• Published 19th Sep 2017
  • 532 Views, 0 Comments

Mlp Fim: Reborn and Retold - Lux Tenebris

Throwing in a stallion into the mix of the main six is a sure way to stir things up. Said stallion being the brother of the god of chaos and holding power over time and space is a recipy for disaster.

  • ...

Chapter Two: End of Chaos

Locus was woken up by the sun knocking on his door, the great ball of burning gas being around his own size as it kept up a constant knocking. The colt finally couldn't stand it anymore and got up from his bed at the end of the room, grumbling to himself.

He walked across the big room, having his bed at the end of the round room with something Discord called a TV next to the door with a couch in front of it. He had a pool next to his bed and the roof was covered with the night sky, quite literally, the actual night sky was "painted" on his ceiling.

As Locus opened the door the celestial ball of light nodded before it rose a few meters of the ground and stayed there. The colt tried to fly up to it yet realized it was now far far away up in space, the perspective once again changing and tricking him like usual, the draconequus having awoken him with a new way once again.

The young alicorn knew that Discord was up and about, not needing to sleep (or not wanting to sleep) as much as he did. Locus often heard from the crazy creature that he was more lazy than a dragon with a cellphone and tupla, not that he knew what either of those things was.

The son of time and space grabbed the gummy-worm that flouted outside his door, it being his breakfast. It tasted a bit like cheese and ham. He didn't know what ham was except that Discord had said he couldn't eat it and that all cats in the world worshiped an idol made of the stuff.

The boy had gotten used to the chaotic land he lived in by now, alongside his fun and creative brother. His small cottage (even if the inside was bigger than the outside) and a small patch of land around it was the only thing that was not touched by the chaos in the sense that his floor was not made of jello and his bed hadn't come alive yet.

As Locus thought over everything he noticed the marks Discord had made on a stone slab for him to keep track of the days he had been with him since the rift separated him from his parents. It had been a little over two years since it happened, making the seven year old doubt that they would come back for him.

He knew that something had gone two years ago, his mother's fear filled scream still fresh in his mind. The colt hoped that one day they would find a way back, he could show them he had a brother now! How much the god of chaos had helped him and cared for him.

Locus remembered how Discord had given him a silver crown on his sixth birthday, how he knew when the time the alicorn had been born was confusing but as Discord had grabbed a big flower with a plastic bee on it and started to tell a tale of an egg with dreams of becoming a real chicken he stopped questioning it.

The boy loved his crown, the headgear meant to collect mana from the air so casting spells would be easier, something Discord showed during his classes. Though calling a thing that you allowed to blow up mountains and only eat candy for an entire day class was probably the wrong thing to do.

He was snapped out of his more boring thoughts as a melon bird gave him a message in the form of a song coming from it's beak, the sound mimicking Discord but if the chaos spirit had been a guitar. It was rather fascinating to not understand a thing from the bird before suddenly Discord's head popped up from the bird's beak, making him yelp with fear (even if he should have been used to it by now).

"Good morning Locus! I have such a fun day planned for us! I made a canoe out of a squirrel!" Discord said and turned Locus head to the weird sight of a canoe with fur on all its sides and at one end having a neck and a head, said head eating on a few nuts the chaos spirit had flouting ahead of it.

"Is it ok?" The colt said and the draconequus waved his lion paw at him, obviously finding it s ridiculous question.

"Of course it is ok! I would never injure an innocent animal" Disord said and a lemon bird exploded into a pile of candy in the background.

"Intentionally" He added with a sheepish smile and the pile turned into a dog made out of kool-aid.

It was not the weirdest thing Locus had seen and he jumped into the rear of the canoe, Discord popping into existence in front of him dressed in and adventuress hat and a red shirt. His brother always looked rather silly but then gain, why wouldn't the coolest and most fun brother in the world not look silly and funny.

Locus snapped out of his thoughts as his eyes open wide and his mouth hand open in wonder. As they traveled down the chocolate river they came upon a patch of woods that rose up on both sides of the river, yet this was no normal chaotic forest with rock trees that had singing blueberries for roots and cats for leaves.

