• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 2,925 Views, 43 Comments

Shattered Stars - ChaoticHarmony

The Great and Powerful always fall the hardest

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Epilogue: Dying Winds

Five years later…

Trixie stood atop the hill that overlooked the village, shivering slightly in the cold wind that gusted over its raised surface and tugged at her cape. She reached back and drew the fabric back around herself, glad of its protection from the elements. The small village below was bustling with late-afternoon activity, the crowd occasionally losing a pony or two as they turned in for the night. The village was simply too small to have street lamps, just a little smaller than Ponyville. She shivered as another burst of air howled through the night, cutting into the silence. It’s time.

Reaching up, she pulled on her mask and slowly began to walk to the village. This reminds me of that time in a different life long ago, when I had gone to see her again.

I can’t believe I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, am motivated to return to this pathetic little village. For the tenth time, Trixie found herself turning around and starting in the other direction, only to circle around and continue approaching Ponyville. She worked her way up a hill, panting and groaning to herself. The Great and Powerful Trixie shouldn’t have to work like this! She gave a frustrated, if tiny, scream and continued to plod forward. When she reached the top of the hill, she sat down hard and tried to catch her breath. She turned to look at the town and her breath caught.

“B-b-beautiful.” She murmured the word, slapping a hoof to her mouth after she realized that she had said it aloud. The setting sun cast the sky into a deep orange color and creating a breath-taking backdrop for the town of Ponyville to rest in front of. She snapped her mouth shut and looked arrogantly down at the tiny shapes of ponies, flourishing her starred cap and smiling. “HA! The Great and Powerful Trixie is much more beautiful than this pathetic sunset.”

She tossed her head angrily and looked behind her, ignoring the flaming orange sky. She found herself staring back at the sunset again, looking occasionally back down at the ponies below. Occasionally a figure stepped into a house and the lights from indoors shut off, throwing another part of the street in darkness. After several minutes, it seemed that the entire town had gone to sleep, the streets all covered in a dim light. She smiled to herself and began to walk silently towards Ponyville. Those foals will regret the day that they dare humiliate the Great and Powerful Trixie!

She clopped into the village unnoticed, walking past the first few dark houses and further into the town. A smile came onto her face again as she giggled with excitement. “Oh, what should the Great and Powerful Trixie do first?” She mused thoughtfully, her voice barely a whisper in an attempt to remain hidden regardless of the fact that she stood in the middle of the street. “Perhaps she should torch the hay-storage silos. Or maybe she should-“ She cut off, her face collided with a metal pole.

Groaning, she staggered back from whatever it was she hit, looking up the metal structure and into a strange kind of box that was atop it. “What in the name of Celestia is thi- AGH!“ A bright light blossomed to life in the box. Trixie threw up a hoof to shield her eyes, but she had already been blinded. Unable to see, she stumbled forward and collided with another object that broke as she fell forward producing a shattering noise that pierced the silent night.

A bright light illuminated Trixie, pulling it out of her memories and making her leap away in shock. She crouched low, her horn glowing with a blue light as she aimed it towards the source of the light. The earth pony stallion was shaking against the wall outside of his house, whimpering slightly in fear as she stepped closer. “It’s dangerous out tonight, I suggest you stay inside.” She whispered it to him, backing away after he had nodded. The brown pony reached down and grabbed his paper with his mouth and practically galloped back inside, closing the door silently behind him with a shaking hoof.

No innocents shall be harmed tonight. Never again. Trixie pulled her cape back around herself and continued walking, wincing at the ring her horseshoes made on the uneven cobblestones. Each ring seemed to reverberate in the darkened road, but she continued to walk at her pace.

A different kind of ringing cut through the others, it was the rasp of steel being pulled from leather. It came from the alleyway next to her and she looked over to see a length of metal flashing in the moonlight. She rolled away as the pony slashed through where she had been merely moments before, grunting with confusion as she evaded him. The pony glared at her and smiled a smile that promised death around the long dagger in his mouth, his body shrouded in a midnight-black cloak. With a growl, the pony lunged at her again with the knife, leaping across the space that separated the two.

