• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 40: Daughter of the Moon

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The massive monster roars at your smirk, but true to your name, you fire a blast of energy at it in the shape of the moon.

The orb slams into the creature’s chest and it stumbles backwards, shrieking in pain.

“Hah, poetic justice,” you smile cruelly.

“It is true,” a pony in the crowd below shouts. “The ancient mare in the moon has returned.”

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Hey! I’m not that old!” you yell at the crowd which causes them to cower and scream.

“But Nightmare Moon has been around for over a thousand years,” some mare points out.

“OK yeah, but I’m not old dang it!” you grit your teeth as you look over the frightened mass. “If anything I’m Nightmare Moon Junior!”

Some ponies, despite the danger, stop screaming and look at you weirdly as if it say 'wait what?' and you swear you here a groan from somewhere.

Rolling your eyes you say, "You will learn to love my name in time mortals!" and they cower again.

Good! Cower like the weak subjects you are mo-Whoa, where did that come from? You think as you hold a hoof to your head at your arrogant words.

Ah right, stupid amulet. Can’t be arrogant or self centered, that’s what it wants.

With that thought, you look back to the cowering ponies you scared and try to adopt a friendlier visage, despite the shadows billowing off of you.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t bad mouth them by saying I’m Mommy. It might make things even harder on her when she’s got a real body again.

“Uh, b-but if you don’t like that name you can, uh, you can call me…Shadow Eclipse!” you say combining two of your old aliases together.

“Shadow Eclipse?” asks a Hooded Offender fan boy.

“Yes! Shadow Eclipse! Daughter of the moon and protector of light!” you yell, your voice echoing across the valley. As your voice rings out, it seems as if the sun is growing dimmer just like in your name and the market goers look afraid again.

Huh? Did I unintentionally cause an eclipse while I was mono-OH CRAP!

You shoot out a blast of magic just in time to deflect the fist of the monster who has encompassed you in it’s shadow. While not a direct hit, you are still sent scrambling away through the air until you correct your flight.

“You Cheap Shotting Flank Hole! I’ll Murder Your Face!” you roar as your eyes glow even brighter.

With a flap of your wings you blast forward and introduce your back leg to it’s head.

“FALCON KICK!!!” you roar as your hoof doesn’t impact as much as you thought it would thanks to the stringy nature of it’s body, but the momentum does still carry you both backwards as the market goers start running again.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With your hoof in the thing’s face, it’s hollow eyeless sockets somehow turn to you and it lets out that creepy laugh again.

“Oh you think that’s funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about. SHADOW FALCON PUNCH!” Your forehoof, encased in the dark energies surrounding you, strikes the thing right in one of it’s sockets and it screams in pain, which releases your back hoof.

“Ha! Do you think that’s funny?! I don’t hear you laughing now!” you shout, cackling madly as you fly around a swipe from the monster.

“I don’t know what gods forsaken hole you crawled out of or what the buck that oil stuff I threw on you was, but you’re nothing!” you roar as you fire another midnight magic missile at the thing, driving it back.

“The Darkness in my heart is far stronger than whatever flows through your vines!” you say with maliciousness.

The vine monster then garbles out some sort of gibberish response, and you take offense to that.

“Don’t you dare talk back to a godess! MAGIC MISSILE!”

The projectile slams into the thing’s chest, but it is tired of you and from it’s chest several of it’s vine tendrils spring forth towards you.

“AH!” you yelp as they begin to slap and entangle you, trying to reel you in.

“Oh I Don’t Think So!”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Focusing on your horn, your magic swirls around it, but instead of a blast, it condenses into a long, purple diamond shaped blade about as long as your torso which you telekinetically use to slash the vines holding you. Groaning, the monster’s tendril stumps retreat back into it’s chest and you hold the blade aloft in a threatening gesture.

“Yeah, that’s right, I can make swords…apparently,” you say looking at the weapon floating in front of your face. It’s then that another cruel smile crosses your visage as you look at the frowning monster.

“You know, aside from some mediocre magic spells, my earth bending, and some fighting moves, I really don’t have anything that unique to myself.”

The monster doesn’t seem to care about your words and begins to swing again, but you continue your monologue.

“I mean, Daddy and Mommy have the Nightmare Cloak, Sombra’s got crystal bending and mind control, so I think it’s about time I get something fun…”

Concentrating on your magic, you just will what happens next to happen, and it does as your sword replicates into nine.

There’s three on each side of you, and then three more tiny ones embedded on the back of your neck. As the thing’s hand reaches you take a deep breath.

"Dancing Blades!" You shout out, as the blades fly fast towards its hand, moving like a saw. Controlling it with a combination of your earth bending and your horn, you sever through the monsters “fingers”

As it roars out you continually slash away with your new technique.

Hmm, you think as you get the hang of it and note your weaknesses. It seems that the further from me they get, the slower they become, and trying to control them individually is tough.

The monster’s claws regrow, and it shouts out hardened projectile vines at you and you smirk.

But this thing is dumb, so simplicity for the win.

Whirling them like a chainsaw on steroids, the projectiles are mulched, but then you see maybe the monster is a bit more clever than you thought as some of it’s foot vines have reached around you and are coming for a back strike while you were “distracted.”

Bringing you blades around you like a shield, you cry out,

"Bladesurge!" as you jump forward, grabbing one of the swords, and slice the vine in half before it has a chance to do anything to you.

