• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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Sweet Victory

The prompt: Two ponies are in competition. One loses … but doesn’t realize it.


The kitchen of Sugarcube Corner was filled with music. Not in the sappy, romantic sense like Rarity would’ve liked – like, actual music. Tubas and trumpets and … she was pretty sure that that was a fiddle, or maybe a violin … and a harmonica and lots of other things Dash couldn’t place. Any other pony would’ve been impressed by it all – the timing, the pitch, the singer.

All that fancy stuff was perfect. And the singer’s voice was also pretty good, even if she sounded kinda out of breath. But that wasn’t what would’ve impressed them. Or not all that would’ve, anyway. She smirked as she remembered the first time she had seen Pinkie perform a full blown musical number, even though she didn’t actually have any instruments or anypony to play them. The expression on her face had probably been priceless. This time, however, she wasn’t really even listening – the fastest flier in Equestria had other things to think about.

Rainbow Dash was bored. Restless. She wanted to do something, and Pinkie was more than happy to oblige. The problem was that they’d already done everything. In the last three hours they had pranked everypony in town, gone dancing – which Rainbow had made sure to tell everypony was Pinkie’s idea, even though it’d totally been hers – read the latest Daring Do book cover to cover with Pinkie providing the voice of Ahuitzotl, cuddled for a while as Pinkie assured Dash she wasn’t going to eat her soul, restocked the party cannon, made Gummy and Tank wrestle, made out, pranked everypony in town again, baked four cakes, tried and failed to manufacture cotton candy clouds, choreographed a musical number slash fight scene between Gummy and Tank (Rocky won), played six games of Ponopoly and twenty three of Candy Land – along with half a game of Clue before Dash had insisted it wasn’t cool enough for her. And now they were baking a fifth cake.

It was more than they got done most mornings, though not by much, but it hadn’t helped. Except the make outs. Those had helped a little. But still – what Dash really wanted was to fly. Only, she wanted to stay with Pinkie even more. And Pinkie couldn’t fly – they had tried that, thirty or so times. Hadn’t ended well, even with the tankcopter. And that meant - “Hey Pinkie, let’s have a contest“ - that she wait. Had she said that? She had. She totally had.

The Party Pony spun around and smiled at her, eyes sparkling in excitement. “Oooooh that sounds amazing Dashie! What’re we gonna do? Are we gonna have a flying contest again because I think I figured out what went wrong last time and I recalibrated the antimanticore so this time I think maybe –“

“Tempting, but no. Last time was too close – we’ll try again when ‘Shy or someone who won’t fr – who knows how to deal with hurt ponies and stuff is around, though, ‘cause that sounds awesome. But today…” She rose to her hooves, draped a foreleg over her marefriends shoulder, and whispered in her ear – she wasn’t sure where the idea had come from, but she knew it was genius. “We’re having a makeout contest!”

Pinkie giggled and nuzzled the Pegasus, smile widening to a grin. “That sounds like the super duper bestestest most funnest game ever! But…is that even a thing?” She sounded contemplative, as well as excited. That was typical – Pinkie didn’t take many things seriously but silliness, and especially games, were grave matters to be given their proper respect. Dash snorted at the thought as Pinkie continued. “What are the rules, Dashie? How’re we gonna score?”

“Pinkie, you’re not getting this! No rules. Only makeouts! And then we both score!” Dash grinned in satisfaction as Pinkie went from pink to being bright red – it wasn’t often her making Pinkie blush. Apparently Reddie Pie – Rhubarb Pie? Whatever – couldn’t let it go so easily though.

“That…that sounds really super great, Dashie! But…how will we know who wins!?”

Dash kissed her. She tasted sweet and beautiful and perfect, just as she always had. And she kissed back, softly at first and then more insistently. Intend on teasing her – it was a contest, after all – Dash pulled away and smirked at her. “Getting it yet?”

“So we both win, huh?” Pinkie sounded kinda dazed. “This sounds like a game we should play all the time and never stop, Dashie. Don’t you think?”

“Definitely.” The Pegasus agreed with a wise nod. “And yep, we both win.” She planted a kiss on Pinkie’s snout and then, after a moments thought, added “But I win more.”

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