• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 608 Views, 9 Comments

Pony's Creed: Sisterhoof - Derpyforever

Two mares. One secret that connects them. One secret that may kill them.

  • ...

Sequence 3

Sequence 3
Rainbow opened her eyes to the darkness of the basement. Her pupils enlarging, trying to take in more light.

Rainbow groaned as she rolled over and pushed herself up, her joints playing their quiet melody of popping as she moved.

"Ah man," Rainbow sighed as she stretched out her wings, causing a slight pain, but relief as they retracted.

Rainbow eyes adjusted to the sea of black as objects floated to the surface. She was able to make out the door as she walked over and exited the basement before heading up the stairs.

As Rainbow reached the top, the soft, gentle light of fire danced around her as she entered a room. Seeing Twilight on a couch with Spike lazily snoring next to her, his mind deep into whatever dragons dream.

"Finally up," Twilight softly chuckled as she closed the book she was reading, "How do you feel?"

"Sore," Rainbow replied as she stretched some muscles that still screamed the agony of ache.

"Celestia said that might happen," Twilight smiled, "She said to move around a bit."

"Gladly," Rainbow said as she flapped her wings silently, hanging in the air as she did, "Speaking of, where is everypony?"

"Celestia went back to Canterlot with Luna to lower the sun," Twilight answered.

"Lower the sun," Rainbow said in disbelief as she looked towards a window to see the moon shining down onto Equestria.

"You were in there all afternoon," Twilight explained as Rainbow looked out, clearly baffled.

Rainbow hovered in silence for a moment, her mind taking in everything that just happened. She slowly lowered to the ground and said, "I need to head to Canterlot."

"Now? You know the train won't come for a few hours."

"I'll fly there," Rainbow replied.

"All the way to Canterlot?"

"Done it many times before. I'll be fine."

"Alright," Twilight sighed, "Be careful."

Rainbow nodded as she left Twilight's castle into the quiet night of Ponyville. Taking a breath, she soared into the air, the joy of flight overpowering any to soreness left.

As Rainbow began to zoom towards the Canterlot lights in the distance, her mind still tried to comprehend what she has witnessed. It felt like her brain was in overdrive, all the details playing at once. She's been feeling like that ever since she woke up, but didn't want to worry Twilight. Flying seemed to help clear her mind slightly, but focusing was out of the question. For now, she continued to fly to the only pony who could help her...


"Tia," Luna called knocking on her sister's door, "Are you still awake?"

"Yes," Celestia quietly replied, "You may come in."

Luna entered, closing the door behind her softly, and saw Celestia laying on her bed, a picture in her hoof.

"Are you alright," Luna asked, knowing well of whom the picture withholds.

"Yes," Celestia smiled as she set the picture aside, "I've been getting better."

"Well, you stop drinking," Luna grinned, taking note of the lack of Cherry wine bottles, "So that's good."

"Don't push it," Celestia glared.

"Sorry," Luna apologized as she laid down next to her sister, "So, is there anything you want to talk about."

"About what," Celestia raised a brow.

"You know," Luna made a head gesture to the picture, "You seemed to be getting over him."

Celestia went silent, slightly worrying Luna that she may have asked too soon, so Luna quickly changed the subject.

"So, how was your trip to Saddle Arabia last week?"

Celestia was silent for a moment longer, than said, "It was alright. Just re-newing our peace treaty."

"Good good," Luna replied as the awkward silence fell again. Luna uneasily shifted her hooves, feeling a bit uncomfortable from not accomplishing what she was really here for.

This wasn't the first time Luna has come into Celestia's room and the conversation ending with this awkward silence. Luna has tried many times before to try and cheer Celestia up. Trying to get her to accept the fact that...

"Your highnesses," a guard interrupted as he stood in the doorway, "A blue pegasus is requesting your presence."

"Rainbow Dash," Celestia declared as she got out of bed, "Thank you. I'll be there momentarily."

The guard saluted, then disappeared as Celestia began to make way for the door.

"Tia," Luna called, causing Celestia to stop at the door.

"Lulu," Celestia replied without looking back at her, "Don't push it."

With that, Celestia left Luna in the bedroom in sadness. She looked over to the picture and levitated it into the air in front of her, seeing Ezio and Celestia laughing and having a good time.

"I'm trying as hard as I can, Ezio," Luna said aloud as she set down the picture, "I really am..."


Rainbow Dash was sitting inside the dining hall of Canterlot Castle. A maid offered her something to drink, but Rainbow denied the beverage. She was still trying to sort out the memories of the seal and just wanted to focus on that.

"Rainbow," a voice called, causing her to lift her head to see Celestia walk in.

"Celestia," Rainbow nodded as Celestia took a seat across from her.

"How do you feel," Celestia asked.

"Couldn't say," Rainbow half-heartedly chuckled.

Moments passed as Rainbow and Celestia stared at each other for a moment. Rainbow had a million questions she wanted to ask, but didn't even know where to start. Celestia could tell, and decided to start for here, "So, what did you see?"

"Well... it was pretty confusing," Rainbow admitted, "I saw Discord, but he was pony. Then I saw you and a filly named Solar Flare, though she seemed familiar.

