• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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Prompt: “There are more things in heaven and earth … than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


Rainbow Dash glared, her purple eyes a glowing, swirling storm of barely restrained anger. Her mouth was twisted into a scowl and her wings flittered anxiously behind her as she stood, tense, in the doorframe. It was a look that Fluttershy had seen many, many times before – usually as her friend stood over her, screaming down some pony who had decided to bully her. It was anger, yes – but it was a very special kind of anger. The kind that only came out when someone hurt one of the ponies lucky enough to be Dash’s friends. And now, for the first time, it was directed at her.

Fluttershy was terrified – cold fear snaked through her, strangling the warmth that she’d built up over the course of the day. The visit to Rarity, the unplanned spa trip, the hour spent reading in front of the fire, all of it had had only one purpose; to stave off the sickening guilt and blind panic that had been threatening to overwhelm her for days now. All of it a waste. As the two Pegasi stared at one another, the guilt rose in her again and she had to fight the urge to fall right where she stood and throw up. The panic… stayed gone. That surprised her, but it didn’t worry her; she had other things to worry about.

“Are you even listening to me?” Dash snapped, waving a hoof back and forth in front of her eyes. Fluttershy stared at her blankly for a moment, and she rolled her eyes. “I said I gotta talk to you. It’s important. So are you gonna let me in, or what?”

“Um…talk? But I…that is to say… what did you want to talk about? If you don’t mind me asking, I mean.” She already knew, of course. But delaying the discussion seemed like a good idea, if it was at all possible. She really, really liked being friends with Rainbow Dash. The longer she could pretend that was still going to be the case, the better.

Dash didn’t seem to think as much of the idea, and the look she gave her said as much. “Don’t play dumb, ‘Shy. We both know you learned that from me, and we both know it never works. But fine – you want to play it that way?” She leaned closer, and spoke very clearly – and a little loudly. “You’re gonna tell me why I came home to find my marefriend a wreck who thinks nopony gives a damn about her, why Rarity’s been such a hermit lately, and why the heck I shouldn’t kick your flanks right here. How does that sound?”

Fluttershy flinched, and found herself gazing steadily at the floor. With a slight nod and a mutter of “Okay,” she stepped out of the doorway and let her friend barge past. She knew Dash wouldn’t hurt her, of course – beyond any doubt – but the fact she had even said – had needed to say them – forced her to fight back a sob. Even if she deserved to hear them. Especially if she deserved to hear them.

Dash reached into her saddlebags and tossed a small paper sack on the table, where it landed and fell onto its side, before dropping herself onto the couch. Fluttershy stared at the sack, and Dash sighed. “Cupcakes. Pinkie sent them. She sent me to make sure you were okay.”

“She…?” Fluttershy could barely believe what she was hearing. “Pinkie wanted to make sure I was okay? After….after what I said to her? But… but why? That doesn’t make sense!”

“Of course it does. You’re her friend, you dope. She loves you.” Dash snorted, a mixture of amusement and anger. “That’s not gonna change just ‘cause you say something stupid. Worse than stupid. She’s just gotta love you with whatever bits of her heart you didn’t break now.”

Fluttershy whimpered, and felt tears forming in her eyes. “That’s…that’s not really very fair of you to –“

“So? You did something I don’t like. That means I get to treat you like crap, right?” Dash’s tone was light, casual.

“I know I shouldn’t have said it! It was an accident!

Dash was in front of her then, eyes narrowed and any pretence of calm gone. “You think I give a flying feather about that? We all say dumb stuff sometimes – that wouldn’t matter!” She stomped a hoof. “What matters is that you meant it. I know you meant it, you know you meant it, and they know you meant it! But don’t worry.” She smirked, then, and it was somehow even worse. “Today, I’m going to tell you the story of the amazing butterpony, who ditched her best friend right when she needed her most for some stupid animals on the ground.”

“Ditched? I didn’t –“

“Of course you don’t think so. Animals matter to you. Animals make you happy. Me? I think they’re kinda a waste of time. But I guess it’s all about perspective, huh?”

Fluttershy allowed herself to be led to the couch, and listened as Dash began to tell her story. She suspected, by the end of it, she was going to be a wreck herself. But that was okay. Maybe she even deserved it.

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