• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 2,345 Views, 13 Comments

The Dino Dragon - Wildcard25

Having the same dream countless times, Spike finally sets out to find the truth about his origin, but may be in for more than what he bargained for as he uncovers everything.

  • ...

Long live the King

That night, all of Dinolot was in celebration for the dethroning of King Razer, and the crowning of it's new king Spike. All of Razer's goons were captured and put in the dungeon by the real castle guards. The celebration was taking place at the center of the kingdom, as dinos were dancing around a bonfire as Lizard Skizard was once again singing, with the other dinos dancing, and even the ponies were getting in on it.

"Open the door, get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur!" Skizard sang, as he led the party dinos and the ponies around the bonfire dancing.

Spike meanwhile, was sitting in the royal box seat with Bronko at his side, while the older dinosaur looked at the citizens with joy, "Oh, can you believe this? I don't think I've seen the kingdom this active in a long time. And it's all thanks to you, Spike."

"Well I just did what I felt was right." he admitted.

"And it was the right thing to do. And now we can all look forward to the dawning of a new era for our kingdom. With you as our new benevolent ruler." Bronko smiled.

Spike hearing that remembered what being king would mean for him, "Right." he said feeling unsure as he watched the girls party with the dinosaurs.

When it got late, Spike and the girls returned to the castle, and were all meeting in Spike's new bed chamber. Spike had much to discuss with his friends, "So what's this about, Spike?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, we figured after today you'd want some peace and all." Applejack added.

"Believe me, I do. But there's an urgent matter to be addressed now that I'm king of Dinolot." Spike began.

"What matter?" Fluttershy asked.

"With me crowned king this means I have to live here in Dinolot and rule over it."

"WHAT?!" the girls gasped, as Twilight spoke up.

"He's right. He won't be able to rule it if he's all the way in Ponyville."

"So then does this mean you won't be coming back home with us?" Rarity asked in worry.

"I guess so," he answered, "But I don't wanna leave you all. And I can't just force you to stay here with me."

"Sounds like a heck of a pickle, partner." Applejack noted.

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do. I mean I don't know anything about ruling a kingdom." he dropped his head down, until Twilight lifted his chin up.

"Spike, perhaps you to need think this over. I'm sure by morning you'll know exactly what you need to do."

"You think so?"

"You went through a lot today. A good night's sleep should be able to clear your head." she stated.

"Hm, you're probably right, Twi. Well it is late and I am getting tired." Spike yawned.

"We've all dealt with a lot today, so we should all get some sleep." Rarity added.

"Goodnight, girls." Spike big them adieu.

"Goodnight, Spike." they said collectively, as they left the chamber.

Soon Spike was sound asleep in his king sized bed, while deep in his subconscious, he woke up to find himself in a void.

"What? Oh, not another dream. I thought I was done with having these," he groaned before he saw two blurry figures approaching him, "Huh, who's that?" suddenly the two figures started coming into clear until he saw it was a tyrannosaurus and a dragon. The sight of them made him gasp, "No way... Mom, dad?" The two nodded, "I-I don't understand..."

They smiled as his father Geki spoke first, "We are proud of you, my son. Today you have finally avenged us and brought true peace back to Dinolot."

"We couldn't be anymore proud to see how much you've grown and all the friends you've made." Elsa added.

Spike's eyes started watering before he ran to them, and embraced their legs. The deceased couple smiled and lowered themselves down to his level, "There-there son, it's going to be ok." Elsa comforted him like a mother should.

"Oh, I got a problem on my claws," spike explained, "I'm now king of Dinolot, but I have a life back in Ponyville with Twilight and the girls."

"So we see." Geki smiled.

"We've always watched over you, even from the great beyond." Elsa stated.

"Mom, dad, what should I do?"

"Son, you told Bronko that you did what you felt was right. And you can do it again in this matter." Geki explained.

"You mean?"

"Yes," Elsa continued, "We know you will do what you feel is right for both the kingdom and yourself."

"You think so?" their son asked.

"We do." Geki smiled.

Spike smiled as he hugged them, "Thanks, mom, and dad. I know I'll make you proud like I have been since I hatched."

"You're welcome son." Geki nuzzled his son's head.

"Promise us you'll continue to live a good life for us and for yourself." Elsa ordered her son.

"You know it, mom." Spike smiled as he hugged her, as his dream faded out.

Spike woke up in his bed again, "I know what I must do." he said to himself.

The very next morning, every dinosaur in the kingdom was gathered at the town center to see Spike, who stood before them wearing the crown. Behind him was Bronko, and the girls. Spike spoke up, "My fellow dinosaurs and inhabitants. I stand before you proud that I have been crowned your king. In all my years I knew absolutely nothing about who I was or where I came from. But these last few days have opened my eyes and shown me the truth about my past. And when I learned what Razer did, I admit it broke my heart to hear he took my parents from me. But I fixed what he broke by dethroning him, and now the kingdom will have a rightful ruler!"

The crowd of dinosaurs cheered, while the girls watched feeling this meant Spike really was going to stay in Dinolot, until he spoke up again, "However, I cannot be that rightful ruler," at that moment the girls gasped, while the dinosaurs were in shock and started voicing their confusion and worries, until Spike held a claw up to silence them, "I understand your worries, but the fact is I already have a home. Granted it's not as big as this whole kingdom, but I wouldn't trade it and the friends I made in it for all the gems in Equestria. But don't be alarmed I'm not leaving you without a ruler."

