• Published 13th May 2016
  • 600 Views, 17 Comments

The Princess and the Plumber - DaiAtlas2016

Twilight finds that she sucks at plumbing, so she called Trotelli, the industrial sized business, who took 3 hours only to admit defeat. Then Braveheart, a single earth pony plumber, came along, and got the job done in less than 10 minutes,Twilight t

  • ...


Twilight felt like a little filly again, when Braveheart asked her that question.

She started jumping around, chanting, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!", she finally got a hold of herself and said, "Oh, Braveheart! I thought you'd never ask!! Where'd you get this ring?"

Braveheart smiled, winking at three alicorns wearing very big trench coats sitting at a table behind Twilight, "Oh....I have my ways, Lady..."

"Oh Braveheart! We're going to be so happy together!!! And I'll finally get to be a mother....and a grandmother! Oh Braveheart!! This is the best day of my life!!!", she cheered, kissing him.

"Well, Lady. I'm happy you said yes. We better start planning our wedding!", Braveheart smiled, nuzzling her.

Twilight gasped, before running back to her house, "Of course! I better write to Cadance and let her know! And the rest of the family! Make sure you do the same and tell your family!"

"Okay, I will!!", he grinned before turning to the princesses, "Thanks, guys! You're the best!"

"Anytime, Braveheart!", Cadance beamed.

"Yes, Braveheart, you're welcome. But we must also thank you for making our Twilight Sparkle happy.", Luna smiled.

"Well then, you're welcome. I better get back, Marianna will be waiting.", he grinned, leaving them to go home.

Back at the castle, Twilight was telling her friends all about Braveheart proposing to her.

"Oh, darling! Congratulations!", Rarity exclaimed, hugging Twilight.

"Wow!! He finally did it! This calls for a party!!!", Pinkie shouted.

Applejack smiled, "Easy now, Pinkie! You can throw a party AFTER the wedding! I'm happy for you, Twilight!"

"Yeah! That's awesome! Nice one, Twilight!", Dashie exclaimed.

"Maybe you two can have children of your own.", Fluttershy said quietly, hugging her tightly.

"I know! I'm so happy!! We already have names picked out! Drippy, Droppy, Leaky, Splasher, Clogger, and Drainiana!", Twilight cried, she was so happy, tears were streaming down her face.

"Twilight, darling...don't you think it's a bit early to start thinking about children?", Rarity asked.

Spike came in, "Aww....leave her alone. She's happy."

Rarity smiled, "I guess you're right, Spikey Wikey! As long as she's happy!"

"Have you told your family about it yet?", Dashie asked.

"Yeah, Shining Armor and Cadance were excited. Dad was excited as well. I don't think Mom isn't going to be too happy though.", Twilight said, sighing at the last part.

"Hey......it doesn't matter whether or not she's happy, Twi. As long you're happy, nothing that your mom or anyone else says matters, okay?", Starlight said, putting her hoof on her shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, well I better get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow, planning our wedding and all. Good night, girls!", she said, cheering up instantly.

Good night, Mrs. Braveheart! Good Night, Starlight!", they giggled as they left.

"Did you see that ring? I wonder where he got it....", Rarity pondered.

"Well, he said the gem was from the Crystal Empire, and the Gold was from Yakistan.", Applejack answered.

"Wait....so you knew about this the whole time? Why didn't he tell any of us?", Dashie exclaimed, obviously offended.

"I'm sure he had his reasons, Rainbow.", Rarity said, trying to calm Dashie, "You, me, and Pinkie are quite the gossipers. And Fluttershy and Starlight weren't even home this week. So Applejack was the only one he could trust."

Rainbow thought about this for a minute, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense....."

And so all of them went home.

Meanwhile at Braveheart's, he was tucking Marianna into bed.

"Did she say yes, big brother?", she asked, as he kissed her forehead.

Braveheart covered her up and replied, "She did. Now you better get some sleep. We have work to do tomorrow!"

Marianna smiled, "Are you going to have kids?"

"We plan on it, which means you'll be an aunt. Good night, Marianna!", he grinned.

"Yes!! I'll be an aunt!! Good night, Braveheart!! I'm so happy for you, big brother.", she yawned, nodding off to sleep.

"Thank you, Marianna. Thank you, little sister.", Braveheart smiled, as he started writing a letter to his parents.