• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Perfect Day, part 3

Shining Armor sat in his office as he went through a bit of last minute paperwork. Perhaps rearranging the guard while protecting the city, planning his wedding, and trying to figure out if his fiance was really his fiance had been a bit ambitious. However, spending so long with Jak had made him just as stubborn as his adoptive brother, and now that he was making the attempt he wasn't about to back down. His concentration was, however, disturbed by a knock at his door. "Come," he said automatically, instinctively making a mental and magical check of his weaponry.

The door opened, and an orange pegasus with a blue mane wearing the gold armor of a guard stepped in, looking nervous. "Umm...I have a message for you, Captain. From...your sister?"

Shining Armor blinked for a bit, momentarily confused. "You're a guard?" he asked bluntly.

"Y-yes sir," the stallion confirmed. "Private Flash Sentry." He quickly saluted. "I'm in training for the First Strike division."

Shining nodded. The First Strike division of the Guard was the only truly offensive branch, meant to work alongside the Wonderbolts to attack an enemy nation should Equestria ever go to war. As such, they didn't get the enchantment on their armor to make them all the same color, since knowing one soldier from another on the front lines was more important than the unified image of the all white and gold Guard that defended the Castle and Princesses. "And...my sister gave you a message for me? Why?"

Flash Sentry shrugged. "She said she knew she could trust me to deliver the message, since I was the only guard she asked who offered an opinion instead of a non-answer."

"An opinion on what?" Shining asked pointedly.

"On if I thought Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was acting weird," Flash explained. "I said that I didn't know her personally, but her behavior did seem off from what I'd heard, though I personally attributed that to the stress of the wedding, and the idea that said wedding might be interrupted by an unknown attack. Apparently, all any other guard would say was that it wasn't their place to say...or that absolutely nothing was wrong and she should stop asking questions."

Shining frowned deeply. That sounded rather ominous, especially with his thought that Cadence might not be Cadence. It could be she wasn't the only pony here who wasn't who they seemed. "And what's the message?" Shining asked curiously.

Flash scratched his head. "Umm...I'm not really sure what it means, but...'Double Trouble, who seeks the Dragon's Lair'?" He seemed especially confused by the contents of his message.

Shining, however, found himself smirking. Those were names of Ogres and Oubliettes campaigns he'd bragged to Twilight about when they were younger. Specifically, the first one was a campaign where there had been two of a particularly important NPC and they had to figure out which was the real one, and the second involved rescuing an NPC - a Princess - from captivity. Twilight was using that to try and ask him what approach should be taken with Cadence if she wasn't who or what she seemed. Shining steepled his hooves as he considered this thoughtfully. Eventually, he came across the perfect way to do it, remembering a particularly effective strategy at throwing off both Game Master and Players, probably effective in this case as well. "Private, find my sister and tell her, 'The Eclessiarc'. She won't need further explanation."

The younger stallion nodded. "Umm...yes sir." He turned to go.

"A moment," Shining Armor spoke up, catching his attention. "You said you felt my fiance isn't being herself?"

"Y-yes sir," Flash responded. "But with all the stress-"

Shining Armor waved the qualifiers off. "Of course, of course. But you can understand why I'd be concerned, right?" Flash nodded in understanding. "But I can't talk to her about it. We're both working as hard as we can because we have to, so the last thing I want to do is add more stress on her from a fight. But at the same time, if the stress gets to her too much, I would like to do something before she ruins her own wedding from overwork. So I need someone to discretely keep an eye on her, and keep track of just how hard this is pushing her. Can you do that for me?"

Flash nodded eagerly. "Of course sir! I won't let you down!" He quickly saluted.

"Report to me in private at regular intervals what you see, soldier," Shining instructed. "And if anything is particularly disquieting, report it as soon as you can get me alone." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I wish I could see those instances with my own eyes, hear them with my own ears...but..."

"I can take care of that, sir!" Flash spoke up eagerly. "First Strike unit helms come equipped with recording crystals for scouting missions. With your approval, I can use them here."

Shining grinned. "See to it. Of course, you understand this mission has to be in the strictest of confidences. You report directly to me on this matter, and mention it to no one else." A thought occurred to him. "Oh, one other thing."

Reaching into his desk, he pulled out a picture he'd found in his Precursor armor. It was a picture of Keira, Jak, Samos, Daxter, and Tess. "During your work, there's a chance you might encounter the creatures in this image," he instructed, showing it to Flash briefly. "If you do, tell them 'Ar-Mar shines in the castle'. They'll know what it means." He then put the photo away.

Flash nodded quickly. "Umm...what are they, sir?"

"Late guests," Shining responded cryptically.

Unsure what else to do, Flash saluted. "I won't let you down, sir."

Shining smiled to himself as the Private left. Twilight had picked her messenger well. He made a mental note to keep an eye on that guard, and keep him close. He could be quite useful. Idly, he wondered why Twilight had even approached him.

He's her age, a rather wicked part of his mind pointed out. You never asked Twiley if she had a special somepony...

He resolutely decided not to tell Cadence that speculation...once he was certain he was talking to the real one, anyway.

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