• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2020



He has no memory, no name, no cutie mark, and no purpose, can the strange creatures of Equestria be just what his life was looking for?

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 99 )

308922 I Will, had to fill the thousand word limit, The chapter was origanally ending right as he wakes up in the everfree forest but I had to kinda scruch 2 chapters together, anyways I am trying to make this story pretty big and it will include alot of characters, I will try to keep it at a slower pace as I introduce more plot focasing on the situation more. Thanks for the support, I am currently this:rainbowkiss: oh and:heart:

definetly good so far:pinkiehappy:
there are still a few grammar/spelling errors, but other than that it's great so far, can't wait until the next chapter

311557 Thanks It really does mean alot to here feed back, I'll try to fix spelling errors as I go on. :derpytongue2:

313737 Wow I just noticed that sorry. Thanks for pointing that out, Please add any constructive critizism you guts can give me, It really helps :pinkiehappy:

"Why did I just jump off of a two story tree..." :rainbowlaugh:

Uhh I wish this site had spell check, this is starting to get embarrasing:ajsleepy:

Looks like the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in for some "Secret But Fun":twilightblush:
Okay sorry geeze:fluttershyouch:

Whew, Spell check Complete.. So far chapters 1-4 should be lookin' good:ajsmug:

329960 Haha Thanks for letting me know, I Proof read these thigs so many times, I don't know how I keep missing them, your feedback does mean alot to me. :pinkiehappy:, I love to get suggestions so if you have something to say feel free, thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:

No zelda joke is a bad zelda joke!

:ajbemused::applecry::scootangel::unsuresweetie::eeyup: A little short but a good chapter none the less. :derpytongue2:

Good job, bandit. This time make it longer as the other chapters.

332284 No problem, This chapter was kind of a filler, Im leaving tomorrow for a week and wasn't sure how long I would have internet so I wanted to get this out there before I went. Just a little thing to sum it up, I'll just name it Part 2 from chapter four.:ajsmug:

333304 yeah it will go back to five, as for romance... I.. I, okay so maybe I am still contemplating who loves who big deal wanna fight about it? Honestly I had this entire story in my brains one day, then slowly it gets better as I write it but also, I gotta stay true with what I though, even of it still is a little fuzzy, I'm on my phone currently on my way to Louisiana, trying to type chapter six up on my pc at the same time, will I fuck up, we'll see after a few words from our sponsors. "hola, we need more lemon pledge." thank you consuayla. It should be up next time I get Internet so stay tuned, thanks :trollestia:

the WARNING had me laughing my ass off i thought the same thing also so far this is one of my favorites keep doing what your doing

I'm liking the story so far, but sometimes i'm finding myself getting 'muddled up' with who's talking from time to time e.g. '“Its no problem, whats your name, if you don't mind me asking.” “I- I don't really know at the moment.” “Huh you two.” '. A mistake where 'two' should be 'too' I guess that was not intentional though.

Anyway i'd just like to thank you for the story so far. :yay:

341805 yeah sorry, I'm currently traveling and if I miss pronounce some words or phrases you'll have to be patient with me, thanks for the feed back, without you guy's I never catch these things :derpytongue2:

342994 thanks I wanted to include derpy in a way to feel her reaction to he whole, the last round up scenario.

350298 I do say thank you :pinkiehappy: I just hope people will stick around for the good part!!:pinkiegasp::trollestia:

351452 I'd be lying if I didnt want to do that exact same thing.. And I writing it! But anyways don't get your hopes too high, I just think its good from my standards :derpytongue2:

355453 haha no problem, I just found some free time so I slipt away from the family, secluded myself in the guest room and went away.:derpytongue2: good luck on your test:twistnerd:

358186Haha sorry I'll fix it tonight, I kinda thought it looked fishy

Someone finally added a thumbs down:raritydespair::raritycry: oh wait.. Somepony just added a thumbs up:pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss: balance has been restored throughout equestria:trollestia: (but bandit, you called him someone not Somepony) I KNOW WHAT I DID :flutterrage: Haha sorry you guys had to see that...I'm not mad:pinkiesmile:... I'm fine.....:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Awsome, I decided to make brand new cover art. :ajsmug: AAAANNNDD Upload.:pinkiehappy:... I said Upload.:pinkiesmile:... What Is this I Don't even:trixieshiftright: Oh thats right what I ment to say was.. UPLOAD!!:twilightangry2: UPLOAD UPLOAD UPLOAD UPLOAD UPLOAD!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Oh well I tried..:ajsleepy:

Edit: Got it :rainbowkiss:

