• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,515 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Returning Home

Last time, after the stirring battle between Ebon, Felix and his cohorts against The elements of harmony and their allies, Wild and Muse had been overshadowed by the spirits of King Dusk and Queen Dawn to combat Ebon and his forces, but with Blaze taking a critical hit, and Ebon consumed by the elements of harmony it's time to see the true outcome of the final battle.

After the elements of harmony blast that consumed Ebon, everyone was lying on the ground of Central park seemingly unconcious, until they were slowly waking up. The familiars ran to their respectable owners, with Domino pecking Dustin's forehead to wake him up. Dustin pat his crow's head, while Alistair rubbed Fievel's chin, Aria nuzzled with Tricera, Alice held McTwisp close, Alicia stroked Salem, and Eu scratched the top of Calem's head. Spike ran to Twilight and licked her cheek twice, before she woke up. Twilight sat up looking around before spotting Spike in front of her. Twilight smiled, as she held out her arms wanting Spike to come to her. Spike obliging by her request jumped into her arms, as the girl hugged and nuzzled her number one assistant.

The rest of the elements of harmony awoken, and got to their feet while noticing the sky and the city were no longer darkened by Ebon's magic and saw it was just nighttime now, "Are yall ok?" Applejack asked the group as Ross, Darius, and the young adult spirit warriors got up, along with Zyphon and his other robot models.

"I'm all right." Mitsukai nodded, as they all started agreeing that they were ok.

"You've all done well." A voice said, as they saw Wild and Muse still possessed by the King and Queen.

"We couldn't have done it without your help your excellencies." Twilight replied.

"I can't believe we actually did it!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Yes, it's good we all defeated Ebon, but what about Blaze?" Alice asked, as they remembered the critical hit Blaze took.

"Is he really?" Applejack asked in worry.

The King and Queen approached and looked at Blaze's wound, "This one sacrificed himself to save his friends who he didn't want to lose." The King began.

"He shall be saved." The Queen finished, as they concentrated and the eight elements of harmony glowed with their aura surrounding them. Everyone watched in astonishment, as the two aimed their palms at the wound Blaze received and the magic from the elements started healing and closing up his wound, until he was fully healed.

"Whoa, you healed him!" Zimmer gasped.

"But is he really?" Jade asked the two as King Dusk answered.

"He's alive, but just resting now."

"He should be up and about later." Queen Dawn added.

Suddenly they heard the sound of whimpering. They looked over and saw it was coming from the crater sized hole where Ebon once stood before the elements of harmony engulfed him. They went to the crater and looked down it. To their shock they saw a young foal of a unicorn in it. The foal had a royal blue coat, purple eyes, a blank flank, and its mane and tail were a combo of cerulean and aqua, "No way." Dustin gasped.

"Is that?" Rarity gasped.

"Ebon?" the group asked.

"So it seems." Queen Dawn answered, as she slid down and picked the foal up who was still whimpering, before the queen started rocking him to calm him down.

She got out of the hole and showed him to the group, "He's so cute!" Pinkie beamed.

"An absolute darling." Rarity agreed.,

"And just a moment ago he was trying to kill us." Rainbow reminded them.

"The elements of harmony have purified him like they did to Princess Luna." Twilight stated.

King Dusk smiled, "My brother can have a shot at a new life now."

"So what's going to happen to you two?" Ralph asked the two.

"We've done what we needed to do," Queen Dawn began, "It's time Dusk and I returned to the spiritual realm and continue to watch over the universes." she handed the foal off to Xever who took him.

"Before we go however we'd like you to convey a message for us." King Dusk requested.

"Sure thing your majesties." Twilight nodded.

"Tell Celestia and Luna we love them both very much." Dusk began.

"And we're so proud of them." Dawn finished.

The pony/humans smiled as Twilight spoke, "We'll make sure to tell them."

"Thank you, everypony." Dawn thanked them.

"Farewell elements of harmony and humans." Dusk finished, as both Wild and Muse lost their aura and looked around in confusion.

