• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 7,904 Views, 199 Comments

Going to Equestria - TheLogoliner

A teenage boy named Wyatt is suddenly transported to Equestria, a world with ponies, but no humans.

  • ...

Literally a game plan

I sat up from my bed, looking out at the rising sun. The sky was a peaceful peace color that blended with the light. The clouds were an orange shade. It was a perfect sunrise, a perfect sunrise every morning unlike Earth where a perfect sunrise were hard to come by.

I yawned and sat up from my bed and got dressed in my usual style. Black and red, I only wear my gear when something bad happens, or I'm called to do something. My first experience was the Griffon Castle. I still shudder at the thought of it.

I walked out from my house, breathing in the fresh, clear air. I had a smile on my face because now I have something to do during the days, which is hanging out with new friends. No longer do I have to be bored until I have a job to do.

The walk through the forest went by quicker now that I'm used to living here, which in my case was faster than I expected.

Upon entering Ponyville, I noticed that the streets were empty. All the doors were closed and the shutters were all locked.

"Wierd," I said to myself

I quickly walked down the dirt road looking down the side paths that led to more houses and more closed doors. I continued down the streets, hopping to find a familiar pony that was out and about. But I never found one.

I decided to go and knock on Twilight's door to get some answers.

I knocked on the door three times and stood there waiting. After no answer for about two minutes, I knocked again. This time I heard a familiar dragon saying, "Hold one a minute."

The door opened and I was greeted by the purple dragon.

He looked different,his eyelids were half open, and his back slouched. Like me when I just woke up.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him.

"They're probably still asleep, it's kind of early." he said.

"Oh, okay, well then see ya later and I'm sorry for waking you up." I said and I walked back out to the main road and contiued to follow it, still on the search for a pony to be awake.


Finally, the streets are now becoming less and less empty. More and more ponies started to come out, most likely to start whatever they do in the morning.

I wasn't long untill I spotted Digit and Blaze. I ran up to greet them.

"Hey guys," I said in between breaths. Man, I'm still sore.

"Hey, what's up Wyatt," said Digit.

"We were just on our way to Sugar Cube Corner to meet up with Blaze Arlis and Rising Knight," said Blaze.

"Sweet, mind if I tag along?" I asked, eager to finally have something to do.

"Sure." the both said together.

"Jinx," I said.

"What?" Blaze asked.

"Nothing," I said, "It's just a game that I used to play back on Earth."

"O...k..." Digit said with a confused face.

We began walking to Sugar Cube Corner, greeting to passing ponies.

It didn't take us too long to reach the Bakery because it as just around the corner. (see what I did there)

We entered and were greeted by Mrs.Cake. I looked around until I spotted Blaze Arlis waving at us. I waved back and led Blaze And Digit to the table of four. I had to asked for an extra chair to sit in which felt strange. Like being in High school and sitting in an Elementary school sized chair.

"Okay we're hear, so what did you want to tell us?" asked Digit.

"Well," Rising Knight started, "we were thinking of soming fun for the group (that's all of the added characters) to have one big tournement."

"What kind of tournement?" I asked.

"Any kind," answered Arlis, "where we use our skills in various challenges and see who's victorious."

"But then who will choose the challenges, we'll just pick the things we're good at and win." Digit pointed out.

"We already thought of that," Rising Knight said, "we will have Spike and Pinkie Pie be on the anouncers while a few selected ponies in Ponyville will choose our challenges."

"Wait a second, does that mean we will be watched by hundreds of ponies?" I asked.

Arlis and Knight both nodded their head. Well that's just great.

"So what do you guys think?" Arilis asked.

"I think it's a good idea." answerd Digit.

"Sure, why not." Blaze said.

"And what about you Wyatt?" Knight asked me.

I sat there and thought about it more than they did, but it was a cool idea so, "Sure, I'm down with it."

They all cheered and we began making ideas and preperations for the big game.

Oh man, sorry for the long wait
Well I guess you know what to do, post some game ideas in the comments or PM them to me
I will start posting more chapters more frequently
Again, sorry for the wait

Comments ( 15 )

It's Arlis, not Arilis

Sorry, for some reason me spell check is broken

What about a good game of hoofball:pinkiehappy:

FINALLY! Er, I mean... Actually, that's exactly what I wanted to say.

1363695 Amareican or International style? Also, how about a good 'ol staring contest? Boring, but they could always have ponies creating random distractions to try and get the players focus away. I know Pinkie would probably come up with some great ones if she were allowed to.

Obstacle fighting course.

Parcore, apple bucking, races,Hay throwing,Swining and water fights. :3

1364632 Since it's Equestria lets go international version:derpytongue2:

Come one people, give me more ideas, I can't go on with just this

1393198 singing contest, a melon throwing competition (longest throw wins), wrestling, weight lifting, rope pulling

Hm. Blah.
He should make his own pistol,and a lot of other stuff.maybe even become a blacksmith celestial agent.


4461920 Dat long wait for a reply.....:facehoof:

Wyatt, with Twilight's assistance, can invent an Equestrian video game console.

Thank you for adding me in this story

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