The dinosaurs listened in as Spike continued, "I shall leave you in the care of a dinosaur who I feel is more fit to rule this kingdom than I am," he motioned to Twillight, who nodded and used her magic to levitate him up to Bronko's level. He removed the crown from his head and crowned Bronko, much to the older dinosaur's surprise. When Spike was levitated back down he announced, "All hail, King Bronko!"

Accepting his words, the dinosaurs announced, "Hail, King Bronko!"

Bronko looked down at Spike looking overwhelmed with happiness, "Spike, I-I don't know what to say."

Spike smiled, "Just promise me you'll rule Dinolot the way my parents would've wanted it."

Bronko smiled, and answered, "It's a promise."

Later that day Spike was up on the balcony of the castle looking out at the kingdom. Suddenly the girls approached him as Twilight spoke, "Taking one last look before we go?"

"Yeah. I don't know when the next time I'll be able to come back here, so I'm committing it all to memory."

"Personally, I think you're nuts giving up the position to be king of this whole kingdom," Rainbow began, "But I think it's also awesome you gave it up just for all of us." she smiled.

"And it was so generous of you to hand over your crown to Bronko." Rarity added.

"Well he'd make a better ruler, because he knows more here than I do," Spike, "Besides, I don't know if a crown is meant for my head." he chuckled with the girls.

Bronko approached wearing both the crown, and royal robes, "Heading out now?"

"Yes, it's time we got back to Canterlot." Twilight answered.

"I understand," Bronko answered, "And here, take this and give it to Princess Celestia." he gave Spike a scroll.

"Ooh, what is it?" Pinkie asked as she observed the rolled up parchment.

"That scroll is an alliance agreement I made for both Dinolot and Canterlot. I feel we could all benefit from each other." Bronko explained.

"That sounds like a fine idea." Applejack admitted.

"I agree, and I'm sure the princess will be more than happy to agree on an alliance." Twilight added.

"Well before you go, allow me to give you some faster mode of transport." Bronko continued, as he whistled.

Suddenly seven Pteranodon's flew in and landed before them, "Whoa." the ponies gasped.

"Boys, see to it Prince Spike and his friends make it back to Canterlot safely." Bronko instructed.

"Yes, your highness." One began, as they lowered themselves down so each could climb atop one of them.

"Hold on tight, everypony." a second said.

And the seven aerial dinosaurs took off into the sky flying around the kingdom before off in the direction for Canterlot. Bronko watched them fly off while smiling and said to himself, "Goodbye, Prince Spike."

And so the Pteranodon's flew over the Shadow Forest where the guys met the tree creatures, and over the mountains, "This is so awesome!" Rainbow shouted.

"Tell me when it's over!" Fluttershy cried as she had her eyes covered.

Meanwhile at Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia was out on a balcony looking out over the kingdom. She looked up at the sky and saw the seven Pteranodon's flying over the kingdom. She was concerned until she saw on their backs were her fellow princess as her friends. She backed away as the seven flying dinosaurs landed on the balcony, and the ponies and Spike dismounted, "Princess Celestia!" the group called.

"My goodness, that's one way for you all to make an entrance." Celestia smiled, "I take it your trip to Dinolot was a success?" she asked.

Spike approached, "It sure was, Princess."

Celestia looked surprised, "Spike, you've grown."

"Yeah, I'm not a baby anymore," Spike admitted, "And I bring this from the new king of Dinolot." he held out the scroll.

Celestia used her magic to unravel it and looked through it. When she finished she smiled, and looked to the seven dinosaurs, "Go back and tell King Bronko I humbly accept his offer of an alliance."

"Yes, Princess." they bowed their heads.

"Thanks for the lift home, you guys. Spike thanked them.

"It was our pleasure, Prince Spike." one answered.

"Until we meet again." another said, as the seven took off into the sky and flew back for their own kingdom.

Celestia looked to her subjects, "Now why don't we all have some tea, and tell me everything that's happened?"

"Yes, Princess." Twilight and Spike agreed, as they all went inside.

Soon they were all in the team room enjoying some tea with biscuits, while Spike was munching on a gem. They had finished telling Celesta ll that transpired in Dinolot. Needless to say the Princess was shocked, "I'm so glad you all made it out of there ok. And Spike, that was very courageous of you to take on King Razer and almost sacrifice yourself."

"Yeah, truth be told I hope I never go through that kind of thing again." he admitted.

"But I still don't know why you decided to try and give him a second chance?" Applejack asked.

"Otherwise I would've looked like a monster if I just threw him off the cliff myself. Next time I'll be sure to have better judgment." Spike promised.

"Whatever the case, all that matters is you all made it back safely," Celestia noted, before turning to the young dragon/dinosaur, "And you, Spike. I'm very proud to see you found out the truth and exposed Razer for who he was. And thanks to you the kingdom has a more fitting ruler now. I'm sure you'll forever be remembered by the kingdom of Dinolot."

"Yeah," he smiled, "You know I did mean what I said back there. I wouldn't trade in Ponyville or all the friends I made there for all the gems in the world. And that includes all of you."

The ponies smiled and gathered around him for a group hug, with Celestia joining in as well. Outside the castle the spirits of King Geki and Queen Elsa looked down upon where their son was. Smiling, while knowing in their hearts their son was going to be all right as he's been since the day Twilight hatched him.