Chuckling at the sight of the vine cut into two pieces like a carrot, you fly menacingly towards the creature once more as your blades slowly rotate around you like gears on a clock.

“You see what happens when you let me out of the bag Daddy?” you say menacingly and with heat as your necklace glows briefly. “We all get to have fun…”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Seemingly sensing your cruel intentions, the thing raises it’s claws to it’s face as a mist emenates from it’s flytrap like digits directly into it’s sockets.

“What the-?” you begin before the monster gives a gleeful roar it’s eye sockets begin to glow red right before it fires laser beams directly at you.

“OH COME ON!” You roar as you dodge the heated beams. “Fricken Laser Beams?! REALLY!?!”

Even as you dodge the projectiles though, you suddenly feel a hot impact on your back.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you cry out in pain as you crash to the earth, creating a crater. Shaking your head you look up at the towering laughing monstrosity as your back smarts something fierce.

“That gorramned cheater! You can’t curve laser beams like that!” you yell as your teeth grit when suddenly you subdue your anger into a low burn.
“How annoying of you…” you say dangerously as your amulet glows intermittently and your blades dissipate.

Crawling out of the crater in determination, you fly right up to the thing’s knee.

“Shadow kick!!” you scream as you blast clean through the thing’s leg. As you land on the other side, you see that the hole you made is quickly closing up as the monster regenerates.

“Oh Buck You,” you say in frustration when you notice something.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The tendrils that you’ve severed or blasted from it are wriggling independently from the giant monster, and those vines are currently harassing the remaining market creatures.

“Grr,” you grit your teeth as you look up at the monster. “OK, two can play at the minions game!”

Not even knowing where the idea came from, you focus on the shadows that billow around you, the very essence of your immense power, and with the control granted by the amulet, you create of pool of darkness. Concentrating even further, you realize that the light is harming this pool, so without a second thought, you lower the sun bathing everything in darkness.

Not knowing how you know, you realize that this is just what you needed.

“There we go,” you smile as from out of the pool these strange, twitching imp creatures made of pure darkness with creepy glowing yellow eyes emerge. Then, after a couple dozen of them materialize, another creature emerges from the pool, but it’s different from the others.

It has on an army helmet, is made of flesh, has an Equestrian Flag as a shirt and looks like some sort of goblin.

After they emerge and the pool dissipates the shadows and imp look to you.

“Orders Master?” the imp says in a strange voice.

"Uhhh…Destroy those vine monsters and protect the creatures and ponies they're attacking!" you order.

“Yes Sir!” the imp salutes before it signals the shadow creatures to charge at the separated vines. They set about on the thorny things, and even the fly trap gas attacks don’t seem to affect them much as the Imp directs them and slashes at them with his claws.

The giant monster doesn’t seem to appreciate that as he starts to attack you again.

“What, you thought the Princess of Darkness wouldn’t have her own subjects?! Pathetic!” you cry out in arrogance as the amulet shines just a bit brighter.

Kichi’s Comment

The vine monster’s eyes then glow red again, and knowing what’s about to happen, you summon a few orbs of magic around your horn as it fires.

This time, as you dodge the lasers, you swirl the balls of energy around you which all explode as the lasers hit them instead of you.

Gritting your teeth at the heat, you once more summon your Dancing Blades as you charge the beast, but it’s gotten wiser as well and summons walls, and begins throwing stalls and other debris towards you, causing you to dodge, or slice through them.

A big stall though gets thrown against you, and even with your blades as a shield, you are knocked backwards and are covered in the wreckage.

Popping your head out of the wreckage you are about to charge at the monstrosity again, when a radio within the debris squawks out,

“Attention. The Moon and Sun are being controlled more directly now. As the night sky now fills up our afternoon, it’s clear that the tyranny of Nightmare Moon is upon us”, the reporter pony says.

“OH SHUT UP!!!” you yell at the radio as your horn glows with white hot power and suddenly, you are in front of a white haired stallion with a big moustache.

“I say again, Nightmare Moon through the Hooded Offender has…” the stallion stops dead as he notices you and goes slack jawed.

“SHUT UP WITH YOUR SLANDERING!!!” you shout with all of your hate which makes a lot of his equipment to fall over and his mane to blow back.

“AAAAHHH! Nightmare Moon Has Invaded The Station! The End Times! The End Times Have Co-“

“I SAID SHUT UP!” you roar as he falls out of his seat and his face pales of all color.

“What do you want from me?” he blubbers.

“Stop Bad Mouthing Nightmare Moon! She’s done more for this stupid world than you would ever be able to do in five lifetimes!” you growl. “If you want to blame anyone, blame the stupid Black Suns for stealing my dragon egg!”

“Black Suns? What is that? Are they another name for the Horde?” the pony ask like the reporter he is.

“I don’t bucking know, but whoever they are, I WANT MY DRAGON EGG BACK!” you yell as you blast his radio equipment into scrap causing him to shriek.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to save Rainbow Falls!”

And with that your horn lights up, your vision goes white briefly, and you are once again in the chaos of Rainbow Falls.

“I sure showed that stupid peasant!” you spit with glee. Looking across the battlefield, you see your minions doing a bang up job of hunting down the vines as the kaiju looks around from where you teleported in confusion.

“Hah, idiot,” you chuckle before spotting Grandbuggy and the rest of the Outcasts, who are still fighting against the vines your minions aren’t engaged with.