"She should," Celestia replied, "That was Twilight's mother, Solar Eclipse, but her maiden name was Solar Flare."

"Wow, really? She seemed nice then."

"She was," Celestia explained, "but she was lead down the wrong path by my uncle... but that's a different story, continue."

"Well, then I saw, Twilight's dad, if I recall correctly. Lunar Eclipse was his name, right?"

Celestia nodded as she recollected the day Ezio let Lunar join in on their little group. She could remember how shocked Discord was that his assumptions were completely wrong. From then on, the four tried to get Lunar to come out of his shell. It took sometime, but by their teens, Lunar was a confident, strong young stallion... which caught the attention of Solar. Celestia quickly smiled as she remembered those days before looking back to Rainbow.

"Anything else," Celestia asked.

"Yes," Rainbow nodded, "I know where the next seal is, and it's in the library here."

"I believe I know where you are implying," Celestia declared as she got up, "Follow me."

Rainbow followed Celestia as they started to walk out of the Castle and into the courtyard, straight for the Canterlot Achieves. As they entered the tall slender building, Celestia lead Rainbow to a trap door, which she opened with her magic revealing a small staircase down. At the bottom was the stone corridor Rainbow saw at the end of the memories.

"What is this place," Rainbow asked, as they came upon the same gated doorway.

Celestia didn't answer, she just pulled the lever and the gate opened. The two walked in and Rainbow got her answer.

It was a small room with the chest that contained the seal, but that wasn't all Rainbow saw. Along the walls were pictures of Ezio, Celestia, Discord, Solar, and Lunar. Some had one of the five, and others had the whole gang. Some were ranging in their age, from child to adult.

"This... this was a special place to us," Celestia explained, as Rainbow looked at all the pictures, "It was our secret hiding place. I happened to stumbled upon it as a child and told my friends about it. We'd come down here to escape training or just to hang out."

"Wow," Rainbow looked in awe, then her eyes came upon a pedestal, an old, slightly worn book sitting upon it, "What's this?"

Celestia looked at the book, knowing what it was all too well, for many time she'd had opened it.

"This... this is the Royal Family Tree," Celestia said, trying to sustain composer.

"This doesn't look like it," Rainbow replied, oblivious to Celestia's emotion, "It's all beat up."

"That is the official version," Celestia took a deep breath as she calmed down a bit, "The Private version only meant for Royal eyes."

"Wow," Rainbow smiled, "Bet this would be pretty interesting to see."

"It's... There is... Rainbow," Celestia said, not knowing what to say. The secret she has kept from Rainbow for so many years must be revealed to her now... but how... how was Celestia suppose to just come out and say it. She'd has played this moment in her head many times, but she couldn't prepare for this.

"Is something wrong Celestia," Rainbow asked, noticing Celestia's slightly shaking hooves, "What is it?"

"It's that... it's nothing," Celestia finally said as she shook her head.

"... Alright," Rainbow nodded then looked over to the chest, "The seal's in there. The combination is 529."

Celestia nodded then turned the dials and opened the chest. The two looked inside and saw the seal.

"There it is," Rainbow sighed as she looked at the disk, "Right where he left it."

Rainbow was about to touch it, until Celestia grabbed her hoof, causing Rainbow to look at her.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest first," Celestia asked.

"Not yet," Rainbow shook her head, "I need to know what's on this seal."

Celestia nodded and let go of her hoof. Rainbow took a deep breath as she thought about what could be on this seal.

"Only one way to find out," Rainbow declared, and touched the seal.


"Take her! Run!"

"No! I'm not leaving you!"


"Come out, Come out, Flavia!"

"Run! Now!"

"There you are!"


"Mommy! No!"

"... Daring... Daring Do... Wake Up!'

Daring Do was awoken suddenly as she shot up and started to breath quickly. The contents of her bedroom coming into focus as she felt her soft bed beneath her.

"Calm down, babe," Steel Dagger said at her side, "It's just me."

"Sorry, Dag," Daring breathing began to slow down, "Nightmare."

"It's alright," Dag smiled, "We all get them."

"How long was I out," Daring asked as she looked out the window.

"All day," Dag replied as he got of the bed.

"All day,' Daring repeated, "You should have woke me up."

"It's alright, we're in no rush," Dag replied, then levitated the Seal, "But since you're up."

"Alright, Alright, but it'll cost you a hoof rub," Daring teased

"A hoof rub? I wouldn't mind one," Dag playfully shot back, "Thanks, honey."

"Shut up and give me the seal," Daring laughed.

Dag levitated the seal to her as she reached out and grabbed it. The moment she did, Daring's head slowly laid back down on the pillow as her mind left it's conscious and began to play the memories.

Once he was sure she was asleep, Dag pulled out a quill and parchment.

"Progress Report," he wrote, "Daring has touched seal two and is now being played the memories. I will write to you when we've acquired seal three. Oh, and next time a mission comes up sis, don't recommend me to dad. That's all for now, Sincerly Master-Apprentice Tempmare, Steel Dagger."

(To Be Continued...)