• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2015

The Pink Mugsy

Caffeine's not even a drug and I still have a problem.


My pride has been killing me ever since I started down this path, and I have helped it along all the way. With every decision I've made, with every boast I've shouted, with every crime I've committed, it's strangled me more and more, it's cut out the foal my parents once knew and the mare that I could have been. Maybe, if things had gone differently, I could have been useful with my life, I could have helped somepony. Maybe I could have been truly great.

Now, though, it's too late. I can't take back any of the decisions I've made, I can't rewind time and warn myself of how I was destined to fail, of how I was poisoning my mind with fruitless hopes and vain reasoning. All I have left is this paper on which I can jot down my final thoughts, this pen with which I can make a record of my sins. As pitiful as it is, this is all I can do to redeem myself. This is my only way to atone...

Cover art by AFL316.

Proofread by BloodLord and seeker9709.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

You just have a thing for fictions like this, don't you? First Twilight's hanging, now this.

4157928 I like powerful expression. Now the real question: Was it good?

4157941 Yes. I figured my favorite would answer that question, but yes, it was good.

I'm still not quite over your last story, and you already make another one?
Are you trying to kill me??? :raritycry::raritydespair:

(Haven't read it yet, though. I'll read it tommorow and cry my eyes out then).

4157952 I won't stay in sadfics forever! Eventually, I'll move into a comedy, I promise!

Poor Trixie. :trixieshiftright:

4157983 Indeed. So glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

The heartbreak. God, the feels.
Lie down, Try not to cry, Cry alot.

First, Twilight's hanging, where even her friends leave her, then how Celestia remembers she promises never to execute Twilight.

THEN THIS?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY?! I... never cry... and yet... you got me so close.

... god I love sad/tragic fics

That was one hell of a feels attack. Damn. And here I thought I wrote dark and sad.

I suffered under the influence of many evils during those years, they travel under various names; procrastination, forgetfulness, and arrogance are only a few. They all stemmed from the same cause however; confidence overflowing, like a disease born of a body’s own cells. I had held on to this confidence for dear life, it was the only thing that had kept my head up during that fateful year of high school, when I turned my attention away instead of facing the truth. And it was killing me. Still is.

Fuck, I'm in High school right now and this describes me perfectly...
Fuck... I'm scared now...

4160538 It's not nearly so bad, don't be discouraged. I just used that to reach through.

OMC!! I started to cry. and Those words you used are incredibly strong. loved it! :heart: R.I.P. Trixie :fluttercry:

Very lovely.
It grabbed me and took me for a ride I enjoyed.
I hope somehow this letter reached twilight. :raritywink:

I like this story. It is a good insight to how Trixie realizes the folly of her ways. Very well written and interesting concept for her backstory. :twilightsmile:

The Great and Powerful Trixie

Good story, looks like you're good for sad's fics.
In a lot of time, finally, something make me feel compassive for somepony.

Tip: Never, Never, NEVER play Cry of Fear after reading this

First comment in over 2 years, wow.
I still don't know why I don't cry to sadfics like this one, or other "the fic is their suicide note" fics. I cried to MLD tho, so why the feels no make the tears?
Dude, everyone who read MLD cried to it. I don't see this as an accurate comparison.
But, what about that other one?
What other one? Also, ignore those guys, ^ they just don't know when to shut up.
I'm with Normal on this one, what other one? We're with him constantly.
Oh, forget it. I'm Crazy, remember?
Remind me why I haven't seen any psychologists about you three...?

This is how I have always seen Trixie being. Maybe I just empathize with this version but I really like it. Shame I can't find any others with a Trixie like this. Can someone help me find one?

Comment posted by Williamsmith deleted Nov 3rd, 2016
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