"Hey, what happened?" Wild asked curiously.

"What's going on?" Muse asked in equal confusion.

"You mean you guys don't remember anything?" Dean asked.

"All we remember is being consumed by Ebon's darkness and then blank." Muse explained.

"Speaking of Ebon, where is he?" Wild asked seeing no sign of him, Felix, or the Chaos Duo.

"Well Felix and the Chaos duo got away," Alistair began, "As for Ebon..."

They looked to see what Xever was holding, "No way." Wild gasped.

"Yes way." Burai nodded.

"But how?" Wild asked.

"It's a long story." Dustin replied.

"Perhaps you'd like to share it with us." a familiar majestic voice spoke up.

Everyone looked and saw a bright portal appear and partially stepping out of it were Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence. The pony/humans, Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel smiled, while the rest looked confused, "Princess!" Twilight cheered.

"Princess?" half the spirit and dark warriors asked in confusion.

When Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence stepped out of the portal and onto the grass of Central Park, their bodies started glowing and the four looked and saw they had transformed into humans. Celestia's hair had it's usual color streaks, but wasn't as wavy as her mane was. Her outfit was now composed of dress shoes, purple pants, a yellow jacket, and her royal necklace and crown. Luna's hair was less wavy and had light blue and dark blue streaks. Her outfit was composed of dress shoes, dark blue pants, a purple shirt with a white collar that has a crescent moon symbol on it, a white belt around the lower torso area, and also retained her royal necklace and crown.

Shining Armor's hair was the same as his mane, and his attire included red sneakers, gray pants, and a black t-shirt with his cutie mark symbol at the bottom side of his shirt. Cadence's hair also looked the same, and was wearing pink knee high boots with black soles, a blue skirt, a white shirt with a blue horizontal stripe in the center with her cutie mark symbol on it, and in her hair was a blue bow, with her crown on her head. The four looked at their new forms as Luna spoke, "This was certainly not expected."

"I suppose this is what we're meant to look like in this world." Celestia noted.

Shining and Cadence looked at each other in awe, "Honey." Cadence began.

"Babe." Shining gasped as they held each others hands.

"You look great." they said in sync.

The pony/humans bowed, along with Dustin and Alistair, prompting the other warriors to join them. Once they made their bows, Twilight ran to her three fellow princesses and brother beofre hugging them, "Twily, we're so glad to see you're all ok," Shining began before noticing her outfit, "Nice duds."

"Thanks, and you all look good in your human forms." Twilight added.

Dustin nodded to Alistair as they approached the royal sisters before dropping down on one knee each, "Princess Celestia. Pricness Luna." Dustin began.

"Your human knights of Equestria have thwarted the evil that found its way to our world." Alistair finished.

Celestia and Luna smiled as the princess of the moon spoke, "You may rise, boys."

The two rose up t their feet as Celestia spoke, "Luna sure wasn't kidding when she said how much older you boys looked."

"Well have grown since our last meeting with you." Dustin admitted.

"Dustin! Alistair!" Shining called as he approached them.

"Shining!" the two called, as they fist bumped with the prince.

"It's nice to see you two again." Cadence said, as she hugged them, and they returned the gesture.

"What has happened to Ebon?" Celestia inquired.

"Well the elements of harmony have done it again." Alistair explained, as he had his brother bring the foal over.

"Is that?" Shining asked.

"Oh yeah." Twilight nodded.

"Princesses, we must introduce you to our friends," Dustin began as he motioned to everyone, "Guys allow me to introduce to you the monarchs of Equestria. Princess Celestia, princess of the sun and day and Princess Luna, princess of the moon and night."

"With them is Princess Cadence, princess of the Crystal Empire, and her husband and Twilight's brother Shining Armor." Alistair introduced them.

"Now then let me introduce to you our closest family members," Dustin began before bringing Ross and Darius over, "First I'd like to introduce to you my father, Roswell Bowers."

"A pleasure to meet you, sir." Celestia said using her new hand to shake Ross'.