“Oh right, Grandbuggy…” you say aloud as you look down at yourself. “He must think I’ve gone insane with power or something. I’ve probably worried him or-“

“SSSSSKKKKRRRROOOONNNKKK!!!” a mechanical shout of pain fills the air. Looking to the source, you see as Greta is running away from some vines, clutching Mangle…who’s right paw has been severed and is in one of the fly trap’s mouths.

“MANGLE!!!” you cry out with all of your rage as the gem on your chest shines like a beacon and the shadows quake all around you.

Looking up at your trembling rage filled form you hear Grandbuggy mumble,

“Ah Tartarus,” as you dive bomb the monster that hurt your pet.

You all but vaporize the tendril as you crash into it, leaving yet another crater as you take Mangle’s paw out of it’s mouth and place it in your inventory.

“You Damn Vines! I’ll End You All!” you shout to the surrounding enemies as the monster in the distance hears your roar.

With your eyes glowing brighter than the sun, black flames begin to erupt around you as the surrounding vines catch flame. Rising into the air, the fire swirling around you look down on all the vines all over the market.

You can destroy them all, you have the power, your new weapon ensures that. It doesn’t matter if your shadow minions are attacking a lot of them or not, they must pay for hurting your robot fox!

Earth bending a giant chunk of rock out of the crater you made you hold it aloft your head as…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

You start to focus your dark energy, and the flames around it creating a dark sphere of flaming magic and rock.

I’ll destroy them all. I’ll…

You catch a glimpse of Grandbuggy and the other Outcasts below you and enough sanity compels you to aim for where there are no creatures or ponies, only the vines and some of your minions.

I’ll just bring them back if I need them again, you think coldly before you call out to the heavens,


And sling flaming dark energy meteorite at the vines.

The impact rocks the entire market and flames spread out, setting fire to stalls, vines, and shadow minions alike.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The release of power sends an echo across the world.

The Everfree Forest

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity all stop suddenly as a feeling of dread washes over them.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack stutters.

“Whoa, you all feel that?” asks Rainbow.

“Holy Guacamole, my tail’s going crazy,” Pinkie says.

“Is…is that the plants?” Rarity guesses glancing around.

“Or is it something else?” Fluttershy shudders at the dark feeling.

“Girls! Girls! Twilight needs help!” Spike’s voice breaks through the tension as he runs up to them.

“Ah shoot. I knew we shouldn’t have left her behind,” Applejack berates herself as the friends all gallop off to help the Princess.

Not too far away at the Tree of Harmony, the roots draining it stop briefly at the sensation, and the tree glows faintly for a bit as in two nearby cocoons, two slumbering princesses stir.

At The Crystal Empire

The Crystal Heart spins a little faster and Princess Cadence suddenly is filled with dread.

In Ponyville

Discord gets up from his floating seat and looks on in both awe and slight fear.

“Wow. I didn’t know Nightshade was that strong. Far above dear old Bugze…wherever he is in this whole mess…” As he watches the vines shudder at this display of power, even he feels a bit of guilt.

“Perhaps I let things go too far.”

Somewhere in Fillydelphia

A cloaked figure grabs a nearby rat and drains its magic leaving it weakened. However it stops when it senses an large amount of magic energy.

“Interesting…” The figure says licking their lips. “It’s similar to that wave so many months back…”

In Canterlot

Trixie shudders and begins to cry as she subconsciously touches the scar on her abdomen. She doesn’t know why she’s sad, but the tears flow freely.

In Human Land

Bugze is detailing how he and Nightshade won the derby race…when a sensation of instinct worry hits him.

You feel it too? Selena asks sounding alarmed and worried.

Yeah…Yeah I do, you think frowning.

Feel what? Somba asks a bit confused.

Parental instinct, you respond back. I have a strong feeling Nightshade’s gone and done something grounding worthy…


“Heheh, and the tables begin to turn.” DWC laughs as he looks on with glee. “Oh how I love when bad luck is shared…”

Back With You

Zapper frost’s Comment

“BURN! BURN! BURN! AHAHAHAHA!” you laugh in glee as you finally get it. The way the flames dance, the ash and smoke that fills the air, and the cries of shriveling burning monsters. You now know why Dad loves fire so much.

Kichi’s Comment

Down below, Grandbuggy and Co look at your insane laughing form and sweat nervously.

“She’s gone loco!” Ahuizolt says in horror.

“No Spit Sherclop!” Greta chastises. “That necklace must be scrambling her brains.”

“I don’t know about that,” Grandbuggy thinks nervously. “I mean, I’ve always been on good terms with flames. Her Dad, and even her Grandmother were just as partial so…maybe it’s genetic.”

“…Dude, I’m someone that’s been able to breathe fire my whole life and even I know that’s kind of messed up,” Garble says in disbelief as half the market place burns around them.

“Wait, you can breathe fire? That simplifies things,” a bubbly voice says out of nowhere.

“Hey! What are you-*BURP*” Garble is picked up by Laughing Mary who is now wearing a gas mask as she begins to use him as a flame thrower against the few vines that escaped the meteorite.

“There’s enough fire already chica!” Ahuizotl calls out to her.

“Nonesense, you heard what the scary goddess in the sky said! Burn Burn Burn!” she says before laughing merrily as she carries the confused dragon away.

“…The whole world’s going to Tartarus,” Greta sighs.

