Chapter 1
Rainbow sighed as she landed in front of her home. After a long, tiring day at Wonderbolts Headquarters, she was more than ready to call an early night.
She entered her house, the cool night breeze making its way inside and blowing her mane slightly before she shut the door.
Rainbow trudged up the cloud stairs, her wings aching from the hardcore training that Spitfire had put the Bolts through.
Rainbow rushed to her bedroom, stripping off her Wonderbolts uniform and throwing it onto a nearby chair. She ran a hoof through her sweaty mane, contemplated washing it, then shrugged it off and decided to wake up early to wash it tomorrow.
She flew to her bed, stretching all her aching limbs, and fell onto it.
As soon as her head hit her pillow, the thoughts started up.
Why couldn't she stop thinking about the sarcastic, egghead-y stallion who she first acquainted at the Daring Do convention?
Why did her heart swell at the mention of his name?
Rainbow groaned, smacking her head against the pillow.
She knew why.
Rainbow Dash was in love. Head over heels in love with Quibble Pants.
Rainbow let out a growl of frustration and threw a pillow across the room.
An irritable sigh erupted from Rainbow's throat as she punched the pillow once, before calming down.
I'm going to visit my parents tomorrow, better get a good nights sleep...
Of course, her mind had other plans.
Soarin flew to his parents' home as slowly as he could. He was dreading seeing his parents, because he knew they were going to ask him the same question:
Got a marefriend yet?
Soarin felt more and more uncomfortable each time his parents asked it. He didn't want to lie to them, but neither did he like seeing his parents with disappointment spread over their features.
He landed at the cloud maisonette and hesistantly knocked on the door. He didn't need to catch his breath, considering he was going at the speed of a sloth in a snowstorm.
Cumulus Clouds pulled the door open almost immediately, laughing when she saw her son nearly stumble over.
"There you are! You said you were going to be here at eight!" She said, glancing at the clock which read 9:15, and then back to her son, shaking her head.
"Hey, Mom." Soarin offered her a wry smile and stepped in.
"Your Mom's apple pie is practically as subzero temperatures at this point!" Blitz Speed grinned at his son.
Once they were all at the table, Cumulus smiled expectantly at Soarin.
"Is the pie good?" She asked, practically in a sing-song voice.
"Mmmhmm." Soarin nodded, but the sweet pie was souring in his mouth. He knew what was coming now...
"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad! I just haven't found the mare for me yet." Soarin pleaded at his parents reproachful faces.
Blitz Speed sighed. "You know, it's my last wish to see you wed to a mare. A faithful, loving, mare who could keep you happy forever. Who would cherish you, stay by your side, and love you uncontrollably. That's what I want for you, son. To have the very best.
"But I'm running out of time.." He went on, and Soarin bit his lip.
Blitz Speed was diagnosed with stomach cancer and was told he had only a few months to live. He decided to spend the remaining time at home and make the most of what he had.
"D-Dad? Don't talk like that." Soarin suddenly felt like a small colt again.
Cumulus put a hoof around her son. "We don't want to push you, but..."
"No, I understand." Soarin ran a hoof through his wild, navy blown-back mane. "I-I'll find a mare. I will fulfill your last wish, Dad."
Blitz smiled. "I know you will."
Rainbow landed in front of her childhood home. A wave of nostalgia spread over her, just like every other time she came to visit her parents.
Rainbow had barely touched the door when Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof threw the door open, beaming at their only daughter.
"Dashie!" Windy and Bow squeezed her into a spine bending hug. Rainbow smiled weakly and embraced them back.
"Come on, in! I've made your favorite!" Windy said, pulling Rainbow in.
Rainbow smirked as she sat down at the dining table.
"This place, as sappy as it sounds, brings back so many memories." Rainbow said softly.
Windy smiled as she placed Rainbow's plate down in front of her.
"So, Rainbow? Tell us what's been going on with you! How're your friends? The Wonderbolts?"
"They're all good, Mom."
"Any...I don't know...stallions you're interested in?" Windy asked slyly, receiving a groan from her daughter and a spit-take from her husband.
"Mo-oo-m! I told you, I've never been, nor am I interested in any stallion!" Rainbow couldn't stop the protruding blush creeping onto her face.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that...
There was a sigh of relief from Bow's side of the table.
"What?" He asked accusingly.
"How was Pinkie Pie's wedding?" Windy asked.
"It was awesome, actually. I even got to perform the Sonic Rainboom!"
Rainbow chatted to her parents for a while longer, about the Bolts training and her friends and their respective relationships. Eventually, the topic veered towards stallions again.
"So..are you really sure about the stallion front? 'Cause it seems to me like all your friends are falling in love, Dashie." Windy said, smirking slightly. "And I know you'd make any stallion happy beyond his wildest dreams."
Rainbow moaned and buried her head in the table. "No, Mom." She said, dragging out the 'no'.
"As much as I'd like to keep you young forever, your Mom's got a point, Dashie. You'd be a spectacular wife. I'm not expecting any less from you!" Bow winked, but Rainbow's head was still flat on the table.
"We just want you to be happy, Rainbow..." Windy said, stroking her daughter's technicolor mane.
"I know, Mom and Dad, I know." Rainbow said wryly, lifting her head from the dining table. "It won't be too hard to find a husband when you're as awesome as this!" Rainbow outstretched her wings, nearly spilling over her food. She staggered a bit, then grinned sheepishly at her parents.
Bow chuckled. "That's true."
"Don't worry, guys. I'm happy! I've got five awesome friends, I'm one of the bearers of the elements of harmony, and I'm a Wonderbolt! What's not to be happy about?"
If only you knew....
Interesting thing you have here. I would like a second helping. Thank you.
I'm glad you like it
You have caught my attention. Now let's see if you keep it.
I am intrigued ;00000

I hope I'll be able to

Thank you so much!
You made me smile
I love to make others smile!
You made me so happy with that comment!!
I'm like bitch what why the duck is quible here and she aint marrying anyone cause she's a lesbians.. KIDDING LMAO WHERE IS SOARINDASH
Ooohh this is getting spicy and lovely and so interesting all at the same time. Love it my friend, Love it..
and good luck on the next chapters, we'll be SO EXCITED to see how this goes for Soarin and Rainbow Dash.


haha it's comin'
Thank you so much!
W-w-w-w-waittttt what happened to something happens did u delete it

This story's really cool too tho u should continue it
but in all seriousness, make quibble come into this story. Please? Ahh
lol sorry
Oh yeah, I deleted Something Happens because I had a go at reading it again and realized the mistakes and how terrible it was.
I might rewrite it someday, who knows?
I love QuibbleDash too
And, Quibble is definitely going to turn up.
Can't wait!