"The pleasure is all mine ma'am." Ross answered, while feeling enamored by their beauty, but knew from his son they were much older than they looked.

"And the man who trained me, Alistair, and my father, Darius Mikael." Dustin added.

Luna shook his hand, "You've trained some fine example of warriors, Mr. Mikael."

"Please call me Darius," He replied with a smile, "You know after hearing my disciples tell me you two have lived for over thousands of years makes me feel like a spring chicken again." he chuckled.

Alistair and Dustin rolled their eyes, as the dark warrior brought his bro over, "This is my older brother, Xever Savage."

"Nice to meet you all," He looked at Shining and Cadence before speaking to the prince, "You Shining Armor have definitely picked a winner."

"Well thanks." Shining replied as he held his wife close.

"And meet the rest of our group," Alistair continued, "We have our senior students Burai Sanzo, Valmont and Belmont Baliton, and Mitsukai Tendou."

"And this is our entourage of our class," Dustin continued as he named them off, "Elroy Zoil, Jethro Scott, Jade Wallace, Alice and Alicia Kingsley, Ralph Booker, Dean Colt, Aria Sanzo, Zimmer Mendez, Eucliwood Belthio we call her Eu, Topher MacLeoud, and Thatch Cragger."

"Mr. Sleepy down there is Blaze Shadow. He'll greet you once he wakes up." Alistair explained.

"And I made some new friends to," Spike barked as he approached his animal posse, "You know Domino and Fievel. This is Tricera, Salem, Calem, and McTwisp."

"Very nice to meet you." Tricera bowed his head.

"And might I add for immortals you gals look fine, oh!" Salem said being macho, while Calem and Fievel rolled their eyes.

"We can discuss more elsewhere," Zyphon began "Right now I don't think being out in the open like this is such a good idea."

"Agreed. We can talk more back at my place." Dustin suggested.

"Then let's go." Zimmer called.

"Before we go however," Twilight began, as she looked to her mentor and Luna, "I have a message to convey to you two. King Dusk and Queen Dawn love you two very much, and are very proud of both of you."

Celestia and Luna gasped as Celestia asked, "Mother?"

"Father?" Luna asked.

"Yeah," Dustin nodded before motioning to Wild and Muse who were confused, "They helped us in defeating Ebon."

The two sisters smiled at each other before shedding a few tears and hugged each other, "I'm so confused here." Wild said, as Alistair spoke.

"We'll tell you at Dustin's." Soon Zyphon picked up Blaze and the group left Central park, unaware of a bit of dark residue emanating from the crater where Ebon was defeated.

Later at Dustin's home, everyone was getting to know the princesses and Shining Armor, while the girls discussed about their time and adventures they experienced during their stay in the human world. As they conversed, Blaze was lying on the long couch, while Muse was holding the little foal in her lap, "I know our home isn't much, but it's home." Dustin explained to Celestia.

"I think it's wonderful, and I know Luna feels the same way." Celestia answered, until she and the others saw Luna was busy playing a fighter game with Zimmer.

The princess of the night looked at if she was really getting into it, until Zimmer's avatar defeated her's, "No! I'll have my revenge!" she challenged him to another round.

"You'll have to train ten years before you can beat me, Luna." Zimmer said smugly, as they once again did battle.

Shining was laughing before speaking to his sister, "Oh wow, Burai and Xever had you girls working out like guard training?"

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe the exercises I've been through." Twilight answered.

"Hey I've gone through guard training in Canterlot. I'm sure I can relate." he replied.

"We've also gotten some culture shock as well." Applejack added.

"You wouldn't believe how awesome this world is." Rainbow put in.

"I've already obtained more ideas for my next biggest hits." Muse added.

"We're definitely going to chronicle all that's happened here in a diary." Twilight stated as they all agreed.

"But what do we do about Ebon here?" Wild asked, while motioning to the foal.

"Yes, what'll we do with him?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Well under regular circumstances he would have to be placed in an orphanage." Luna began.

"But seeing as how he was once our uncle he should instead be looked after by somepony close to us." Celestia added.