What laid ahead was a forest where every last tree had a unique coloration and flavor. They were all made out of pure candy! Candy canes for branches, cotton candy for leaves and a trunk that was made out of many different candy pieces that melted together to create one structure.

Locus knew that the trees were more for him than actually being part of the forest, he knew this mainly because it was to orderly for Discord and it just seemed like a pure gift. Not that the colt would reject the candy forest, it was a gift after all, a gift he would not refuse.

With a excited neigh he jumped up into the air and hovered with his wings as he ate from the cotton candy leaves, Discord singing on some weird language as the squirrel canoe slowly drifted down the river and pass the candy trees. This had to be the best boat trip in history!

While the two brothers slowly made their way down the river the young pony soon stopped eating on the trees, more impressed by the lavish creations that seemed to hide away among the cotton trees. He could see a house made out of poison joke, a strange creature that stood on two legs with it's head and feet made out of bricks and a pony statue that was dancing on smaller statue that was dancing on a smaller statue that was dancing on a smaller statue. It never ended with statues!

"I call it "a forest of a million licks" as it would take around that many licks to reach the center of a candy tree" The dracoonequs said and snapped his paws, the canoe suddenly lifting into the air.

The colt was in awe at the view while the squirel canoe screamed in terror, only for discord to give the creature a few acorns. As they soared across the sky Locus could only hope that days like these would never end, or at least that his parents would return to see them.

A few hours after Discord had showed Locus the candy woods the colt was flying around the chaotic landscape. He had one goal in mind, the tear in time and space that Discord had built a white tower around. A tower that as far Locus knew no one could enter.

The young pony landed and looked at the white structure, the thing standing out in the kingdom of chaos by not being weird or "Discord-ian" in any way. But then again it might also been part of the chaos, a normal thing, mixed in with the mad landscape around it.

Locus flew up to the flat top of the tower, the white structure bearing the shape of a cylinder built with marble. It was seemingly just a dense white pillar in the middle of nowhere and it held nothing special but a half circle of runes at the bottom of itself which one could say looked like a door.

Whatever magic had constructed that half ring of runes was neither his parents magic, chaos magic or light magic the rest of the races liked to use. So what had made it? It had to have been something strong or the runes would activate from the amount of mana the tear was expelling out into the mad landscape.

With what magic classes Locus's parents had forced him to have he knew that runes were not limited to one type of magic, being able to be created by any type of magic, being infused with that magic's typical kind of power. This was all he knew however, the kittens of doom having made it impossible to hear the rest of what his mother had said with their constant meowing.

The colt didn't know how to open the door (or what he assumed was a door) so he tried other things, one being to try to create a hole in space-time as his parents had done before him. The only problem was his own inexperience about the subject and the chaos magic in the air.

The first tear he tried to create exploded in a shock-wave of puppies, sending him screaming over the trees surrounded by a fluffy ball of barking and biting. The second at attempt had to be made once Discord was actually sleeping as the lord of chaos had not been happy with his little brother creating more things to feed.

The second try went a little better, only ending with creating a tiny pocket dimension where only one mouth existed that was consonantly smiling. Deciding to have non of that the colt had locked the weird creepy smile behind using a bolder to hide away the hole in reality that led to the creepy mouth.

The third try resulted in a tear, but not a tear that really led anywhere as the hole in reality bore a blue edge and just held a black nothingness inside itself. The colt was getting annoyed by his continued failures and he decided to attempt a fourth time only for Discord to find him and scold him.

Locus waited two weeks after that, just enjoying playtime and history lessons with his older brother. Discord taught him about the the tribal zebra land to the north he didn't care to conquer, feeling like the land they had was enough to play around with.

When Locus had asked about other ponies like him the dracoonequs had thought long and hard, moonwalking in the air as he threw his brain around to shake up memories within it. How he had removed his brain from his head in the first place bothered the colt but he did not wanna annoy Discord so he sat there and waited for an answer.

"I have seen two like you and your parents a long time ago. One claimed to hold power over creation and the other over the soul" The god of chaos started.

"The mare's name was Faust, she claimed to have been born to the mistress of all, destiny, to overlook the harmony of all things and the natural order" The dracoonequs told Locus, continuing their history lesson.