“Not yet it ain’t. We just gotta stay alive before Shade saves us to death,” Grandbuggy says as he helps up a scared mare and has her run off.

“Does she not have control Fix?” Ahuizotl asks in worry.

“In my family? Tartarus no,” he spits. “But noling’s ever been as strong as her. I’ve never pulled minions from the abyss itself,” he says pointing to the imp who is helping pull debris off a Buffalo.

Suddenly, the sound of lazer beams once more fills the sky and you are struck once more with burning pain.

“You again…Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about our play time…” you say menacingly as you dash towards the head vine monster.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

As you continue to battle the creature, the rest of the Outcasts help other ponies evacuate along with the few shadow minions that are left.

Eventually they come across another group which is comprised of the Hooded Offender and Crimson Vengeance fanboys.

“We…we…We should definitely arrest her,” says one of the Crimson Vengeance guards and everypony looks at him like he’s insane.

“You want to arrest freaking Nightmare Moon?” asks another CV fan.

“Shadow Eclipse, she’s calling herself Shadow Eclipse now,” says a HO fan.

“Whatever she’s called, she’s wanted by the government. Look at all this destruction she’s causing,” the guard points out.

“Yeah, exactly, look at what she’s causing,” another HO fan points to the many burning stalls and shadow monsters fighting on your behest. “Not exactly much we can do.”

“Really? I thought you’d be all fanboying over this,” a CV fan accuses.

“Nah man, The Hooded Offender is who I root for, this…this spawn of the Nightmare must be some new development…” he says with fear.

“Get yer keisters moving and stop debating what ifs right now ya idjits!” Grandbuggy calls to them.

“Yes stupid ponies, run and stop insulting my master!” comes a warbled voice.

They all look over and see the imp with the army helmet on, glaring at the group.

“What the heck are you anyway?” asks Ahuizotl.

“I am a servant of Darkness. Hail to she the master of it…” he praises as you uppercut the monster with a dark flaming hoof.

“So its true…she is the second coming of Nightmare Moon?” asks a Hooded Offender fan, and the Imp smiles before he starts singing,

Yeah. Watchu know 'bout Nightmare Moon, son?! Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts; No reason to scream
Your favorite Princess is back; She's walkin' up on the scene

“Oh my gods he’s rapping,” Greta says in terror.

She has been stuck on the moon, but that's no reason to fret
She's not a Nightmare no more, so buckle down and get set

“Now’s not the time for a musical number!” Grandbuggy grumbles but to no avail.

She's comin'; Gracin' her subjects. She ain't leavin' no choice
She's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian Voice

“FALCON PUNCH!” you cry out.

So cover all of your fears and stow away all your fright
The Lunar Princess is back; to bring the Nightmares Tonight

At his declaration, the remaining shadow minions begin to sing as they fight the few remaining individual vines.

She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care

With a royal farewell
And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare

The imp then starts singing again as the Outcasts and the fanboys get another group to safety.

Now little fillies, that is Nightmare’s fight
Your ruler Nightmare Moon is back to come and fill you with fright
So Hurry Now get your goodies and run for the hills
And know that these monsters will die by her will!

“DANCING BLADE!!!” you roar as you slice deep into the monster.

Get runnin' And pray above she forgives your heresy
Or she’ll come and take away your soul showing you no mercy

“Suffer you filthy bucker! SUFFER!” you cry out as you burn one of it’s claws away to a stump causing it to scream.

So run away and go hide; just keep your head out of sight
The darkness is rising again cause this is Nightmare’s fight!

And once more the minions begin chanting as they destroy the rest of the vines.

She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care
With a royal farewell And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare

As the song ends Grandbuggy just looks extremely unnerved by the whole thing.

“Holy Buck, this worship is gonna go straight to her head…”

And as Grandbuggy worriedly gets the last of the market goers to safety, you continue fighting the kaiju, despite the cuts and bruises you’ve sustained.

“I’m not weak! I can take the pain! I should have always been able to take the pain! BUCK YOU FOR ROBBING ME OF THIS DADDY!!!” you shriek as you wildly attack the monster, only to be struck once again.

“Ah! What the buck am I saying?!” you say aloud fearfully. “I’m not a crazy pony! I’m not!” you then look down at the shining amulet and grit your teeth.

I've got to end this fight soon, before the amulet gets the better of me!

You are struck once again by another fly trap limb and you are snapped out of your moment of clarity.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“GRAHHH THAT IS IT!!!” you roar as massive amounts of magic gathers into your horn. The beast turns around eyes glowing preparing to fire another laser beam.

“Shade no!” Grandbuggy yells but it’s drowned out by humming of your magic.

“SHADE YES! Burn! BURN! BURN!!!” you chant madly as your pure white eyes take on a tinge of red and the orb of power on your horn triples in size. The beast roars as it fires off it’s laser again.

STARDUST BLAST!!!” you shout in defiance and fire off your own laser.
Your attack ignites, blasting everything back and goes on a collision course for the beast’s beams. However, just as they’re about to hit they spin around your attack.

“What?!” you yell in out in shock and confusion before both beams hit their targets. Yours strikes true and blasts the creature’s upper torso apart, but the curving beams hit you right in the chest.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you scream in torment as the fur and skin on your chest burns. As it does, you hear the sound of shattering glass, and then feel multiple piercing sensations on your chest.

You drop out of the sky, smoking and in pain as the wisps of energy around you begins to dissipate.

