• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 608 Views, 9 Comments

Pony's Creed: Sisterhoof - Derpyforever

Two mares. One secret that connects them. One secret that may kill them.

  • ...

Sequence 5

Sequence 5
Rainbow Dash's eyes slowly open, focusing into a bedroom. Rainbow moaned, sat up, rubbed her eyes, and with a quick look of her surroundings, realized she was in one of the Canterlot Castle guest rooms. Sighing, Rainbow jumped out of the bed she was in.

"Ah, that feels better," Rainbow groaned as she stretched out her wings, hooves, and back, soreness within them all.

A low, but loud growl sounded throughout the room causing Rainbow to grab her stomach as a wave of sudden hunger washed through her.

"Faust, I'm starving," Rainbow grumbled as she began to walk out of the room, "Wonder if there's anything in the kitchen?”

Rainbow opened the door and let out a slight gasp of pain. The darkness of the room was suddenly vanquished by the brightness of daylight, shining through the hallway windows.

Rainbow directed her attention to the small, rhythmic tick of a grandfather clock in the hall, the smaller of the two hands pointing at the roman numeral of nine while its longer twin reached for twelve

"Morning," Rainbow said aloud, a slight disbelief lingering in her voice, "I was out all night."

Before Rainbow could ponder any longer, however, her stomach growled out again, demanding to be filled.

"Alright, alright, I hear you" Rainbow said to her stomach, annoyed.

Rainbow began to flap her wings, relieving some soreness before flying down stairs and straight for the dining hall. The long table that resides there was only occupied by Ditzy, Celestia, and Luna.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Ditzy grinned.

"Shut up, Derpy," Rainbow scoffed.

"Good morning, Ms. Dash," Luna smiled, "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry," Rainbow replied, taking a seat across from the three, "but I do feel better than the last time I woke up."

"Good," Luna nodded, turning to a thin mustache, tan unicorn and said, "Mr. Silver Platter, can you please bring us some breakfast from the kitchen."

"Yes, your highness," Silver Platter bowed before taking a leave through a side door.

Rainbow watched the side door as it moved back and forth as it slowly came to a stop, and then scanned the entire room before looking back at the other three.

"Something wrong, Ms. Dash?" Luna asked.

"It's just... I didn't notice this last night, but the dining hall looks the same as it did over a thousand years ago," Rainbow chuckled.

The others gave a small laugh before Celestia spoke up, "True, Rainbow, the only thing I ever see change were the tables. Three times, in fact, that we had to replace them."

"It's weird, though," Rainbow continued, "It... It feels... I don't know, I'm feeling something. It is a little offsetting to know my grandfather walked around this place, but at the same time... I don't know, maybe I'm just talking gibberish."

"You sound like, Ezio," Celestia giggled, "I remember when he said he had a weird feeling after experiencing Altaïr's Memory Seals."

"Heh, guess history does repeat itself," Rainbow half-heartedly chuckled, shaking off the weird feeling she had.

Everyone laughed again as Silver Platter and a few other servants came by caring breakfast for the four. Once done, the other servants retreated to the kitchen while Silver stood by the table.

"That will be all, thank you," Luna smiled, causing Silver to nod and bow before following his fellow servants.

"So," Ditzy said through a mouthful of eggs, "What you find out?"

Rainbow's whole body tensed slightly as she bit down on her fork hard, causing her to yelp from the small, but sudden pain.

"Ditzy," Luna scolded, "Let Ms. Dash some time to recover! Or at least let her finish her breakfast!"

"Well, excuse me," Ditzy rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Dash," Luna apologized as she looked back over to Rainbow, "You don't have to tell us now."

"No," Rainbow sighed, "It's ok. Nothing really happened."

"Nothing," Celestia repeated, "You didn't see anything?"

"Well, of course I saw some stuff," Rainbow replied, "but... it was just you five winning the tournament we hold."

"Oh," Celestia said, slightly disappointed, "Did you... did you see anything else?"

Rainbow was mute for moment, as if she was pondering before saying, "Where the next Seal is, the Crystal Empire."

"... Well," Celestia declared, "If that is all, then I'll send a letter to Shining Armor of your arrival. Finish your breakfast of course; you may leave whenever you are ready."

"Actually, I think I'll leave now," Rainbow replied, "I don't wanna wait too long."

"Are you sure? You barley ate," Celestia asked, concerned.

"I'll take it with me," Rainbow answered, "Well, see you later."

"Alright, then" Celestia nodded as she watched Rainbow leave, "Safe travels."

Celestia stared at the closing dining hall doors before Luna spoke up, "Something troubling you, sis?"

"It just, something's not right," Celestia looked at her sister, "I remember that night we won the tournament, but I also remember something else."

"What is it, sister?"

"That was the night I went on my first date with Ezio..."


"All aboard!"

With a loud screech, the Crystal train departed its home station, leaving Rainbow at its platform.

"Dash. Over here."

Rainbow turned her head to her name caller to see Shining Armor with his foal, Adory, riding in a saddle bag.

