• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



a colt named Apple Jack, named for his great granny Apple Jack, visits Twilight Sparkle, following family tradition. March 8th- Spell checked version, no major changes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

You don't think the same-names thing is going to be a consistently confusing problem in this fic?

This story really need to be run through a spellcheck. Seriously.

i second this
i am confused just from the description,
I had the same problem with one of my descriptions, descriptions need to grasp the readers interest and this does not.

You have an interesting premise, and a fairly good grasp of story progression. The main weakness, so far, is the lack of proofreading - there are multiple spelling and grammar mistakes littered throughout.

I recommend giving this a good editing run. It would dramatically improve the quality.

You shouldve named him jackleapp :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh: but seriously the description its self is confusing

It may have. The problem is that spellcheck wouldn't catch things like 'craved' instead of 'carved', for one example.

Depending on context, the grammar checker in Word can occasionally pick up that kind of error. It's not a bad tool. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, there are plenty of typos that any spellcheck will pick up. "libary" and "thier" abound... :derpytongue2:

It may have. The problem is that spellcheck wouldn't catch things like 'craved' instead of 'carved', for one example.

Good premise, quite well told, please take the comments about spell check seriously.

Good story, interesting idea. Nice work. :pinkiesmile:

That's it.... what a tease

8003837 sorry I ought a revisit this story and make a version including cannon events.

8004503 you can keep the seeting, just don't build to the meeting and not provide it

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