• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 49: Escalations

The 9 ft tall abomination of steel, magic, and machinery sets your nerves on end as the jackass operating it has you in his sight.

“I, uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about bub,” you lie as sweat gathers on your brow.

“No I can’t be, surely it must be you you filthy changeling!” Cabelleron accuses. “And I do not like being made a fool of!”

“Hasn’t stopped you before,” you mutter under your breath as whirring machinery starts up.

“Sir! Please exit my armor!” Flash shouts. “This is a treasonable offense, and besides you don’t know how to operate it correctly!”

“Nonsense! All these buttons are laid out simply!” Cabelleron shouts in defiance as suddenly…

Master of Shadow’s Comment

The mecha slumps and a fading whir is heard.

“What the hay? Why did the counter go from 10% to 0?” he asks in confusion.

“Oh, you must have turned on the stereo, it’s a real energy drain,” Flash answers as suddenly…a very girlish song comes from the mech.

“…” everyone in the room silently pans their visions over to the blushing Flash who has his ears wilted.

“What?! Upbeat happy music keeps me focused…” he defends as everyone looks at him incredulously.

“Heh, probably one of those weirdoes that watches My Little Human as well,” you hypothesize with a roll of your eyes.

Another click is heard and the music stops.

“Honestly, I’d rather listen to that drabble Sapphire Shores belches out,” Cabelleron mocks.

“And what’s wrong with Sapphire Shores? She’s an artist!” Rarity challenges, just as the mech whirs back to life.

“Oh there we go, back to blinking 10%,” Cabelleron says giddily.

“That seems like a very flawed energy system,” Twilight observes.

“Yeah it is,” Flash nods. “And don’t even get me started on the coffee maker.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Well, now I know to avoid that particular button, let’s see what-Whoa, there we go!” Cabelleron says excitedly as the mecha starts making it’s way towards you. “Boys, deal with the others. I’ll handle Daring and the bug!”

Daring, for her part, dives into you pushing you of the way as he plows through the back wall. You groan as your head continues to spin.

I can’t deal with this Walter Wombat Bullspit right now! I’ve gotta get to Shade before she starts panicking with that stupid amulet in her! you think as Daring stands up and stares through the hole.

“Oh come on! Hasn’t my home been damaged enough?!” she shouts as she flies after the doctor. You continue to struggle in your binds when you realize something.

“Oh right my magic.” Your horn glows as you try to pry off the binds but you groan as your headache cuts out your magic. “Stupid bucking hangover!” You growl. You turn your head to the goons as they fend off the group surprisingly well, mostly by using funneling tactics with the kitchen doorway.

“AH! There’s a banana peel in my mane!” Rarity shrieks as countless more food items and cooking implements are thrown against them.

“Oh yeah, that’s real terrible!” Applejack snarks as a pot gets stuck on her head.

“Twi blast them!” Rainbow shouts kicking a goon who in turn, throws a bar of soap at her.

“I can’t! If I miss I might hit the walls and the house doesn’t sound like it can take more punishment.” Twilight explains as the house groans from all the fighting, and the two large holes in it. Flash wrestles with goon 3 who tries to drive a knife down his throat, but he bucks the guy off, the goon gets up and prepares to attack again before being hit with a book. He looks to see Pinkie and Fluttershy throwing books from the pile.

“Eat literature meanie!” Pinkie shouts throwing another book. It knocks the knife out of the goons hoof and it falls over to you. You grunt as you bring the binds to the knife, trying to cut the rope.

“Get your hooves away from me you ruffian!” Rarity says punching goon 2 in the jaw. He neighs in pain before shoving Rarity to the ground before Applejack tackles the thug rolling him to the ground. You hurry your attempts to break free as you see Daring flung back through the hole bonking into Dash.

“Not so fun when you’re the one getting knocked around is it Daring?!” Cabellaron mocks from the other side as he stomps toward the hole. You grin as the binds finally snap from the blade, but your small victory is cut short as Cabellaron steps in and grabs you by the tail. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!” he says before launching you at the group sending them all barreling outside.

You groan from the pain as you, Daring, and the Elements look to the house. Flash yelps as he’s kicked out by the goons they step outside looking bruised but not out. Cabellaron walks through the remaining front wall as he grabs a chunk of the wall and tosses it at you. You brace yourself for impact only for a purple barrier from Twilight to block it. Behind Cabellaron the house groans as it collapses in on itself.

“Oh come on!” Daring shouts.

“NOOO!!! Now the books will be delayed even longer!” Rainbow Dash laments as the explorer gives her a twitching scowl.


“The government will pay for everything ma’am, I swear,” Flash apologizes.

“Oh that’s no fun, after we went through the trouble to burn it,” Cabelleron says smugly as he raises a metal fist to the ruins and…

*Vrrrr* the mech shuts down again.

“What? Why?!” he shouts.

“Oh you pressed the button with the fire on it didn’t you? Yeah, that’s the coffee maker,” Flash explains.

“But why would it…Ugh!” the doctor grunts, before the mech comes back online again.

“Alright, this is all stupid,” you growl and look at Daring. “Just give him the dang ring already!” Ahuizotl doesn’t have the full set so just let him have it.”

“No! Whatever the reason he wants it, he’ll never get his grubby hooves on it!” she argues, holding the lock box book to her chest.

“Why You Little-“ you growl as you grab the book and try to wrestle it from her, but she won’t budge.

