• Published 3rd Feb 2016
  • 494 Views, 10 Comments

Setting Sunburst - lola2901

Starlight Glimmer was broken when Sunburst's cutiemark led to their estrangement. But what if Sunburst had his own stories and secrets? And when did Sunset Shimmer get involved?

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Chapter Two

“Sunset Shimmer?” Celestia paused at the library door, blinking at her student in surprise. “It’s the first weekend of the month-aren’t you supposed to be seeing your family?”

Sunset glanced up from her book, hesitating. “Oh, Celestia! Sorry, I should have let you know-I canceled my visit. I wanted to put in some extra studying on an old spell I found in the Starswirl Wing and-”

“You haven’t told them yet, have you,” Celestia said, sighing slightly. It wasn’t much of a question, really, so much as a fact she’d resigned herself to.

Wincing, she looked away, managing an awkward smile. “Ah, well, I haven’t really figured out how to bring it up, no. I will though, soon, don’t worry about it!” she insisted.

“What about your friend? Weren’t you two going to spend some time together? I’m sure she’ll be rather disappointed you’re not coming,” Celestia tried hopefully.

Chewing her lip, Sunset Shimmer pushed to her hooves, brushing her mane from her eyes. “I’m sure Starlight understand. I mean, I’m really busy and stuff,” she said, though the excuse felt as weak as it sounded. “I’ll see her next month for sure.”

“You ought to tell them,” Celestia said gently as she turned to leave, pausing by the door. “You’ll feel better if you do, I’m sure. Consider it, at least?”

Hesitantly, Sunset nodded, more to get Celestia to leave than because she was in honest agreement. Clearly it was enough for her teacher, however, so Celestia left with a gentle smile and a nod.

Letting out a breath of relief, Sunset looked down at the cover of the book she’d been reading. It was easy, too easy. Sighing, she levitated it back onto the shelves, eyes flickering over the spines of the books in search of more of a challenge.

But she couldn’t think straight.

Maybe Celestia was right. After all, she couldn’t keep secrets forever. She’d start by writing a letter to her parents first. She’d explain everything, why she’d chosen this, why it was important to her. They were her parents, after all. They could understand, right?

Eventually she selected a book about the intricacies of Starswirl’s seventh motion, absentmindedly flipping through the pages as she worried.

What if they didn’t? Would they be mad she didn’t tell them? Would they tell her to ask Celestia to change her back? Sunset winced, dropping down in a soft chair. She didn’t want to change back, not now, not when she was finally comfortable in her own skin. She’d ever gotten used to long curly hair, and felt fond of her changed cutie mark. She didn’t want to go back to the way things were before. She couldn’t.

Her concerns were blurred out by the book. Even wading through her own stress and worries, she couldn’t help how it snagged her attention, tugged on the strings of her curiosity, pulling her deeper. She read softly, mouthing the words slightly, even though she didn’t speak the words allowed. It was an interesting read, a passage about a controversial scroll by Starswirl studying magic could really separated into dark and good, or whether it was a matter of intention. The distraction was nice, wonderful even, another example of why she idolized the brilliant wizard. What would it be to be like him? To stand on par with alicorns, to save the world, to banish those who endangered the world. It was everything she wanted, a life of adventure and success. It was nice, having a peaceful morning of nothing but curiosity and daydreams.

But mornings end, and reality calls, and much too soon, Sunset was back in her chambers, pacing in front of her desk. She’d been back from the library for nearly half an hour now, and still she struggled to get the words to come.

Clearing her throat, she focused. “Dear Mom and Dad,” she dictated aloud. Her quill shot to life, dipping itself in ink before hurriedly scratching out the words she’d spoken. That was probably the easiest part out of the way. She could try to make small talk, try to open casually, but that was only another excuse. Sunset took a deep breath, cutting straight to the heart of things.

“I need to confess that I’ve not been completely honest with you. For nearly three years now, I’ve known I’m transgender. Every morning, I’d wake up, and the moment I looked in the mirror, I’d feel almost shocked. Seeing my own face felt confusing, and for as long as I can remember, looking in the mirror I’d feel like the pony I was looking at wasn’t... me.”

Sunset hesitated at the window of her room, glancing out over the city briefly. Turning on heel, she began to pace back the other direction as she continued. “Being the personal student to Princess Celestia gave me an extraordinary opportunity, one to magically alter my outer self to match who I feel like I really am. It’s been a pretty strange experience to be certain, but one I wouldn’t give up for anything. That’s the real reason why I canceled my visit this month. I know you guys haven’t really been comfortable with this kind of thing when it comes to other ponies, and I wasn’t sure how to tell you. Do you think you could try and understand why I chose this for myself? I really want you both to be happy for me.”

Sunset paused, glancing at where the quill floated, waiting for her to finish wrapping up her thoughts. Clearing her throat, she steeled her nerve, finishing quickly. “I love you very, very much, and hope to see you soon. Your daughter, Sunset Shimmer, formerly, Sunburst.” She hesitated a moment, considering adding a postscript asking them to tell Starlight hi for her, but no. It was too tense to add something like that, to tack so casual a request at the end of her confession.

Glancing to the letter, she lay down the quill. Chewing her lip, she folded the parchment, tucking it into an envelope and sealing it. She’d have to send it, quickly before she lost her nerve.

She only hoped they’d give her the support she needed.

Comments ( 5 )

“You haven’t told them yet, have you,” Celestia said,

Well, I can already see how this plays into the shows/movies story line. Well done, if not then it was a good diversion.

That letter was quite sad to read. I've heard stories of people having trouble identifying themselves and feeling trapped in their own bodies based on how they feel versus how they look. I can see how the fear 'she' has telling her parents when it's such a fundamental part of not only herself, but something she clearly fears her parents won't agree with.

But I can see how Star goes nuts afterwards. Or at least I have theories.:fluttershysad: keep the chapters coming. But if I may, a tiny suggestion?

It would be a bit easier if you could please double space the paragraphs. If it's not too much trouble. Just a slight mechanical improvement I feel would make this a lot better. I hope you don't think me rude...

Also please tell me when the next chapter comes out and thanks for letting me know!:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for the tip! I'll see if I can figure out how to do that from now on. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far! :pinkiehappy:

6909359 Oh that's easy. Just hit enter twice instead of once after every paragraph and voila!

Double spaced!:rainbowlaugh:

6908610 woah that would be so cool if that were true story idea ! :pinkiehappy:

Haha, well, looks like this is officially an alternate universe, now! Not that I mind-I absolutely adore canon Sunburst! Adding the au tag up now! :twilightsmile:

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