“Nightshade!!!” Grandbuggy cries out in fear and alarm as he and the others rush to your side. “Oh gods, oh gods baby, please be alright, please be alright!” he all but sobs as he grabs ahold of your shoulders.

“Uuuuuugggghhhh,” you groan as your eyes fight to stay open.

“Oh thank goodness,” he says with tears in his eyes, his disguise falling to reveal his real changeling form.

“Did…did I beat it?” you gasp out and cringe as you feel your injuries catching up to you.

“Yeah honey, you got it. You-“

“No Bucking Way! It’s Getting Back Up!” Greta squawks in fear and you and everyone else turn to look at the plant monster.

It’s entire right arm is gone, as is most of it’s chest and it’s left “foot” and some of it’s head has been blown away, but it is leaning up on it’s remaining arm and glaring at you. The distant market goers up the mountain scream at that as it tries to stand up.

“Oh come the buck on!” Grandbuggy growls and you scowl at the thing.

“You have a lot of nerve still being alive…” you say with gritted teeth, but you feel weakened. The power is still there…but it feels different to access now.

“Master!” the imp cries as it comes to your side, along with the dozen or so remaining minions. “It’s looking pretty rough. Finish it off,” he says before he and the rest of the minions sort of dissolve into your shadow cast from all the fire.

“Seriously, who the buck are these guys?” Grandbuggy sputters in bewilderment, but with them despawned, you get just enough of a push to stand back up.
“Honey don’t-“ you ignore Grandbuggy as you stumble forward and look at the ragged looking giant.

NO MORE!” your voice booms as you raise your hoof and several large clumps of rock rise from the ground, pushing against the beast. It tries to escape, but no avail as more rocks blast against it making a prison around it.

Grunting you raise your hoof up and the rocks form into a large stone ball and lift into the sky. More and more rock increases the size of the stone prison until it looks nearly the size of Ponyville. Your eyes still blazing, but on your last limits you utter one more forceful command.


You then curl your hoof causing the entire thing to collapse in on itself reducing it to a small pebble.

All of Rainbow Falls, Grandbuggy and your friends look at you with divine awe.

“Holy Buck…” Grandbuggy says it best.

The pebble falls to the ground and you walk over to it. Glaring at the small stone you lift your hoof up and bring it down, reducing the rock to dust.

Smiling in victory, you tiredly look over at your group.

“Well…that was easy…” you sway and fall over.

“Nightshade!” is the last thing you hear before passing out

Several Hours Later

Somewhere in Equestria

Standing on a cliff, a tomb raider and his hench-stallions meet with their hooded benefactor.

“Here’s the egg now where’s my money?” Cabaleron says hoofing over the petrified treasure.

“You’ve done me a great service doctor, here is your reward,” The mare speaks as she passes a large sack of crystals over to the criminal. Cabaleron looks in the bag and widens his eyes.

“Crystals? No bits? Eh money is money, but this is more than you paid for, not that I’m complaining, but what’s the catch?” He said looking up with suspicion in his eyes.

“Think of it as a bonus upfront payment. I still require your services you see.” The figure says passing a list. “I would get them myself but I currently have my hooves full.” The Figure says.
The doctor looks over the list.

“I’m going to need a lot more for this.” Cabaleron says, looking up. “I mean ancient artifacts are my forte, but this...may attract a certain plan ruining adventurer. Also, whatever madness that happened around the forests today, business is going to be harder.”

“Fear not doctor, if you help you will be paid enough to fill a hundred dragon hordes.”
Cabaleron’s eyes turn to dollar symbols for a moment before shaking his head.

“Then I believe we have a deal.” He said with a grin.

“Yes we do.”

“Well, I suppose we’ll be off then. By the way, who are these Black Suns that I’ve been incriminating with my acquisitions?” he asks holding up one of the cards.

“I don’t know. Just a wild goose chase I guess,” the mare shrugs looking at the cards that were her “Friend’s” idea. “Whatever the case, it’ll help keep that adventurer off your back.

“…Indeed,” he nods. “Though I’ve heard she had a bit of meltdown in Canterlot, something to do with Ahuizotl…”

After that the doctor and his goons take their leave as the cloaked mare turns to the cliff and stares out to horizon, toward Rainbow Falls. Smoke can still be seen even in the dimming light.

“You were there, weren’t you?” she says aloud before baring her teeth. “That miserable changeling and his goddess, it had to be them.”
She takes a few deep breaths before she looks down, a tear slipping out of her eye.

“I’ll save you from them Sombra, I’ll free you from being their prisoner, I just have to gather enough forces first…” she then looks at the eggs in her hooves. “And I have to have the means to bring you back.”
Sniffling Radiant Hope pockets the egg and begins walking away from the cliff.

“Once I’ve saved you, we’ll free your people…and this time I will become your queen…”

At Rainbow Falls

A squadron of royal guards, along with two 9 foot tall mechanized suits of armor survey the damage to the Market Place as information is gathered.

One of the suits, painted gold and blue walks up to the white and blue one.

“What’s the news so far Sentry?” asks Shining Armor.

“The reports are…confusing sir,” Flash says from his suit. “More than half of the traders here claim that when the Vines attacked, Nightmare Moon herself appeared and used all sorts of dark magic to fight some sort of giant creature.”

Shining Armor contemplates this information and shakes his head.

“They said Nightmare Moon? Not the Hooded Offender?”

