• Published 25th Feb 2014
  • 1,955 Views, 5 Comments

A Princess needs her Prince - JusSonic

Twilight Sparkle is now a princess of Equestria, yet why is her colt friend Ben Mare so worried otherwise?

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: A Princess needs her Prince

The land of Equestria is rejoicing. They have a new princess of Equestria...and surprisingly, it is one of their heroes. Twilight Sparkle, the unicorn student of Princess Celestia, has transformed into an alicorn as thus became a princess. It happened when she complete the unfinished spell in the journal of Star-Swirl the Bearded. Granted, it cause her friends' destinies and cutie marks to change, and it may seem irresponsible to some...but at least some may say that Twilight deserves her new princess status.

After all, Twilight, with her friends and family's help, has saved the world on a few occasions...and it was said to be her destiny. A lot of ponies are happy for her. Well, except for one, although he is happy yet concerned at the same time.

Ben looks into a mirror inside his room. He, along with Twilight, Nyx, Spike, Phobos and the rest of the Mane Six are summoned here to make preparations and such for the new princess's coronation. The Earth pony looks on, in concern.

When Ben ask his mother as to why she put the Crystal Empire into a test, Celestia explains to him that it involves a destiny and that's all she told him. But had the Earth pony known that Twilight was destined to become a princess...

Ben was happy that his love has become a princess but he is worried, worried for his and Twilight's future. She is an alicorn now and while they aren't truly immortal, the alicorns are also ageless. Which sadly mean that while Twilight and Nyx will live on, Ben may die someday; It would be sad, knowing that he will never see his true love in the afterlife unless she is to die somehow...which may be complicate since killing alicorns aren't so easy.

There's something else that truly worries Ben and that is the behavior that Twilight may inherited.

Ben decides to leave his room. He needs to do some thinking; the stallion must talk to someone; But who?

"For some prince, he should really need to be more heroic than being a shy little pony." A voice spoke up. Ben looks up to see who the talker is. It is a Pegasi stallion with an orange coat and wearing the Royal Guard armor. Ben grins, knowing who it is.

"Flash Sentry," Ben laughs. He and Flash hoof shakes and hug. The two are old pals so the stallion is relieved to have a good face to talk to. "It's good to see you, old buddy! How's your mission? I hope my cousin, Lord Eric, didn't give you much trouble as Blueblood did."

Flash scoffs, "Please. That arrogant prince seriously needs to be colt-up. But unlike you and Lord Eric, you guys are awesome, cool and great prince I ever work for."

Ben chuckled and looking nervous, "Yeah, that be awesome."

"Hey, what's the face, Ben?"

"What face? I mean I only got one face. Why are you worrying about?"

Flash sighs a bit; something is definitely on his friend's mind, "Are you going to lie to me? I know there's something bugging you. So what is it? It's about Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

Ben sighs, "Yes. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can be with her. I'm scared that I won't be with her long. She is an Alicorn while me, I'm just an Earth Pony." The pony has a lot of reasons to be worry about and the whole life hood of an Alicorn is one of them. Of course, Flash won't appear to have that.

"Oh horse feathers to that, Benjamin Mare. You suffered a lot of problems in your foal hood, being a Demon Pony, fighting some bad guys like Boris, and you found your filly-friend and true love. And now you're telling me that you can't be with her? What is this? Is this some kind of prank?"

"No! But I......"

"I'm not done yet, Ben. Just because Twilight is an Alicorn, that doesn't mean you can't spend time with her. Tell me, Ben, do you really love her that much?" Flash ask Ben sternly, like a teacher reprimanding her student for thinking such foolish things. Ben nods, allowing his pal to continue. "Then, listen carefully, soldier. I may not be there for you always when you need me, but I know one thing: you will always have a friend like her. That's what she did for you. Am I right?"

