• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 1,756 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

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Ponies and Snakes United

A few days had passed since the incident with the Serpentine, and after the group returned to the Canterlot the generals including Pythor had given the princesses a personal apology, with Twilight and the others backing him up on how sincerely sorry he was. The two sisters and even Cadence learning to forgive and forget accepted the friendship between the five generals and promised that things would be different for both their kind.

Inside a room in Canterlot Castle, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and the five Serpentine generals were preparing for something.

Skales spoke to Pythor and Celestia, "You both realize we'll have to use more than words to bring both our kinds together."

"All we have to do is show them the way." Pythor answered.

"And with us helping you I'm sure our kinds will be able to live peacefully." Celestia put in.

"Or as peacefully as we can get." Cadence put in.

"Excuse me your highness?" came a voice, as the group saw a Canterlot guard and Lieutenant Arcturus standing in the door way.

"They're all ready for you." Arcturus spoke.

Luna took a deep breath, "Well, this is it."

"No turning back now." Skalidor added.

"Let's go." Twilight said, as the four Princesses and Five Snake Generals left the room.

They stepped out onto a balcony to oversee the castle grounds. On the balcony stood Twilight's friends, Spike, Shining Armor, Zyphon, Dustin, Alistair, and all their friends. Down below were the ponies of Canterlot with multiple guests from Ponyville and the Crystal Empire on one side, while on the other side were all of the Serpentine tribes with a giant gap in the middle. The ponies and the snakes were skeptical and unsure about being close to each other given their pasts.

Celestia began, "Welcome ponies and serpentine. Today both our kinds have gathered together for today marks the end of an era. An era of hostility between both our kind."

Cadence spoke up, "And now we would like to turn our attention over to General Pythor who will speak on behalf of all the Serpentine."

Pythor slunk to the front to address both the ponies and snakes, "Greetings ponies of Equestria. I know seeing me and my fellow generals up here with your princesses is not something any of you would ever thought you'd see. But my generals and our tribes have come here to extend our most sincerest of apologies, especially to you Crystal Ponies. During our time serving Sombra he made us believe our only purpose was to cause pain and to see you all obeyed him. When we tried to overthrow him we failed and all we could do was flee."

Skales spoke up, "We spent years roaming the land looking for a place to call our own but sadly we were rejected and cast out. We thought by trying to take Canterlot for our own to fight Sombra was all we had, but the truth is we had a choice to try and make peace, but we never even considered it."

Luna added, "And we ourselves are also to blame for we never even once considered giving them a chance. We let our own fear blind us into thinking we can't trust no other creature unless they are a pony."

Celestia spoke, "But that will all end today. We shall never judge a snake again. For as you can see our dear Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends have shown the five generals and their tribes kindness and friendship that we were never able to show."

Pythor finished it off, "And we want to continue to understand friendship the way you ponies know it. I know we have our differences, but we've learned that Equestria is more than just ponies it's all kinds of creatures. And when it comes down to it, it's home to all of us. So from the bottom of mine and all of our purified hearts, help us to see the beauty and power of friendship."

The ponies and snakes felt moved their by speeches, but still shared uneasy glances with each other. The others noticed this and looked worried, "This doesn't look like it'll go well." Spike said.

"Oh, I hope nothing bad happens." Fluttershy said in worry.

"Wait, look." Dustin said, as they looked down.

They saw the Ponyville filly Dinky stepping out of the pony crowd while walking through the gap in between both the ponies and the snakes. Doctor Whooves was concerned and was willing to try and bring her back over, only for Derpy to hold a hoof out signaling him to not do anything.

From the Serpentine's side, Mezmo walked out from the crowd of snakes all the way into the gap. When the Hypnobrai and filly met face to face, they stared at each other curiously, until the filly raised her hoof out to Mezmo. The Hypnobrai soldier was concerned about what to do, until he remembered about making peace and did the one thing that was right. He reached out and his claw shook the filly's hoof. Both the ponies and snakes were surprised to see how well they were starting off. Dinky seeing the Hypnobrai wasn't so bad smiled, and reached up embracing the snake.