Muse while looking into the eyes of the little colt spoke up, "I'll do it!"

"Huh?" they asked her.

"I'll take care of Ebon." she declared.

"You?" her friends asked.

"Are you sure about this, Muse?" Dustin asked.

"I am," she answered, "I don't know how to say this, but I feel as if I should be the one to raise him again."

"Think about it, Muse," Applejack warned her, "Ya do have a very important job. Ya think ya can manage both that and raising the foal?"

"I'm sure as Tartarus willing to try." she answered.

"Well I'll help you," Wild offered, "After all what's a coltfriend for?"

"Thanks, Wild," Muse kissed his cheek, as the foal giggled, "I also think he deserves a new name."

"That sounds like a splendid idea." Celestia agreed.

"But whatcha gonna call him?" Pinkie asked curiously.

Muse looked at the foal and smiled, "Well, I think I'll call him Nightfall."

"Nightfall?" Pinkie asked, as she looked around seeing everyone else was agreeing with the name before she smiled and answered, "Yeah. I think it sounds right too."

Muse held the foal making it face her, "You hear that little guy? Your name is Nightfall now."

Nightfall giggled as he licked Muse's face, making her giggle as well, while the girls awed at the sight. They were broken up as they suddenly saw a bright glow of spirit energy shine in the living room. They saw it was coming from Blaze, "Blaze!" the group gasped as they ran over and looked at him. They noticed his dark warrior traits had disappeared and had regular ears and skin tone. They also noticed his hair color turned silver and was like Riku KH2 style.

Blaze slowly opened his eyes revealing they were no longer red, but were silver as well, "Oh man," Blaze groaned as he tried sitting up. When he saw where he was he noticed everyone was gawking at him, "Where am I, and why're you guys looking at me like that?"

"Blaze, is that really you?" Dustin asked.

"Of course it's me!" Blaze answered hoping he was being rhetorical.

"How do you feel?" Twilight asked in concern.

"When I took that attack, I started seeing a light," he began, "It was a bright and beautiful light. I then saw my grandpa."

"What'd he say?" Wild asked.

"He told me he was proud of my willing to sacrifice myself to save you all. We talked some more about what happened when I sat out on my own, until suddenly I felt myself get pulled back and further away from the light. Now I'm here back in Dustin's house. What happened?"

"We beat Ebon." Dustin explained.

"What?!" he gasped.

"Yeah, and look what the elements of harmony did to him." Jade said, as they brought the foal over.

"That's Ebon?" Blaze asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but his name's Nightfall now," Muse answered, "I'm his new mother."

"Seriously?" Blaze asked dryly.

"Seriously." she confirmed.

"Well it's your choice." Blaze said.

"Blaze, you should probably look in a mirror." Dean suggested.

"Why?" he asked in confusion.

"Just look." Rarity said, as she pulled out a hand mirror and gave it to him.

Blaze took the mirror and looked at his reflection and saw what he now looked like, "Is that me?"

"It is." Alice nodded.

Blaze held up his hands ans concentrated seeing his spirit energy but no dark energy, "I-I don't believe this. I'm all spirit warrior!"

"Looks like when the elements of harmony healed your wound, it removed the dark energy from your body making you all spirit warrior now." Twilight deduced and wondered if Dusk and Dawn knew this would happen.

"Oh yeah!" Blaze cheered, as he jumped off the couch feeling proud he would no longer be considered a freak by other warriors. Suddenly he saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence approach. Blaze looked shocked to see them, but didn't look as shocked as the other warriors were, almost as if he already knew them.

"Blaze Shadow, we're glad to see you're up and about." Celestia greeted him.

"Are you Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria?" Blaze asked.

"The very same." Luna nodded in confirmation.

Blaze out of respect bowed his heads, "I'm honored to finally meet you two. Dustin and Alistair have said so much about the two of you."

"Oh they have?" Celestia asked, while motioning to the boys who looked sheepish.

"We haven't said anything too personal about you two, we swear." Dustin replied as the group laughed, until Burai spoke up to Mitsukai.