Ben sighs as he answers, "I guess. But, Flash-"

Flash sighs, interrupting Ben before he could protest further, "I know it's hard for you, but that doesn't mean you won't have a chance to spend time with her. Don't think too much of the future, think about the present with Twilight. Think about it, Ben."

Ben pauses a bit. Flash may have a point, after all he won't be dead for a long time...but there are some things that still bother him a bit.

Flash, seeing that Ben is still worried, adds, "By the way Ben, I'll always be your best friend. I'll always help you no matter what. But take this important advice: spend as much time with Twilight." He left.

Well, Flash is right on that. Ben wants to spend much time as he could with his love before the inevitable is to come. But there's still a lot on his mind. So before the Earth pony can talk to Twilight, he needs to talk to another pal of his who is now his cousin in-law...


Shining is polishing his uniform proudly. He is happy that his little sister is now a princess. The unicorn prince of the Crystal Empire is trying to his tears though it is difficult to do so. If Twilight or her friends were to ask, he will just hide the true reason. No need to be made fun of, right?

Shining then heard the door to his room opening, turning to see Ben, the colt that his sister loves, coming in. Out of curiosity, the stallion asks, "Need some help, Ben?"

"What will you do since Cadance is an Alicorn and you are a unicorn?" Ben asks Shining seriously.

"What do you-" Shining stops as he realizes what Ben is asking. "Are you worried about Twiley being an Alicorn, Ben?"

"I don't know if I can be with her. I know Flash is right. But I don't think I can because she's an Alicorn."

Shinning sighs, knowing what Ben is going through right now. It's not easy since Twilight is now an Alicorn, a powerful pony in the world of Equestria. The stallion said, "Ben, I know it's going to be hard, but sometimes it's life. You have to get used to it."

"What if I don't want to get used to it?! I want Twiley be a unicorn, not an Alicorn." Ben explains to Shining in frustration. "It makes me more different than her. It makes me angry to think of how I can live with her when I'm so different. I still don't know how you can live with that when Cadance is an Alicorn."

"Now you listen, Benjamin." Shining snaps sternly. The last thing that the unicorn wants is for his sister's colt-friend to feel terrible for himself over this. He glares at Ben while walking towards him. Ben moves back, feeling like being bullied all over again, except not in harmful way this time. "Just because you're going to act like that, doesn't mean I'm won't because I felt so different too. The reason I can live with that is because I will take all my time to spend with Cadance and Twilight no matter what. I don't care how different we are. Do you want to know why?"

Ben nods fearfully, allowing Shining to continue, "Loving them is what matters to me. Yes, we are different, but love isn't. As long you love and care for Twiley, then she won't think of you differently. Whatever Flash had told you, take mine as he has: spend much time with her no matter what."

Ben knew that Shining is right; his advice is the same as Flash's, but with some new stuff added in. After all, as long as the stallion loves Twilight, she won't think of him differently. But there's still one thing nagging on his mind.

Seeing that Ben still has some doubts, Shining sighs, "If that's not enough to convince you, then I suggest: you should talk with your mother, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance. After all, they're your family."

Ben nods, deciding to do that. If there's any ponies who can give him wisdom to get the courage to confront Twilight about this problem, it should be his mother, his aunt and his cousin.


The princesses were checking up on the final preparations for Twilight's coronation when Ben came in, still looking sad as he spoke to get their attention, "Mom, Aunt Luna, Cadance?"

"Ben, is there anything I can help you?" Celestia responds. She noticed Ben's sad face. "What's wrong?"

"Are thou concern for Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asks Ben, sensing her nephew's concern for his beloved.

"Is it because she's now an Alicorn?" Cadance ask making Ben nod a bit. "Ben, I know how much worry and pain you are now having, but that's life and destiny. That's nothing we can do."

Ben angrily snaps while saying to his mother, "Yes there is! You knew that Twilight is going to become Alicorn, and you didn't tell me! If I had known it, I would have stopped it. If I did, I can live and die with her, than just letting her off without me! I don't want that!" He sobbed, much to the Alicorns' understanding. "I don't want that."

