• Published 12th Jan 2016
  • 529 Views, 3 Comments

Pony Toppa Equine Lagann - The watchful pony

A Gurran Lagann crossover in which the characters end up in Equestria and have to find a way home and maybe save Equestria a couple of times in the process.

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Chapter One: What Kind Of World Is This?

A giant mech is standing inside a chasm as two people talk inside a small mech on top of it's head.

"I'll be right by your side. Just believe in yourself, believe in the Simon that I have faith in.", said a tall man standing over a kid who had a bruise in his cheek. The kid looked at the tall man for a few seconds before he smiled and said,

"Right! You got it." A loud engine sound came from the large mech as a voice over a intercom in the mech said,

"Yes your doing well, very well indeed Simon. Your synchronizing steadily, just a little bit more." The tall man looked at the boy named Simon for two seconds before he jumped off the giants head into a mech down below on the giants battleship like deck. As he was getting ready to move the mech, an explosion occurred in front of him as several mech jumped out and started to flee, except for one who faced the tall mans mech.

"Well Viral, it looks like your friends have finally realized the true might of team Dei Gurren and are running with there tails between their legs.", said the tall man. "If I were you, I would not flee but since your not me, maybe you should go and follow your friends, your out numbered and out gunned."

"I will never flee from you Kamina. Not until my honor is restored by killing you. And if you have even a shred of honor you naked ape, you will tell your little group to stand down and fight me Mano e Mano."

"I was gonna kick your ass anyway. And I won't have team Dei Gurren interfere as long as you grant me some honor and allow my blood brother to join me."

"I was gonna allow that anyway. It wouldn't be right fighting a opponent that is not at full power." In the distance as the group of mech flee the area one turned around to face the giant mech.

"You may have think you have won but the Spiral king has given me a special parting gift to give to all of you.", said a giant guerrilla in the mech as he pulled out a button. "Is the bomb placed on there headquarters?"

"Yes sir.", said one of the other mech.

"Perfect, you served me well Dei Gunzan, but your sacrifice will not be in vain. and Viral... well you where alway a pain in our side so this will kill two bugs at ounce. Good bye you filthy humans, I'll see you all in hell." The Guerrilla raised his hand and slammed it down on the button.

"Hey is Simon done taking over our new base?", said Kamina to the person on the intercom.

"Yes syntonization is complete."

"Alright Simon, combine with Kamina and kick this bozos ass!", yelled out a yellow, angular mech on top of the chasm.

"Right, let's do this.", yelled Simon as his small mech detached from the top of the carrier like mechs head. He jumped off and fell to Kaminas mech. However, just before they could combine, a Loud beep can be heard from both the forest where the person on the intercom was and from the carrier like mech. Immediately after the beep, a bomb went off and an explosion engulfed all the mechs and the base of the humans. The only things Simon saw before the bomb went off was a bright light.


Simons eyes slowly started to open as he saw a bright, blue sky. After realizing he was alive he jumped up to see his surrounding. He was in a forest and still inside His mech.

"Big bro!?.... Yoko!?.... anybody!?...." Yelled out Simon into the forest to only hear nothing.


Chapter one: What kind of world is this?


Simon took a drill necklace and put it into a slot in the mech.

"Please work Lagann.", begged Simon as he was getting ready to turn the drill. It turned and the engine started up as the interface activated and displayed a drill pattern. "Yes, alright now let's try to find everybody else. Let's go Lagann." Lagann started to get on it's feet and walk down the forest path.

As Lagann walked Simon looked at his surrounding and admired the large amount of trees and foliage. "What Kind of world is this? It's so much greener then anything back on earth." Simon looked down to see a bunch of squirrels and mice as well as other animals. "And has so many more animals then the ones back on earth. Is this Where people go when they die. No that can't be it, then why would Lagann be here." Simon made Lagann walk down the path until a rustling could be heard from a nearby bush. He made Lagann ready it's fists towards the sound. Simon looked half ready to fight and half nerves "Who's there." No answer was given. "Please bro if your messing with me just come out already.", Still no answer was given. Then, all of a sudden, bright, green eyes could be seen from the bushes. As the eyes got closer, a wolf like creature emerged that was made out of wood. "What... what kind of creature are you?." , said Simon nervously. "It's okay little guy, I'm not a beastman, I'm not gonna hurt you.", He said as the wolf got closer and closer until the wolf reeled back and lunged at Simon. Simon made Lagann put both it's hand under the wolfs belly and launched it away and it slammed against a tree. The wolf got up and looked like it was barley injured but even more pissed off.

