• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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A League Within a League

Ponyville – Bon Bon's Bountiful Bakes – Noon

"And the next thing I knew," Garnet murmured, sitting at the same table. "Captain Shining Armor is summoning me to the Palace. When I show up, he takes me aside and tells me that I was his personal selection out of a group of about a dozen candidates to take on the challenge given by the Canterlot Council."

Bon Bon stood, leaning back against the counter of her establishment with her forelimbs folded. "So... then..." Her eyes narrowed. "...you weren't specifically chosen for this assignment?"

"If you mean to suggest that the Council or Princess Plasma had me or my name in mind, then the answer appears to be 'no,'" Garnet said. He exhaled slowly. "Fact is—as far as any members of the modern Council are aware—a smattering of crystal ponies dwelling in the Empire today were once closely acquainted with Prince Miller before and after his turning." He gulped. "This information—as I can only guess—was provided by Princess Cadance and the other members of the Canterlot-Crystal Retrospective Commission. My guess is that the Council reviewed this information, noticed that twelve of the crystal ponies were surviving members of the Imperial Guard, and then they sent a broad requisition to Captain Shining Armor. Ultimately—he chose me to be the representative to serve for the Council, and the Council then assigned me to Blue Crescent in time to be integrated into the League."

"And the first time you ever met Princess Plasma...?"

"—was when I arrived at New Trottingham," Garnet explained. "Since then... she has made every attempt possible to foster my integration—both into modern society and into the League."

"And Horizons?"

"The Chief?" Garnet gulped. "I... have found myself associating with her considerably less than I anticipated. I hadn't at first considered it a reason to be concerned. After all, in the League's current standing, we are operating under Princess Plasma's authority. I've simply assumed that it was only natural for the heir to the House of Trottingham to direct me and my actions."

"She has fostered you, then?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. But I've found myself given considerable more freedom and independence than when I worked as an Imperial Guard under the Stewards. Granted, Captain Shining Armor has a very hooves-on approached. He and I worked together quite extensively—not only to protect the citizens of the Empire, but to more proactively integrate our separate cultures. Here—in Central Equestria—I feel that I am being treated just like any other League member."

"Right..." Bon Bon nodded. "But still, you were chosen rather broadly by the League to fill in a much-needed gap in the League."

"Agent Sweetie Drops," Garnet spoke. "Forgive me for being overtly inquisitive, but what kind of information are you looking for?" He raised a shiny eyebrow. "I think it's rather evident by now that both Princess Plasma and the Council have been keeping me in the dark—relatively speaking." He shifted in his seat. "I do not know precisely what this means, but your tone suggests the need for alarm."

Bon Bon sighed. "It's just that... the League has always been so close-knit. We've never had anypony inducted before who was a complete and utter stranger to our previous operations. And while I do not doubt your masterful strengths and capabilities, sergeant, I cannot help but feel concern over the fact that Chief Horizons was not allowed to induct the new member herself." She swallowed. "And now I learn that the Council didn't directly choose either—but rather they put it in the hooves of the Stewards..."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Sweetie Drops, but the modern Council does appear to operate through means of a well-oiled bureacracy."

"That's some pretty thick oil," Bon Bon muttered. "I understand that they want a team member with a unique perspective on Sombra—and history in general—but..."

"It seems rather conspicuous that they chose me through such impersonal means."

Bon Bon chewed her bottom lip. "Was chess invented seven thousand years ago?"

"I know what a 'pawn' is, Agent Sweetie Drops."

Bon Bon winced.

"And, to be honest, now that you've brought the matter into the light... I'm beginning to wonder precisely what the Council expects of me." Garnet took a deep breath. "Or Princess Plasma, for that matter."

Awkward silence.

Bon Bon's hooves shuffled as she stared at the floor. "One thing that I've always prided myself on... was learning to think on my hooves. It's a trait that I copied after my father."

"Chief Agent Sugar Cane."

