• Published 7th Jul 2012
  • 14,494 Views, 666 Comments

Hippophobia - Kelvin Shadewing

A teenager with a fear of horses ends up in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 8


DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 8

Lyra cantered nonchalantly back home, levitating a lumpy burlap sack behind her. The sack would have looked suspicious if it had been moving, but thanks to a simple sleep spell, (the magic word happened to be "boo") her prisoner didn't make a peep the entire way. The spray-painted stencil letters that read "APPLES" helped eliminate any suspicions as to the contents of the bag.

The unicorn pushed her front door open and dropped her unconscious victim on her bed, then tossed aside the apple sack. She took a moment to admire the human's body, closely examining his face, pulling his shirt off to look at his furless torso, and even removing his shoes. She didn't care for the smell she found inside the shoes.

The pants were another story; the fastenings were impossible to undo with hooves. Lyra was about to remove them with magic, when she remembered: hands. This thing had hands!

Lyra wrapped her foreleg around his wrist and held his hand up, her eyes fixed on Conrad's five versatile digits. With appendages like these, it was possible humans could have gone far without horns. Who knew what their technology was like?

The human stirred and moaned softly. Lyra gasped and let go of his arm, eyes fixed intently on his every movement.

"Mmf... Where am I?"

Lyra put a hoof on his mouth. "Shhh... Don't speak. You belong to me now." She smiled warmly, but underneath, she was still amazed that he really could speak.

Conrad bug eyed and gasped. "Lyra?!" He pushed her away and scrambled to his feet, bolting for the door.

Lyra frowned and caught him in her aura. She levitated him just a few inches off the ground and slowly pulled him back. "As I was saying," she accented every word, "You. Belong. To me now!" The unicorn turned her human around to face her, her expression looking much like Twilight's.

Are earth ponies the only sane people here?! Conrad wondered, trying to struggle to no avail in Lyra's iron magic grip.

"Now then," said Lyra, setting him down but keeping enough focus on him that he wouldn't be able to run, "You do as I say, and we won't have any problems. We clear?"

Conrad feebily nodded.

"Good." The mare's expression relaxed back into a warm smile. "Now then, you know my name somehow, but I don't know yours. What is your name?"

"Conrad," the human almost inaudibly squeaked.

"Con Rad." Lyra spaced the syllables into two words as she sounded them out. "What an interesting name. What does it mean?"

"I-it's just a name, really." OK, just answer her questions, and maybe she'll let her guard down and I can get out of here.

"I see," said Lyra, "You know, I'm very interested in your hands. I've never seen hands like those before."

Conrad nervously held his hand up for her to see it better.

She giggled. "Oh, I've seen it already. I'm more interested in seeing it in action."

"In... action?"

"Yes." Lyra stared with her eyes filled with curiosity and awe. "Take your pants off."

Conrad stepped back suddenly and tripped over himself, landing on his butt on the hard floor. "W-what?! No!"

Lyra looked confused. "Why not?"

"Because it's wrong to get undressed in front of a girl I don't know! It's indecent!"

The mare laughed. "How is it indecent? I don't have any clothes on. Most ponies rarely wear them for anything other than formal occassions. And I want to learn more about you!"

"No!" Conrad scooted away from her. "I'm not supposed to be with you! Let me go!"

"What?!" Lyra gasped, looking totally offended, "But... nopony else believed in you! You're supposed to love me!"

Conrad stood up and kept backing away. "You're crazy! I just met you! And you're..."

"I'm what?" Lyra growled, tears starting to run down her cheeks.

Conrad started hyperventilating. Lyra's horn was suddenly looking so much sharper than it was before. He reached for the door handle, but a spell from the unicorn made it lock itself. The window shutters closed too and locked up tight.

"You're not going anywhere," Lyra said slowly, her teary frown twisting into a wicked smile.

The human was backed into a corner. Something warm and wet ran down his leg. The fact that her quarry had just wet himself didn't deter the mare at all.

"H-help!" Conrad called out weakly.

Lyra crouched down like a tiger coiled to pounce. "You're going to LOVE MEEE!" She leaped forward, flying through the air at him, hooves forward and ready to pin him against the wall.

Conrad collapsed into a fetal position, shielding his eyes from the adorable hooves of death.

Lyra's face suddenly turned to utter surprise and confusion just a split second before crashing into the wall. Her human had somehow disappeared without a trace.

Silence. No more screaming mares. No getting crushed, trampled, or, God forbid, eaten by a crazed green pony. Conrad slowly opened his eyes and took his hands away from his face.

The room he was in now was immense. The walls were made of the purest white marble, and a red carpet led from a tall double door past a fountain stair case up to an extravegant throne.

He stared dumbfounded before something clicked in his mind. "I'm dead..." A half smile twitched in and out on his lips. "Heh. I'm dead. And it didn't even hurt."

A voice from the other side of the door caught his attention. "Thank you for informing me of him. I'm glad we could reach him in time. I will speak with him now. Please wait for us here."

"Yes, my lady. Thank you for your understanding."

Conrad wanted to move closer and try to identify the voices, but the door started to glow bright gold and opened magically to reveal a very tall and very powerful-looking snow white alicorn with a flowing rainbow mane. Her body was decorated with golden regalia, and her mane waved gently on its own in a nonexistant breeze.

"Hello, Conrad Reiter," the alicorn mare said in a voice that was smooth, motherly, commanding, playful and wise all at once.

It didn't take a PI to deduce this particular pony was especially dangerous, and that was the only thing on Conrad's mind right now.

"Please, don't be afraid," she soothed, "I mean you no harm. My name is Princess Celestia."

Conrad gulped and quickly got down on one knee, lowering his head in reverence.

Celestia giggled silently. "There'll be no need for that, either." She knelt down and touched her horn to his head.

In a golden flash, Conrad suddenly felt his anxiety lift and leave him. Without a hint of irony, he said, "Yes, ma'am," and stood up to look the princess in the eye.

Celestia smiled warmly. "That's better. I'm sure you're wondering how you got here."

The human nodded. "Did I... die?"

Celestia looked surprised, and then laughed. "No, my little human. Your friend Time Turner informed me of your presence here and joined me in a spell that allowed me to bring you here instantly."

"Oh." Relief washed over Conrad.

"Now then," Celestia began, "I'm sure you're eager to return home, yes?"

Conrad nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"And I am eager to return you there. I wouldn'f think of keeping you away from home a moment longer than necessary. But I regret to say it will take some time before a way to your world can be found."

"I... I understand." Conrad lowered his gaze.

"Do not despair," Celestia said, tilting Conrad's head up with a hoof, "You have good friends who will protect you. You must trust their wisdom if you are to last long. Turner has informed me of your... condition."

"Thank you, your highness," Conrad said, smiling weakly, "When can I see him again?"

"Very soon," said Celestia, then she put on a frown, "But I'm afraid I have some bad news."

"Bad news?" Conrad asked, worry crossing his face.

Celestia nodded. "You see, the spell I used to calm you did not cure you. It merely put up a sort of emotional dam to keep your fears at bay. I'm afraid that when it wears off, you will--"

Suddenly, Conrad burst out screaming bloody murder and ran faster than humanly possible out the door down the regal corridors of Canterlot palace.

Celestia staired with her pupils narrowed and her lips pursed in mild shock. "...do that."

Author's Note:

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