• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Captain Gilda (86)

Captain Gilda


Entry One,

Since I was able to buy a blank book, I decided to keep a log of things. Thoughts, discoveries, plans and stuff. Since I'm starting a little late, I guess I'll make this first entry about what's happened up till now.

Well, I 'appeared' out in some desert, but not the sandy kind, the 'land is so dry it's cracked' kind. Wild west type. I was found by Gilda, and the first thing I thought when I saw her was 'Crap. Now I have to deal with this bitch.....' She's harsh, sarcastic, angsty, and just like me. She's also mopey, probably about the whole Rainbow Dash thing. I don't like people in general, and let's face it, I'm a jerk. I don't want to put up with another me. Better just get my bearings and head to Ponyville.

Entry Two

Turns out I was wrong about about Gilda, she CAN be civil if she tries. I don't know why she stuck around, or helped me in the first place, especially after me, being the idiot I am, jumped off a freaking cliff. She pretty much had to baby me for a week, something I wasn't too happy about. At least I've eaten something. I need to go back to where she 'found' me and look for clues. Maybe something useful came with when that guy booted me here, whoever he was anyways.

Entry Three

I. Am. Insane. I dove down the throat of a dragon and killed it. I ripped off a scale, cut off it's arm, and made a sword out of it. I ate the meat off the arm..... what the hell is wrong with me? What I just did..... is NOT normal. I had to go find some Aloe for Gilda's minor burns, and she started questioning my 'Amnesia' story. I should have known, that NEVER works. I'm eventually going to have to tell her, before I get to involved. If she leaves because i'm 'crazy' before I get too attached, that'll save a lot of heartache......

Entry Four

Well, I told her what I am, and she didn't freak out. Probably thinks I'm crazy, just like I said. Saved some ponies from diamond dog slavers. Turns out the problem is a lot more widespread than just the Rarity problem. That, and this world has just as many problems as back home. Difference is, it's actually possible for one person to change this world. The only way to get something done on earth is make a petition, get a million signatures, harass a politician, wait a year for them to get back to you, then another while they debate it in a committee, before finally deciding it's too expensive and shutting you down. Here, I can just kill whoever the problem is.

Entry Five

All caught up to the present now. Manehatten. Sold some gems we looted to a crooked jewelry salesman....sales pony? Whatever. Made quite a bit of bits, and got a bit of a handle on how this world works. You can find scum and villainy wherever you look, you just need to LOOK. I'm pretty good at flying now. It's unbelievable, and the view is fantastic. Also, for some reason, I noticed my eyes keep getting drawn to Gilda's backside. Problems with this: First, I'm a loser. Gilda isn't into 'uncool' people. Two, she's a bitch. Yeah, she's got a bad history, but she's still a bitch..... then again, so am I. I don't think that much anger would work out too well together. Three, when we reach Ponyville, I may very well decide to stay there, and that would be it. There's no way a dorky virgin like me is EVER getting laid, especially not by her. Might as well put it out of my mind.

Entry Six

Damn Ponyville.... I wish I never came here...... I guess I was pretty cruel, but, they deserved it, didn't they? After what they did........ When Pinkie Pie laughed at me, all I could think of was everyone who laughed at my misfortune. When Dash mocked me, is was just like before. When she hit me, it was just like before. When she jumped me and made me feel ashamed of being who I was, it was just like before. Everyone in town, the way they looked at me, telling me to get out and never come back, all with their eyes. They have no idea who I am, and they already hate me. It was supposed to be different. Equestria was supposed to be DIFFERENT! I saw everything that was wrong with my world, everything I hated and tried to escape from, in two ponies, bearers of the Elements of Harmony no less! These were my idols, and they completely ruined it. I can't believe I looked up to them. Pinkie Pie was just an accident, she had no idea ho it'd make me feel. She was oblivious to other people's feelings, as usual. Gilda, Cranky Doodle Donkey, and now I'm just one more on the list of people she's inadvertently made miserable. Rainbow Dash HAS no excuse. She deliberately made me feel like shit. Hell, GILDA is nicer than she is, and she's a bitch...... Long story short, I think I died a little inside today.

