• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,915 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The night stretched on with dancing and drinking as the two of you were lost in the waves of sound and lights. Time didn’t matter in this place nor did the world outside of the club. What mattered was she was there with you, and nothing would come between you. Unfortunately not even the drinks or pulse pounding beat could stave off your tired bodies and minds for long as soon as you found the two of you barely able to move let alone dance.

“I guess we have to call it a night,” Pinkie Pie said with a long sigh as the two of you left the dance floor and headed towards the door to the outside.

“Yeah, I guess we do,” you replied as you pushed open the door and stepped outside into the city. The doors closed behind you with a loud thud, hitting home that your time with her was over and yet the one question that started this adventure still remained unanswered. But as you struggled to find a way to weave it in while not being too awkward another question came to mind.

“Um… Pinkie?”

“Yes?” she replied in a slightly slurred tone.

“If both our cars are here and we’re drunk, how can we get home?”

“Well, there is the bus, but before we think about that, there’s one last place we need to go, maybe two if things turn out the way I see in my mind. Follow me.”

Trying to think about what the pink girl meant you followed her away from the club and your cars and across the street where a large stone wall stood. A sign at the opening simply read: City Park.

“This was our last place before you ended up in my apartment and a very special place,” Pinkie said as you entered the park. The place was nicely illuminated by tall lamp posts as you passed the empty band shell and the silent playground area. Soon she came to a stop at a park bench, one that seemed to be different than the dozen or so you passed on your way here. She sat down and beckoned you to sit next to her. As you sat, you felt her arm wrap around your body and pull you close as she looked up at the sky.

“Isn’t the night sky pretty tonight?” Pinkie Pie said finally.

“Yes, it is, but you know what’s better?”

“What is?”

“You Pinkie. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl like you, and I don’t think I ever will again. You’re the best thing to ever come into my life.”

“Aww! Thank you! You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known too! But this wasn’t about coming here just to see the night sky.”

“It wasn’t?”

“Something happened here that was very magical, one that I’ll never forget, and if you remembered what happened here you wouldn’t forget.”

You struggled to figure out what happened there on that bench in that very park the night before but still your mind drew a blank. Being so spontaneous Pinkie could have done anything with you there! It was then that your mind realized the truth, maybe the two of you done something her, the big “It.” All signs seemed to point there as the logical ending to a perfect yesterday, but you needed something more to finally know for certain.

“You said we did something here?” you asked hoping not to overplay your hand.

“Kind of, well actually it was more about something you said. You do remember what you said to me now, right?”

Perhaps it wasn’t the big “It” that happened, but now a new question popped up. Your mind again combed every recess of your brain, desperate to find what you said. The fate of your growing relationship and Pinkie Pie’s very happiness hinged on this moment, but you could not fathom what it would be. You looked at her as she stared back at you with those piercing blue eyes, waiting for an answer. Then, just when you were about to lose all hope for a happy ending, one phrase came to mind.

“I love you,” you said softly as if a light turned on in your mind.

“What was that?” she said.

“I love you. That’s what I said to you that night here in this park.”

“You remember!” she said with a smile, “Say it again to me!”

“I love you, Pinkie Pie!”

“Oh, I love you too!” she said giving you a hug and smothering you with kisses, “Now come on, and let’s head back.”

“Back where?” you asked as you walked with her along the path, only not back the way you came but towards the other entrance.

“To my apartment silly! It’s right on the other side of the park. That’s how I knew about the club and how we weren’t in trouble even though we drank. Unless you want to just find a bus or a taxi to get home to your apartment…”

“No!” you said suddenly which caught her off guard as you were not willing to finish this night just yet with her, “I mean, I’d like to spend some more time with you if that’s ok.”

“Of course it’s ok! But only if you show me where you live one day.”

“That’s fine with me,” you said as you continued down the path with Pinkie Pie at your side. You were about to round the bend when Pinkie Pie suddenly seized your hand and pulled you to the side. In doing so, you found your legs tangle as you collided with Pinkie Pie, sending the two of you crashing to the ground. Recovering from the shock you found yourself laying on top of her in a way that would cause quite a stir among people passing by if there were any.

“Sorry about pulling you like that,” Pinkie said.

“Sorry for falling down on you,” you said as you found your way to your feet and pulled her up, “Why did you pull me anyway?”

“See that pole there?” Pinkie said pointing to an ordinary black light pole at the bend in the path, “That’s what caused you to not remember. You had a little too much to drink last night and you sort of walked into that pole. I helped you to my apartment to best I could and into my bed. Since there was room there I decided that it was fine for me to join you so that’s what I did.”

“You did that for me?” you said overcome with emotion. Part of you was relieved that you knew the truth to last night, but the other part that loved the girl in front of you felt little sad.

“Of course!” pinkie said as the two of you walked to the exit, “I wouldn’t let my boyfriend just lay there in a park. Besides, you did so much for me yesterday, taking me everywhere that we’ve been today.”

“Wait, you said I took you everywhere?” you said as the last revelation of the day before struck you like a cold breeze.

“Yeah, you came to the bakery and asked me if I wanted to go to the fair. So, I took my car home and then got in your car and off we went to the fair. Then the two of us didn’t want to end the fun so we went to the club and then the park, and now here we are!”

It was clear now what happened the day before, that it wasn’t Pinkie Pie that started the adventure but you. You smiled at her at the fact that maybe it wasn’t just you or her that made your relationship work. It was both of you.

“Here we are again at my place,” she said as you stepped into the apartment complex, as a sly grin ran across her face.

“What’s with that face?” you asked as you stepped on the elevator.

“You know, I thought of something that could make a perfect end to this adventure and a start of something new.”

“You do?”

She then grabbed you and gave you a kiss with a look like she had something on her mind that it didn’t take long what it was. As you passions peaked and you began making out in the hallway towards her apartment, you knew that the question you had in your mind the whole day would be answered, just not in the way you imagined.

Did We?

Tonight you knew without question would be a resounding We Did.

The End!

Thanks for reading!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading everyone! Be sure to read my other tales on my page, and stay tuned for my new fanfic in the future!

Comments ( 16 )

You truly ended this story with a big:
Congratulations on giving a good story a great ending.
And when he walked into that pole? That had cracking up so hard. You're brilliant, hands down, no questions asked, no doubt about it. I greatly commend you on your masterpiece.



Thanks. Wanted to make sure that I ended things completely.

I like it. The story is a bit too silly for my taste, but any story with pinkie as a main character is going to be infected with it so I give that a pass. . . :pinkiehappy:



Yeah, I should have put a warning that silliness will occur. :pinkiehappy:

In other news, it seems that second person fanfics are popular or numerous enough to get a tag for it! Yay!

Yes I liked it!!!

Lol, I enjoyed the story a lot. And if I liked this story, then I know i'll love your others! :3




omg that story was the 2nd best story I have ever just omg well to me it was just:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::heart: now that it came to a end I wll :fluttercry:




This story was so fluffy. I had the biggest smile on my face when I read this final chapter. :pinkiehappy: It was so darn adorable! :heart:

Good job, sir/ma'am! :twilightsmile:

Oooooh I love this story! This is going to my favourites IMMEDIATELY!!!


Thanks for all who continue to enjoy my story!

For this finale, you've earned the like. :pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by Lux deleted Jul 16th, 2016

Loved the ending to this one, yeah!:pinkiehappy:

...Good one :pinkiesmile:.

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