Celestia sighs, knowing how her son is taking this, feeling guilty for not informing her son about this sooner, "It's okay, Ben. I understand. I'm truly sorry for not telling you. But once fate is made by universe, there is no turning back. You must live with it."

Luna agrees as she explains, "Such as me, my dear nephew. I'd never want to be jealous of your mother. But jealousy and rage took over me as Nightmare Moon, and nearly cause lives at stake. But if your mother hadn't found the new holders of Elements of Harmony, lives would be at risk. That is fate."

"Live is hard, Ben. I know. But you must know that becoming the Alicorn doesn't mean it gives immortality." Cadance points out to her adopted cousin, trying to speak reason and calmness to him. "It enhances our powers. Birth Alicorns can have both of such power. Do you understand?"

Ben nods, saying, "I understand. But I don't know, what can I do with Twilight?"

"What are thou talking about?" Luna asks Ben as if being asked the most silliest question in Equestria. "We assure you that Twilight is not an immortal, but harness some power to assist her in her duties and battles. Princess is merely a title. Thou are a prince. Thou should not worry about that."

"It wasn't immortality and titles that worries you, it's changes of her behavior, is it?" Celestia ask, sensing the real reason for her son's concern. Ben nods. "Ben, from what I can tell about Twilight, she is a good and true friend to everypony when they are in danger and trouble, she is willing to help and protect them, no matter what. She will never change, Ben. I can assure you. If she isn't, I would not release Twilight's true power awakened in the first place."

Ben sighs, "I hope you're right."

"Ben, I'm not forcing you to understand everything. I want you to know. That is all. If you wish Twilight to be the same, I believe you should talk with her personally."

"Thy mother is right. Your insecurity and concerns can only be wiped out by talking with Twilight Sparkle." Luna said in agreement. She is suggesting that only talking to Twilight will Ben's insecurity and concerned be set aside once and for all.

"Whatever happens, Ben, she won't change. I'm sure of it." Cadance said with a nod.

"I hope so." Ben said with a nod. His family is right, he must now talk to Twilight if he himself wants to be assured once and for all that Twilight will be the same pony that he himself has fallen for when the two were foals once and for all.


Ben explains of what he's been through about the Alicorn incident to Twilight and Nyx, as the new princess is preparing her new dress that she will be worrying for hew coronation, and talking with his family and friend. Twilight, concerned, ask, "Is that what worries you?"

Ben nods as he answers, "I know I should be proud of you. But I'm not. It's not because of life and death, it's because you might change differently."

"Daddy! Mommy will never change! You know that." Nyx points out to her adopted father, wanting to assure him that Twilight will be the same no matter what.

"I know. But I can't shake the feeling that things won't be the same as before. Twilight...you're a Princess, now. An Alicorn, for my mom's sake...and I'm...nothing; A nopony. Garbage and--."

Twilight interrupts sternly, "Benjamin Mare…"

Ben cringes as he groans, "Ugh...my whole name."

"Listen to me, Ben. I maybe a princess now, but...that will never change how much I love you. And I maybe a princess, but what's a princess...without her handsome Prince Charming?"

"You mean me?"

"Yes, you, Ben. You will always be my Prince Charming, whether or not you're really a prince or not. I still love you, Ben. I will always still love you." Twilight giggles to Ben, making him neigh a bit. She then sighs, "Anyway, Ben I won't and will never change, because I have my friends, my family, Spike, Nyx and you. Nothing can change me. But what hurts me is when I lost any of them, and even you. Without them, how could I live with myself? I always wonder what happens if I lose any of you or them. I'm afraid of becoming something...... scary. I'm afraid to become something like King Sombra."

Ben and Nyx were shocked. The former ask, "Why would you afraid of that? You're nothing like King Sombra."