Mezmo was taken aback by the little pony's embrace, until he felt comfortable with it and smiled before returning the hug. Seeing this, the ponies and the snakes started walking away from their sides and into the middle before both kinds met and started to bond.

On the balcony the whole group was astounded by the play out, "Well, whadaya know?" Applejack asked.

"Looks like we're off to a good start." Acidicus answered.

Soon enough the ponies and the snakes started to get close to one another and started making friends. Some Constrictai were chatting it up with some of the Canterlot ponies and Crystal Ponies, as if the past between them never happened. Photo Finish was straightening out a Fangpyre making sure it was standing up straight with his chin up before taking it's picture. Spitz of the Venomari was talking to some ponies from Appaloosa, before the three ponies each spat into a nearby spittoon. Spitz smirked as he took a big spit nailing it into the spit bucket. The cowpolk ponies laughed and cheered as his shot. Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom were selling some Zap Apple Jam products to some of the Anacondrai, while one had drank some of their famous apple cider.

As the ponies and snakes continued bonding they saw the Princesses and Generals stepping out, with the generals wearing the tuxedo jackets Rarity made for them, and even made one for Pythor as well. As the generals slunk along, some of the young colts came trotting up to them looking excited.

"Mr. Pythor, can me and my friends have yours and the other generals autographs?" one asked.

"I'd like a picture with you as well." another requested.

Pythor and the generals smiled, as the Anacondrai general answered, "Of course." and so they started signing autographs for the kids and taking pictures with them. Even Muse's child Nightfall wanted to get to know the generals more. With the idea of making them characters into a graphic novel idea of his.

The humans and Mane six were looking around in total shock, "I can't believe I'm actually seeing this with my own eyes." Rarity said in disbelief.

"Ponies and Serpentine together, I can hardly believe it myself." Rainbow added.

"And yet it's all become possible thanks to all of you." Luna congratulated them, as Ven, Aqua, and Terra came over congratulating their sister and future brother-in-law.

Discord appeared, "Yes, even I find it to be a wonderful accomplishment."

"If somepony like you could get reformed then there was hope for the Serpentine as well." Twilight admitted.

Pythor came over laughing joyously, "Oh, now this is what I call a party. Pinkie, remind me to hire you to cater all our celebrations and festivities."

"I would be honored, Pythor." Pinkie saluted.

Celestia spoke up, "Pythor, about the kingdom you were trying to have constructed."

Pythor cringed recalling why this whole thing started, "Yes, but during the rampage as Serpent King I ended up flattening a good majority of the buildings that were still under construction."

Celestia smiled, "Well, maybe we can help you with that?"

Pythor did a double take, "Say what?" the Princesses smiled knowing he would be pleased with what they have in mind.

The next day out in the desert like before the serpentine soldiers were busy at constructing a kingdom for themselves, but this time they had Canterlot construction ponies from all three types to help pick up the slack. The Princesses, the Serpentine Generals, Twilight's friends, and the warriors were overseeing the progress seeing things were running smoother than before when it was just the Serpentine working.

"Yes, this is more like it." Pythor said feeling pleased.

"At this rate your new kingdom will be done in no time." Dustin added.

"But what're you going to call it when it's done?" Pinkie wondered.

The generals were curious about that, and huddled together and talked. The others waited for their answer until they broke. Pythor answered, "Well, we've talked about it, and we've decided to call our domain the Kingdom of Ouroborus."

"Actually, that's a good name." Twilight admitted.

"Very fitting." Rarity put in.

"Thank you." Skales answered.

Eventually the Kingdom was finished, and Celestia had officially declared the Kingdom of Ouroborus was officially the newest kingdom in Equestria, with all five generals as it's rulers. And then the opening party for the kingdom was started with Pinkie putting everything together. As it was getting late, the ponies, princesses, humans, and Snake generals were standing atop a mountain overseeing Ouroborus.