"The stallion she always carried with her was named Aorum, created by destiny to help Faust. He was given command over the soul and because of that he could always get anyone to do his bidding or follow his order. A rather annoying ability I might add" Discord muttered the last part.

"This Alicorn power couple created the very planet we now stand on, and then they created the rest of the inhabitants here in Equs" Discord said and the colt looked at him in awe as his mind made up images of two alicorns creating a planet.

"So they created you as well?" He asked the god of chaos who started to laugh.

"Created me? Oh no dear child, I was made to cont-react destiny. There has to be chaos for there to be harmony you see, which is fine by me, it means that I can do whatever I want really" Discord grinned and snapped his talons, the mountain in the distance exploding into a wave of worms that grew angel wings.

The colt was confused at first before just accepting that the mountain had something to do with winged worms, that or he had to learn that there was no pattern to his big brother's madness, something that gave the child a big headache if it was all truly nonsensical.

"Can you create a planet too then?" Locus asked Discord who sat down on his throne (the thing just being there all of a sudden) and placed his lion paw on his chin in thought.

"Possibly, but I don't want the responsibility that comes with managing a planet, nor creating a magic seal on the sun and the moon" The dracoonequs stated and the colt looked confused.

"Magic seal?.." He questioned only for Discord to pull out a large lollipop and giving it to him, the young pony making an excited horse noise before running off with the lollipop twice his size, determined to keep if for himself and away from any of the candy creatures liquorice tongues.

Having distracted Locus from his question Discord went back to making his landscape dance under his gaze, the entire land becoming a blur of colours and sounds as what seemed like a nationwide festival was started for his own chaotic inhabitants.

It was to weeks after Discords small history lesson that Locus once again tried to get into the white tower in an attempt to figure out anything about his parents. He tried once again to call for his special magic and he focused on the empty spot in front of his head, steam rising from his horn as both his eyes glowed brightly.

At first it seemed to bring no result, the only thing happened being a swirl of dust and dirt being created in front of him. Yet the more power he put into the spell his mother had taught him the faster the dust particles and dirt swirled, a little black ball in the middle of the swirling mass slowly being created.

With a big surge of magical energy directed at the ball it expanded to a tear, the hole in time and space seemingly just being a dead end until he could see something on the other side of the tear, a white staircase surrounded by smooth white walls that formed into a cylinder in shape.

'The tower!' Locus thought and tried to expand the tear that was in front of him, barely big enough to fit his head. Yet something went horribly wrong, similarly to when his mother and father had tried to open a rift in the land of chaos two years prior.

Where the first led was decided by Locus wish, meaning it could take him to any place he wanted to, which was shown with the other side of the rift showing the destination the traveler would like to visit. Yet where he once could see the insides of the rather plain white tower there was now only darkness.

He was confused at first before the rift suddenly exploded with magical energy, sending a bright red beam up into the air that seemed to be constructed of pure mana. The shock-wave of the explosion sent the colt backwards into the sir, screaming for help as his body was familiarly paralyzed.

Locus landed with a grunt and he groaned in pain, looking at the black ball that now started to spin, the dirt, dust and rocks along with candy on the ground started to built up an impressive swirl that then just got sucked into the tear, suddenly the black ball sucking in anything loose in its close vicinity.

Just as the colt started to being able to move his limbs once again the tear started to pull on him, Locus giving off a shriek of fear as he was pulled towards the black ball that only grew in size. He called out for help as he was suddenly picked up into the air, flying towards the tear he had made.

The thing saving him from being sucked into the black ball was Discord suddenly grabbing hold of his right back leg, the dracoonequs holding an umbrella with his talons to not being sucked into the tear himself, how that worked Locus wouldn't even question.

The chimera growled and with all his strength, both magical and physical, he yanked Locus away from the tear and dropped the umbrella, flying towards the black hovering ball that was the size of a small bolder. White lightning crackled around his paw and talon and he let it lash out onto the tear, the thing exploding the same second the lightning made contact with it.

The explosion sent Discord back, hitting the ground with a grunt as the weird magic that had opened the tear paralyzed him as well for a second. After laying on the ground for a moment he got up and looked around, making sure that the tear was completely gone before he looked at the colt with a snarl.