“That’s correct sir,” Flash nods his mech. “When asked for a description, they said it was a female alicorn with unimaginable power. Though after the fight had ended there are reports that a group of different creatures ran to her side, and one of them was a changeling.”

Shining looks to the craters littering the landscape and sighs.

“Sweet Celestia, that’s not good at all. I don’t know what it means, but if Bugze has somehow been able to make her flesh and blood again…”

Flash seems unnerved by that as well but something doesn’t sit right with him.

“But sir, what would be the point? Why would Nightmare Moon attack these vines that attacked all the other princesses? Why not take Canterlot?”

“I don’t know Flash. Perhaps she saw an opportunity to gain supporters,” Shining says while looking at a group of Crimson Vengeance and Hooded Offender fans who are talking to the guards.

“You really think so?” asks Flash.
“Stranger things have happened. I mean Tartarus, Blueblood was in charge of Canterlot for half a day,” he shudders.

“Yeah I heard,” Flash shudders as well. “Hopefully it wasn’t too bad?”

“Not really. He’s not ungrounded by Celestia, but he is being allowed his dance “Royal Dance Instructor” for whatever reason. Still though he really shouldn’t have been spreading mass panic by yelling about Nightmare Moon…though maybe he was onto something.” Shaking his head Shining looks back at the field. “And once again, we’re too late to try these suits out on her.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing since Strong Head refused to leave Blueblood’s side during the whole ordeal. I think all three of us would have been needed if there was Nightmare Moon and a Kaiju” Flash says.

“Perhaps,” Shining shrugs. “But I think that we’ll be facing her soon enough.”

“Captain!” a guard runs up to the two mechs.

“What is it private?” asks Shining.

“We have a possible lead on where that changeling went after the battle.”

“Speak up then private,” he orders and the stallion nods.

“After the battle when Nightmare Moon disappeared, a changeling and a number of mismatched creatures left in a covered wagon heading North.”

Frowning at that, Shining looks to Flash.

“Sentry if no other leads are gathered, I want you to look into this personally. If you find her and…and if you find Bugze, then try to subdue them, but if you can’t pick up the trail, then report back to Canterlot.”

“Yes sir!” the mech salutes.

Meanwhile 10 Miles Outside of Rainbow Falls

A group of cloaked individuals stand around a container, which holds an angry looking black claw made of vines.

“Well this was an interesting development.” One figure says as they close the box.

“Yes, it was,” Another says with a cold tone. “Good thing we got a sample before the Elements of Harmony wiped all the plants off the face of Equus.”

“Yeah, this should come in handy, if you pardon the pun, but thank goodness we got out of there before the feds showed up” a third one says looking at the box.

“But most of all, after months of absence, the Hooded Offender finally shows himself again,” the first one says sounding happy.

“Well the boss is gonna be happy about that. He was starting to worry he wouldn’t be able to heed the call when everything goes down,” the third one agrees..

“At least something will. What the heck was up with that News Cast broadcasting our name during the panic? We haven’t gone public yet,” the second one spits.

“Well obviously there’s a leak, so we gotta be more careful,” the third one suggests before looking at the horizon. “Just wish we’d have been her even sooner. There’s no telling which way the Offender went.”

“Yeah, and the boss is definitely gonna want tabs if we can find him.”

Suddenly from the top of Rainbow Falls, a golden and blue mech flies north.

“…Do you think the guards found a lead?” asks the third one.

“Well if it’s just Sentry going, then maybe…” number one muses.

“Well, he is by himself right?” the second one asks coldly. “If he’s found a lead, then so have we, but if not then maybe we can scrap more toys off the feds for the Boss’s toy.”

The other two look at each other in debate before looking back to number two.

“If you want to tail the guard we’ll pass the info and the claw on up to the higher ups,” number three says.

“Excellent,” the blue unicorn stallion with pale blue eyes says maliciously. “I’m already there.”

Some Time Later

“Ugh...” you groan as your eyelids barely open and you look around. You’re on a bed in a small room of some kind and a small blue lantern lights the room on a nearby nightstand.

Turning your head you see a small window and through it you notice that it is night out…and the trees are moving.

“Just…stay down,” you groan as you try to take a defensive stance, but the effort causes you to groan and slump back in pain. You’re everything hurts and moving anything aside from your head is torture., From outside of your room you hear muffled voices. You can’t make out what they’re saying, but you could recognize Grandbuggy’s gravelly voice anywhere. Sighing you look back out the window and realize that the trees aren’t moving, you are.

“I guess I’m in a carriage, like Trixie’s,” you muse faintly remembering the few times you weren’t sleeping in Daddy’s Inventory. Instead of magical supplies and hammocks though, there are instead several knick knacks all over. You see masks, gems, necklaces, several books, a map with several X’s on it, and countless other oddities, but the act of looking is exhausting. You close your eyes again and drift off.

Even More Time Later

You are woken by the sound of birds chirping and the rays of the sun creeping into the room.

“Ugh, stupid sunshine,” you grumble and groan as you try to get up again, this time with mild success.

“Well, get used to it sweetheart, it happens every morning,” Grandbuggy’s voice says from the foot of your bed. In your bleary eyed awakening, you didn’t notice him at first.

“Grandbuggy?” you say as you rub your eyes.

“The one and only,” he smirks trying to sound arrogant, but he looks tired and sad. “Good morning Nightshade…you alright?”

“Yeah…” you grunt. “Just a bit sore. Where are we?”