“Suit yourself I suppose,” Cabelleron interjects. “Now please let this one actually be-“


“Ah, success!” he smiles as a three pronged claw shoots out and grabs around the book between you two. You both look at each other in a moment of panic, before the claw retracts, yanking you two with it.

“Oh Buuuuuuuuuuuuuccck!!” You shout as you’re both flung up into the air after losing grip of the book, before you both fall with a thud. Cabelleron laughs as he tosses the ring to one of his goons.

“Take it back to the rendezvous point, I’ll meet you all there,” he orders. The goons nod and run off into the forest with their ill gotten goods.

“Oh no you don’t!” Twilight shouts before blasting her horn at them, but the mech jumps in front of the blast. The suit starts sparking as the purple energy courses through it, but suddenly it fizzles out with an electric pop.

“Oh wow, 20% now! So that’s what this button does,” Cabelleron says in awe as Twilight’s jaw drops and Flash gulps in worry.

“It absorbed my magic?! How?! Twilight shouts.

“That thing was built to fight the Offender, so it was designed to handle much more than that.” Flash explains and you give him a perplexed look.

They built that to fight the boy? Cheese and Rice that ain’t good.

“But why is it using Twilight’s magic to run?” Pinkie asks.

“Well…we kind of figured that when we faced Nightmare Moon, you all would be there and Twilight would be able to keep our suits from running low…” Flash admits sheepishly.

“Oh that’s just great!” Twilight spits as the mech lumbers forth again.

“Thanks for the juice princess!” Cabellaron laughs as he presses another button and a hatch in the front opens, which spews out a bunch of small balls.

“Hit the deck!” Flash shouts as they all take cover and you and Daring just watch as several explosions ripple her lawn.

“Oh this is so much fun!” Cabelleron cheers. “You know what, now that I’ve got more power, why not?”

And suddenly from the mech, comes an even cheerier sounding song.

“Really dude?!” Rainbow mocks.

“Operating that thing is very stressful!” Flash shouts back.

Daring launches herself forward with a yell and starts banging away on the exterior of the mech uselessly.

“Heck Yeah! Get ‘em!” Dash cheers before she starts doing the same while the mech keeps moving about unhindered.

“I’m getting too old for this,” you shake your head as you get to your hooves and take shelter behind a tree.

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"You know big brother is going to get angry that you lost this secret mecha that isn’t even supposed to exist to a second class villain, right?" Twilight says to Flash as Dash is thrown off.

“Yeah…” he rubs the back of his neck. “Look, if he asks, we just say Nightmare Moon did it okay?”

“That ain’t very honest,” Applejack points out as she lassos one of the mech’s legs.

“No, but I’ve only just recently gotten better pay what with my wrong drugs and the murderous voices leaving, I can’t take another hit to my paycheck!”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have left the keys inside!” Rarity reprimands.

“Yeah, this thing charges from Twi’s magic, and we can’t even put a dent in it,” Pinkie agrees.

“It’s Been A Long Couple of Days!” Flash cries as Daring is thrown into Applejack.

“Oh wow I love these buttons,” Caballeron says cheerfully, and you notice Flash gain a look of inspiration.

“OK, we’ll all be alright as long as he doesn’t press the Big Red Button above his head!”

“Ah, a big red button you say? Well thanks for the information you fool!” he laughs as the others give incredulous looks to the pegasus guard.

““No! Not the super death laser beam of awesomeness!”

“Yes the super death beam of awesomeness!”


"The Self-Destruct Sequence Has Been Initiated. Repeat, the Self-Destruct Sequence Has Been Initiated. All Personnel Please Evacuate Immediately,” a robotic female voice says from the mech.

“…WHAT?!” Cabelleron screams.

“Really? It’s that easy?” asks Twilight.

“Yeah, better to scrap it then let him use it. Besides, I’ll just use Strong Head’s if worse comes to worse,” Flash says with a shrug.

“No, No, NO!” Cabelleron yells as he starts pressing random buttons, to no avail. “There’s got to be a way to, what the-?”

Suddenly, Cabbeleron is jettisoned out of the suit at terminal velocity, chair and all far into the distance, where if you squint, you can see a parachute deploy.

“Heh, serves him right,” you think in satisfaction as the mech starts to count down.


“Here back up! It’s gonna go hot!” Flash yells.

“You’re all just ruining any chance I have of living here ever again!” Daring shouts in outrage as everyone takes cover and you move further into the woods.

“…4….3…2…” the mech warbles off and slumps as power drains from it and it doesn’t explode.

The entire group peak their heads from their covers at this anomaly.

“It must have run out of power before it had a chance to detonate,” Twilight theorizes.

“Oh Thank Celestia,” Flash says wiping his brow as he starts walking towards his machine. “You’re brother definitely would have had my hide for su-“


The mech explodes, sending Flash careening through a tree and leaving a large crater.

“Bucking machines and their evil explodeyness of evil,” you curse the infernal contraption even as it burns to death. “How the buck did the boy manage to survive all this insanity on a daily basis without me?”

Looking in on the group, you see Daring lamenting all of her destroyed property, and see the others crowding over Flash who is on the ground and groaning. You briefly think about going out there to help, before you realize, you don’t have to stick around anymore. You were literally dragged into this situation, and ultimately, you have no stake in it.

I’m tired, my head hurts, and I just want to go to bed. These mares can handle this, you conclude as you turn tail and gallop into the woods. Behind you, two of the Elements notice your departure, but you don’t notice as you run away from the explosions and madness. Although, you do worry that even if you do get to Shade in time, there will only be more madness waiting.

“Oh Lady Luck, you bucking mutt you! You’d better not cast your gaze on her!”

