This story is a sequel to Fangs and Blood and other Things
Alternate tags: [Action], [Martial Arts], [Horror]
The celestial sisters have been defeated and Amaimon is now ruling over the once peaceful land of Equestria. In his blind search for vengeance, the population is slowly becoming his personal army. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow are meanwhile on the hunt for Hazel, who fled after a horrendous incident. He seeks to become stronger, more than himself, and a way to protect those close to him. But an army can't be defeated by four ponies alone. Dark times are coming, for ponies and vampires alike.
Second part of the Fangs-trilogy, ratings and other feedback is highly welcome.
Coverart by a friend of mine, VoidBreath.
As always, proofread by Cubidyow
wow that was fast now i can keep reading
Helpful tip: Don't have a spelling errors in your title. Major turn off for potential readers.
The fighting scene had a fast pace that made it exciting. A great start for the sequel. BTW, I forgot to ask who was the guy who resurrected the vampire in the prequel?
I actually wanted the letters to be capitals, so they would mark the topics of the fanfic. And hey, it's the title, that means it's a name and as such, names are written in capitals
If you mean Amaimon, then that was Fleur dis Lis, Fancy Pants' kinda-marefriend
Actually, I referring to "an"; it should be "and". On that note, "other" should be capitalized.
Oh, yeah, now I see it. Hold on, I'll be burying myself quickly
4096337 no, I mean the guy who sacrificed her? I'm also curious as to who pissed him off so badly that he would resort to resurrect a vampire? Also, what did our protagonist did to the guy to cause him to try to use Amaimon for revenge?
I have to admit, he is just a means to an end, so Amaimon got a minion. Who pissed him off? Hazel. What he did? Got rid of some steam on his sister. BTW, the minion didn't always look so bad, neither did his sister, and some have a real thingy for honor and prenuptial coitus and, yeah....
On it
Deities above you're fast. I literally JUST posted that comment!
Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story?
Oh no!vinyl scratch got bitten!still ,I can't wait for the next chapter. Yay first comments!
You bet your plot she will She will be playing one of the major roles in the last part.
Is that all the Mane 6 will eventually know that Hazel is a Vampony?
Vinyl Scratch NOOOOO !!!!!!
Wow. Just wow. By the way I can't figure out what Hazel did to Filthy. Can someone tell me please?
4384319 I think I told you , but ok [SPOILER ALERT (at this point)] With the hypnotizing he, as well as Amaimon, uses, Hazel made Filthy drown himself in the river after he flies back off to the farm (because Filthy seems to enjoy a good drink) goodness, my jokes are the worst
4384930 Thank you.
I see mistakes
I do believe I am on fire
4388228 Care to explain?
There is nothing to explain, I see mistakes in this latest chapter and I was on fire.
4393588 \~/ here's a glass of water, wait I'll get you more, hold on a sec.
\~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/ \~/
there, this should suffice. Still on fire?
Wow. I feel sorry for Vinny. I hope she can control her urges.
Nuuuuuu Vinyl D:
wow,,, MORE PLZ!!
Ein cooles Kapi.
Und eines meiner Lieblingspairings :Vinyl und Octavia!
Und ich hab (fast) nichts klischeehaftes entdeckt.
Thanks for a new chapter. I wonder what is going to happen when Hazel has to fight. Good luck.
Cool! I really like this story!
Dat Author's note. TMI.
I was half expecting an Emotional Battle to go on, like, Rage would be glowering over Hazel. Then Love would fly down and crush Rage's head into the ground. Then an epic battle between Rage and Love would occur.
Meh, close enough.
Either way though, Hazel has lost. He shouldn't be holding Rage back, he should be controlling it!
Oh, if only you knew I am far from done with Rage. Also, ''Applejack'' is love, violence is beneath her.
Thank you, I always seek to please
Thank you, too. As to the fighting; well, what happens when you cut a cat's claws?
Thanks for the update. I was wondering if this story would ever update. Thanks. Good luck with future chapters.
5469001 Sorry for the extremely long hiatus It's making my heart jump to see there's still someone around how enjoys it
5469032 I enjoy this story. I was so happy to see an update. The numbers on the lines were new, but I was able to understand what happened. You have a great writing style. I would be willing to wait a year to see another update.
5469170 Woops, that is actually a help for me and my proofreader, so when he tells me where he spotted a mistake, it's easier for me to find, totally forgot to remove them
YAY AN UPDATE! So Vynil will become a new bad guy?
5469261 Depends on how you define villain.
5469327 Hmmm... (Also I keep spelling Vinyl wrong don't I? I keep saying Vynil... which one is it?! I think it's Vinyl.)
5469335 Definitely Vinyl
5469363 Okay Thanks!
Oh dear...
Wow. Intense chapter. I can't wait to see what happens next. It looks like both vampires have a little problem with multiple personality disorders if you ask me.
I don't think its that simple. I actually think that these 'creatures', if you will, are a suppressed part of their personality. Or, perhaps, this 'awakened' thing. The Rage is probably the embodiment of Alea's suppressed anger, as he doesn't appear to show much rage.
Whereas Madness is the embodiment of Amaimon's insanity.
Madness and Rage both weaken their respective 'hosts' as they are being suppressed despite being a significant part of their being. If Rage and Madness were to be accepted and not suppressed, well...
This is purely speculation though.
5523254 This guy gets it
Wow. I guess AppleJack is going to change big time in the next few chapters. Great job and thanks for the update. I love this story.
This is totally awesome, that's all I can say without going all fan girl on you. I need more updates!! I will cry if the next doesn't come before this month is over!
I may cry but I'm not going to pressure you... P.S. I'm never leaving this story so you don't have to worry about losing me as a fave if the chapters take a while to come out.
Wow... I guess hazel was just lony for a long time and just want somepony to love
5837323 Well, I have two ideas for the next chapter, but only one will be made in the time frame you are giving me. The other will take a bit longer, revolves around a topic you could go all out fan girl on though...
A big thank you, it's people like you and SageBrony07 that keep me writing
5839636 Well take all the time you need!