“We’re in the Merchant’s travel cart. He helped us get out before the guards arrived,” he says with a sigh.

“G-Guards?” you ask hesitantly.

“Ayup,” he nods. “Can’t go causing a scene like that and not attract their attention…” he says looking down.

Flashes of your fight, of what you said, how you felt…the power come to you and you gasp.

“Shade...where did you get the Alicorn Amulet from?” he asks tiredly.

“I...I-I” you begin, but you can’t find the words as guilt eats at you. Your eyes begin to fill with water before the dam bursts and you begin sobbing. Sighing, Grabdbuggy walks to your side of the bed and pulls you into a hug, and you bury your muzzle into his shoulder.

“Shh ahh it’s ok, let it out. Let it all out girl,” He whispers stroking your mane.

“I’m sorry, *hic* I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to, *hic* but the plant had you, and they just kept coming and I... *hic* I’m sorry,” you weep.

“It’s alright now, the plants are gone. You saw fit to that,” he says soothingly.

“I know *hic* But I was crazy and…I didn’t mean to make you mad,” you sob.

“I’m not mad, I’m just worried. You had me scared there for a minute. You had all of us scared what with the fire and all. You’re definitely your father’s daughter,” he says with a chuckle as he lifts your chin up and wipes a tear from your cheek.

“I’ll never be mad at you for defending yourself and others Nightshade…but using the Alicorn Amulet,” he shakes his head at that. “You know first hoof how dangerous it is.”

You nod at that, feeling immense disappointment in yourself.

“Though the old adage goes, desperate times call for desperate measures…but for that thing to just randomly be at that marketplace when it was supposed to be with that Zebra gal…something stinks about it.”

You nod your head at that. You wouldn’t even have the stupid thing if it weren’t for Daddy’s “Friend.”

“So honey, I need to know. Where did ya find that thing?”

Letting out a sigh, you go on to explain what happened. The scroll that you didn’t pick up from Daddy’s friend, though you summarize what it said and how the amulet was with it and how you used it to become uber magical. When asked how often this friend wrote to Daddy, you said it was random, and you’ve never met him.

“That’s…troubling,” Grandbuggy says with a frown as he looks off in thought.

“I know, if he was really our friend, he’d have introduced himself a long time ago,” you add.

…It couldn’t be. The herald?” Grandbuggy mumbles to himself.

“Huh? What was that?” you say not quite hearing him.

“N-nothing honey, just thinking out loud,” he reassures.

“Oh…ok then,” you say a little suspicious, but you let it go for now.

“Well in the future, hopefully we won’t be in a situation where we need this “friend”” Grandbuggy says patting your shoulder and you wince.

“Oh sorry honey. Guess it is hard to tell where you’re still hurt,” he says pointing down at your body. Aside from your head, literally every part of your body is covered in bandages.

“Whoa, was I bleeding that much?” you ask.

“Nah, but my limited medical knowledge is ‘bandages solve everything,’ so better safe than sorry,” he shrugs.

Rolling your eyes at that, you attempt to sit up and he helps you.

“Oh gosh I can’t believe I feel so weak,” you complain.

“Well, two days ago you were moving Celestial bodies and outpouring so much mana it’d make the Princesses jealous,” he chuckles before stopping. “Though maybe we should leave out your little demon minions next time, that’s gonna be super tough to explain to your dad.”

“Two days?” you say in shock ignoring the comment about your minions. “I’ve been asleep that long?”

“Well Shade, you jumped on a bike without even learning how to ride. Ya didn’t even have any training wheels. In the future you might be able to do that without a second thought, but you took a cheat sheet with that amulet.”

“Oh…I guess that makes sense,” you nod.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Still, that fighting move I came up with was awesome right? Crazy or no crazy?”

“Well…it was certainly something,” Grandbuggy says with a small smile and you feel a little better and get to your hooves.

“Though Dancing Blades on anything other than evil plant monsters might be a bit dangerous…maybe I’ll turn it into Dancing Shields or something in the future.”

“Heh heh, don’t go planning fights now little filly. We’re heading to the Dragon Lands and the last thing you want to do is pick a fight with a dragon,” he says as he opens the door.

“But I literally use to do that all the time, that’s why Garble was my rival or whatever,” you point out.

“I’m talking about real dragons shade, not your rival and not your drake friend.”

“He’s not my…ugh, I’m too tired to argue,” you pout as he chuckles and leads you outside.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you both exit the carriage, you see the others of your group. Ahuizotl is keeping watch, Greta and the merchant are cooking breakfast, and surprisingly Garble is there too, lighting a campfire.

“Oh, she’s finally awake,” Greta says causing everyling to look over.

They stare at you, you stare at them…and unlike your dad you don’t let that go too far.

“H-Hi guys,” you wave. “Sorry if I scared you or anything.”

“Scared us? Chica, I’m still frightened of you,” Ahuizotl shudders. “Though I do appreciate not being digested so thank you.”

The others echo similar sentiments.

“Yeah, uh…how long do ponies usual live for?” Garble asks. “Because I think I need to be fully grown in order to beat you…”

“Heh heh heh, that’ll be the day,” the merchant chuckles causing the dragon to scowl.

“Yeah…by the way, why are you two following us?” you ask. “Not that I’m not grateful for the bed while I was passed out but…”

“Oh, well I didn’t want to stick around when the guards showed up. Got quite a collection of odds and ends that isn’t necessarily…legal,” the Merchant chuckles.