And as you bravely flee…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The others tend to Flash.

“Grr, my wing it’s broken!” he groans, as Twilight looks at that and his other injuries in worry.

“Oh no, he needs to get to a hospital and quick,” Twilight says biting her lip.

“But that’s all the way back in Ponyville!” Pinkie gasps.

“Yes I know, but it’s where we’ve got to go,” she says looking to the trail they took to get there.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Daring Do could lead us more quickly through the-“

“CABELLERON!!!” she shouts as she shoots up into the sky towards where the good doctor was ejected.

“…or not,” Rainbow finishes as she watches her idol leave.

“And what about the Offen-I mean Bugze?” Rarity asks looking around.

Fluttershy looks back to where you ran off.

“He went that way, I’m going after him, she says as she starts to take off.

“Not alone you're not!” Applejack says walking up to her. She turns back to the rest of the group.

“Listen ya’ll need to get Flash to the hospital, me and Fluttershy will find the changeling.”

“Just you two?” Twilight asks.

“Yes,” she nods. “You and Rarity are the only ones who can use magic to carry him, and Rainbow Dash needs to go check on Daring Do to make sure she’s OK after all of this.”

“I…right,” Twilight nods as she lifts Flash in her grip along with Rarity’s.

“Uuuurrggghh,” he groans before he looks to Twilight helplessly. “Remember…Nightmare Moon did this, or your brother will bite my head off!”

“We’ll worry about that later…good luck girls,” Twilight says as she and Rarity begin running with Flash.

“Yeah, be safe,” Rainbow nods as she zooms off after Daring Do.

“Alrighty let’s go get that bug Flutters,” Applejack says.

“Thanks Applejack,” she says with a smile.

“No problem, I’ve still gotta figure out why he knows my Granny’s real name after all. I only ever heard Grandpa Applesauce call her by that before he passed, nopony else in my family does.”

Fluttershy then nods before calling out to the woods. “I’m coming Bugze! Don’t Worry, I’ll Save You!”

She and Applejack then proceed to gallop after you leaving a wrecked, burning cottage surrounded by high tech scrap and one very confused pink pony.

“So…Was I just forgotten in the plan? Where the hay am I supposed to go?” she asks aloud to no one.

A Few Hundred Miles Away

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

In the depths of the woods, a pink filly sits at a campfire thinking to herself,

“What direction in life should I take at this point?”

As she ponders that existential question, a cloaked stallion stamps through her campsite, screaming bloody murder, as his hoof hits her fire and puts it out.

“Hey!” she shouts in outrage, but he is already further along in the trees, and before she can even think to say anything else, a wave of black, shadowy creatures all swarm past her in pursuit of the stallion, stomping over her in the process

“What in the world?” she gasps, battered and bruised as the monsters keep running. Moments later, an honest to goodness alicorn, maybe a few years older than her zips through the trees above her.

“GET BACK HERE!!!” she commands and the pink filly can feel the power in those words, the sweep of her flight causing branches and dirt to fall onto the filly below. Once the alicorn is out of sight, there is about a minute of silence before a panting, trudging mish mash of creatures stomp through, also stomping over her in the process.

“Calm Down Chica! It’s Not Worth It!” the big cat thing says as his paw hits the middle of the pink filly’s back and pushes her further into the mud.

After a few minutes, the trampled filly raises her head from the mud.

“Well that settles it. I’m going to acquire that much magical power and rule the world someday,” she says, determining her life goals.

And as that filly prepares to become someone else’s problem several seasons down the line, we cut back to our beloved princess in the midst of a power trip.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You charge with anger and fury at this motherbucker who kidnapped your Grandbuggy, practically blasting through trees and rocks with your destructive flight. Your horn glows as you close your eyes and suddenly your vision changes to one of your minions who is catching up to the bucker.

“I’M GONNA BITE YOUR HOOVES OFF!” Your voice booms through the minion, which causes the stallion to give a sideways glance and yip in terror. Another of your minions leaps at him, claws extended and mouth screeching death, and it manages to dig into his hide.

“AHHHH!!!” he screeches in pain as blood pours from his wound before freezing. “The buck is this thing?!” Before your monster can do another swipe though, the stallion somersaults in the air, and slices through the minion with the green gauntlet claws like he did before. As the minion fades to nothing, he lands and keeps running, his breath panicked and hectic.

“Oh come on!” You yell in annoyance. “Quite swiping through my buddies!”

“Buck You You Psycho!” he calls over his shoulder, before he leaps up and slashes through a thick branch, which falls onto the minion you were looking through.

“Grr,” you growl as your vision comes back to your own body and you reorient your flight. “OK fine, the base models not good enough? How about some upgrades?” you maliciously grin as your horn shines bright and several of your minions begin to warp.

Down below, Frost continues to scramble as the beasts nip as his heels.

“Why the buck is this happening? I just wanted to talk! Why is Nightmare Moon so far off her rocker?!” he pants even as some of the monsters shriek and glow red behind him. “I mean sure, she got blasted by the Elements, lived in an emotion eater for years and is now in the body of a child, but still!”

Ahead of him, from the bubbling shadows, he sees more of those minions spawning. Extending the claws, he attempts another jump and swipe, but he is halted as a massive claw swipes him out of the air and into a tree.

“AAAAHHHHH!!!” he cries out as his chest now has three jagged claw marks through it, his blood freezing into red ice crystals on his skin. Also, he’s lost something.

