• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 608 Views, 9 Comments

Pony's Creed: Sisterhoof - Derpyforever

Two mares. One secret that connects them. One secret that may kill them.

  • ...

Sequence 1

Sequence 1
"We got to go! It's about to collapse."

"Where's Ezio and Flavia?!"

"They're still in there!"

"No! We can't go back!"

"That's my wife and daughter in there!"

"Not to mention my husband and my daughter! Get out of the way, Ezio! Flavia!"

"No, Celestia! We can't go back! Blaze! Talk some sense into her!"

"... Flavia..."

"Sir, more are coming!"

"Buck! Get Dash and Blaze on the carriage! Start flying!"

"Yes sir!"

"No! Let me go, Edward! Turn this carriage around right now!

"Belay that! Celestia, it's over! We can't go back!"

"No! Let me go! There's still a cha- Oh Faust! Ezio!"


Rainbow Dash was sitting upon a roof, looking across Ponyville to its latest addition: Twilight's Castle.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," a voice apologized, the source being Ditzy Doo landing next to her.

"A bit being an hour," Rainbow corrected.

"Well, DJ isn't the neatest of eaters," Ditzy explained, "I had to clean him up before coming here."

"I told you not to get another foal," Rainbow smirked.

"At least I have foals," Ditzy shot back.

"Had to pick at that didn't you," Rainbow sighed.

"... Sorry."

"S'alright," Rainbow smiled, "Let's just hurry up and get to the meeting."

"Last one there pays five," Ditzy grinned.

"Always," Rainbow grinned back.

The two stood there, grinning at each other, until suddenly taking off towards the castle.

Dash jumped to another roof as Ditzy chased after her. They ran to the edge until Dash used her wings to blast up into the air and onto an unfinished building while Ditzy jumped down and ran through the first floor, weaving in and out of the steel foundation.

Rainbow ran across the second floor, jumping over a table and over the back of a worker who yelled after her.

"Tresspassers," one yelled as they all began chasing the two.

"Dont get caught," Rainbow laughed as she reached the end of the unfinished flooring and jumped across the horizontal beams, seeing Ditzy just below her.

Ditzy kicked the straps holding a bunch of barrels together as they rolled in front of the workers chasing her, cutting them off.

"Never had, and never will," Ditzy joked as Rainbow jumped off of the final beam and rolled next to Ditzy before running beside her, the two leaving the construction sight a mess.

"See you've still got some moves," Rainbow grinned as they ran down the streets that ended at an ally way only big enough for one pony, "But do you still have the speed?"

"Don't need it," Ditzy replied before pulling a scarf over her muzzle then throwing a small ball in front of them.

It exploded into a gray smoke as the two ran through it but only Ditzy coming out the other side.

"Now-ugh-that's cheating," Rainbow coughed as the smoke cleared out, allowing her to run after Ditzy who was already halfway down the street.

Rainbow ran as fast as she could, closing in on Ditzy as the ally got closer and closer.

Ditzy heard Rainbow coming up behind her as she entered the ally. She took a quick look back to see Rainbow was already just a few strides behind.

"Quick," Ditzy complemented, before throwing down anthor smoke bomb, "And the winner is-"

Rainbow smirked as she used her wings to shoot up into the air, flipping over as she did, than land in front of Ditzy, shocking her.

"Me," Rainbow declared as they came out of the ally and coming upon Twilight's castle, the two running up to the front door, "That'll be five bits."

"You used your wings," Ditzy panted.

"And you used smoke bombs," Rainbow pointed out, breathing a little hard as well, "Your point being?"

"We'll call it a draw," Ditzy sighed as she caught her breath, knocking on the door.

"Coming," Spike called as he answered the door, "Hey guys, meetings downstairs in the basement... why are you two all dirty?"

"Race," Rainbow answered before entering and heading downstairs.

"I just don't know what it is," Twilight said as she looked at a stone disk, strange markings scattered across it, "It's not in any of my books, so I figured it might have been an Assassin object."

"It is," Luna replied as she looked at her sister with worry, "To some extent."


"If this is what I believe it to be, than all will be revealed... and she will learn of her grandparents," Celestia sniffed a little.

"Are you sure you can handle yourself," Luna asked.

"I'll be fine," Celestia nodded, "and I appreciate you not telling her, Twilight."

"Your welcome, though, it was pretty shocking news," Twilight said, "But, I understand hiding it from her was for the best."

Ditzy and Rainbow walked into the basement to see Twilight, Luna, Celestia, and Shining all around a table, a podium in the center.

"Morning everypony," Rainbow smiled as she and Ditzy took a seat.

"Good morning, Rainbow," Twilight raised her eyebrow, "You seem pretty cheerful, especially after almost losing Equestria."