“And I’m coming because as powerful as you are, I’m still your rival. Maybe if I train with you, I can one day surpass you,” Garble boasts.

“Right…well, thanks for not abandoning us after I went…kind of crazy,” you say sheepishly.

“Eh, no sweat kid. I still think it was kind of awesome.” As she says that, Mangle runs from out from under Greta and hugs you.

“Oof, easy there girl I’m still a bit-Mangle! Your paw is back!” you say happily as your robot hugs you with both arms.

“Yeah, Mr. Creepy here fixed her up while you were sleeping,” she says pointing to the Merchant.

“Oh My Gosh, thank you!” you say in all sincerity.

“Ah, no problem at all,” he hoof waves as you pet your restored pet. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t help you with your real problem.”

“Huh? My real problem?” you ask confused and Grandbuggy grits his teeth at the Merchant.

“Oh…sorry, I thought he told you already.”

“Told me what Grandbuggy?” you say worriedly. He looks at you and sighs.

“I was hoping to get some breakfast in ya before I broke the news…it’s about the Alicorn Amulet Shade.”

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to use it again,” you reassure before a thought comes to you.

“Say, where is it anyway? Did I take it off before I passed out?”

The others all look at each other nervously but don’t say anything and you get a bit more nervous.

“No Shade…that’s the problem. I don’t know if you can," he says tiredly.

“Wh-what do you mean? I’m not wearing it right now,” you say pointing to your neck.

“You’re not wearing it true…but that doesn’t mean it ain’t on ya,” Grandbuggy says biting his lip and pointing to your bandages on your chest.

Confused and even a bit scared you tear at the bandages on your battered chest…and see several shards of red, black and grey crystal embedded into the upper right portion of your chest skin.

Your mouth agape you look up from the shards, to the others and back as you try to dig them out of your skin…but to no avail.

“Oh Buck You Lady Luck!” you shout.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment



You feel another tick of annoyance as some instinct deep within you knows that Nightshade is upset…but there’s really nothing you can do right now as you finish up yet another tale to the Humie girls about Nightshade.

You didn’t exactly tell the whole story. You left out details about the Otherworld, killing Flag Burner, eating Sombra and the more sociopathic sides of you before you and Selena found equilibrium. Really all you’ve told them is lots about Nightshade and how much you love her and how you’ve defended her hoof and tail. You also don’t bring up just how much Princess Twilight, there friend, hates you or that the former Mare in the Moon is in your head.

Still, they get the gist of your tale, that Sunset is your only hope of getting your daughter back, Equestria isn’t really kind to you, how you’re (kind of/sometimes) on good terms with their doppelgangers and how finding the magical Siren Stones is the only way to help someone you care for.

“And so that brings us here,” you conclude. Looking at all the girls and Flash, you read their reactions.

Human Fluttershy seems a bit unnerved about all your past exploits and fighting, Rarity you’re not sure if she heard the tale or is still judging you and B2’s clothes, Pinkie Pie of course has been interested from the get go, Flash just seems flabbergasted and Sunset seems confused about the Equestria she left behind.

Human Rainbow Dash and Applejack however seem to suddenly be your biggest fans.

“Dude, you’ve got to teach me some of your fighting moves,” Rainbow begs.

“Boy howdy you do,” AJ agrees. “I’m quite protective of my own family, so I can appreciate your plight pardner.”

Out of the corner of your eye, you see B2 flinch at that, but you ignore it for now since you’re taken aback by this turn of events.

Huh, I guess humans just love violence a lot more than ponies.

Not all of them it seems, Selena muses.

And that’s quite derogatory to think, Sombra chides.

True, but if it was gonna be anyling, of course it’d be Dash and Applejack’s dopplegangers. Still, it’s weird them being all friendly like this instead of beating me or trying to get me to marry them. There’s literally no middle ground with their real versions.

“And dude, I can’t believe that you’re actually the Hooded Offender,” Rainbow Dash says looking at B2 with sparkles in her eyes.

“I’ve been getting that a lot lately,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.

“Seriously dude, I know how to do the solo to Burn the Flag! Please tell me the comeback tour is actually happening and not just a misunderstanding due to pony world crises?”

“Uh…that remains to be seen,” he says.

“Yeah, you can worry about that later,” you interrupt. “What matters now is that you humies have to turn Sunset into a nice, happy go lucky friendly human so that I can go home. Do you think you can handle it?”

The high school girls all look at each other and mumble a few things while you, B2, Sunset and Flash await their response.

Stuffing your face with another donut, you get a text from Human Twilight Sparkle, and she seems to be upset about something.

Hmmm…Probably about B2 ditching Human Cadence. Should I introduce her to the others to complete the whole Deadly Set? It is late...


Author's Note:

Ah, back to boring human problems after all that excitement.

Hey Hive Mind,

I know, quite a cliffhanger for our dear little filly, but we’ll get back to her in due time. And hey, she’ll be in the dragon lands when we see her next, I bet nothing insane will happen there…:pinkiecrazy:

But yeah, thanks to all of those that made a kick ass fight this chapter. I’ve always said that Nightshade is the strongest player on the board, and we finally got to witness that truth.

Now, back to Bugze as he builds potential allies and suffers being in the body of a little filly’s dream toy.

Have fun, and I’ll see you next chapter,

Brown Dog.

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