• Published 13th Jul 2016
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I Think I Summoned a Ponk. - TheMajorTechie

What do I do now?! I just woke up, and all of a sudden, there's a freaky pink pony in my house! Seriously, please tell me I've gone insane... and the world just ended, too.

  • ...

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Keep Calm and Freak Out

I woke up with a heave as I felt a heavy object land on my chest. I immediately snapped my eyes open, ready to attack whatever it was that had hit me.

But that's when I realized: There wasn't anything there, besides a strange tuft of pink hair.

Reaching out, I gently stroked the incredibly springy tuft, when it suddenly shifted under my fingers.

"GAAH!" I shrieked.

Standing at about half my height, was some sort of pony. And it was definitely not the sort you'd find on a farm or at some carnival. Especially considering it's coloration, and the fact that it's mane is so--

"Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie!"

I screamed again as my hand smacked the seemingly female pony to the side.

"Get away from me, you... you-- thing!"

The pony, Pinkie Pie, as she called herself, put a hoof over my hand. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

My brain, already backed up for the past week, went into immediate overdrive upon my realization that the pony had been talking to me. Talking.

What happened next immediately threw me into a complete and utter stupor.

The pony somehow pulled a cannon, a frickin' cannon from her mane. I have no idea how that thing fit, but for that moment, I thought I was gonna die.

"NO!" I shouted, kicking the cannon with the leg draping over my bed, "I will not die from a pony-cannon!"

The pony rushed after the incredibly light cannon, chasing it out my bedroom door.

The moment she was gone, I slammed the door behind her, and made sure to block every possible way back in. When I turned around, I saw her. Again.

"Whyddya throw me out? I just wanna be your friend!"

Ok. So apparently, not only am I dealing with a pink, fluffy, talking pony with a cannon, but I'm dealing with said pony with teleportation abilities. I was already tired of this, tired of the world. Finally, I let my guard down, though with high caution.

"What... do... you... want?" I asked slowly, suspiciously eyeing the pony.

The pony took me by surprise -again-, when she hit me with a literal tsunami of machine-gun talking.


I silently screamed, but in reality, I simply said, "What?"

Taking a deep breath, the pony slowly said, "I think you summoned me."

My mouth immediately dropped to the ground. Somehow, in whatever mind-bogglingly impossible way, I had pulled a sentient being into this universe. And not only that, it was one that had perfect understanding of English, and by the looks of it, seemed to be some sort of pony.

I couldn't believe it. I had accidentally proved the Multiverse Theory.

Turning back to the pony, I quickly asked, "What was it like being summoned here? Do you know how I did it? How did you feel when you first arrived?"

The pony held up both her hooves, as if she was trying to tell me to slow down. "Woah woah woah, mister," she began, "slow down."

Huh. and she was the one to talk fast.

"So," she continued, "Being brought here was just kinda like a 'pop!' out of existence there, and a 'woosh!' into existence here. Got it?"

I nodded, furiously jotting down every word she said on a napkin.

"And second of all, I think the way you did it was just extremely wishful thinking, to the point in which you somehow pulled me through."

I paused as I let that sink in. What wishful thinking? All my hopes and dreams... they've either already been fulfilled, or fruitlessly tossed aside, never to be remembered again...

The pony continued her speaking. "Well, if you're saying that your hopes and dreams are pretty much done and gone, then it must be something that you're inner-inner conscience is trying to tell you. Say, maybe that you need a bit more joy in your life.

Ok then... apparently she can also read minds. I wonder what everyone's gonna think of me when I run in shouting things about a pink female pony proving the Multiverse's existence...

"Eh, they'd probably look at you weird."

Aaaaannnnd my point has been proven.

I glanced back towards the pony. "So..." I began, "What was your name again?"

The pony looked back up at me. "Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Wow. Pinkamena has a long name.

"But you can just call me Pinkie."

"Ok, Pinkie," I said, "so what are you gonna do?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Idunno, hang around 'till you're truly happy?"

"Hey, I am happy."

"Doesn't look like it."

I fell back onto my bed. "Well, how long are you gonna stay here?"

Once again, Pinkie shrugged.

Sighing, I finally decided to get my butt off the sheets, and get my morning started. Only, the moment I opened the door, I found myself drowning in confetti.

"WHAT THE F***?!"

Pinkie bounced over to my side. Bounced. On four hooves. "Oh, I decided to throw a little party for myself to feel more welcome."

I grunted my reply as I trudged through the waist-high ocean of confetti.

"Where'd you even get this much confetti?" I asked.

Pinkie happily chirped, "Me, of course!"

Huh. As I suspected. I wonder what else she's hiding.

A few minutes of wading later, we found ourselves in the kitchen. I couldn't open the bathroom door to brush my teeth or anything, seeing that the door swings out, so it was pretty much barricaded by the confetti.

I turned to face Pinkie, of whom, as I thought before, stood about waist-high to me.

"What do you like to eat?" I asked.

Pinkie waved a hoof. "Anything, really. I ate rocks back at home."

Wow. Not only is she incredibly random, but she's apparently got like, super strength or something. 'Cause seriously, she literally just said that she used to eat rocks.

Author's Note:

One story down, a lot more to go! You'll (hopefully) be seeing some more chapters for this sometime soon. (By soon, I mean like a month. I'm VERY busy.)

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