The clashing of their weapons produced sparks, further illuminating the street as they danced around each other, the dagger flashing in time with her shoes. This attacker was obviously no amateur, moving with the grace as a trained fighter as he probed her defenses, occasionally slashing or stabbing at her to gauge her reactions. He suddenly leapt into the air, pointing the dagger at her face as he descended. She rolled aside, the dagger stabbing into the ground and remaining there.

The pony tugged at the blade, muttering to himself as she stood on her hooves again. She winced as she stepped forward, her hooves aching with the pain of deflecting the powerful attacks of the stallion. As she stepped closer, his attempts to free the dagger grew more frantic. Finally realizing his attempts were in vain, he let go of the dagger and turned to gallop away only to find his path blocked by a wall of blue magic. Trixie slowly walked closer to him as he slammed his hooves into the barrier. He turned to look at her, his back pressing up against the blue wall as he glared at her with steady eyes. A warrior indeed, such a shame. She slammed a steel-shod hoof into his face, producing a sickening crunch of bone as her hoof made contact.

Without a word, she turned around and continued to her destination. No Mercy. They will all die along with him.

She groaned where she lay, her face stinging with pain. Her vision was still blacked out with the after-image of the box of light. She blinked away the tears that welled up at both the pain in her face and eyes, gritting her teeth and pushing herself to her hooves. She yelped as her hoof was pierced by a shard of glass, jumping backwards and catching her back hooves on a low wall, tumbling back out of wherever she was and onto the hard stones of the street.

Her breath was expelled from her lungs in a sudden rush, leaving her gasping for air as she crawled away from whatever she had collided with. Pain seemed to embrace her body, every place of her hurting with throbbing pain. She felt small shards of something sharp cut into skin at every inch she crawled, her legs receiving the same treatment. Her sense returning, she stopped crawling and tried to stand, gritting her teeth against the pain that flashed along her legs. with an effort, she managed to stay upright, her legs trembling slightly.

Suddenly, a stallion's face shoved into hers so closely that she could only see his eyes, which were burning with rage. His hoof pushed against her chest, making her step back a few steps as he advanced. "What was that all about?! You crash into my store and break my window? What's the matter with you?" He was shouting now, his voice making her ears fold down in pain.

She turned in fright and galloped away from the enraged stallion only to crash into another's hard chest. She lay on the ground, looking up at the four stallions surrounding her as they crowded closer to her, reaching with their hooves for the edges of her cape. She felt their hooves search along her body and pull away, a weight on her back leaving as they did so. She stood up confusedly as they turned over her saddlebags, searching through the miscellaneous objects for something. "Hey, what's the deal here? You ain't got any bits!" He turned to her, advancing menacingly. "I guess you're gonna have to work here and pay off your dept!"

Fear gripped her mind as they stepped closer, each of them glaring with the same emotion in their eyes; anger. She reared back on her hind legs, pushing magic into her horn and releasing it all at once. In the resulting smokescreen, she galloped away from the disoriented stallions and further into the town.

Sparks flew from the colliding iron as she threw her hoof out to intercept another blade that was aimed at her. She twirled and pirouetted in the same tight circle, her hooves flying in every direction as they moved to block the flashing metal that sought to end her life. Occasionally, the blades moved past her hooves and slashed across her body, leaving cuts in the fabric of her suit that dripped red with blood. Every time the cold blades touched her body, she hissed with the pain and clenched her teeth harder.

She spun again, punching outwards with a hoof. Her attack took the pony off-guard, the iron-shod hoof slamming into his head. He fell to the ground clutching at his ruined face and screaming in pain. The others looked towards their fallen comrade, some of them even stepping towards him to offer assistance. She took the opportunity to leap on two others, pushing them to the ground and allowing her to exit the circle that they had formed around her.

