• Member Since 20th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2024


twilight. that's it that's my bio


It's a glorious sunny morning, and the two Wonderbolts occupants of house are awake a little early.
So what do the married couple do?
Cuddle, of course.

Cover art courtesy goes solely to Madzik0107 on Deviantart.com

This is not a sequel to Something Happens, although you could take it as one. Just a fluffy little one-shot I wrote.:raritywink:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

*Tries to do a maniacal plotting voice* Yessssss. The flame of the ship glows brighter than before. MUHUHAHAH- *Cough* *Cough*.
:pinkiecrazy: (Also there is no cover art like you mentioned in the long description.) (The Maniacal SoarinDash Shipper approves of the fic withe the first upvote!)

There isn't? Whoops! I guess I deleted it by mistake:pinkiecrazy:
I'll add it now
P.S. I'm glad you ship it:pinkiehappy:
P.P.S. There ain't any SoarinDash shipper more maniacal than me:trixieshiftleft::pinkiecrazy:

AWEEE That was sweet! Owo

*Slowly peeks from behind closet door and watches them cuddle*
Yes, yes it is all going as planed
* holds up video camera *
I must save this moment

*watches Stranger than FanFiction*
*reads countless Soarindash fics*

Thank you:pinkiecrazy:
Great story! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Summer Dancer deleted Mar 31st, 2021

Yay new story :heart::rainbowkiss::heart:

Now, the question is, (Im assuming you've seen it since its been a couple days) can you still say, "I will not ship QuibbleDash"?

I hope not... I'm not sure if I do...
SoarinDash will live!

Aaawww!!! Adorable!!!! :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

Bulk Biceps: YEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH (inserts Bulk Biceps emoticon here)

OMG:rainbowkiss: this was sooooooo adorable:rainbowkiss: i loved it:yay:

I will not ship QuibbleDash I will not ship QuibbleDash I will not ship QuibbleDash I will not ship QuibbleDash

:rainbowderp::rainbowlaugh:that was hilerius :rainbowlaugh: sorry SoarinDash shippers I had left the group the dash shippings i now support is soarindash and quibbledash. Im now officially a cross shipper but not to worry SOARINDASH IS MY OTPwhat ever that means :fluttershyouch:

Yep...I ship it too oopsie
Also, I'm glad you enjoyed it!:pinkiehappy:

7497369 No need to be ashamed:pinkiesmile:
hey would u agree id i said that dashie sould marry soarin,date quibble and just freaking kill zhepher?:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy::raritywink:And what is OTP?:rainbowhuh::scootangel:

hahahahah true
Also, OTP means One True Pairing :)

7503081 WHAT?!!!!:facehoof: welp.soarindahsh is myMAINDash shipping:twilightsheepish:But thanks 4 letting me know:twilightsmile:

It is weird I ship Pinkie with all the mane 6 and Cheese but with Rainbow I only ship her with Soarin and Pinkie. Never liked QuibbleDash and I never will. No hate on the QuibbleDash shippers.

Don't worry, you are entitled to your own opinion:raritywink:

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