"It's beautiful from way up here." Fluttershy said.

"That it is." Fangtom agreed.

Skalidor who had been holding onto a scroll slunk over to the Princesses, "You highness."

"Yes, Skalidor, what is it?" Celestia inquired.

"My fellow generals and I have talked about it, and in dedication to our new friendship, we have put together a friendship report for you." he presented the scroll to her.

The ponies and humans were surprised, but looked curious as Celestia unraveled the scroll to see its contents. She looked at it, until an idea came to mind, "Why don't you read it, Twilight?" she levitated it over to her pupil.

"Me?" She asked in surprise, before feeling sheepish, "Well, ok," she began reading as everyone listened.

Dear Princess Celestia,

For a long time we always believed we only had one purpose, and that there was no option to change. But after spending time with your subjects and fellow Princess we've learned that we always have a choice to be who we want to be and not the way others make us out to be. And from this point on we'll be sure to let future generations know the importance of friendship just as your little ponies have shown us.

Your new friends and allies

The Serpentine Generals, Pythor, Skales, Fangtom, Acidicus, and Skalidor

The groups looked at the generals, as Dustin smirked, "You guys really do have a soft side, huh?" The five generals looked away feeling sheepish.

"Oh, group hug!" Pinkie cheered, as the whole group gathered around in a group hug with their new snake friends.

"This calls for a commemorative picture." Mitsukai suggested.

"Excellent idea." Aria agreed.

"Allow me." Zyphon said as he removed a camera from inside his storage torso, and set it up.

Everyone started gathering together, as Zyphon started the timer. He ran around to join them and the picture was taken. Zyphon had developed the picture and gave one to the girls, the snakes and to his master and friends.

"Well, looks like our work here is done." Burai said.

"Yeah. We better get going." Alistair agreed.

"You're going back?" Skales asked.

"Afraid so, Skales." Dustin answered.

"But you'll come and visit us here at our kingdom, right?" Skalidor asked hopefully.

"You bet we are." Drake confirmed.

"And we won't be gone long." Dean added.

"Everyone here is invited to mine and Wild's wedding. Even you and your tribes." Muse explained.

Pythor smiled, "We wouldn't miss it for the world."

"And this whole adventure we've been on will make the for the perfect play on how the ponies and serpentine united." Muse added.

"I would love to see that." Acidicus said.

"Me too." Pinkie added.

Zyphon opened a portal back to New York, as the warriors started stepping through. Dustin was the last one before looking back at the generals, "And guys, make sure you stay out of trouble?"

"Oh, trust me we will." Pythor promised.

Dustin nodded, "I'll hold you to it. Catch you all later!"

"Bye!" the ponies and snakes bid a farewell, as Dustin and Zyphon entered before the portal closed.

Pythor sighed, "Oh, those humans certainly grow on you, don't they?" he asked his generals and pony friends, who all agreed and laughed.

That night back in New York, Dustin was sitting on the ledge of a building looking out into the city.

"Don't tell us you're brooding again?" Alistair asked, as he and Drake arrived.

"Oh, I'm not. Just admiring the sight before me." he answered, as the two joined him.

"Yeah. It's wonderful." Alistair agreed.

"We've all been through a lot these last few days." Drake said.

"Yeah, but look at what happened from it," Dustin began, "We reformed the Serpentine, and united both them and the ponies. I'd say we did ourselves a damn good job."

"Uh-huh." they agreed, as they continued to look out into the beautiful city.

While inside Canterlot castle in the hall of windows, another had been added to it. It was a window depicting the union of the ponies and serpentine. In the center was Twilight on the left with her hoof out, Dustin in the center with his hand out, and finally Pythor on the right with his claw out, and all three were linked up forming the bond between Pony, Human, and Serpentine.

Author's Note:

And this concludes the tale of Snakes Resurrection. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 1 )

great job sweetie

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