“My Binocs!” he laments before he sees them in the claws of the thing that hit him, and he pales. Unlike the other monsters, this one is far larger, and it appears to have brought friends.

The monster grins as it crushes this binoculars in it’s fist and the Nightmare’s voice comes through it.


“Oh Buck Me!” he shouts as your upgraded mooks charge.

“Oh such a lovely noise, like music to my ears,” you sing song as his next dash for freedom isn’t as dignified. The shards grow a bright red as you giggle with sadistic glee. With a wave of your horn your voice echoes in the minds of your pack. “I want him alive! He knows where Grandbuggy is!” you order, before another voice comes back to you.

How alive we talking boss, if you don’t mind me asking?” The shadow imp from before asks.

“Heh, I guess the loss of a limb or two wouldn’t hurt. Just keep him breathing,” you order as you cut off the link as you fly above the treeline. “Although he still likes using those trees for comfort,” you observe as he utilizes his terrain to keep not getting maimed and you frown. Looking ahead you smile as you see a place where he can’t juke and jive. Now if only the forest wasn’t such a hindrance.

“You know, for once, maybe I should copy what Daddy does,” you giggle cruelly as you fly to some stray wild clouds. “Now let’s get ignite the SPARK to set off this barbecue shall we?”

With a shot from your horn, you blast the cloud, turning it dark. With a wave of your hooves the cloud begins to grow and multiply as the sound of thunder booms through the air. With a great big smile you shoot your hoof down causing a bolt of lightning to arc past you and hit the trees. The trees begin to burn as fire rises up the trunks. You swing your hooves up and throw them down as another bolt strikes the forest, *BOOM*, then another, *BOOM BOOM*, then another! *BOOM BOOM BOOM*

Hehehe hahahah AH HAHAHAHAHAHA! BURN BURN! BURN BABY BURN! WE’RE HAVING GRILLED MORON FOR DINNER AHHAHA!” You roar to the heavens asthe shards grow brighter and your mane and tale begin to sway ethereally.

In The Human World

Bugze is wracked suddenly with a sense of pride and dread at the same time.

“I feel proud, yet terrified,” he muses aloud.

Probably because of what you caused at the haunted house, Sombra suggests and he shudders as he remembers Twilight’s cold calculating glare before flying off into the night.

“Thanks I was trying to forget that,” he groans putting his hands to his face followed by the sound of a slap.

Quit it! He's going through enough as it is, Selena chides Sombra as he nurses a red hoof mark on his face.

Doesn’t mean it’s not the truth, Sombra grumbles.

“Yeah Yeah, I know,” Bugze huffs.

“Are you talking to me?” asks dog Spike on the couch next to him.

“Nah, Sombra’s just being his cheerful self,” he says just as Humbra in the other room yells.

“What the hell do you mean you invited those little skanks here?!”

“Well Bugze figured we’d need all the help we could get if we’re gonna help find Sparkle,” B2 explains.

“OH MY GOD! How Stupid Are You Two?! What’s that going to look like to my neighbors?! Old Lady Matilda next door is going to have a heart attack!”

Back In Equestria

Ahuizotl gulps as the sound of thunder and smell of smoke fills the air. The group continues following the massive path of destruction left by you and your horde.

“Yep that girl has lost her marbles,” Ember says.

“As if she had any to begin with,” Garble shudders in fear.

“Ahuizotl, what do we do?” Greta asks flying next to the big fuzzball.

“I don’t know chica. We have to snap her out of it, before she hurts someone!” Ahuizotl says hopping over a fallen burnt tree.

“You mean like us?” Garble gulps.

“You All Talking Spit Behind My Back?!” your voice comes through, causing them all to yelp and turn around. Galloping behind them is one of your shadow wolf bear things and it glares right at them. “You shouldn’t talk about ponies behind their back!”

“Nightshade, you have to get a hold of yourself,” Ahuizotl advises but you scoff.

“I’m in control fuzzy wuzzy, and once I go Casino Royale on this guy, we’ll know where Grandbuggy is.”

“OK, I get that reference and…ew,” Greta gags as the wolf looks to the bewildered Ember.

Kichi’s Comment

“But hurry up all of you or you’ll miss the fun. Especially you princess!”

“Why ‘especially me’?” Ember asks.

“Well duh, you’re my flamethrower minion. Gonna need that to roast his mane off!”

“Since when am I your minion?”

“Since Grandbuggy won you and you became our bitch,” you say through the wolf with glee. “Now do your part and help burn this accursed forest to the ground! AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”

And then the wolf stops laughing and the Outcasts keep running, now even more disturbed at your mental faculties.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“What the buck is she even chasing after? Slendermane?” asks Garble as the fly through the chaos.

“I don’t think so,” Ahuizotl muses. “He’s a walker. Besides, the path we’re following is laden with icy steps.”

The hoofprints remain unmelted as the outcasts run alongside them, despite the increase in temperature.

“So what the buck does that mean?” asks Greta.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we’re chasing a Wendigo,” Ahuizotl guesses.

Up Ahead

“AHHHHHHH WHY IS EVERYTHING BURNING?!” Frost shouts from the top of his lungs as the forest catches flame all around him and his icy steps become more and more spaced apart. Several more lightning strikes hit all around him, and all he can do is run. Behind him, one of the wolves catches fire, but doesn’t even bat an eye as it continues to chase him with it’s pack, setting even more things on fire and looking like something out of a heavy metal artist’s wet dream.

Ahh ha! Now this is what I call a party ahahahha!” The imp laughs atop one of the wolves and the pursued’s eyes widen.