Nyx nods as she said, "Daddy's right. You're the nicest and lovable pony that I ever had. King Sombra is just an evil and monster pony."

Twilight then begins to shiver in fear, asking, "But what if I'm like him? I did use the Dark Magic. That magic nearly causes me insane. I nearly lost myself when I use that power after the fear door. That power is scary and monstrous. It also gives me nightmare sometimes. I can hear King Sombra's voice in my sleep, even though he's dead. It's like he's trying to tell me to do bad and evil stuffs. I'm scared and worried, Ben. I don't know if I can control it."

Ben hugged Twilight, calming her down as he assures her, "You can. And you won't change. You had nothing to be afraid of, Twilight, because you are not alone. I'll be there to help you, no matter what. I'm convinced that you won't change because you had me, Nyx, friends, family, everypony and everything you need."

Nyx smiles as she said in agreement, "Yeah. Don't worry, mommy, you won't become like King Sombra. I guarantee you won't change, because you will do anything to save everypony like fighting Discord, Changelings and even evil king. And you even didn't give up on our friends."

Twilight pauses to think then smiles as she said, "You're right. I won't change. Thank you, Ben and Nyx. I'm glad to have you both, friends, family and everypony I know of. And I thought I'll be the one to give advice to you about me from not being change."

Ben chuckled, "I guess we share the same concern about you. We'll face whatever obstacles may come."

The two hug each other some more. Ben's fears and worries are set aside. He now knows that he himself will continue being with Twilight until his end comes and that the new Alicorn will never change no matter what, even by hypnotism or brain-washing. Nothing will ever change that.

"You know, a princess needs a prince." Nyx said thoughtfully as she looks at her father. "And yet, you don't seem to fit the part."

"Yeah, you're right, Nyx." Ben said with a smirk. "I better get ready. You and I need to look presentable for your mother's coronation."

As Ben gets ready for the coronation, he fails to see his mother and his aunt watching from the door, both of them are smiling. They were hoping that the Earth pony's fears and insecurities will be taken care of and that hope is proven right.

"Well, now my son can finally relax and be at peace with Twilight being an alicorn." Celestia said calmly.

"Tia, when are you going to tell your son that, since he has the Triforce Element within him, he is practically ageless as well?" Luna ask Celestia curiously, referring to the Triforce Element that is inside Ben right now.

"I will tell him when the time is right. I don't need him to get arrogant or distracted should he know now."


Ben and Nyx grins as they stood near Spike in the Canterlot Castle hall. Ponies are there, eager and anxious to see their new princess, the whole place is decorated. Celestia, Luna and Cadance are in their best, as is Twilight's five pony friends, standing off to Cadance's right.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion." Celestia said with a grin as Ben listens in. "My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she’s lived in Ponyville." She even helped reunite me with my sister…" She and Luna exchange a warm glance." "…Princess Luna. Not only that, but my student also reunite me with my long lost son Ben Mare."

Ben smiles warmly to his adopted mother as she continues on, "But today Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary." She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria’s newest princess. Fillies and gentle-colts, may I present for the very first time…Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

Soon the doors to the room opens, revealing Twilight who is wearing a pink gown trimmed in pale gold to match her new shoes, each of which is set with a miniature copy of her cutie mark. She enters the hall as a group of white blonde-mane mares follow her, carrying light violet banners emblazoned with the six-star version of her mark.

Ben smiles proudly. His beloved deserves this honor...and he plans to share it with her, after all the Earth pony is the prince of Equestria, as long as he himself could...


In a white familiar room, a group of cloaked 13 individuals watch the coronation via a magic ball in the center of the room. They look either amazed, worried or a bit upset.

"As you can see, everyone, the student of Princess Celestia has indeed become an alicorn." The Superior explains as the individual known as T. Moon watch on silently. "She can be a major threat to our plans."

"So what? Let me at her, that so-called powerful alicorn will be dead within hours." R. Chaos remarks arrogantly.

