• Published 4th Sep 2016
  • 1,138 Views, 2 Comments

In Which Starlight and Trixie Insult Twilight Alot and Stuff - kahndy

Starlight discusses with Trixie about her future and whether or not a cutie mark really does set a ponies destiny in stone

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Chapter 1

“Thanks again for helping Trixie with setting up for my fifteenth apology show! Even if somepony as great and powerful as myself could easily pull off such a feat single hoofed, it’s much more fun doing so with a friend.”

“You know you could do a show that’s just for fun and not an apology show by now right?” Starlight asked rolling her eyes as she levitated a prop cannon on to the stage with relative ease. “It’s been like what, two years now since you had that accident with the Alicorn Medallion? I think everypony here has long since forgiven and forgot by now.”

“Trixie is aware of that, however there are still SOME PONIES who will not let it go, Trixie will not mention said purple starbutts name, but she certainly loves giving Trixie a look of pure loathing every time Trixie makes her great and powerful entrance. In fact Trixie would go as far as too say Twilight has re invented the wheel of giving some pony a look clearly wishing them a most painful death!”

“Ok Nerdlight is kind of the town exception I admit” Starlight agreed, “hell with it ALL the Alicorn Princesses have an attitude problem to any pony who makes one little tensely mistake. But I still don’t see why every show you do here has to be an apology show. Maybe you can try naming it something different this time?”

“Ok, how about The Princess Starbutts a Moron show?” Trixie suggested seriously.

“How about a name that doesn’t get us both thrown in Tartarus?” Starlight giggled.

The two unicorn mares continued suggesting names while they finished placing props on the stage. A few hours later the two decided to break for lunch and set off for the nearest fast food joint.

“So enough about Trixie, how have things been going with your lessons with the Queen of the nerds?”

“Oh, well they’ve been going fine I guess. I’ve learned a lot about making friends and the importance of friendship and all that buuuuut….”

“But what?” Trixie asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well I guess I’ve just been thinking about my future a lot lately. I mean after my lessons with Twilight are over I should probably find a career or something to pursue, problem is I don’t really know anything I can or want to do.”

“Well you’re really good at magic” Trixie pointed out as the two friends entered a Hubway, made their order and sat down. “Maybe you could do something with your magic?”

“Well I don’t know, I mean I know I’m good at magic and all, and I love practicing new spells and everything, but I just don’t see how to make any money out of it.”

“Well I thought Twilight was preparing you too became a mage or something alongside your friendship lessons, something like her magical assistant?”

“Well yea she is, but to be perfectly honest I’m not sure if I want to become Twilight’s magical protégé. I mean I love magic and all that, but to be honest I prefer a more simple life rather than constantly traveling the world trying to fix the world’s problems with magic.”

“Well explain that to Twilight then, you do have a right to decide what to do with your life you know.” Trixie suggested through a mouth full of jalapenos and anchovies.

“I would, but I’m pretty sure I would get that whole with great power becomes great responsibility speech” Starlight rolled her eyes, starting to dig in to her own peanut butter and toadstool sandwich.

“Well your special talent IS magic, it’s what you got your cutie mark for right?”

Starlight glanced down at her cutie mark and gave it a dark look “Yes, but as I keep saying I find it ridiculous that some mark on our butt should decide what every pony gets to do with his or her life! I mean what would happen if somepony got a cutie mark in something they didn’t actually like? Should they honestly be force to do that one thing the rest of their lives when they could be doing something else that makes them happy?”

Trixie gave her a quizzical look “Well no, but then again Trixie doubt’s that such a thing could actually happen, ones Cutie Mark is supposed to be something they enjoy after all right?”
“A cutie mark signifies the one thing a pony DOES best above all else, not the thing one ENJOYS above all else” Starlight corrected her. “For example Twilight is really good at magic, but she prefers reading far more over performing spells.”

“Soooooo, you are saying you actually don’t like doing magic?” Trixie asked slightly confused.

“I DO like magic, but I don’t like the idea of serving under Twilight constantly traveling Equestria fixing everyponies tiniest whim. I prefer staying in one place and helping ponies in my own way, which yes does at times involve using my magic. I LIKE magic, but what I LOVE is helping other ponies.

“Well then do that, You certainly do seem to have a side talent for helping other ponies anyway, Trixie has been most grateful for your many assistance's every performance Trixie has done in Ponyville, even if The Great and Powerful Trixie could have done it all on her own.”

“Yea, I’d LOVE to see you try and pull off that over the moon or whatever you call it trick without my magical assistance.” Starlight jabbed playfully.

“Okaaay, maybe that ONE trick is something The Great and Powerful Trixie could not do on her own” Trixie admitted sheepishly. “But that proves Trixie’s point that you are incredible at helping other ponies, and if that is what you love to do you should pursue it, and if Princess Books for Brains has an issue with it she can stick it where the sun don’t shine!”

The two mares giggled for a bit before paying their tab and heading back out toward Trixie’s stage wagon.

“So about the new name for your show” Starlight asked “Any ideas?”

Trixie gave her a mischievous grin “OH, Trixie has a FEW good ones in mind”.

“Why do I have a feeling most of them involve insulting Twilight?” Starlight guessed knowingly.

“Well not ALL of Trixie’s are ideas are petty insults you know dear Starlight” Trixie said feigning a hurt look “However the Twilight’s a Humongous Bighead show does have a nice ring to

Comments ( 2 )

You seem to have ended mid-sentence?

Short and kind of amusing. Ending mid sentence like that though makes me think you forgot to save part of the story before posting it up. :twilightblush:

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