"Yes, Burai?"

"Now that we're out of harms way I can ask you this properly," he got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box before opening it revealing an engagement ring, "Mitsukai Tendou, will you marry me?"

The girls gasped in surprise, while the boys looked interested as well. Mitsukai looked at Burai seeing how sincere he was when asking her. He looked all around seeing everyone present was eager to know her answer. She smiled and answered her boyfriend, "Yes, I will!"

"Yes!" Burai cheered as she placed the ring on her finger.

"YES!" the girls cheered as they danced around happily, while the boys dog piled Burai giving him pats on the back for making the big step.

Darius smiled as Ross spoke to the old man, "Did you have a feeling he would ask her eventually?"

"The moment I saw those two started bonding during their first years at my training facility." he answered. So the group decided to spend one last night in New York and would return to Equestria in the morning.

Meanwhile back in Central Park, Felix had returned to where the battle took place and saw the crater where Ebon was defeated, "Looks like they did it. Ebon's gone. What a bummer. Well I guess it can't be helped. Guess it's back to going solo once again, especially now that Johan and Omaddon have fled, and Clyde's been captured," he looked down into the crater, "Sorry Ebon, but I guess you weren't so powerful as you made yourself out to be." he turned around and started walking off, until he felt a chill around him. He turned back and saw a cloud of black smoke with Ebon's eyes in it.

"Not so fast, Felix!" the cloud spoke in Ebon's voice.

"What?! No it can't be!" Felix gasped in shock before backing away from the cloud.

"But it is. They thought they got rid of me for good. Well they were mistaken," Ebon began, "And I have not forgotten about you abandoning me in the fight!"

Felix put on a brave face, "You don't scare me you fart cloud!"

"Oh, I don't?" Ebon asked amusingly, "Well I may not have my physical form anymore, but you have not outlived your usefulness to me yet."

"I ain't working for you anymore." Felix defied him.

"Oh, I think you will." Ebon's cloud answered, before flying at Felix and entered the yoko through the mouth.

When Felix swallowed the smoke he spoke, "Hey, what're you doing?!"

"Getting comfortable." Ebon's spoke in his thoughts.

"No wait, get out of there!" Felix screamed, as his head was throbbing around while he clutched it. He suddenly froze and looked dazed before his eyes looked more like Ebon's and out from his mouth came Ebon's voice.

"Yes. I now control Felix's body and his dark warrior powers as well," he began, "Unfortunately my magic is still weak, and will not be able to open my own portal back to Equestria. Plus I have no idea how to control the powers of a dark warrior, let alone a yoko. So before I head home I must train myself in the art of these powers. And when I've mastered them, the reign of King Ebon will begin anew!" he declared as he walked off into the night.

The very next morning at the Mikael Hotel's training facility, Pinkie was throwing a combination party of the defeat of Ebon, the girls heading home, and congratulations for Burai and Mitsukai. The group was partying like crazy with the couples dancing like Burai and Mitsukai, Wild and Muse, and Shining and Cadence. Dustin was dancing with Alice, Aria, and Alicia, Alistair was with Eu, Jade with Elroy, Ralph danced with Pinkie, Rarity danced while holding Spike up, and Jethro danced with Rainbow Dash. Even Darius danced with Celestia, and Roswell with Luna.

Ralph spoke to Pinkie, "Pinkie, this is an amazing party!"

"I'm glad you and everyone else love it, Ralph." Pinkie smiled.

"What's not to love?" Ralph asked, as he pecked Pinkie on the cheek making her blush.

Jethro seeing Ralph make one last move on Pinkie before she had to leave looked to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, whatever you do don't slug me for what I'm about to do."

"Do what?" she asked, and suddenly found herself pulled into a kiss with Jethro. Everyone saw this and gasped at what Jethro was doing with Rainbow.

When they parted, Rainbow was red in the face while looking at the sci-fi spirit warrior, "Jethro!" she began firmly.

"Please, I only did it because I've developed an admiration to your coolness!" Jethro cried feeling she was gonna break him in half.

