• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 1,291 Views, 4 Comments

Discord's Revenge - Naxanz

Discord has the perfect plan for reeking pandemonium!!!

  • ...

The Game

The friends stared at Discord speechless. They had never seen him so humorless and malevolent before.

“I’ve never seen you this serious Discord,” said Twilight stunned.

“I know right?!” exclaimed Discord putting his hands on his head, “I’m surprised I was able to stay this serious for this long! It’s torture you know! But I promised myself no chaos until the six of you are dead and the Elements of Harmony are destroyed!”

“So, what’s this “game” you have in mind for us Discord?” replied Twilight eyeing him suspiciously.

“Well,” Discord laughed, “I could just kill you here and now, but that wouldn’t be any fun now would it? So, I constructed a little game that I like to call, The Labyrinth of Pandemonium!”

“Uh, Twilight,” interrupted Applejack.

“What?” answered Twilight.

“What exactly is a labyrinth?” questioned Applejack.

“A labyrinth is kinda like a maze. It is a confusing network of tunnels and passageways that somepony could easily get lost in. Not to mention the fact that most labyrinths are equipped with traps, puzzles, hidden pathways, and sometimes dangerous animals.”

“Ugh, not another maze!” cried Applejack, “What is it with you and mazes Discord!”

“Ah, but this is no ordinary maze Applejack…” chortled the fiend.

“I don’t care what it is!” yelled Rainbow Dash still recovering from the blast, “I am not going to be a pawn in one of your stupid games again!”

“If you insist,” said Discord raising an eyebrow, “Then I guess I’ll just have to do this the boring way; anybody up for some tacos?”

Discord snapped his fingers. Rainbow Dash, hovering a few feet above the earth, instantly turned into a taco and fell down to the ground. The five ponies looked in horror at what had become of their friend Rainbow Dash!

“Now who’s next?” hooted Discord, “How about you Twilight? But what would be fitting for you? I know how about I turn you into a book since you like to read so much! The title will read, The Story of Twilight Sparkle’s Pitiful Life.”

“You big fat meanie!” screamed Fluttershy surprising everyone, “You change Rainbow Dash back right now! Or else…I’ll….um…I don’t know.”

Discord, taken aback by Fluttershy’s sudden outburst, replied, “Why of course I’ll change her back Fluttershy! That is if you decide to play my game…”

“Give us a sec Discord,” said Twilight flatly. The ponies huddled in a circle to discuss the matter.

“We have no chance of winning!” proclaimed Rarity looking like she was about to have a nervous breakdown.

“I know! That is why we have to play along with his wicked game for now,” stated Twilight, “Nobody’s perfect; even
Discord makes mistakes. He has to mess up at some point, and when he does we will steal the elements back! Who’s with me?”

“I’m in!” said Pinkie Pie looking more sober then anypony had ever seen her before.

“Me too,” affirmed Applejack

“Let’s show this monster what we’re made of,” joined in Rarity gaining control of herself.

“Um…yeah,” whispered Fluttershy back to her normal personality.

“Ok then,” announced Twilight turning to face the fiend, “We’ll play your “game” just turn our friend back to normal!”

“Finally!” replied Discord flippantly. He snapped his finger’s once more. The taco disappeared and Rainbow Dash suddenly materialized beside them.

Dazed she looked around and muttered, “What the hell just happened? And why does it taste like I just ate twenty tacos?”

“We decided to play the “game” while you where…um…gone” answered Twilight.

“Now before you start let me explain the rules,” said Discord jokingly, “Rule 1: There are no rules! Rule 2: If at least one of you ponies makes it out alive then I’ll give you back the elements! And rule 3: If none of you make it out alive then I get to reign over Equestria with eternal chaos forever!”

Discord began to laugh, an evil laugh, a laugh that would give even Lucifer himself chills. Then without any further hesitation he snapped his finger’s once more. The game had begun! The ground opened beneath the friends and seemed to swallow them whole. As they plunged into the darkness they could hear the sound of Discord’s demon possessed laughs slowly fade into silence while their screams grew louder and louder…

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