"Right." Bon Bon gulped. "He taught me to think 'outside of the box' when getting things done for the League. And—as I've recently discovered—it's something that Chief Agent Horizons values greatly about me. To that end... Horizons seriously can't be surprised if I did something crazy if I felt it was in the League's best interest."

"Such as what?"

Bon Bon's eyes lifted. "Such as telling the new recruit that I've been instructed to spy on him."

Garnet blinked. Hard.

Bon Bon simply stared back at him.

"Horizons..." Garnet's brow furrowed. "...does not trust me?"

"She makes it a habit not to trust anypony—which sometimes makes me question her alleged faith in me." Bon Bon pushed off the counter and stood on all four hooves. "Nevertheless, yes, she has expressed grave concern over the sudden part you're playing in the League—at the choice of Blue Nova Industries and the Canterlot Council."

"And the other League agents?"

"I'd be lying if I said that they were completely trusting."

Garnet's shiny ears folded as he sighed. "I suppose they cannot be blamed." He swallowed. "What were you instructed to do specifically?"

"There was nothing 'specific,'" Bon Bon said. "Horizons—it would seem—prefers to keep things vague."

"You don't say." Garnet's jaws tightened. "Perhaps it is her whom you should be spying on."

"And I'm tempted to agree," Bon Bon said. "Only she served my father faithfully, and I fail to see what she would have to gain by sabotaging the League through unnecessary obfuscation."

"And myself?"

"I think you're the ultimate victim in all of this, Sergeant," Bon Bon remarked. "Assuming—of course—that there is indeed something foul ahoof."

"And what does your instinct tell you?"

"That there is enough concern to keep constantly guarded," Bon Bon said. "And I cannot do that alone." She gestured. "I do not want to work against you, Sergeant. In the end, we all have a common enemy: the Tartarusian monsters still at large in Equestria. Anything that gets in the way of our hunting down those creatures can only be a disservice to our nations—both Canterlot and the Empire." Her eyes narrowed. "We need to work together closely if we're to have any hope of staying afloat."

"To what end?" Garnet sighed heavily. "With each passing day, I'm getting a more and more tempestuous image of the organization I've been roped in."

"You're not alone," Bon Bon said. "Only now—I want you to know that." She gestured. "Let's look at it this way. You and I, Garnet? We can stay on the same wavelength. We can look out for each other. I'll keep an eye on Horizons to see if any cracks show that will reveal what has really been going on behind closed doors since the Invasion of Canterlot."

"And as for myself?"

"Well... I can't pretend to give you any orders at this juncture," Bon Bon said. "But if Princess Plasma or the Canterlot Council actually do attempt to make an impressionable move on you? To influence the hitherto cohesive functions of the League?"

Garnet cocked his head to the side. "You want me to be your informant? To do the 'spying' on Blue Nova Industries for you?"

"For us," Bon Bon said. "Assuming—of course—you share the same concern as I do."

Garnet sighed, leaning over to rub his forehead with his hoof. "You're not making this post any less complicated, Sweetie Drops."

"Welcome to the modern era," Bon Bon droned. "I've been perfectly honest with you, Garnet, and that's because I believe you to be a good pony and a faithful soldier." Her eyes narrowed. "I don't want you to become some thankless cog in whatever machine Princess Plasma may or may not be engineering. There's some wicked game at play here, but you and I and the League are better than that. And the time may come—sooner or later—when we'll be forced to prove it."

"And if I don't play along?" Garnet muttered, staring back at her. "If—instead—I choose to go to Horizons with this revelation? Or to Plasma?"

Bon Bon swallowed. "I'll accept the consequences for my actions."

"It would be awfully easy to think outside the box if that's where you're forever forced to operate."

"You say that as if I haven't been in such a position before."


"Very well, Agent Sweetie Drops," Garnet said, standing up and extending a hoof. "Consider it an agreement."

Bon Bon blinked. She reached out to grip his fetlock. "We've got each other's backs, yes?"

"A League within a League."

Bon Bon swallowed and bore a faint smile. "That's one way of pointing it..."

"Just me trying to simplify things."

"Let's make a few things abundantly clear, Sergeant. Some things are truly impossible."

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