She spun around, her horn glowing with blue magic as she concentrated to release the spell she required. A blade flashed by her head, taking off a small lock of hair that stuck out from underneath. She quashed the faint feeling of terror and focused in on herself. She closed her eyes, using her focus to twist and pull the magic to do what she needed.

When she opened her eyes, they were veiled by a blue glow as she swung her horn down to point at the group of would-be assassins. “You are the scum of Equestria, who corrupt and defile our world with your presence.” A web of blue strings that cast off a glow, illuminating the street, wove itself around the stallions. “I am the bringer of purification. You shall have your reckoning.” The barrier of blue light swiftly contracted, cutting off the screams before they could even begin. She walked past her work, ignoring the once-living pieces of pony and continuing her path of retribution. I’m coming for you Grey Coat.

The small spaces between the cobblestones threatened to send her tumbling into the ground as she galloped through the street. She looked over her shoulder, searching fearfully behind her for the source of the galloping sounds that seemed to grow closer every passing minute. Turning her head back around, she lit her horn and began preparing another spell to escape.

She turned into an alleyway and leaned against the wall, but not before catching a glimpse of the first stallion turning the corner. Looking towards the street with worried eyes, she listened intently to the sounds of hooves clopping on the street get closer. “Where’d she go?” The hooves slowed from their gallop and went into a walk. The shadows of four ponies were cast before the alleyway, and she had to shove a hoof into her mouth to keep from making a whimper. “We had her too!” The angry stallion shouted angrily into the night, a wordless shout of rage which was followed by the sound of wood crashing to the ground.

“It’s fine Antique, we’ll catch her tomorrow.” Trixie silently pleaded with the stallion called Antique to go with his companions. She watched the shadow of a stallion put a hoof on another’s shoulder. “Nothing we can do now, not when it’s this dark out.”

“Yeah, you’re right. She won’t get far regardless. “ The stallion huffed a sigh of resignation and a set of hooves rang out on the cobblestones, heading the opposite direction of where Trixie lay in hiding. “Let’s go.” Trixie held in her relieved sigh, backing slowly into the alley as the shadows cast by the stallions departed. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the alleyway and produced a howl of wind that made Trixie jump with fear. “Wait, did you hear that?”

She smacked a hoof into her mouth again as she realized her error. The hooves all moved closer again and the light that covered the street was blotted out by the shadows of the approaching stallions. Soon the view of the street was blocked as the four stallions entered the mouth of the alleyway. The leader stepped forward; casting a slightly worried look at Trixie’s shining horn before speaking. “Now, let’s get you back to the shop you broke eh?” The entire group stepped forward, their hoofsteps echoing against the walls of the alley.

A purple glow surrounded her, picking her up off of the ground and cutting of her concentration. The blue haze around her horn disappeared as she was lifted higher above the alley. Light flashed into existence all around her, consuming her vision and filling her ears with a ringing noise. The white faded away slowly, revealing shelves lined with books with their spines glowing in a purple light. She looked up into the face of a lavender unicorn, who looked back down at her with a disgruntled expression on her face. “Hello again Trixie.”

She touched a hoof to the door's surface, producing a rattle as she felt along its splintery and old wood that creaked with the pressure she exerted on it. She kicked at it hesitantly, producing the sound of rattling chains from behind the door. She backed away, charging her horn with magic and firing a small bolt at the door. The wood glowed with a bright blue before returning to its normal brown hue.

Enchanted wood. Does he really think that this would stop me? She cast another spell, this time over her body. The sheet of blue magic slid down her coat and left a tingling sensation wherever it touched. It was the feeling of power. It came to a stop over her hooves, enveloping them in a concentrated blue glow as she turned around, taking aim at the door. With a grunt, she kicked her back hooves into the door, producing a resounding crack that pierced the silence of the night.

She dusted the fragments of the once-whole door from her body with a hoof. Taking a deep breath, Trixie walked into the building. "Hello again Mare-Do-Well."

