• Published 13th May 2016
  • 600 Views, 17 Comments

The Princess and the Plumber - DaiAtlas2016

Twilight finds that she sucks at plumbing, so she called Trotelli, the industrial sized business, who took 3 hours only to admit defeat. Then Braveheart, a single earth pony plumber, came along, and got the job done in less than 10 minutes,Twilight t

  • ...

Twilight Velvet: Psychopath for Hire

When they got to town square, they saw big bronze statues of Laura, Reggie, Susie, and in the middle, Braveheart.

"You know, I guess I never really looked closely at these statues...", Twilight said, still nuzzling Braveheart.

"Easy, Lady! You'll be burning a hole in my fur if you keep nuzzling me like that!", Braveheart laughed.

Twilight pulled away, looking a little hurt, "O...Okay."

Braveheart saw what he had done and quickly said, "Not to mention, it's my turn now!", as he started nuzzling her, making her sigh with content.

"Oh, Braveheart. I love you. Do you know why?", she asked, nuzzling him back.

"Because I'm...I...uh...no. You never have told me. Why?", he asked.

"Because, you care more about how I feel, than how you feel. You always try to cheer me up when I'm down, you always ask how I'm doing. That is #1 in my list of most lovable qualities about you.", Twilight smiled.

"Wow, Spike wasn't kidding when he said you make a list for everything! Not to be nosy, but what are the last two in your top 3?", Braveheart laughed, kissing her forehead.

"Well, #2: Is the way your mustache feels against my face. It's silky smooth, I just love when you kiss me because of it. And #3 would be the fact that you love me purely for WHO I am, not WHAT I am.", she sighed contentedly as Braveheart held her close.

"Oh, Lady! It doesn't matter whether you're a princess, a pauper, or a plumber like me! I still love you for YOU.", he smiled, kissing her.

"Ooh! Can I get my picture taken by the statues?", Marianna asked.

"Sure! I have my camera right here!", Cadance smiled, leaving Twilight and Braveheart to their selves.

After Marianna got her picture taken next to the statues, standing specifically close to Braveheart's statue, Braveheart's friends left, and they went back to the hotel.

"Oh! Back so soon? I expected you to elope with my daughter and run away.", Velvet smiled, it was a psychotic grin.

Braveheart took a step back and whispered to Twilight, "No offense, but I might have turned your mom into a psychopath!"

Twilight sighed and said, "Don't worry, she's always been like that when stallions try to hit on me."

"Honey...let's just forget about that...because it's time for lunch! Who's hungry? I'm getting ready to order room service!", Night said, trying to keep his wife under control.

"I'd like to break every breadstick in your body, Braveheart...And then, I'll pull every string of spaghetti out of your little head...", Velvet smiled, rubbing Braveheart's mane, "And then..."

"Mom! No!", Twilight shouted, pushing her away and getting a tight grip on Braveheart, "You're not going to hurt him! He's my special somepony! And someday we're going to get married and have kids together!"

"Mom. You need to leave him alone, Braveheart's a good pony. He would never hurt Twily!", Shining said firmly, standing between his mother and sister and Braveheart.

"But...he's...a filthy plumber! He's not fit for a princess! Especially when that princess, is my daughter!", Velvet roared, shoving him out of the way and lunging at Braveheart.

The two of them went tumbling around, Velvet cursing him the entire time, so that Cadance had to cover Marianna and Flurry Heart's ears. Twilight used her magic to separate them, Velvet had only a couple of bruises, but Braveheart had his left foreleg broken, a bloody nose, teeth marks on his ears, and a black eye.

"Oh my gosh! Braveheart!", she gasped, holding him in her arms.

"Here, let me help you clean him up.", Cadance said, concern showing in her eyes.

"You're mean, Miss! Hurting my brother like that!", Marianna shouted at Velvet.

Velvet snarled back, making Marianna hide behind Shining, "You're just lucky I haven't hurt you!"

Night sighed, getting up and taking Velvet, "I really didn't want to do this, but it looks like I'm going to have to..."

"Where are we going, DEAR?", she asked, laughing like a maniac.

"To that hotel with the cushioned walls and the barred windows...", Night sighed.

"Ooooh! I love that place! BUT...", she smiled, before glaring at Shining, "Tell your sister that she is no longer my daughter! I am disowning her! As for Braveheart...I'll find him! Make him wish he never met Twilight, when I spill his tomato sauce everywhere!"

The door slammed shut. Shining was frightened. Very frightened.