“And What The Buck Are You?!”

“Only a Humble Servant Flesh Bag!” the imp laughs before he holds up one of his claws and a serrated dart made of darkness shoots out and hits Frost in the leg.

“GGGYYYAAAAGGGHHH!!!” he shouts as it sticks, and he tumbles and skids into an open shoreline of a crystal blue lake.

“Ahahahaha! Got’em!” the imp cheers as the wolves all form a semicircle between the wounded stallion and the lake, cutting off his exit. With frozen spittle, Frost looks between the wall of teeth, at the burning forest behind them and at the lake behind himself.

“They led me into a trap,” he realizes as he’s got nowhere else to go. With the spike still in his back leg, he shakily stands and backs up to the water’s edge.

“Nowhere to run to now buckface,” your voice comes from one of the wolves and he shivers. “Now grovel until I get there in person and-“

“EGH!” the stallion stammers as he jumps out onto the lake and starts bounding like a rabbit as lilly pads of ice appear where his hooves hit.

“Oh for-Will You Stop Running Already!” you shout as you pull back into your own body and make a beeline for the lake.

Of course, this won’t please the mistress,” the imp deduces. “Alright! Circle the lake Make sure he can’t go anywhere! Keep him stuck in the center!” The wolves howl in acknowledgement as they begin to do just that.

At your altitude, you find the lake easily, as your wolves surround it. You let out a smile just as the sun sets and the moon rises and fly towards the stallion on his small patch of ice in the center. As Frost looks at all of his escape options disappearing, his sweat crystallizes as he begins to panic and he tries to balance on his little raft of ice with only three legs.

“This is bad! So very, very bad!” he stammers as his head darts left and right as the sun sets. “I’ve gotta get out of here! I gotta get to the others or I’ll-“ his thoughts trail off as the clouds above begin to swirl as the thunder and lightning grow more intense. The light begins to diminish as the flames from the trees starts to die down, seemingly snuffed by living shadows, leaving the entire area in darkness. Then with a flash of light, hovering above him is the silhouette of a pony, with a red glow emanating from her chest.

The clouds part, and the moon breaks through bringing light, causing the pony to cast a shadow over the injured stallion. He sputters in fear as her ethereal mane, full of starlight, flows in the wind, and slitted reptilian eyes gaze through him to his very soul. His already cold blood goes even colder as he truly takes in You.

Nowhere left to run, nowhere left to hide,” you say menacingly with the RCV. “You are outnumbered. So quit lying and speak the truth to me. Where. Is. My. GRANDBUGGY??!!” your voice booms out across the land, echoing into the night.

“Oh buck oh buck, oh crap!” Frost mutters as you stare him down. He looks side to side, only seeing your minions blocking all other exits.

“Answer Me You Worm!” you growl with power and his eyes dart around in panic.

“Um uh... oh look he’s over there!” he points behind you…and you scowl.

“AGH!” Frost bellows as you tear the barbed spike out of his leg with your magic and he falls onto his ice block.

“Did you really think that would work on me? My Dad Patented That,” you chide before grinning at his whimpering.

“Gah, this mare is crazy! I figured she’d be hard to reason with but she’s downright insane!” he says under his breath, but your superior ears pick it up and you scowl more.

“I’m waiting filth, and I’m not very patient…”

“Ummm,” he stammers as he looks left and right. “You, uh, you clearly need that changeling still for some reason right? So…so you need me alive if you want that info right? So if you want it, I need something in return." You stay silent for a moment before you start chuckling at his audacity, as do your minions which echoes eerily throughout the valley.

And what makes you think you’re in anyplace to make demands?” she asks with heat as the shadow monsters stop their chortling at the drop of a hat.

“Because how can I tell you where your changeling is if I’m dead?” Frost declares.

“Dead and in pain are two different things moron,” you say maliciously as you start to charge up your horn and his eyes widen.

“Uh…you’re right!” he says as he holds his blades up to his own neck and you frown.

“Really?” you say in deadpan.

“Yes! One wrong move and you lose your one ticket to the changeling!” he says, almost desperately and you grit your teeth.

Grr…he’s probably bluffing, but if he’s not then I won’t be able to find where he put Grandbuggy. He’s a crazy cultist of some kind so he might just do it…You think in frustration. He sees your hesitation and a bit of hopefulness enters his eyes.

“Yeah, so, come down here then if you want to talk. It’s straining to my neck having to look up at you like this.” Gritting your teeth, you flutter down to the edge of his little island and land, shifting the weight a bit and making it bob in the water.

“Okay that’s better. Now you’ll listen to my demands and I’ll show you where your changeling is,” he says a little more confidently.

Alright speak then!” You spit with venom dripping from your voice.

“Good, let’s start over. My name is Pompeius Frost, I am a member of the Black Suns and my master wou-” He begins however you don’t hear the rest as you recognize the name of his group and roar in anger.

GRAHH! You’re the one’s that took the dragon egg from the market?!” You shout as your eyes glow white and red, the shards shining brighter than ever. Frost jumps back slightly in shock as the wolves whimper and they lower their heads in fear.

“Huh?” he sputters. “You mean that egg that was given to us by Cabe-“

“You little thieving punks thought you could just call us out like that huh? Well guess what?! BUCK YOUR CALLING CARDS!” you shout.

