• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 213 Views, 2 Comments

NetherFlash And Whitefeather: The Series - RainbowKnight

Four new ponies have moved to Ponyville. Though, they aren't exactly "normal". At first, they appear to be strange...and then when you meet them, they gets worse.

  • ...

To dispose of bodies...

The sun was setting in the sky when NetherFlash finally arrived at his new home. He sighed breathlessly before studying what would be his home. The house was about the size of an apartment room. A dull gray paint covered the outside walls of the house, brown, rotting, planks had been nailed in the place of where windows used to be. Many of the shingles that used to adorn the roof of the house were now lying on the ground. The yard wasn’t in any good condition either. The grass was brown, the color of rot; and the fence surrounding the yard was a mix of white and brown because the white paint that used to cover it had been peeling off for years.

Overall, through NetherFlash’s eyes, it was beautiful.

He trotted slowly across the dead grass while it crunched underneath his hooves. Before opening the gray door, he thought about what Twilight had said about them.

“You know what ‘NetherFlash’. I know I can’t banish you and your little group without a cause. But the second I get a chance. You and your group of misfits are going to be gone! G-O-N-E, gone!”

She wasn’t being serious, was she? Of course not, surly not. They were a pretty likable group, why would she think badly of them? Though, she didn’t sound like she was joking.

“I should probably stay low and not cause trouble for a while” he muttered to himself before entering through the gray door into the house. Unlike the outside walls, the inside walls of the house were blood red. The house was divided into two main parts. The “Family Room” and the kitchen. Connected to the wall of the family room was a small TV. Next to it, was a game system. Whitefeather spent most of her time mashing the buttons of her remote furiously here. A few feet away from the TV was a soft, yet beat up couch. Two hallways split from the family room. If you were to go down the left hallway, you would find a small, bare, room with a single laptop in it (Whitefeather’s connection to the internet). If you were to go down the right hallway, you would eventually find NetherFlash’s room. That was exactly where he went. A grin formed on his face. It was sunset, so Whitefeather was going to her home (A.K.A The Everfree Forest), NetherBlaze was off partying and Mr. Oddity was living in the dump. That meant that NetherFlash was alone tonight. He had all he was planning to do tonight laid out: surf the internet all night (or until he passed out). Sure it was immature, but it was fun, and fun beats mature....but before he could open the doors to his room, a knock bounced through the house.

“NetherBlaze is home. Since he doesn’t have a room of his own, I guess he can sleep on the couch.” He thought to himself. Grudgingly, the hell pony turned around and trotted to the front door. In the process, he nearly tripped over Whitefeather’s game console. Swearing to himself a bit, he shook his head before moving the game console next to the TV. Once again, the loud knock of the front door echoed through the house. He let out an annoyed grunt, glaring at the front door.

“I’m coming, I’m coming! Sheesh.” He cried out at the door. Before opening the front door, he mumbled a few things he would tell NetherBlaze. Finally, he pulled the creaking door open. As NetherFlash predicted, it was NetherBlaze at the door, but he also noticed the WonderBolt known as Soarin' lying on the dead grass next to him.

“Finally, I’ve been wondering where you’ve been! I was worried you got yourself arreste-… What the hay is wrong with him?!” NetherFlash suddenly cried out, signaling at Soarin', who had crimson blood spraying from a stab wound originating from his chest. NetherBlaze, with bloodshot eyes, looked down at the dead body of the WonderBolt. His eyes locked onto Soarin' for a few minutes before he looked back at NetherFlash.

“I don’t think I did this.” NetherBlaze said stupidly. NetherFlash face hoofed before continuing.

“What do you mean when you say that you don’t think you did this?” NetherFlash spat out at him. He was annoyed. No, annoyed was an understatement. NetherBlaze looked to his left and his right before continuing his claims.

“Well…I noticed Soarin on the ground. He was calling for help, so I assumed that he had gotten a wing cramp while flying; thus causing him to crash…” NetherBlaze explained, prodding the bleeding Pegasi next to him.

“Uh-huh.” NetherFlash said attentively.

“So I ran over to him…” NetherBlaze said softly, poking the bleeding WonderBolt's stomach.

“And?” NetherFlash snapped, his patience wearing thin.

“And stabbed him thirty-four times in the chest before ripping out his eyes and eating them.” NetherBlaze said evenly. NetherFlash looked into NetherBlaze’s eyes. He was high, no wonder he did such stupidity. Yet, NetherFlash felt a prickle of worry. What if Twilight found out?

“Err…why did you eat his eyes?” NetherFlash asked his ego firmly.

“Well, I was hungry. And I saw his eyes. So I ate them.” NetherBlaze said. NetherFlash thought for a moment before replying.

