• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: Desert Battles

Jak's decision to take out some of the Marauders turned out to be perfectly timed, as a large group was actively attacking the gates of Spargus as the trio took separate buggies out. The three decided on a very efficient division of tactics. Daxter took the Gila Stomper - the large, heavily armored buggy with the auto-cannon - and parked it right outside the gates, taking hold of the auto-cannon and shooting anything that got too close that wasn't Jak or Shining. Shining took the Dune Hopper, using his magic to better control the wild leaps so he could position himself for ambushes with the grenade launchers. Jak used the Sand Shark, dodging between the activities of the other two in order to take down any they missed.

Luck was with them, as not only did this tactic successfully repel the Marauders, the last vehicle destroyed left behind the Beam Generator, one of the Precursor Artifacts needed for the Forest Pillars. With the taste of sand and victory - but mostly sand - in their mouths, they drove back into the city vehicle dock. As they entered, Seem contacted them.

"The Marauders have attacked one of our artifact digs and stolen a very important item," Seem explained. "We think they may have taken it back to their stronghold."

"So we should retrieve the artifact before blowing the place up?" Jak joked.

"That would be appreciated," Seem growled back.

Chuckling, the trio clambered together into the Dune Hopper to seek out the Marauder Stronghold.

The Marauder stronghold turned out to be on an island in the middle of a protected bay. A few leaps over gaps in the bridge led the trio to the gate...which opened for them.

"Oh, wow," Daxter began, his voice completely deadpan. "There is absolutely no way this can possibly be a trap. We should just drive right into the enemy stronghold when we are so conveniently invited."

"I was thinking the same thing," Jak agreed as he drove in.

"I was being sarcastic!" Daxter screamed out as the gate shut behind them.

As the group hopped out of their vehicle, Marauders began launching fireballs from catapults into the open air center of the fortress where the trio were trapped. At the same time, Marauders on foot came after the trio with blades.

Shining grinned as he drew forth several Eco Blades, passing two to Jak and keeping two for himself. "Let's show them why we're a cut above the rest."

Daxter groaned. "That joke would be less painful if you had blades for me!" he proclaimed angrily, waving his arms, his paws clenched in fists.

With a rather distinct sound, blades of pure Light Eco took shape around Daxter's paws, extending beyond them.

Daxter stared at his new Eco Blades. "...I did not know I could do that..." Noticing it made the Marauders hesitate as well, he grinned widely. "Let's see what I can do with them!"

The trio raced about, carving their way through the attacking Marauders and dodging fireballs, keeping their distance from each other to avoid being an easy target. When the last of the on foot Marauders dropped, the gates opened, and several Marauders drove out in their own buggies, plainly fleeing from the trio. They quickly pursued in the Dune Hopper.

The four vehicles that fled the stronghold were easy to spot, and the trio were able to take them out one at a time as they raced after them. When the fourth was destroyed, another artifact was left behind, the Prism. It also proved to be one of the ones necessary for the Forest Pillars.

Rather than just drive off with it, Jak opened communications with Seem. "Seem, we've recovered the artifact."

"That is a relief," Seem replied. "When can I expect it returned?"

"Actually...could we borrow it for a while?" Jak continued. "It's one of five we need to open the ruins in the Forest south of Haven, to reach the catacombs."

"Hmm...I suspected as much," Seem replied. "How many other artifacts have you acquired for that mission?"

"Three of the five," Jak answered.

"So this one makes four? Very well. Use it wisely."

"Thanks, Seem," Jak replied, cutting off communications and setting course for the transport to Haven, in the hopes Samos might have ideas where to find the final one.

At a suggestion from Keira via comm link, Jak and the others took the artifacts straight to the forest. Once there, a large stone head rose out of the ground at their approach, its eyes shut. Curious, Jak stepped forward and struck a button where the head's nose would have been.

The eyes flew open, glowing blue and sending out a ray of blue light, creating a light ring for Jak to race through.

"Time me!" Jak shouted as he took off on the Jet Board.

Jak pursued the glowing ball of light, following its contrail as it created more light rings. As he passed through the last one, it flew back to the stone head...which promptly exploded.

"Less than 30 seconds," Shining murmured. "Nice!"

"That's...probably significant," Daxter pointed out.

In the distance, one of the pillars could be heard raising up slightly out of the water.

"Let's see if there are others!" Jak insisted.

As Jak suspected, there were four other stone faces scattered about that rose out of the ground to his approach. When he completed each course of light rings, the stone faces exploded, and the pillars rose, each one rising higher than the last one. When the last face exploded and the last pillar rose, they formed a staggered stairwell allowing the trio to climb to the top of the raised central pillar.

As they stood atop each raised pillar, it rose up beneath them to the height of the next one, dropping back down as they all leapt across. Once at the top, they found a contraption that looked a bit like a telescope connected to an orbiting planetoid.

"Approach the Astro-viewer, time warriors," the voice of the Precursors instructed.

As Jak stepped up and looked in, the viewer zoomed in on the Day Star, revealing a surprisingly organic looking ship, covered in tentacles.

"Behold, the seed of our destruction," the Precursor voice elaborated.

Jak pulled back, letting Shining and Daxter each get a look, even as the Precursors continued speaking.

"We Precursors built many worlds across the universe, shaping them with Eco into something good...but we were foolish. The Dark Makers were once Precursors, but their over-exposure to Dark Eco changed them. They began twisting worlds, conquering life and dark ages ensued." Despite the distorting echo of the voice, the pain of the described events came through plain as day. "Now, the Dark Ones have found your world and are coming to claim it for themselves."

"Over our dead bodies," Jak growled.

"That is their plan, yes," the Precursors replied. "There is but one hope left. You will find a planetary defense system hidden deep at the core of the planet." As the voice explained it, a view of the system described appeared. "There is still a chance to save your world. I hope you are more successful than many planets whose fates have already been closed."

As the voice stopped, the trio pulled back. "Looks like we know what we're up against now," Jak murmured. "You guys ready?"

"Save the world from the unstoppable evil Precursors?" Daxter asked. "Yeah, sounds like Tuesday alright."

"Just in the nick of time, huh?" Shining asked with a smirk. "What does that make us?"

Jak chuckled, bracing his Morph Gun on his shoulder. "Big damn heroes..."

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