“What calling car-AGH!” he grunts as your magic envelops his arm and pries it away from his neck. It’s harder to grip the blades you find, which are coated with a familiar green metal, but despite the orichalcum, his gauntlet and arm are weak to your pull. Seeing his leverage gone, he looks to your glowing eyes and stammers,

“N-Now Ms. Nightmare Moon, I don’t know what you’ve been told but let’s not make any hasty-“


“STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!” you shout to the heavens and twist the gauntlet at a very uncomfortable angle.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” Frost shouts as his hoof dangles and more tears rush to his eyes.

With a boom and a roar, the ice under you begins to crack.

“Oh dear.” The imp says in fear as he and the other minions melt into the shadows from whence they came. “He shouldn’t have done that.” With them all recalled, your power grows even stronger and the clouds above thunder and roar as lighting flies through the air. The ground begins to shake as pillars of rock rise from the ground all along the shore as your magic swirls around you.

“Wh-I don’t understand,” Frost whimpers. “What do you want me to-“

“That Name Is Dead! It’s Not Me! It’s Not My Mother! It’s NOLING!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK BUCKING HEADS YOU STUPID PONIES!!!” you roar as you rush forth and give him a Shadow Falcon Kick, which he tries and fails to block. The kick sends him flying off of the island and groaning in pain as he skips across the water, forming patches of ice along the way. Flailing wildly, he scrambles onto his newest ice raft, though ice blocks encase his lower half from where he was submerged.

You look to your own hoof you just kicked him with, and it feels like you dunked it into extremely cold water, there’s even steam coming off of it.

“Why The Buck Are You So Cold You Freak?!” you shout angrily as you fly over to the half frozen stallion who all but grovels.

“I-It’s just who I am. Please, I was lying before, I don’t know where the changeling is! Just let me go, I swear I won’t bother you again!” he begs and you sneer.

“As if I’d believe your lies,” you say as you grasp him in your magic and float him before you, and his face is full of fear.


You ignore him as you notice a small blue glow coming from his chest.

“What have you got there?” you interrogate and his eyes widen.

“Uhh nothing! Nothing’s glowing on my chest,” he blunders but you roll your eyes and shake him, and a small locket with a blue gem reveals itself.

“Oh, so you stupid Black Suns are copying me now too?” you growl as you snap the necklace off of his neck.

“No please don’t touch that! I’ll tell you anything just give that back!” He cries struggling to break free from your grip.

“You were willing to die to keep me from clobbering you, but you freak out over this?”

“Please,” he cries but you growl.

“It’s because of you bucks I even have this crap in my chest in the first place. And if you think I’m gonna let any other punk have that kind of power…You’re sadly bucking mistaken…”

“NO WAIT!!” Frost screams as you poise one hoof over it, ready to smash it.

“You took something of mine, so I’m just returning the favor…” you grin evily and look into his eyes as you bring your hooves together hard.

There is a crack, followed by a shattering noise as you feel the locket break in your hooves, and it is really really cold. Pulling your hooves back, you cackle as the gem inside it has shattered to bits.

“Why…Why?” he sniffles like a little baby, before he begins to glow bright blue, and the temperature plummets.

“What are you doing?” you ask, noticing that the shattered gem lets off the same glow. He doesn’t answer you, as frozen tears stain his cheeks, and his body starts to crack and bright lights seep from them. Thinking quickly, you drop him just as the light envelops his shattering body.


“GAHH!” You say as you’re flung back, an intense ringing going off in your ears. All around you, the temperature has plummeted to freezing, and snowflakes fly into you on the ice cold wind. After getting your flight and hearing back under control, you look below you and see that most of the lake top has frozen over.

“Grr, Cute Trick You Motherbucker!” you bellow out as you charge a massive magic missile on your horn and aim it down at him. But It Will Do…You…No…” you trail off as you look back below you at the stallion in confusion. Where you dropped him, a small figure now stands in a bubble of wind and snow. A blue unicorn foal about the same size as Pip back in Ponyville.

“What? Where did…Who are-“

“Why?” the colt says with a defeated sob. “Why do you ponies…always have to be so cruel?”

“I…” you try and fail to respond as you look at the colt closer. His cloak has crumpled around, him, instead of gantlets, he now has two black shackles around his forehooves. He looks up at you with grey, nearly invisible pupils as an icy slush leaks from them and his snow white mane flowing in the wind.

“Why are you all so mean?” he whimpers and you are at a loss for words. His body has several burn marks and scars that stand in contrast to his coat, and that’s not including what you’ve done to him.

“I…” you try say again as guilt starts to take you. He favors the legs you haven’t injured as his lower half fades in and out of transparency like a ghost. "What...what are..." He doesn’t answer you as he just looks at your amassed ball of power in resignation and just closes his eyes, waiting for you to strike.

“You’re…just a kid?” you say in horror as the amulet shards stop glowing and the power dissipates around you. Your eyes go back to normal, your mane and tail become static once more, and the shadows solidify back into your coat. “I’m…I…” you stammer and he opens his ghostly eyes, still full of sadness, they now also hold confusion.

You just stare at this colt who is (in relative years) younger than you as you land on the ice in front of him. The two of you watch each other for several seconds as localized snowy winds blow around you. Your face, riddled with guilt, and his with grief.
After what feels like an eternity, the colt gives a sniffle before he turns tail and runs with a limp across the frozen lake, away from your shocked form. You don’t do anything but watch as he leaves, disappearing into the dark woods with several trees gaining a frosty coating.

“Nightshade! Nightshade what happened?” you hear Ahuizotl cry out to you as he and the rest finally make it to the edge of the lake.

You don’t answer him as you look back at the broken locket and pry open the damaged hinge. Inside, is a portrait of a smiling Unicorn Mare.