“Well…I guess we should get rid of the body. Its night, everypony is asleep. No one will notice if we just go and put him somewhere.” NetherFlash sighed. He was far past used to this kind of thing, so he wasn't that surprised at the sight of a dead body.

“Ok, you have fun with that.” NetherBlaze said with a yawn as he moved past NetherFlash. Quickly, NetherFlash lifted his left hoof and dropped it on NetherBlaze’s dragging tail.

“You’re not going anywhere except with me. I’ll need some help getting rid of the body.” NetherFlash growled, his voice dark and threating.

“Okay. I’ll go with you.” Following his statement, NetherBlaze grabbed Soarin’s tail. NetherFlash put his hooves to his temples and rubbed them before trotting into the dead of night. NetherBlaze followed obediently, dragging Soarin' with him.


“Ok, I think we are lost enough. No one will ever find his body out here.” NetherFlash stated, looking at his surroundings.

They were in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Trees stuck out of the ground like exclamation marks around them. Throughout the entire journey, NetherFlash had a nagging feeling that they were being watched. He shrugged this off as just being paranoid, but not any longer. He just wanted to drop the body off and return to the safety of his home. With a sigh, he turned to look at NetherBlaze, who was sucking at the ground like a bottom feeder. He was about to criticize NetherBlaze for being ridiculous, but instead his ears perked up at the noise of a breaking limb behind him. Realizing that he was about to defend himself, he began to alter his face.

As a Hell Pony, he was able to change his appearance to many disturbing forms. In one, his neck split open into two parts, exposing a mouth. In another, the one he was using, his lips split open and the pupils of his eyes went crazy. His teeth would appear almost human and many bloody cuts would appear on his face. He called this the “Smile Pony” form. With his smile pony face ready, he turned around and confronted the monster behind him.

Except it wasn’t a monster. It was Whitefeather.

Realizing his mistake, he immediately morphed his face back to normal. But the effects had already happened. A horrified look bloomed in Whitefeather’s face, and tears formed in her grey-violet eyes.

“D…D…Da...” She whispered; stepping back a few steps.

“No! Don’t say that! It’s ok! Everything’s ok! I forgot your dad and brothers had moved out here. You just spooked me, that’s all!” NetherFlash quickly began, trying to avoid the inevitable. More tears formed on her horrified face.

“D…D…DADDY!!!!!” Whitefeather suddenly screamed at a great volume that would surprise anypony. NetherFlash began to panic. He knew how much Slender Mane, Whitefeather’s over-bearing father, hated him. If he learned that NetherFlash had scared his “little angel”, he would murder NetherFlash in a not-so-quick fashion. Not caring what NetherBlaze was doing or where he was, NetherFlash sprinted through the Everfree Forest. He didn’t dare look behind him. While he was running, he lost track of time and was soon standing in his yard. He stood for a moment to catch his breath. NetherBlaze…where was NetherBlaze. At that moment, he realized he had left his alter ego behind.

“Rest in peace, NetherBlaze.” He whispered to himself before opening the front door. He had only walked in a few steps, before he looked up and noticed his alter ego, zonked out on the couch. NetherFlash sighed, relived. He glanced at his alter ego before trotting towards his room. All he wanted now was a nice rest.


“I’m here Whitefeather, what is it?” Slender Mane asked the weeping alicorn.

“I…I saw a monster. It was kidnapping that pony.” Whitefeather said, pointing at Soarin'. “He’s f…fast asleep though, s…so can you r…return him to his h…home?” She asked, as a grey unicorn wrapped his hooves around her waist and hoisted her on to an orange Pegasi.

Slender Mane walked over to the dead WonderBolt and studied him for a moment. He was dead, and Slender Mane knew this. He had dealt with more than a few dead ponies in his time.

“Hmm…this stallion was sta-" Slender Mane stopped himself abruptly, remembering that Whitefeather was only a few feet away.

“Of course, dear daughter. I will return him to his home.” Slender Mane said evenly. Whitefeather grinned cutely up at her father. Little did she know what his real intentions were to do. It’s bad to waste meat like this. Whitefeather wouldn’t notice if he just turned this fallen Pegasus into next week’s meat loaf.

“Don’t worry Whitefeather," Slender Mane said, walking over to his daughter who was currently snuggling Hoodie. "I’ll make all the scary monsters go away.” He promised.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Extended Ending~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Yo, Slendy." Eyeless Jack called, glancing over his shoulder.
"Hmmm...?" Slender Mane replied, now alone seeing as Hoodie had taken Whitefeather home.
"Can I have his kidneys?” he asked, pointing at Soarin.

Comments ( 1 )

well that escalated quickly

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