh…I kind of get that I stole your moment for you, but I did just want to protect you from the Grim Reaper.”

“I see,” he says while scratching his ear. “Well even still, I was in the wrong for getting upset with you. It’s just that…”

“Go on,” you encourage when he trails off and he sighs.

"You're always helping me, Shade,” he says weakly and you raise a brow. "I know that’s a weak excuse, but I just feel like you, Twilight and the rest of the girls are always having to go out of their ways to help me, and it makes me feel like I’m holding you all back.”

“But Spike you’re not-“

“You’re all so much more powerful than I am and I finally felt like I could catch up to you all and be your equal. But after yesterday and today, I’m still just a little dragon without wings that can’t even light a simple torch or sing the right song,” he says morosely. “I guess maybe I do need to depend on others for everything.”

"That's not true, though!" you say, holding his shoulders and shaking him a bit, just like Diamond did to you. "You're amazing too, Spike! You have the best writing I've ever seen! You know words that I've never even seen before.”

“Well that’s just because Twilight raised m-“

“Sure, but you still run with it, you’re the only thing that keeps her functioning and not falling into craziness! And sure, yeah you sucked today big time, I’m not going to sugar coat that and lie, but guess what? I don’t know the lyrics to the Cloudesdale Anthem either!” you lecture and he looks down at that.”

“Yeah, but that was me trying to show off and make up for my own inferiority and-“

“Spike! You have freaking magical fire! You have a direct line to Sunbutt! You’re also the only person in this castle that defeated both Sombra and my Dad at full power in the same day! You aren’t holding anyling back!”

Spike smiles and blushes at your remarks which causes you to smile.

“I, uh, I guess I did do that,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

"And to top it all off, you're an amazing friend," you say gently, pull him close and hug him once more, which he gladly gives back. “I’m more than positive that you’re the only reason I’m not a bigger brat than I already am.”

“You’re not a brat Nightshade. You’re…perfect,” he says nuzzling your cheek and you blush.

“Heh, far from it. I’ve got a necklace in my chest after all,” you say as you nuzzle back. “Noling’s perfect Spike, that’s what friends are for. We can all be imperfect messes together.”

He laughs at that and nods.

“That doesn’t sound bad at all…”

After a minute of silence, you two break the hug.

"Thanks Nightshade," He smiles warmly at you. "I’m glad you’re in my life as well."

"Always will be!" You proudly say before patting him on the shoulder. "Now come on, let's go watch the ice archery event! The rest of the girls are probably back in their seats right now.”

He stares at you for moment, awkwardly even, before looking away nervously, with a light blush.

"D-do you... um..." He mumbles.

"What was that?" you ask tilting your head so that your ear is closer.

"Do you, uh... Nevermind. I'm going in with a disguise," he says as he picks up a coat and sunglasses in his arms.

“Why do you need that?” you ask.

“…I’m still embarrassed over what I did earlier,” he admits. “I don’t want anyone pointing at me and laughing.”

“Hey, if they do that I’ll beat them up!” you proclaim before you catch yourself and look at him sheepishly. “I mean, if you’re okay with that?”

“You know what? I think I’d like to see that,” he says with a conspiratorial smirk, causing you to grin.

“Alrighty, well get your disguise on and then we’ll get going,” you gesture to him to change.

“Already on it,” he says as he dons the hat and glasses. “And maybe we can find that maid I sent out for Gem Slushies earlier. I’d hate for all of those to go to waste.”

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Oh right! Forgot about that!” you say bonking yourself on the forehead. “I ran into her earlier and told her I’d take them to you.”

“You did?” he asks excitedly as you rummage around in your inventory.

“Yup! Here they…are?” you finish in dread as you realize that open containers within the inventory don’t exactly stay upright.

“Something wrong?” he asks as you see all the blue slush mess in your bag.

“Uh, nope! It’s all good, you see I…I…” your eyes dart left and right. “I decided to cover a gift I got you with the slushie so you could lick it clean!”

“Um…okay,” he shrugs. “I mean, you didn’t have to give me a gift or anything but-“

“Nah it’s fine,” you say as you turn your bag upside down causing the slushie glob to fall to the floor along with three items covered with the sauce. The Scone of Bludgeoning, the Life Size Spike Doll, and a random videogame about Crystal aliens or something.


Scone of Bludgeoning

Spike Doll (Life Sized)

Spike looks from the crystal slushie mess, and the items inside it before looking at you gobsmacked.

“Uh…surprise! It’s three gifts!” you lie lamely.

“Alright then,” he says as he picks up the scone and goes to bite it.

“Wait! That thing is harder than steel-“


“Mmm, that goes well with the gem slush,” he says as he effortlessly chews the scone.

…Goodbye my bludgeoning projectile, you think a bit sadly as the dragon eats it up.

He then extends his tongue six feet out of his mouth and laps up all the rest of the slush in one fell swoop and your jaw drops.

“…I honestly didn’t know you could do that. That’s bucking impressive,” you say in awe as he chews and swallows the dessert.

“Heh, Twilight just thinks it’s gross,” he chuckles as he looks over the life sized doll of himself. “And, uh, where’d you get this made?”

“Well it certainly wasn’t a race of fairy ponies that worshiped my very being,” you lie.

“That’s oddly specific,” he says with a shrug. “So is it just a doll, or does it do anything else?”

“Well you can hug it close to your chest and it helps you get a good night’s sleep,” you say before your eyes widen and you blush. “Or so I’m told.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll just prop it up in my room,” he says while taking a look over the game. Eventually he smiles back at you. “All these gifts over something that was my fault, and I don’t have anything to give you.”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Hey now, you don’t have to get me anything,” you hoofwave.

He ponders that for a moment before he looks at you with a predatory smirk.

“Actually, I just figured out something I could give you,” he says conspiratorially and walks towards you.

“Like I said you don’t have to-“


You are cut off as he suddenly pecks you on the cheek and you freeze stock still. Suddenly, your fur color goes from dark purplish blue to bright red and your mind does mental gymnastics.

Blushing himself, Spike puts on his coat and pulls down his hat.

“Thanks again Nightshade. So, uh, I guess let’s go,” he stammers as he walks past you. Your own flesh shines brighter than your shards as your mind goes stupid and giddy and you just giggle like a fool.

I-I-I guess he’s just getting me back for the peck I gave him during our guerilla tactics against Trixie, heh heh, you rationalize as your heart hammers in your chest. You turn to look at him walking down the hallway, swaying a bit as he does and you smile like a shark.

"I'm never washing this cheek again..." you mumble to yourself before shaking your head and slapping yourself to reboot your brain.

Get a hold of yourself filly! If Cadence sees you like this you’ll never hear the end of it!

With that chilling thought, you sober a bit and you go from bright red to pinkish blue as you rush off after the dragon. You two glance at each other momentarily, before quickly avoiding eye contact as you walk together towards the stadium. And while your father in another world suddenly feels an immense killing intent for a certain girl’s puppy, you continue on oblivious and light as a feather.

You are overwhelmingly happy that you two have made up and that you avoided Diamond’s fate. You are happy, and a whole lot of other emotions you can’t quite identify. But the two of you walk side by side, not too far, and yet not too close to go see the Ice Archery Competition.

All the while, unseen eyes observe you.


Author's Note:

Hey Hive Mind,
I had to split this chapter into two so need for story comments here since the next chapter is just a click away.
Feel free to still tell me what you thought of this one though :twilightsmile:

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