"Do not be overconfident. She may be a new Alicorn but Twilight Sparkle is not to be underestimated. We must deal with this matter as gently as we can."

"I suppose your new agent in the other world is the one who can deal with her?" Warring Malice ask the Superior in amusement.

"She will when the time comes for the passage between worlds to appear...and that time is drawing soon." The Superior adds. He glances at Trix Lulamoon who is appears to be leaving. "And where are you going, Trixie?"

"I need to inform Boris and my pals in Safe Haven of this new turn of events. Boris would like it...but some may not." Trix explains in concern to her father.

"Yes, you go ahead and do that."

Trix summons a portal as she heads off to Safe Haven. T. Moon finally spoke, "So, when the time comes to deal with this new problem..."

"Let's wait until I contact Sunset Shimmer who probably knows by now...hopefully she won't fail because if the girl does..." The Superior said gently as he made an apple appear...and crush it.

The Superior now glances at the new alicorn Twilight laughing as she flies, despite being a beginner, in the magic ball. Soon, very soon...

To be continued...in Equestria Girls Remake!

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, T. Moon
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry
Tabitha St. Germain: Princess Luna
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Britt McKillip: Princess Cadance
Daveigh Chase: Nyx

With special voice appearances by
Tim Curry: The Superior
Ashleigh Ball: R. Chaos
Monica Rial: Warring Malice
Kathleen Barr: Trixie Lulamoon/Trix Lulamoon

Author's Note:

What a nice short story, eh folks? All right, time for the next fic, one that's all has been waiting for, so to speak...

"Equestria Girls Remake: A remake of Equestria Girls, co-starring Ben and Nyx. Ben and Nyx joins Twilight in a quest to recover a stolen crown from another world which looks similar to the one that Megan comes from. What is this place? Who are these five lookalikes? And is Ben worried for his relationship with Twilight when she meets a new guy friend? And how is the Apocalypse Ponies involved in the theft somehow?
Villains: The Apocalypse Ponies, Sunset Shimmer"

Can't wait to begin it. Until next time, read, review and suggest!

The inspiration for both Flash Sentry and Ben Mare as being best friend comes from Three Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors: Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

These two figures are very great and best friends. They trust and work together throughout the hardship and retake their homeland, Jiang Dong.

Twilight's fear of becoming something monstrous-like King Sombra is based from her experience of using Dark Magic on both doors: one door to the underground and another is the 'fear' door.

It is from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 3 Episode 2: Crystal Empire.

MLP staffs claimed that King Sombra is somewhat similar to Sauron from Lord of the Ring, such as being spirit, and Frodo can hear his voice in his head when he puts the ring. It frightens and scares him. So I thought this may reflect on how much Twilight Sparkle's fear about King Sombra and being princess.

The idea for creating Twilight's fear is inspired from a story called 'A Somber Meeting' by Omny87.

Although people says her eyes shows as being feared by her nightmare when she open the 'fear' door, but to a pal's opinion, it's the sign of becoming 'darkness'. 'Fear lead to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering' by Yoda of Star Wars.

The end of this chapter references the upcoming next fic.

Comments ( 5 )

Nice job with this story. I liked how you had flash and Ben being friends. Best of luck with equestria Girls the remake.

Nice story, except you have present and past tense in the first paragraph. Good job, and don't worry about haters.:eeyup:

KRyan #3 · Feb 25th, 2014 · · 8 ·

4002425 You're absolutely right about that. Jus just has a different way of writing, just like me. And I'm glad that you like this story. I helped him a bit with it.

KRyan #4 · Feb 25th, 2014 · · 7 ·

4001398 That's very true. In this respect, Ben and Flash are friends.

KRyan #5 · Mar 17th, 2014 · · 5 ·

Hate? Is that the only thing that haters feel towards Jus? Well…I guess it can't be helped. Everyone has their own opinion about JusSonic and it isn't always the same. :facehoof:

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