"I told you how dangerous it was when it came to mixing chaos magic with your magic! Yet you tried it again! You could have really hurt yourself Locus!" Discord growled and the colt bowed his head in shame.

"I'm sorry big brother.." The colt said with his ears down and Discord looked at him before sighing, dropping the scowl that was on his face.

"Why would you do that? I warned you about what could happen Locus! I thought you understood how dangerous it was!" The dracoonequs said, sounding sad and stressed.

"I just wanted to see them again.." Locus mumbled to Discord who stopped in his scolding and he looked sadly at his younger brother.

"I miss them so much.." The colt said and started to sob, letting all the sadness over loosing his parents over Discord.

The god of chaos frowned as Locus started to cry, unsure on how to handle a child this sad. He had never even seen the kid this distraught before and he didn't even understand why Locus hadn't just told him about the situation before it had led up to this. But then again, he was always trying to make the kid smile, perhaps he hadn't noticed when Locus was frowning.

Doing the only thing he knew could help Discord picked up the colt and hugged him, letting the ball of white fur and feathers in his arms cry out all his pain. They just stood there for a while before Locus finally calmed down and Discord let him down on the ground.

"Sorry.." The colt mumbled again and the dracoonequs just brushed it off.

"You have nothing to apologize for" Discord smiled and walked away from the tower.

"Just make sure you don't do that in the future" The god said before looking at the sky, as he was starting to lower the sun he noticed how he suddenly loosed his grip on it, the thing lowering by itself. This made the king of all things chaos very confused, mostly because it was his job to look cool and have all the magical power, so who else was showing off with lowering the sun?

The dracoonequs just ignored it, if some other divine creature wanted to show of then he could be Discord's guests, he just wanted to make sure Locus was happy and would nor try to open up another rift. He hoped that he could keep the colt happy now when he realized just how easily Locus hid his feelings from him. He needed to step up his game.

~~Many miles from there~~

Celestia's horn glowed a bright gold as she let the sun set beyond the horizon, her magic having felt another tug on the celestial body earlier that had confused her. Yet the alicorn mare let it go, assuming it was just the strange chaotic landscape's doing.

She looked around at the ever chaining land and shuddered, wondering what evil twisted thing could take such a beautiful country and turn it into this chaotic mess. The mare hoped that she and her sister could rid these lands of this horrible curse soon, the pony tribes having barely survived their journey to this land they had named Equestria.

The first valleys they had found had been unaffected by the strangeness and it had shown sings of promise for the rest of the land. That was before they had seen the twisted landscape before them, being met by hostility by the local weird wildlife and trees.

Celestia had seen the creature she thought was behind it from a distance, it's body made up from many different animal parts. She had seen it command the land like it was it's playground, it's hollow chuckle having made her feel fear for the ponies that she and her sister now protected.

The alicorn had brought Luna to speak with the creature a few days after they had discovered the land and she hoped that she could at first come to some sort of terms with the creature. Of course she also expected it to try to eat them so her hopes for negotiations were not high.

"Stop the chaos? You must understand that this is a piece of art my dear dear children. It's the bubble rapper being popped, the perfectly cut cake, the sensation of unlocking a chest with obscenely amounts of gold within it. I couldn't stop this chaos if I so wanted to. I am Discord, god of chaos, it's kind of my thing" The creature had told her and her younger sister before growling at them.

"Now. Leave" He had hissed and turned away from them both, making Celestia mad and annoyed that this divine creature was denying the poor ponies entry and stability on this land.

She first took a step towards him only for the ground to rise up and push her backwards, a blast of magic sending the lunar mare the same direction. The chaos spirit just looked at the two, making sure they got his message before turning back to his chaos.

The two Alicorns left the chaos spirit behind and they followed something strange within the strangeness, a feeling of peace and harmony in the middle of a forest made out of candy. They both unfolded their wings and flew towards the woods, looking at the canyon that laid in the middle of it.

"This feels weird sister, this place is special and I'm unsure if we should disturb it or not" The lunar mare said to her older sister who ignored her warning and landed, walking into a cave that held a weird glow to it's opening. The magic that came off from the place was very mixed. They could feel some of the strangeness but not all of it, and mixed in with it was all from light magic to dark magic.