"Sorry, but I'm not on the menu. You want to eat me, then you have to work for it.", said Simon as the wolf got back up and started to face Simon and growl. "Alright, you asked for it. Come on, let's go Lagann!" A hatch closed around the cockpit Simon was in and Lagann took a fighting pose. The wolf started to stalk around Lagann as the wolf followed it's movement. The wolf started to run and lunged at Lagann as Lagann shifted to the right and punched the wolf, causing it to launch back to the path Lagann was taking. The wolf got back up and started to run back at Lagann. Lagan reeled back and let out a kick, knocking the wolf into the air. The wolf managed to turn itself down to earth and readied it's claws as it fell back to earth. "Man this creature just won't quit. Alright then, eat this!" Yelled out Simon as Laganns arm reeled back and turned into a drill. The drill spinned and he pushed forward and the drill rammed down the wolfs throat and the wolf was sliced in half. The wolfs half's fell to each side.

"What, no blood? Is this thing a mini gunmen? But where's the pilot?" All of a sudden, more rustling was heard from the bushes. Simon turned Lagann around to face the sound as three more Wolves emerged from the bushes. "More of them, oh man." The wolves charged as Lagann readied his drill. One lunged and Lagann swung the drill and knocked the wolf back. But another wolf got on Laganns back and started to bite its jet as the other swung it's claws and struck the face on Lagann. Lagann managed to grab and throw the one attacking it's face and activated it's jets and slammed it's back into a tree, crushing the wolf. But the one on it's back kept attack as the other two got back up and lunged at Lagann. It grabbed the one on it's back and used the wolf as a mace to knock the two lunging at it and threw the one it used as a mace. All three of them got right back up and started to walk towards it. "Dame, don't these Gunmen ever give up?" All three of them started to get closer until a rock hit the leader in the face. Simon and the wolves looked and saw a figure in front of the sun. The wolves ran after the figure and left Simon and Lagann behind. Lagann chased after them.

By the time he caught up there was already one left. It was about to attack the figure when Simon jumped and drove the drill right through the wolfs back and shattered the wolf into pieces.

"Well I appreciate the help there stranger."

"I couldn't let those Gunmen hurt an innocent."

"Gunmen? What in tarnation is that?" Simon opened the cockpit shield to see the person he saved.

"You mean those weren't-" but before Simon could finish, he saw the person he saved wasn't a human, but was a small creature on all fours and was orange with a cowboy hat. The two of them looked at each other for a good minuet before they both said "What are you." at the same time.


The Creature and Simon were walking down a dirt path.

"Well again, thank you for helping me back there mister?"

"Oh, my name is Simon."

"Simon? what a strange name for a strange creature. What kind of creature are you anyway?"

"Well where I come from we are called humans."

"Humans huh? Well around here, Creatures like me are called ponies. And what do you call this big ol thing you're walking in?"

"Well these things are called Gunmen, but this one is called Lagann. What were the names of those gunmen back there?"

"Gunmen, Lagann, you creatures sure have some mighty strange names where you come from. Also those wolves you fought are called Timberwolves."

"Timberwolves? and you think my people have strange names for Gunmen."

"If these so called gunmen are suppose to have someone inside them like this here thing, then I'm afraid those were not Gunmen. Just some normal animals, trying to eat anything they can get there claws on."

"Well I don't think Lagann would have made a very appetizing meal." All of a sudden, Simons stomach started to grumble. Applejack grinned a little as Simon let out a little nerves laugh. "Speaking of meals, piloting Lagann tends to take a lot out of me. Please tell me this town we're heading to has some cooks."

"Oh yes, I don't rightfully know what humans eat, but I'm sure we can find something for you."

"Great, And don't worry, I'm not a picky eater when I'm hungry. Say I just realized something. I never got you name?"

"Oh right. I'm Applejack."

"Applejack? I remember hearing stories about apples before humans were driven underground. Does that make you a farmer?"

"Why yes, I am a farmer. Do your people not have farmers?"

"No, well at least not anymore. There are stories of farmers from a long time ago but it soon became easer for people to raise animals as appose to growing food."

"And why's that?" Simon just stared at her for a few seconds before looking away and saying "I'll tell you later. This place is looking more and more different from home the more I look around. Bro is probably board out of his mind here."

"Your bro? You have a brother?"

"Well not exactly. We're soul brothers, It means he is not my brother trough blood line but I treat him like my own brother and he does the same to me."