"Shining," Rainbow chuckled, "What's with your kid?"

"Cadance said Adory needed some fresh air," Shining replied, "So, she's tagging along for the ride. Isn't that right, my little princess?"

The year old foal giggled at her father's affection, bouncing in her seat.

"Tsk. Since when do you talk like that?"

"You'll understand when you have your...," Shining's face froze as he realized what he was about to say, "Uh... sorry."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Let's just go, alright. Library."

With that, Rainbow turned and walked off while Shining bit his lip and turned to his foal, "Adory, when you start dating, don't end up like Rainbow. Alright?"

With another small giggle, the two followed Rainbow to the Crystal Library. The massive building was mostly unoccupied except for the librarian.

"Prince Shining, Princess Adory, " the old crystal mare bowed, "To why am I bestowed with such a pleasant surprise, and with company?"

"You wouldn't happen to have the keys to the restricted section of the library," Rainbow asked.

"I do in fact," the librarian replied, "This key was passed down to me from my mother. She said she was entrusted with protecting the room at all cost. Of course, that was all before... well... HIM."

The librarian shuddered at the simple thought of their last ruler. It was still hard for some of the residents of the Empire who had lived under the tyrant to recollect those dark times.

"It's ok," Shining assured the librarian with a smile, "That's the past. It's all over now."

"Thank you for your kind words, your highness," she smiled back, "Guess I'm grieving the past still... but nonetheless. Here's the key."

The librarian unhooked one of many from a rusty, metal ring, giving it to Shining.

"Thank you," Shining nodded, "Have a good day."

"You too, your highness," the librarian waved.

With the key at hoof, Shining Armor led Rainbow to a darker, more secluded part of the library that resided in the farthest of corners.

"If I remember correctly," Shining mumbled as he felt along the crystal wall, "One of these crystals should be a lever... here we are!"

Shining pulled a slender, purple crystal down, causing part of the wall to slightly extrude in and slide right, revealing a hidden door.

With a quick unlock, the door was open and Rainbow walked inside the small room.

"It's pretty dusty in here," Rainbow remarked, "and a little cramped."

"Do you see the seal?" Shining asked.

Rainbow's eyes fell upon a very dirty, beaten cloth that lay upon a locked chest. She quickly pulled it off, kicked the rusty lock, and opened the chest.

"Yep," Rainbow replied as she saw the small stone disk lay flat on top of a book. She grabbed the book, careful not to touch the ancient artifact, and brought it out of the room.

"Perfect," Shining chuckled before he grabbed the seal and put it in his other saddle bag.

"Well then, if that's all, I better get to work," Rainbow replied, carelessly throwing the book back into the room.

"Hey," Shining exclaimed, "What are you doing?! That's part of my Empire's history! Show some respect!"

"It's just Sombra's journal," Rainbow rolled her eyes, "No big deal."

"You may not understand this, Rainbow," Shining flared as he closed in on the negligent mare, "But some of these ponies still fear him. It's my job to comfort them, to help them through their grief."

Rainbow was silent, her eyes locking with Shining's.

"You and I know how it feels to lose somepony close. These ponies are going through the exact same thing; the only difference is they are not taught to simply get over it... They're not what we are, so to speak," Shining sighed before he turned around, "It's tougher for them."

Rainbow watched as he began to walk away, gesturing her to follow, "He wasn't always like that, you know."

Shining stopped and turned his head around, "What do you mean?"

"He was good," Rainbow replied, "He actually cared about his subjects... and my grandfather trusted him with that disk your holding."

Shining pursed his lips as he turned his head back, "Ponies change, Rainbow. Some not for the better... There's a guest room being prepared for you. Ask some of the guards and they'll direct you. I'll leave the seal on the bed."

With that, Shining walked off with Adory tightly holding onto him. Leaving Rainbow alone in the quiet corner...


Daring Do opened her eyes, the smiling face of Steel Dagger being her only view.

"Morning, honey," Dag beamed, "Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs."

"Thanks, Dag," Daring chuckled, smelling the promise of eggs and pancakes from the kitchen below, "Mmm, smells good."

"Made with love," Dag laughed, letting Daring get up.

"Sappy," Daring smirked, "But still, can't resist a good breakfast."

"Well, go ahead and eat," Dag replied, "I'll join you in a moment."

"Alright, Dag," Daring pecked him on the cheek, "Just know, we'll be heading to the Crystal Empire today."

"Got it," Dag said, pushing her out the door, "Now go eat; you'll need your strength."

Dag watched as she made her way downstairs, and then quietly closed the door with a lock.

With a quill and paper, he wrote, "Progress Report, next Seal located at the Crystal Empire. You better make sure Ahuizotal holds his end of the bargain. If he messes this one up like he almost did last time, I'll make sure he'll never escape... make sure he gets the idea. That's all for now, sincerely, Master-Apprentice Tempmare, Steel Dagger."

(To Be Continued...)

Comments ( 1 )

Good chapter. I wonder what those Templmare's want with Daring. Also will Dash and Daring meet again in the Crystal empire? I guess next time we may find out.

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