“Wow it got cold around here fast,” Garble complains.

“I know right? Is this also something she can do?” asks Ember.

“I’ve never seen her do it before,” Greta admits.

“Nightshade, are you alright?” Ahuizotl asks as he gets to your side. “Did you encounter a wendigo?”

“A Wendigo?” you ask hollowly as you stare at the portrait. You remember facing one of those back in Applewood on the movie set. It was ghostly and pale similar to Frost, but not quite the same.

“Yes, a spirit of winter that-” he begins but you close the locket.

“N-No…I didn’t,” you say as you look back to where the colt ran.

He was just a kid, like me and I…I hurt him. I hurt him so badly. I…I was being a bully again…No...I was being a monster...

“Oh…OK then. Sooooo…what happened exactly?” he pries and you lower your head in shame.

“I…I feel like such a flankhole…” you lament as the moon casts a shadow over you.

POV SHIFT: Grandbuggy

The sun has set as you pick your way through the woods. You haven’t dared try to fly just in case the Rainbow haired chick spots you. You are not in good shape to say the least. You’ve had no food to speak of, you’re a bit battered from the earlier shenanigans, your head and stomach still hate you, and there’s a nagging feeling of dread you feel for Nightshade.

Stopping your gallop, you catch your breath leaning on a nearby tree.

“OK, all I gotta do is find the North Star at the end of the Ursa Minor tail then I’ll have a good bearing of where I’m-WHAGH!” you cry out as a lasso comes out of nowhere and drags you to the ground.

“OOF! Oh Come On!” you shout as Orchard’s granddaughter and the cute pegasus gal show themselves.

“Bugze, you’ve got to stop running!” Fluttershy commands.

“I got’em!” Applejack says just as you grit your teeth and use your magic to shoot through the rope, which only drains you more.

“Wow! Watch it now, he’s getting antsy!” Applejack says cautiously as she and Fluttershy stop short of you.

“Bugze, please just come with us. You have to-“

“Oh For Bleeding Criminy I Ain’t Bugze Ya Dang Idjits!” you growl as you stand up and throw the rope to the ground.

“W-What?” Fluttershy says taken aback.

Zapper frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“I said I ain’t Bugze! If you stupid ponies would just give me a bleeding second to collect my brain and NOT jump to conclusions, then I could get that through your heads!” you growl at their stubbornness.

“B-But you said you were earlier when you-“

“I was tricking ya so I could snag some love off of you babe, I am way too hungover to be a gentleman about it, but I’m done beating around the bush, I’ve got places to be!”

“Well if ya ain’t Bugze, then who are ya? And how do you know my Granny’s name?” Applejack demands.

You know what, they ain’t gonna believe me anyway, so why the buck not? You think in frustration.

“I’m “Bugze’s” Grandfather, so I am as old as I look, and I know her name because I used to date her,” you admit. Both mares stare at you in silence after that until,

“…What?!” both of them exclaim at the same time.

“Not the answers you were looking for sweethearts? Good, now leave me be so I can-“

“Nah, that can’t be true, he’s got to be lying,” Applejack says in denial as her eyes dart around.

“Of course he is. Nightmare Moon must be making him believe new things to trick him,” Fluttershy says adamantly.

“Oh for crying out-“

“Besides,” she growls and looks you dead in the eye. “Bugze’s Grandbuggy died a long time ago, he told me so.”

“Well…I mean I wasn’t obviously,” you stammer but she still eyes you dangerously.

“I…look, I’ve got to get to my Great Granddaughter, she’s got a dangerous thing in her chest and-“


“AAAHH!!!” you shout as you are bowled over by a mass of confetti and streamers and hit your head on the ground.

“Pinkie?” Fluttershy gasps.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ve subdued him,” she says with a smile from atop her party canon.

“We were asking him questions, and what are you doing out here anyway?” Applejack asks.

“You didn’t tell me where I was supposed to go so I decided to go to the most plot critical area,” she says.

And while they question what that means, your vision swims.

No Gorrammit! Not Now! I’ve got to get to Nightshaaa…The blackness envelops you and you pass out.

“Oh dear, he’s out cold,” Fluttershy says as she prods your body.

“Shoot, he didn’t really give us any good info…” Applejack says.

“Well excuse me for being a well timed tease,” Pinkie huffs and crosses her arms.

“Um…he could be easier to transport like this though,” Fluttershy suggests.

“Yeah he would…but still, something ain’t right about all this,” Applejack says.

“I know what you mean. That evil witch taking over his daughter’s body and making him think he’s his own dead grand-“

“No, not that Fluttershy,” the apple pony interrupts her tirade. “I mean…what if he was telling the truth?”

“Applejack! We can’t believe any lies that have been implanted by that witch. She hides all truth behind her web.”

“So does jealousy,” Pinkie quips and the pegasus shoots her a dirty look.

“I’m just saying, it could be possible…he did know my Granny’s name and he does look old, how would Bugze have known that?”

“I…” Fluttershy trails off, not having a good answer.

“Exactly, so something is going on here, and I don’t want to just hand him off to the princesses in this condition, not if there’s a chance we could know the truth first.”

“But Applejack, we have to-“

“We have to make sure he’s alive and well first and foremost, regardless of who he is,” Applejack stomps her hooves. “I need to know more before we send him to Canterlot.”

“I actually agree with that,” Pinkie chimes in and Fluttershy looks to her in surprise.

“You do?”