"Well that must be one strong bound of friendship you two have?"

"Yeah, I guess it is...", Simon said as he smiled and looked down remembering his big bro.

"Here it is." said Applejack as Simon looked up. "Welcome to Ponyville Simon." Simon looked out to see a small town with buildings, a windmill, and tons of ponies walking around. The two of them walked into town as all the ponies starred at Simon and Lagann. As the two of them got closer to sugarcube corner, Lagann started to power down. "You okay Simon?"

"I'm fine, Lagann Is powered by my fighting spirit and it is nearly gone because I haven't eaten. Are we close to a place I can eat?"

"As a matter of fact, right over there my friend makes the best sweets in equestria."

"Great, I'll just park Lagann next to it." Simon made Lagann sit right next to the entrance as he pulled the drill key out and jumped out. "Let's eat." Applejack and Simon walked into Sugarcube corner. As they did, a Pink blur glommed onto applejack. "Hi Applejack!", yelled the pink creature excitedly.

"Hi there pinkie.", Pinkie let go of Applejack and looked at Simon.

"OHHH, who's this?" said pinkie as he rushed around Simon.

"Pinkie, This is my new friend Simon, Simon, this is my friend pinkie pie."

"Well hi there Simon, nice to met you.", said Pinkie as she shook Simons hand.

"Nice to meet you to." Simons stomach started to grumble again. "I hope you're as good a cook as Applejack says you are."

"Oh yes, one meal for a super duper spacial guest coming right up!", said Pinkie as she rushed back into the kitchen. Simon walked up to a table and took a seat along with Applejack.

"So are there any other friends I'm gonna be meeting?"

"Well there's Rainbow who is a bit of an athlete, Twilight will probably love meeting a strange creature like you and your little friend out there, Rarity could probably fix up some of those cuts in your jacket, Spike would love to have another guy friend and Fluttershy... well she's shy."

"Really, Well I look forward to meeting them." A loud bang is heard as pinkie dropped a giant plate full of sweets and pastries in front of them.

"One super duper special meal for a super duper spacial guest is ready." Simons mouth started to water as he dugged into the pile and started to dig in. he started to eat and eat until the pile was almost halfway empty.

"Slow down a little Sugercube, you don't want to get sick." Simon stopped for a little to swallow his food so he could say-

"Don't worry, It takes a lot for food to make me sick. Besides, I need to keep my strength up incase those Timberwolves return."

"Oh trust me, they rarely come to ponyvill. No danger really comes to ponyvill." But then, some ponies started to scream in terror. Simon stuffed a muffin into his mouth and ran outside with Applejack and Pinkie. Several ponies could be seen running away from something. Applejack grabbed Lily and asked "What in the hay is everypony running from?"

"A Timberwolf, a big one, it's coming to ponyvill!", yelled Lily as she broke free and kept running. Simon finished eating the muffin and jumped into Lagann.

"Who there sugercube, a couple of Timberwolves is one thing but those giant ones are not something to be messed with."

"Maybe so, but I can't just let that monster destroy Ponyvill. Bro would never stand for bullies. I'll meet you there.", Simon closed the cockpit and made Lagann run towards the Timberwolves location.

The Timberwolf smashed some stands and some carts. A rainbow blur kicked the wolf in the face and did that several times before the wolf knocked the blur down to reveal a blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail. it got back and Yelled out-

"Come on you overgrown bush, I'm gonna teach you not to mess with Ponyvill." the rainbowed pegasus got back up and flew towards the Timberwolf as a flash of magic blasted the wolf in the face, distracting the wolf long enough to get some of its fangs knocked out by a hoof kick. The timberwolf saw ware the flash came from and saw a purple unicorn. It ran up to her and was about to swipe at her when all of a sudden a blur went clean trough and ripped the wolves arm off. The blur landed to reveal it was Lagann with it's drill deployed.

"Who the hay is that?", Asked Rainbow.

"Well he's fighting the Timberwolf so he must be on our side." The wolfs arm started to regenerate and reform.

"It can regenerate!", yelled Simon worried. "Oh shit, I wish bro was here." The wolf looked towards Lagann and got in pounce position. "Alright Lagann, it's just us and our new friends. Let's do this." Lagann readied it's drill and lunged forward at the same time as the wolf. The wolf tried to swipe Lagann but it managed to dodge it and drill the arm. Lagann rushed around to the other side to get the other arm but the wolf tried to swipe with its regenerated arm. Luckily, Lagann grab its arm and ran up it towards the head but was quickly bit by the wolves giant teeth and was being eaten until the Rainbow pegasus kicked the teeth loose and grabbed Lagann. She flew a little bit away and dropped Lagann to the ground and the Rainbow pegasus landed next to Lagann.

