A thousand years ago, Princess Luna becomes overcome with negative emotions, and one day finds herself unable to control her own body. Her mind intact, she has to deal with whatever's taken control of her.
Formerly titled "Luna's Nightmare", changed on Nov. 6, 2015, to equally reflect all three chapters instead of just the first one.
Now with a cover image! "A Pony Moving On" by muffinshire on deviantArt.
Now that is a nice, small story. Luna's monologue is very cool and Nightmare Moon's reaction somehow is funny: Stop referring to me as your body. XD It is well wirtten, but a bit short.
5980568 Glad you like it! Even though it's labeled completed, I'm still considering another chapter or two about the thousand years and/or her return to Equestria.
You should probably do this. It could be nice.
Awesome! It is such a nice jump from the point of views. I made the same thing in Rebellion of the Moon (okay the only POV of Celestia in my story is the Element of Harmony summoning, the use and Oh my god-what have I done-moment.) Back to what you wrote: It is very well done. I enjoyed Celestia's point of view and I understand her confusion very well. Best thing was in my eyes: Elements of Harmony POV! Awesome! So creative.
And I agree to your view on Celestia. This is a punishment for both of them.
I am crying! This is so sweet and so sad. It is wonderfully done. And it is awesome how you combine the informations from the comics with the show. I just thought: Yay IDW comics! Thumbs up! I really think this was well done.