"Ah, Tirek was just another bad guy, a walk in the park," Rainbow waved her hoof, "Anyways, that's old news, what's so important that you had to call us?"

"Well, I was looking around my castle and found this thing," Twilight declared as she pointed to the stone disk, "Don't know what it is, or how it got here. I tried doing research, but I couldn't find anything on it, so I called all of you to see it."

"We think it's a Memory Seal," Shining added.

"Like the ones Ezio used to learn of Alteïr's life?"

"Correct, but we think these hold memories of Ezio himself," Luna explained, "We need you to explore them."

"Me? Why me," Rainbow questioned.

"These are a different type of seal," Celestia said, "Only activated by the touch of a descendent."

"You are the granddaughter of Ezio," Twilight said, "Meaning you can use these to see those memories."

"Ok," Rainbow declared, "But why do I need to?"

"There's a secret library in our old castle," Celestia explained, "Only opens when all the seals, or Masyaf keys, have been returned to it."

"Again, why," Rainbow repeated.

"Tirek was no simple mistake," Luna replied, "Cerberus doesn't leave his post unless told to, and he only listens to Royalty. Royalty by blood. We had him guard not only Tirek, but a Memory Seal as well."

"When we got news of it, I went to check it out," Shining added, "The seal was gone. A Tempmare has taken it."

"Tempmare," Ditzy questioned, "Why would they want that?"

"Ditzy, Rainbow," Celestia said, "What you know of the Assassins is only a fraction. The Assassin-Tempmare war goes beyond Nightmare Moon, beyond Discord, beyond even my life. We've been fighting for more than just a millennium. This is something you will learn Rainbow, when you touch that seal."

"What will happen if I do touch it," Rainbow asked as she eyed the stone disk as if it was an armed explosive.

"You'll be sent to a certain part of Ezio's life, and at the end, you'll learn of the location of another. That's why we need you to do this."

"Dont worry," Twilight smiled warmly, "We'll be here to help."

"Alright," Rainbow took a deep breath, "I'm ready."

"Good," Celestia nodded, "Touch it, and your mind will began to play you the memories."

Rainbow looked back at the disk as she slowly reached her hoof out. Stopping a few inches away.

She looked at the other, getting supportive nods and smiles. She looked back to the seal as she took another deep breath.

Then touched it.


"Mwuahahahaha! You must be faster than that Daring Do," the evil voice of Ahuizotal laughed.

"Your not getting away with that artifact, Ahuizotal," Daring yelled as she chased after him by jumping from tree limb to tree limb in an uncharted jungle, "Now, Dag!"

All of a sudden, Ahuizotal was captured into a net, causing him to drop the stone disk in his tail hand. Soon afterwards, a silver unicorn with a black mane and a dagger cutting through a shield for a cutie mark walked out. He was soon followed by a group of other ponies as Daring jumped from down from the trees.

"I got the seal, honey," the unicorn declared as he levitated it with his magic.

"Good work, Dag," Daring grinned.

Suddenly, Ahuizotal broke free, then ran into the juggle, disappearing into the trees

"He's getting away," Dag yelled, until Daring stopped him.

"Let him, we got what we need," Daring smiled, "Come on, let's hurry up and get home."

"Alright," Dag nodded, then turned to the others, "Go ahead and head back, we're all good."

Once they nodded and disappeared, Dag teleported, Daring and himself back to her home. They entered the house as they sat down on a couch, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, home sweet home. Can't believe we pulled off yet another adventure. So how many does that make," Daring asked Dag.

"Two," Dag replied as he twirled the seal in the air.

"Good," Daring stretched, "Well, same drill as last time?"

"Actually, why don't you take a break, we got plenty of time to search for the next one."

"I guess I should rest up a bit, take a bath," Daring grinned, "Care to join me?"

"In a minute," Dag chuckled as he set down the seal on a table, "Got a couple of thing to take care of."

"Alright, Dag," Daring smiled as she said, "Don't take too long."

"I won't," Dag smiled as he watched her go upstairs before turning back around and conjuring up a quill and paper.

Dag sighed as he began to write, "Got seal two. Though Ahuizotal almost ruined it. Make sure he remembers to let us actually catch him. Anyways, I'll try to locate the next one as quick as I can..."

"Honey? Are you done yet," Daring called.

"Almost dear," Dag replied before continuing the letter, "I just hope I don't kill myself from having to live with this mare before the mission is complete. That's all for now, Sincerly, Master-Apprentice Tempmare, Steel Dagger."

(To Be Continued...)

Author's Note:

Sorry. A tad bit rusty with the whole action stuff. This was mainly me settling back in.