"I think you might be in over your head buddy, even with that thing, which is heavy for the record, so you better pay my medical bills for my back.", said Rainbow.

"I can't just let this thing destroy your home.", said Simon.

"What?! And your just a kid. Look I don't want to seem like a jerk but you'll just get in the way if you fight. I know you just want to help but leave it to the ones who save ponies on a regular basis."


"But nothing, stay here and don't get in the way kid. Your in over your head."

"Maybe I am... I... I am a little over my head. My bro saves me and makes me powerful. I'm not as strong without him." Lagann started to glow a bright green. "But that does not make me weak. That does not mean I cannot fight back. I will drill trough that monster and when I break trough, that means I've won!" yelled Simon as Lagann grew drills on both arms. Lagann flew over to the Wolf as it was picking up a pony. Lagann drilled trough and ripped the arm off as the purple unicorn used her magic to grab the pony. Lagann landed on a house and jumped right back at the wolf. It aimed for it's head and as the wolf bit down, Lagann went straight trough the top and ripped the top of the wolfs head clean off. "And now for the heart." Lagann turned itself around and started to fire its jets so it would rocket back down to the ground. Lagann went straight down and when it reached the center. Lagann busted out it's stomach and the Timberwolf started to crumble and collapse. Lagann kneeled in front of the ponies as all the ponies just stared at Lagann.

"Well thank you stranger for the help.", said the purple unicorn.

"Yeah, I guess I underestimated you kid."

"This kid has a name.", said Simon as he opened the cockpit and stood up with his arms crossed. "And it's Simon. Simon the digger."


All the ponies Looked at Simon and admired him. "He's got no fur" some of them said. One of them felt his face and said "It's so soft." Finally the purple unicorn managed to get them to clear out and give the boy some space.

"Sorry, A creature like you doesn't exactly come around to often. and especially with such a strange weapon. My name is-" but before she could finish, Simon said,

"Let me guess, Twilight."

"That's right. How did you know?"

"I kinda already met your friend applejack."

"Oh, well then I guess introductions won't be necessary."

"I guess not, tough I had no idea some of you kind could fly like my Gunmen."

"Well Some ponies like me have hornes that can creat magic and some can fly like rainbow here."

"And some have both.", said a soft voice behind Simon. Simon turned around to see a big pony that was all white with a horn and wings and a gold chest piece and horseshoes. All the ponies around him bowed to her. Simon decided to be respectful and bowed as well.

"I take it since these ponies are bowing to you, you're the ruler of this world.", said simon as he got back up.

"You could say that. I am princess Celestia, and it is an honor to meet you my fine friend."

"Princess, why are you here in ponyvill?", said Twilight.

"Well I was told you had a Timberwolf problem. At first I thought you all could handle it but then I saw a bright green light and decided to investigate. And I'm glad I did." Celestia spread out one of her wings and brought Simon in for a hug. "Because I got to meet a new friend of yours." Simon started to blush a little.

"I'm happy to meet you to. But I was wandering if you could help me with something." Celestia let Simon go and said,

"Oh, and what help can I offer you?"

"Well you see, I don't think I came here alone. Because I was with other people like me before I was transported here. And one of them is very important to me. You see he's my-" before Simon could finish his sentence, a loud, earth shattering crash was heard on the outskirts of ponyvill. The Mane six, Simon, and Celestia all ran towards the sound. They stopped to see a giant red Gunman with glasses on and a tall man waving a sword around at some of the ponies.

"Hay hay hay hay hay, until I know if any of you are not beastmen, I got a sward and I am not afraid to use. So back off!" yelled the tall man. Simon developed a large grin on his face and yelled out

"Kamina!" Kamina turned around to see Simon and got a big grin on his face.

"Finally a familiar face. Hay Simon, Hell of a first day am I right!?"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

So I've been watchings a lot of Gurren Lagann lately and I decided that this idea needed to be written down. I know there might be some grammatical errors but I hope you all like it despite that. If you do then I will defiantly continue this story, I promise.

Comments ( 3 )

Ok, I would suggest that you get an editor.

Not a bad start but you'll want to add an e to ponyville

Bitch who said you could stop like this

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