“Now, care to explain what you’re doing here Trixie?” Twilight grasped the teapot with her magic as she asked her question, pouring a cup for both her and Trixie. Trixie watched as the unicorn in front of her set the pot down, envious of at how skillful the other mare was at manipulating things with her magic. Trixie can do the same as her, but with never the same precision she uses. Why is it that the Great and Powerful Trixie must be outdone by this small-town mare?! Twilight cleared her throat, sipping at her tea and looking at Trixie with a raised eyebrow.

With a start, Trixie levitated her cup and sipped the slightly bitter liquid. She suppressed a shudder at the taste, contemplating how to answer. “Hmm… Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie has had a great many towns she has visited, and such things do wear on even the most powerful of ponies.” The eyebrow slowly climbed higher as the unicorn sipped her tea again. Trixie mimicked her actions before continuing. “That is, the Great and Powerful Trixie simply decided to come to Ponyville for a…break…yes a break!” Trixie groaned mentally as the unicorn set down the now-empty cup slowly, clearly not believing of her lie.

The lavender unicorn’s horn lit with a purple light and before Trixie could react, she cast a wall of purple magic and slammed Trixie to the wall. “Lying isn’t the best thing to do. It’s one of the fastest ways to lose a friend,” She paused and looked worriedly side to side before leaning in to whisper in Trixie’s ear, “forever!” From outside, a shrill voice shouted the same word, drawing it out in a long shout. Twilight rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Trixie until they were face to face. “Now, why are you really here?”

Trixie searched her minds for an answer, but found none. “Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie wanted to…” She continued telling Twilight about what she would have done, letting it all pour out along with her frustrations and stress. The mare only listened, nodding occasionally and sipping at a new cup of tea. When Trixie had finished, Twilight released her hold on the spell, dropping her to the ground with a thud.

“I’ll teleport you away." The lavender unicorn walked towards the center of the room, expecting Trixie to follow her. "The ponies around here aren’t very happy with you still, and if they learn that it was you who smashed in that shop’s window, they’ll be out for your horn.” When she saw Trixie’s incredulous smile, Twilight’s expression hardened. “You might think I’m joking, but Ponyville was founded by earth ponies, think on that.” She shivered delicately before lighting her horn again. Trixie panicked as she was lifted from the ground again, held in a purple bubble just like the one that had rescued her from the stallions in the alley. “Come back after a few years, I’ll be waiting to see a new and improved Trixie.” Twilight winked at her and she felt heat rise up into her face. It was the last image she saw before the light filled her vision again.

Trixie walked over to the table where he sat, barely containing her rage as she inched closer to her target. “Well, don’t be shy, take a seat!” He gestured to a spare stool, which she looked at apprehensively before returning her gaze to his face. “Oh, I get it. You’d rather stand. Fine by me.” The stallion tilted back the bottle and drained its contents. “So, what’s it been? Five years? Wow, the time sure flies.” She could tell that he was trying very hard to stay seemingly unafraid, but Trixie saw the subtle tightening of his muscles and she knew that he was ready to spring into action the second she moved.

Rage flowed hot through her blood, but she pushed the feeling away and embraced calmness. “Before I kill you Grey Coat, I wish to know one thing.” Her voice was deadly quiet, barely more than a whisper yet it seemed to fill the room.

The ash-grey stallion set the bottle back onto the table slowly, turning to look at her with a questioning light in his eyes. “I knew there must be something bothering you; otherwise you would have tried to kill me without talking a hundred times over.” He leaned back in his chair, folding his front hooves behind his head and smiling roguishly at her. “So what’s botherin’ ya?”

She slammed her hoof on the table, sliding it across the surface and throwing the bottle against the wall. The sound of shattering glass only made the stallion smile wider. “Why?” The anguish in her voice was plain. “Why did you do it?”