“Yeah, seems like some good character development waiting to happen,” she smiles. “Also, he was saying something about clones back in Daring Do’s cottage…I kind of want to know more about that.”

“Oh…well he does need to be cared for,” Fluttershy relents.

“Excatly. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna haul him to Sweet Apple Acres, care for him, then question him without letting Twi and the others know,” Applejack schemes.

Fluttershy gasps, but Pinkie seems into it.

“Oooh, sounds all secret spyish, I love it!”

“Why can’t the others know?” Fluttershy questions.

“Because they’ll go to the princesses immediately. Right now they’re handling Flash and Daring Do, so it’s gotta be us gals. Besides, it’s a long shot, but my Granny might be able to shed some light on this fella. So are ya with me?”

“Sure! Sounds like fun!” Pinkie bounces.

“Well…OK. Just so long as we save him from himself, I’m in,” Fluttershy nods with conviction.

“Alright then, let’s get to it…”

In The World of Humans

POV Change: Bugze

Do you have the nagging suspicion that terrible things are happening back in Equestria? Selena asks as she shivers in dread.

All the time, you nod. Really I’d worry more about it if terrible things weren’t happening here too.

They could be worse, Sombra points out.

Oh, so now you’re an optimist? Anyway, shush, I’m almost done.

“And then she flew off into the air, talking about science experiments and stuff, and that’s the last we’ve seen of her, aside from the vandalized houses from a bunch of kids from Crystal Prep,” you finish up your explanation of that night’s events, sitting at Human Sombra’s kitchen table.

It’s been a few days since the Fazbear incident, and you and your group, along with Sunset and five of the Human Deadly 6 have had no luck in tracking down the empowered Twilight. From what the girls have said, not even her family has seen her. So, with the group split with the teens off searching in their own teams, you and B2 decided it was time to call in support with the only other magic hunters you’ve met in this world.

“So…what you’re saying is that there’s some girl, hopped up on magic, flying around somewhere in this city?” Adagio asks in awe, while Sonata and Aria look strangely excited.

“Yeah that’s the gist of it,” you nod.

It wasn’t easy getting them here, since for some reason they hadn’t been returning your calls since the night at the diner, but after Twilight’s handiwork ended up on the news, Sonata got back to you fast. And so, despite Human Sombra popping a few blood vessels, the three sisters now sit in his kitchen with you, your doppelganger and dog Spike.

“And…and you’re sure it’s magic?” asks Aria inquisitively.

“Pretty positive, I mean hell, her puppy’s talking now,” B2 chimes in.

“Hello,” Spike says with a wave and their eyes all snap to him.

“OH MY GOSH! A Talking Puppy! He’s So Cute!!!” Sonata squees before picking up the startled Spike and nuzzling his head.

“Hey! Watch It! I…I mean…This is nice,” the dog sighs as he receives many pats.

Adagio and Aria look at their sister for a moment before turning back to you.

“OK, so that is clearly magical,” Adagio says.

“Obviously,” Aria snarks and Adagio shoots her a look.

“Oh, so you called us here because you want our help in tracking that girl down then right?” Sonata asks as she sets her chin on the top of Spike’s head.

“Yes, exactly,” you smile as they’re on the uptake.

The three sisters all seem to have a nonverbal conversation before Adagio mutters to herself.

“This does sound pretty fascinating. Does this girl gaining powers have anything to do with that giant beam of magical energy we saw the other night?”

“Actually no, that was something completely different,” you admit and they go bug eyed.

“Wait, really?” Aria gapes.

“Yeah…I still don’t quite get the explanation for it,” B2 shrugs.

“It’s simple really, but it doesn’t really matter for the Twilight problem we have,” you hand wave.

“So…if that influx wasn’t the cause, then how did she get that power?” Adagio inquires.

“Oh, well, awhile back I found an artifact from these two camp counselors up north, and it turns out that the older sister was from Siren descent, so she was able to utilize that power.”

All three of them stiffen after you say that, but you continue.

“And I had it for awhile, couldn’t really use it as well, but clearly Twilight must have Siren ancestry as well since she got those wings and everything, but yeah, some feedback made Spike talkative, and here we are.”

The three of them keep look to each other before looking back to you.

“You…you keep saying Siren ancestry…” Adagio asks carefully.

“Yeah, it’s actually integral to the Siren Stones I told you I was looking for” you say simply and they still look hesitantly at you.

“Um…do you mind telling us exactly where you heard that term, and why you keep using it?” she finishes.

Oh Right, I never got to explain that to them before the light show. But how much should I reveal? I mean, B2, Humbra, Flash and practically all the Human Mane 6 know the tale, but should I bring these magic hunting teens into the mix?


Author's Note:

Everything is fine. There is no insanity unfolding in three places at once :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive-Mind,

First of all, let me say sorry for the delay. The first week I was waiting on comments, and for the second one, if you saw my blog post, you’ll know I’ve been sick for over a week. I’m better now, even thought the temperature outside is 110 plus, my temperature is back to normal. Still, sorry for everything.

But yeah, things are shaking up in Equestria with our favorite filly and old bug, and since I love being evil and leaving you on cliffhangers, we’re gonna focus on Bugze for a bit. Surely immense revelations and shake ups won’t happen to him :trollestia:

Anyway, when commenting, remember this factoid. The Sirens don’t know that it’s been a thousand years in Equestria as only a year or so has passed for them. Also, they don’t know that because of that, they are the last of their kind.

With that said, have fun guys, and I’ll try my damndest not to keep you hanging for so long again.

See You Next Chapter,
Brown Dog.

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