"That... was..." Jethro braced for impact while everyone else were worried, until Rainbow announced, "AWESOME!"

"Huh?" the group asked in confusion.

"It what?" Jethro asked feeling confused as to why she didn't go postal on him.

"I've never been kissed like that in my life. In fact I've never been kissed period," Rainbow began, "You got spunk to just do that, but next time ask." she said while poking his chest with a finger.

"Uh, yes." Jethro answered while smiling sheepishly.

"Now give me some more of that." Rainbow ordered as she cupped his face and kissed him passionately, while he melted into it.

Dean, Elroy, Zimmer, Thatch, and Topher whooped for their sci-fi pal. When Rainbow parted, Jethro was dazed before announcing, "SMOKIN!" and they laughed.

Soon the two sides stood on opposite ends, "Well it's about time we headed back to Equestria." Twilight told the group.

"Do you all have to really go now?" Alice asked in sorrow.

"Afraid so, sugarcube." Applejack nodded.

"Will we ever see you again?" Dean asked hopefully.

"You bet we will," Dustin answered, "If I continue to work on my portal we should be able to use it to go to and from Equestria at will, and not through their portal magic."

"Well when you finish it be sure to drop by." Shining offered.

"Will do." Alistair nodded.

Celestia spoke to the warriors, "I want to thank you all for your noble efforts in protecting not only your world, but securing the safety of Equestria as well. We will never forget your heroism."

Dustin and Alistair smiled recalling her words of proud to them three years ago. Twilight and her friends approached the group, "I guess this is goodbye for now." Twilight spoke.

"It was super duper fun getting to know all of you and your world." Pinkie added.

"It was absolutely wonderful." Rarity added.

"And thanks for teaching us some moves, guys." Rainbow motioned to the older warriors who smiled.

"It was our pleasure, Rainbow Dash." Burai nodded.

"Now don't go using those moves on just anybody." Xever warned her.

"You got it." Rainbow gave him a thumb's up.

"I hope seeing all these new fashion styles in our world have inspired you, Rarity." Mitsukai hoped.

"Why they most certainly have," Rarity began, "Once I've started my new line of New York chic I'll have loads of customers wanting to model them."

"And I can't wait to write my own version of your Les Miserables." Muse added in excitement.

"I know it'll go very well." Dustin smiled.

"Here's your copies of Harry Potter back, Jethro," Twilight handed the book set to him, "You were right, these were amazing."

"Told ya so. Jethro smiled.

Spike was bidding farewell to his new animal friends, "Goodbye you guys. I'll really miss ya."

"As we will as well, old chap." McTwisp replied.

"You take care kid, even though you won't be a dog anymore you'll always be one at heart." Tricera said as he ruffled the pup's head.

"And even if ya don't come back we'll always have scraps." Salem put in.

"I'll definitely miss those." Spike admitted, "Of course there's one thing in this world I won't miss." he shuddered at the memory of Clara both capturing him and chasing him and the others at the amusement park.

Dustin spoke to the group, "We all make one heck of a team don't we?"

"The best!" Alistair agreed.

"Put em in yall!" Applejack ordered, as every single one of them placed a hand in and on top of each others. When all their hands were in they threw them up with a cheer.

Celestia and Luna used their magic to open a new portal, and they all stood ready to enter it, "Bye guys!" Twilight and her friends bid them a farewell.

"Until next time!" Alistair called as the pony/humans and Spike entered the portal that closed upon their departure. The warriors smiled with faith that their paths will cross again.

A few days later after the ponies returned to Equestria and regained their pony bodies, they had readjusted to their pony abilities, looks, and everything. Although Spike would occasionally search the garbage for scraps, when nopony was looking. They all felt like better ponies thanks to their time in New York, even felt closer than ever before.

Applejack was standing before a memorial behind the barn for her parents, "Ma. Pa. I know I haven't made as much of an attempt to talk to you, but I'm sorry. I never should've blamed myself fer what happened. I know now it wasn't my fault. Ya were just doin' what any parent would do for their young. And I'm proud to be yer daughter, and to still have Big Mac, Applebloom, and Granny with me." she started shedding a few tears.