"This has to be the place Starswirl talked about Luna! This has to be home for the elements!" Celestia said with a big smile.

The old wizard had talked about a place where the elements of harmony, old relics from a bygone age, had been stored using a crystal tree. These artifacts was said to hold some power from Faust herself, from their mother, and that it gave the users the ability to bring balance to the world around them.

The celestial mare knew that it had to have been their mother and father that had made these powerful artifacts for them, it had to that way. The only reason their old mentor had known about these elements were because Faust had told him so. Yet that also meant their mother must have planted them into this land knowing it would grow chaotic and unruly. They had put them here to cleanse away the strangeness.

Celestia now looked upon this tree and her sister walked up to the crystalline structure, each branch holding a mark which represented one of the elements. With this power they could make the land normal again! They could give the ponies the land they had asked for!

"We will use these relics to force Discord to change the country back to how it was supposed to be. He will have to bow down for the power of our mother" Celestia said and lit her horn, her magic touching the middle of the crystal tree trunk and the marks in each branch opening up like flower petals.

Out from the tree came the magical gems, the elements of harmony. Celestia knew what they represented from Starswirl's mad ravings. Loyalty, laughter, kindness, honesty, generosity and magic. The parts of which the strongest bonds where built of. Yet there was not six, but seven gems that the tree gave them. This seventh gem being a bright white.

"Will these help us take down the mad chimera?" Luna asked her as she observed the three of the elements that was flying around her, the gems glowing softly from the presence of those that was supposed to use them against Discord and all other evils that came for the land of Equestria.

"We will banish him to Tartarus if we have to. The ponies needs this land and his days of playing a god is over" Celestia said and put the four elements surrounding her in the saddle bags she was carrying, hoping that they could get Discord of his throne before the day was over.

What the seventh element represented she did not know, but as it had chosen her it must work either way. She just hoped that the gem would be fully usable when one did not know it's true nature, that it would not reject them using it without knowing what it could do.

~~Back at Locus and Discord's hut~~

The colt looked at his older brother in confusion as the lord of all insane things sipped around the candy woods, bringing back black seeds in bags. Locus had no idea what those things where gonna grow once planted but their black colour seemed to hint at at it being nothing good.

"What are you gonna grow?" He asked Discord who turned to him with a strained smile.

"Just some garden plants! Some black roses and the like" The chimera said and thew some of them out on the ground, the seeds digging into the dirt like they had a mind of their own.

"Can I help you?" Locus asked with a smile and flew up to Discord's face, the dracoonequs biting his lip.

"Sadly not. You see, these are special seeds and need my magic and special care" Discord told him and the colt's ears fell.

"Oh.." He said sadly before his older brother picked him up.

"Just stay away from me and my garden today and I will give you a rabbit with a tongue made out of fire and a tail made out of a wig" The chimera stated and Locus nodded eagerly, that rabbit sounding like a very dangerous and fun toy.

With that the god of chaos zipped around his throne and planted the plunder seeds, hoping they would be enough to stop any attacks from the two divine mares. Locus safety had to be his first priority and he knew the power and arrogance of the pony tribes along with the hubris of a goddess's children.

He worked quickly to get the plunder seeds into the ground. If all went well they would grab the two the same second they stepped their hooves upon his ground again. With them captured he could convince the tribes to leave his kingdom alone and then return their two leaders.

He was unsure if blasting them earlier had been a good idea. If anything it had just made them even more determined to fight back against him and his magical hold on this land. Yet it had been his decision at the time, he needed to keep Locus away from those tribes. A male alicorn was a rare sight, even rarer one that was a decedent of two different gods.

If they knew what power Locus could command one day they would not leave without him, his power a fast lane ticket to land, power and weird pancake towers. No! They would not take him and use him for their own gain, Discord would rather die before letting that happen.

The god of chaos had taught the colt a spell to hide his wings and make his eyes look normal, a way to hide hat he truly was but for a moment from those two goddess born or the tribes. Yet it was not a perfect spell, needing constant energy and focus to keep it up. Yet he knew it was that or the other ponies taking him away.

