• Published 13th May 2016
  • 599 Views, 17 Comments

The Princess and the Plumber - DaiAtlas2016

Twilight finds that she sucks at plumbing, so she called Trotelli, the industrial sized business, who took 3 hours only to admit defeat. Then Braveheart, a single earth pony plumber, came along, and got the job done in less than 10 minutes,Twilight t

  • ...

Passing the Torch

It had been 5 years since the twins were born. Both of them were now 5, while Spike was a whopping 13! Today, was Braveheart's last day, he was passing the title of "The World's Greatest Plumber" on to Marianna, who was 16. There was going to be a big fancy celebration just for the occasion.

They were walking towards town square in Ponyville, Braveheart with Spike and Drainiana on his back, while Twilight had Twilight on her back.

"Braveheart, you don't have to do this....you can still be the world's greatest plumber, and a father....", Twilight said, trying to sway Braveheart's decision.

"No, Lady. I've been 'The World's Greatest Plumber' for over 30 years now. It's time I passed the title on. Besides, I want to spend more time with the kids, isn't that right, guys?", Braveheart smiled, nuzzling his wife.

"Yeah! Papa said we could go to the park after the party!!!", Twilight Clogger shouted, hoofpumping with every word.

Twilight Sparkle still wasn't sure, "Are you sure Marianna is ready for such a big responsibility?"

"Of course she is! I taught her everything she knows! She's ready!", he smiled with pride.

Drainiana spoke up, although very shyly, "I hate to disagree with you, Mama, but Papa's the best plumber ever! And if he taught Aunt Marianna EVERYTHING, she'll be the best."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Well I guess you're right, Drainiana. Papa is the best..."

Spike grinned, "Aww come on, Mom! You worry too much! Everything will be just fine!"

"And besides, after we go to the park, we need to start packing.", Braveheart added.

"Packing? Why? We're not leaving Ponyville, are we?", Drainiana asked, suddenly getting frantic.

Her father smiled and replied, "Of course not! But, Cousin Antonia has invited us to stay in Venice for a couple of weeks. It'll a nice family vacation! My Princess needs one anyway."

Before Twilight could speak, a regal voice stopped her, "Do not dare try to wriggle yourself out of this one, Twilight Sparkle! You have been working very hard as of late, too hard. You need a vacation! I order you to go on vacation with your family!"

They turned to find Princess Luna.

"Aunt Luna? What are you doing here?", Twilight Clogger asked, cocking her head.

"I'm here to congratulate your father on his retirement, as are Celestia and Cadance.", she answered, turning to Braveheart, "I'm very sorry to hear that you're finished though, Equestria will forever be in your debt. Especially after the Flood of 1999. We would have never recovered without your help. Once again, congratulations on finally retiring. I have faith that your sister will carry on your legacy, forever."

"Awww....that was nothing, really, Luna. I didn't help that much. I wasn't even part of the clean up crew! All I did was replace the damaged sewers and plumbing! You know I'm terrified of water!", Braveheart sighed, holding his hoof up to stop her.

Luna smiled, "That doesn't matter, what does matter is the fact that you did it. Even if you were afraid of water. You overcame your fear to help."

"Did I? Did I really do that?", he asked, questioning his fears.

"Maybe you're not afraid as you thought you were....you better get going! Don't want to be late for the ceremony!", Luna grinned.

They finally reached Town Hall, where all of Ponyville, the Princesses, and Marianna were waiting for him.

"Braveheart! Are you sure you really want to do this? Are you sure I'm ready?", Marianna asked, hugging her brother.

Braveheart smiled, putting his hoof around Marianna, "I'm positive! I taught you everything, now, it's time for you to live your dream."

"Thank you, Braveheart.", she sighed, hugging him tightly.

Mayor Mare stepped up to the stage and announced, "Today, is the day. Today, Ponyville's prized Plumber is retiring. But never fear, his sister, Marianna Alfredo will replace him. And I have complete faith that she will be as good, if not better than her brother before her. Marianna, you are now The World's Greatest Plumber! Congratulations!"

The crowd started cheering, and Marianna was lost in the swarm of the crowd.

"Now that I'm no longer the center of attention, let's go to the park!", Braveheart smiled.