367826 BECAUSE I'M STILL WRITING IT!!!:raritydespair: It should get done either late tonight or around noon tomorrow. Pinkie Pie Swear:pinkiehappy: Unless I feel like I have to add something...:pinkiegasp:

Let the hunt for spelling/grammar errors begin!:ajsleepy:

397125:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia: Don't worry, its comming, I have just been a combination of busy and lazy, and trying to piece together what I have. For example, the next chapter has almost completly changed in my head since the time I've been gone and I'm just trying to put all of the pieces together in the right order the best I can.:raritywink:. Just keep looking at your tracker, it'll be there soon.:scootangel:
or will it.:trollestia:

401321YEEEEESSS 502 errors kept me from uploading this thing for an hour!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: Oh yeah and Don't worry no clop in here. This is clean.:derpytongue2:

423331 I Don't exactly remember writing this for some reason. It was at five am, I don't think its one of my best chatpters but i understand what you mean. Spike wrote the princess and she flew to the library, again it did happen pretty fast. As for the characters, I'll have to reread what I wrote, I wanted more dialogue between them but I felt like I needed to push this out since its been 4 days. I am pretty sure I forgot to include a little over 500 words worth of material so ill just try to fix it in the next chapter, I don't know. I kinda make up the chapter before I write it but this one I wrote about it before I knew what was even happening. I will do better next time hopefully and go at it with a completly different approach whatever that means.

AKA I knew it was bad, and I should feel bad other than that, take the big things that happend in the chapter and just add those to up coming events whatever those may be.

And again Im sorry.:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

ps, I may just rewrite the whole chapter but yeah.. I knew it was bad before I uploaded it.:fluttershyouch: don't hit me..

oh you didn't hit me after all-:fluttershbad: oh god it hurts

423331 Okay, I changed a few things, made it slightly less chaotic somehow and changed the ending slightly. :ajsleepy: I can't believe I am doing this to you but I am sorry.... If you want to see the slight changes.. your going to have to... READ IT AGAIN! :fluttershbad::flutterrage::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh::trixieshiftright::twilightangry2::raritycry::derpyderp1::facehoof:

Hm I wonder if humans are going to get in on this. I dont know why but when i read a story with anything human related i try to picture humans at war with something. Especially this infact right now as I type this im pictureing fallout new vegas NCR veteran rangers with assualt rifles shooting at some dark being. Why cant i find fics with romance and an army of humans at war with some dark being while in Equestria? :fluttercry:

428436 Great Imagination, haha Don't worry we've seen the last of the humans in equestria in here, but I have not forgotten of the stories origin so stay tooned!:pinkiehappy:

432785 Sorry about that, it is going pretty fast and I guess only I know whats going on since I am not writing it out for you guys very well, Believe me, I'm trying and every bit of suggestions help.

ps. I am actually not a best selling author or on the top rated list of fim fiction..:pinkiegasp: Im just a guy trying to type a story being played out in my head as best as I can.:twilightblush:

Thanks timb58 for the feedback!:pinkiehappy:

great chapter but it could use a fighting scene

445298 That could have been interesting, Thanks for reading, More to come soon!:pinkiehappy:

Sorry for being late.. AGAIN! but this time I have a legitamite reason so Please forgive me. I wasn't being lazy at all but rather busy!:ajbemused::rainbowdetermined2:
I've only been home for about 2 hours in the day everyday last week:pinkiegasp: but I'm finally done and can continue my progress:ajsleepy:, thanks for waiting and I hope you like the new chapter, A little short but It'll get the job done.:ajsmug: And the new one should be on its way really soon!:pinkiehappy:

461137Thanks, Disaster aka chapter 12:rainbowlaugh:

From what I'm concerned you won't have to wait that long anymore, new chapter will be up soon!:rainbowkiss:

Woah this is long and still going! :pinkiegasp: I'll add it to my read later list and get back to you once I've caught up. :pinkiehappy:

465367 Thanks... I see you've read fluttershy's redemption... I'm so sorry you had to witness that...:ajsleepy:

476404 Haha thanks, I've been wondering where you where at.:rainbowlaugh: Next chapter will be up pretty soon so be prepared...:twilightsmile:
Oh yeah, one more thing. DO NOT go to my stories tab...:fluttercry: Its not worth it!:fluttercry:

No comments?

Im reading all this good crazy story at 2:00AM listening Song of Storms 10 hours!

545776 Someone knows how to party!:pinkiehappy:

LoZOOT = best game evar:rainbowdetermined2:

545428 AY! AH Don Take kindleh tah Hatahs:ajbemused:

Love and Tolerence People, Were bronies, We gotta stick together... if we don't who will?:twilightsmile:

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