Once Discord was sure of that his throne and all ground around it was Alicorn safe he sat down and waited, knowing that the two had to come back to him sooner then later. When he was sure the tribes would leave he would send back the two divine creatures on a paper airplane, shrinked down to cause as little harm as possible. When they all left he and hsi brother would finally be safe again.

~~Meanwhile at the ponies camp~~

As Luna walked back with her older sister next to her she was happy to know that the older mare would have her back during the coming confrontation. She hoped that these elements would keep Discord at bay long enough for them to cleanse the land from the chaotic magic.

The lunar mare sat down next to one of the many campfires in the large camp, over three hundred tents building up a miniature city in the middle of the wilderness. Her dark blue mane which seemingly held the entire night sky within it flowed in an non existent wind as she warmed up by the camp fire, enjoying the sound ponies laughing and talking whit one another.

Celestia walked away to inform the tribe leaders of what had happened during the two's little expedition and how they would cure the land from this strange magic and remove the mad chimera from his throne. Luna just wanted them to move already, defeat Discord using their mother's relics.

Yet she sat around and waited for Celestia's return, her older sister returning after some time as they both moved away from the campfire and unfolded their wings. It was time to pay Dsicord a visit and take this land for the poor and needing ponies. This land had to be a gift from Faust, otherwise she would not have placed the elements there to begin with.

~~Meanwhile in Locus' hut~~

The colt waited for his older brother to come back from the garden he was planting and he hoped that the flowers would look cool like most of Discord's creations. It might even be licourice flowers! His mouth watered at the mere thought of such a thing.

Yet the more he waited the less likely it seemed for the Dracoonequs to return in this millennium, making the young pony bored and groan in frustration. He laid on his bed like that for a long time before finally deciding to go find his older brother, rabbit with fire tongue or not. ยจ

Once he finally located his brother's throne he saw him talk with what looked like two mares, one with dark blue fur and mane while the other had white fur with a rainbow coloured mane and tail. The second mare looked ridiculous to Locus. Not that her star themes companion was any better.

He sneaked up behind his smaller throne right next to Discord's to hear and see better what was going on, his big brother making a reality breaking pun like always by suddenly holding up the rainbow coloured tail from the taller mare. He stiffled a giggle at her angry expression as she eyed the chimera god, really getting annoyed with him.

The two mares brought out seven weird looking gems which glowed weirdly, they spoke about that those things could defeat his brother. Defeat? That made him laugh a little, no one could defeat his big brother! He was invincible and the most powerful creature around.

Discord was munching away at a bag of those seeds he had planted earlier and he just laughed at the two mares serious expressions that their faces carried, still laughing as the gems started to glow and spin really really quickly around the two intruders, creating a bubble of mana around them.

As they rose into the air and a rainbow coloured beam rose into the air aimed for his big brother Locus reacted quickly, unfolding his wings and flying in front of the beams trajectory. He could see the horrified look Discord bore on his face as he reached out with his lion paw to grab Locus only for the beam to hit him first.

The colt gave of a scared shriek as the beam hit him, his vision becoming a white blur. For both Discord and two mares they could see the colt's body being hit by the beam before he was turned to a white energy, the thing quickly disappearing into the air.

Discord gave off a veil of sorrow before the beam hit him and turned him into stone, his eyes filled with horror and his lion paw reaching out. The now stone statue hit the ground with thud and the same second it did so the chaotic magic over the landscape went away, disappearing like a wave.

The two mares stood there silently for a moment and tried to not think about the colt's horrified scream before the beam had dissolved him. It had been an accident! They never wanted to hurt anyone! This was not what was supposed to have happened.

As the two just stood there the big throne and the smaller version of itself next to it disappeared and they were soon surrounded by cheering ponies who saw the stone statue of Discord, the two mares keeping away the tears of shame. This was for the tribes right? It had to have been worth it. Right?..

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading chapter two of MLP: Fim Reborn AND Retold! I hope to be given some feedback on te chapter and what your overall feeling is for the story. I'm also unsure if I should keep the comedy tag or not, as this chapter was a bit bleaker (as will the next chapter) but it's more to set up some things and get the story rolling. Anyway I hope you have a great day //Lux

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