• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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A Rare Treasure

Dear Rarity,

I just realised that if I add those together, I get Dearity! So now I'm gonna call you Dearity, okay? Okay! Dearity, this is totally not a party invitation! I figure I should say that because I know you sometimes throw out my party invitations and I don't want you to throw this out because it's not a party invitation and it's important. So don't throw it away, okay? Pinkie promise me 'cause it means a whole lot and I worked really hard on it! Probably, anyway. I mean I haven't actually written it yet because I'm writing it now but I mean I'm already stalling so I can tell this isn't gonna be easy to say. I think I should thank you for putting up with it. Thank you! I'll thank you here in case you get bored and stop reading because you read this far and that means you deserve to be thanked.

I bet you're super surprised to get a letter from me, huh? I mean, we've known each other for a whole lot of years now and I don't think I ever wrote anypony a real letter before except for Princess Celestia. Unless you count the little notes to Fluttershy and Dashie, but I don't think those count and I kind of doubt that you want to hear about them. But anyways, I'm surprised too – I'm not very good at letters or writing things. My thoughts tend to run away and go places they were never meant to and then the things I say make no sense and ponies get confused so usually I just don't do it unless I'm right there to explain, but I had to make an exception this time.

We're getting old, Dearity. We're getting old and soon we're gonna die. And that's okay – I mean I don't wanna die but I've had like the bestest life ever with you and the girls and all our friends and it's not like I have anything to regret, right? So I'm not so sad about dying. Kind of scared, though. That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. I know you're not doing so well yourself and it's hard for you to make long trips sometimes, but I was really hoping you could come visit me in the hospital. I'm not very good with faces anymore, and they say I'm probably not going to be around much longer so I want to make sure I remember yours.

I was kinda hoping you might hold my hooves, like you used to when I was sick. But it's okay if you don't. I understand. I don't think I could visit me knowing it might be the last time either. Last times are scary. Change is scary. But whether you do or don't, I love you. You're one of my bestest friends, and when you get to whereever we're going I'll be waiting with cakes and treats and drinks and whatever else I can get my hooves on, cause we're in this together. And the girls will be there too. I bet they'll be really happy to see you. I think they miss us. I hear them sometimes. Did I ever tell you that?

Anyways, there are a couple of reasons I wrote this. At first I was just gonna ask you to come, but then I realised that you might not come. I know you're still mad at me for forgetting them, but I swear I didn't mean to. I loved them, I swear. I was just sick too. I kind of miss being sick. Remembering is hard. So there's something I want to tell you. I should have told you a really long time ago, but I was scared because I think when I tell you you'll think I'm crazy. But it's important, and it needs to be said.

It's about my Granny Pie. I think we've talked about her, a couple of times, but I know I never really told you much so I want to do that now. She wasn't really my Granny, that was just what she called herself. I met her once when mum and dad took me and my sisters into town. I was mad at them, and a little sad too, so I wandered away by myself. And there she was, sitting all by herself on a bench under a big tree, smiling the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. She was real old. Older than us. But she was beautiful. She was a unicorn, with the prettiest blue eyes and the biggest, silliest hat I'd ever seen. And she knew my name. She knew my name before I knew my name. She was the first pony to call me Pinkie, before I even wanted to be a Pinkie.

She called me over, and she sat me down, and she talked. She asked me all about myself, and whether I was happy, and I told her I wasn't and asked her things too. And she answered, kind of. She told me that she had come from a place called Ponyville, very far away, and that a very dear friend of hers had died there. She said her friend had told her all about me, and loved me very much, and that if I ever needed somewhere to go, or felt like I didn't belong, I could go there – but not yet. She told me I had to wait 'til I was old enough, because it would hurt my parents a whole lot if I left before then. She said that there would be friends there. Amazing friends, who would love me just the way I was. And then she told me about her friend.

She told me all about how her friend had taught her that sometimes she didn't have to change the world. Sometimes it was enough to make things better for just one pony, for a little while, and sometimes it was enough to be there. That her friend had taught her to appreciate the little moments in life, rather than always worrying about being perfect – because thanks to her friend, she already knew she was perfect, even if she wasn't. I remember every word, and I don't think I'll ever forget them. I'll never forget the song she sang me when I told her I was lost, either. I think you probably remember it too. She sat with me and waited until my parents found me, and then she disappeared.

I don't know where she went, but I never saw her again. Except that I think maybe that I did. 'Cause even though for a while I thought I must just be as crazy as everypony thinks I am, I'm becoming more and more convinced I was right. Ever since I first met you, I've had this feeling that I knew you. And as you've gotten older I've become more and more convinced I was right. And if I am right, then I owe you more than I could ever tell you in a bazillion years. My friends. My home. My happiness. It's all because of you.

That's why I need you to come. Please. I need to see you, so I can say thank you. So I can tell you how much I love you and how perfect you are.

I understand if you don't. But if you don't, please remember that I'll never forget you. You're my best friend, and the most amazing pony I know. Thank you, Rarity. For being you, and for being my Granny Pie.


Pinkie Pie.

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