The stallion waved his hoof nonchalantly, snorting in irritation before sitting up and looking at her with a sad expression. "Oh, I get it now. You loved her didn’t you? How sweet.” He smiled as she moved closer to him, her horn lighting with a blue glow. “All right, I’ll tell you, but it’s nothing special. It was just business.” A cold chill gripped her body as she stared incomprehensively at him. He sighed exasperatedly, as if he was irritated at having to explain. “I got a job to kill the Princess’ assistant. Of course, a job like that’s gonna pay a lot of bits to be done; enough bits to set me for life.” He reached over and patted her shoulder. “It was nothing personal, I can promise yo-“

His next words were cut off by her iron-shod hoof smashing into his mouth and sending him flying through the wall. He stood up from where he had landed, wiping away a dribble of blood from his lips. Metal flashed as he drew his knife, a sadistic grin plastered on his face as he crouched low. "Cmon then, let's get this over with."

“Gladly.” She leapt through the hole that his body had made, careless of the cloth catching in the wooden splinters as she passed through into the outside air. The metal blade flashed as he attacked, and she brought up her hoof to deflect the blade, wincing at the bone-jarring impact of steel on steel.

Sparks rained down on the grass as they danced the dance of metal and death. They danced to the tempo of their pounding hearts, each second bringing another slash or stab, each second bringing them closer and closer to the end of the dance. Hooves and blades alike created the musical tune to which they danced, the ringing of metal forming the chorus of the song around them. Faster and faster the tune went, increasing in both speed and intensity as time wore on, until it finished with a final sound of metal piercing flesh and the thud of a body hitting the ground.

She stood atop the hill, looking down at the small town and smiling to herself. She looked into the vast expanse of stars, lost in the beauty of Luna’s sky. A small wind picked up and blew over her, sending a chill through her body that shook her out of her trance. Turning back to the village, she whispered something that was lost on the wind. She smiled again as she walked away from Ponyville, her hooves never faltering as she made her way down the other side of the hill.

“I’ll come back for you Twilight.”

She lay on her side in the soft grass, gritting her teeth against the pain that throbbed from the wound in her side. She looked over to the stallion who had caused all of this pain. He lay motionless on the ground, his blood pouring red from the hole in his side. Your amulets may protect you from my magic, but not my steel. Looking around at her surroundings, Trixie put on a bitter smile. A cemetery. How fitting.

She stood, shuddering violently as a tongue of pain licked along the side of her body. She looked up into the sky, losing herself to the vast expanse that the stars themselves resided in. A wind blew over her, chilling her to the bone but moving nothing but her mane and tail. Numbness crawled up her body, removing all of the pain and replacing it with a feeling of nothingness. She moved her mouth, working to force the words from her body as the black night moved in to fill her existence.

"I've come back for you Twilight."

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

- Confucius

Comments ( 16 )

This was a amazing story.

Why can't I hold

all these feels


891019 :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:



It was a joke man. No need to facehooofx4


Still love your story, man.

This was really good. I love fic's like this that force you to look at characters in a new light, which is exactly what you did for me. I've read story's were people give reasons to feel bad for Trixie, but the way you personified it sends it home for me. Excellent piece good sir.

It is a good fic, you give trixie character and write a undertandable plot. However...

The cuts in the story itself can make it hard to see how the story fits into itself and make it hard to place the time and space of the present.
Though I understand that it is the nature of the crimes that motivate Trixie besides in the beginning there is no mention of it, making it feel as there is little drive to Trixie's actions.
Another thing is the relationship of trixie and Twilight. There is very little to go on why Trixie is in love with Twilight, and nothing at all on why Twilight loves Trixie.

This how I see it after reading it. I could miss have missed stuff or be biased, but in the end this is how I see it and how you take this is up to you.

1304831 Take it you liked it then? :pinkiehappy:

1304845 VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRY much. In fact, there is only one true statement left to make: ME GUSTA

At first I was like :fluttercry:, then I :raritycry:, but then :pinkiegasp:, and at the end I was like :yay:.

Seeing Grey Coat getting what he deserved filled me with great pleasure.

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