"Applejack?" Applebloom approached.

"Hey, Applebloom." the older sister smiled.

"Are yall ok?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Applejack wiped her tears, "I'm just happy." she hugged her sister, much to her confusion, but just went with it.

At Fluttershy's she was pacing as if waiting for something while Angel calmed her. Suddenly their was a knock at the door. Fluttershy answered it revealing an older Pegasus with a brighter shade of yellow for her coat, and darker pink for her mane and tail. Her cutie mark was that of a sunflower in a pot. It was Angel Wing; Fluttershy's older sister, "You-you really came?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"Of course I came, Fluttershy. Why wouldn't I?" Angel Wing asked.

"Well I always thought you'd be too busy to actually spend time with me if I did visit you. I mean you are a successful gardener and all." Fluttershy explained.

"Fluttershy, I may have an important career with gardening, but I always have time to see my sister." the older Pegasus explained.

Fluttershy smiled and hugged her, "I'm so sorry I never attempted to visit you before."

"I understand." Angel Wing hugged her sister while Angel Bunny watched while flicking a tear out of his eye.

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was helping the cakes with their orders until she went to take a customers order, "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what can I get ya for... Ralph?" she gasped as she thought she saw Ralph at the counter.

"Ralph? Whose Ralph?" he asked, as Pinkie took another look and saw an earth pony that looked a little big boned, and was wearing a red shirt, his coat was tan and had eyes, mane, and tail colored brown and his cutie mark was that of a construction helmet. Pinkie mistook him for Ralph because she could almost see a bit of Ralph in this stallion, "My name's Wrecking Ball."

"Oh sorry, you just remind me of somepony." Pinkie answered.

"I do? Well I guess I have one of those faces, huh?" Wrecking Ball asked humorously.

"Yeah," Pinkie giggled, "So what'll ya have?"

"A chocolate milkshake, please?" he requested.

"I'll have that ready for ya in a jiffy," Pinkie zipped into the kitchen and came out with it ready, "Here ya go!"

"Thanks." Wrecking paid for his drink and went to enjoy it, while Pinkie smiled still thinking about Ralph and how much of a friend he was to her.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was escorting, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom into her room, "What is this all about Rarity?" the yougner sister asked the older.

"You'll soon find out," she said before standing before a screen, "While I was away in the boys world I've been very inspired by the fashion there, and I've decided to create these outfits for the tree of you." she used her magic to move the screen to reveal three outfits for the girls.

The outfit meant for Applebloom was composed of orange boots, jean shorts, and a green shirt with short poofy sleeves. Sweetie belle's new outfit included hot pink boots with two yellow straps on each, a yellow frilly skirt, a pink and white striped shirt covered by a hot pink jacket. Finally Scootaloo's outfit had gray boots with blue socks, green cargo shorts, and a short sleeved blue shirt, covered by a dark gray jacket. The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked in awe at the new duds Rarity made for them.

"Rarity." Sweetie Bells gasped.

"You made these for us?" Applebloom asked.

"That's right. What do you think?" Rarity asked for their feedback.

"In the words of Rainbow Dash... They're awesome!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Thank you, Rarity!" Sweetie cheered, as she and her friends hugged the fahsionista who hugged them back.

In the park, Wild and Muse were playing with Nightfall, while Rainbow was showing him some of her moves which made the little foal happy. And at the library, Twilight had finished chronicling all their adventures in New York and knew it would make for a fine story to tell future generations of ponies for years to come. Each of the bearers of harmony looked up at the sky thinking about their human friends back in the other world, as music plays while they couldn't help but think about the next time they would meet their friends.

Author's Note:

And that was the second sequel once again for those of you who enjoyed this. There's a third sequel in the making. So for those of you that care be looking out for it. Until then.

Comments ( 1 )

4457182 I know, but I felt they could make for good characters in my Equestria Warriors as well.

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