Entry Seven

Busted Trixie out of prison. I'm not sure why Gilda decided to do it, but I gave her the decision, and I'm not going to go over her head on it. Well, if things don't work out, we can always eat her, so that's a plus.

Entry Eight

Saved Prince Blueblood from diamond dog slavers, turns out we were right above one of their outposts for a larger den. Killed all the fighters, demanded the slaves and every other useful thing from them. Two of the slaves were dogs themselves. I decided to keep them around. Having your enemy's eyes is always a good thing. I don't think Gilda or Trixie was too happy about it though, but even they can see past their hate to how useful they'll be. Funny, we're less prejudice than ponies are, and they're supposed to be with the whole 'friendship and harmony' deal. I guess that only extends to other ponies. Anyone else can go rot.

Entry Nine

It's been a while since I wrote. Found out there's another human in this universe. Echo the Diamond Dog, Etch and Growl say he's an 'Alpha Breed'. He's strong, fast, and smart, but not too skilled in terms of weaponry, although he can light his claws on fire for elemental damage. I burn pretty easy, so it's not very much fun. He fights at medium speed and isn't very acrobatic, meaning I could easily keep up with protecting myself. I just have to remember not to let down my guard. Also, if I didn't have a bounty before, I definitely have one now. Beating the tar out of a city official will do that. My opinions on Gilda are....... indifferent. At this point, I'm pretty sure she likes me, by the way she looks at me, and the things she says, but is between that and finding me infuriatingly annoying. I'm not sure how I feel about her, but I certainly don't dislike her. She's still a bitch, but she's stayed by me all this time, and I think she's started growing on me.

Entry Ten

Met the Vren tribe today, (Bipedal cats, like Khajiit, but more adorable) by means of one of them sneaking into our tree house and putting a dagger to my throat. Turns out we've got some posers pretending to be use. Well, we can't have anyone making use of our bad reputation, so we're going to have to straighten things out. Might make the local tribe an ally, or at least get Nadene as a healer, which we seriously need. Since they're cat like, they're VERY acrobatic, fast, stealthy, and skilled. Rogue types, perfect assassins and thieves, just like their fictional counterparts. Also kinda cute, and pretty attractive. (Side note, too busy itching lately to write, molting sucks. I ripped out all my feathers and spent the time unable to fly. Don't do it again. I need to fly to be able to fight.)

'Hmph..... so he thought I was a bitch, and turned out he was right, and even if he stuck with me only because he had nowhere else to go..... he stayed. Funny how things worked out....... And to think, when I found him, I almost left him there. I already know all of this.... what else is there?'

Entry Eleven

After dealing with the imposters and getting Nadene to come with us, we began raiding temples. A bunch were empty, but one that was guarded by what else but spiders, had a large number of valuables inside, including a magic amulet that can turn me human. I don't see much use for this on myself, but I think it will be quite useful against trickster enemies as it dispels all falsehoods. It uses Latin, so, I have a whole bunch of different options here based on what I know. Ignis is fire and lightning, Aqua is water, Umbra is shadow, Lumen is light, Ventus is wind, Tempesta is, as far as I can tell, turbulence, Terra for earth, and Tremor for vibration as elemental spells. Lacero for cut, Accelero for speed, and Obscuro for invisibility as buffs, Medico for heal and Protego for protect as defense, Umbra for muffle and Furia for berserk as debuffs, and Volare or Vola for fly, which I haven't tested yet as I can already do that. Maybe making other objects levitate? I know that each spell is going to have multiple uses, just figuring out all their applications is going to be a lot of work, and will take a lot of time in a test area, more time than I have.....

'I haven't really focused on learning magic myself...... it's what made him nearly unstoppable. If I want to be on the same level, I'm going to have to work on this myself. I'll use his research notes, but if he's going to make me the leader, I should act like it and start taking charge, figuring things out for myself. Hmm..... Should I focus on elemental spells, boosts, debilitating enemies, or a defensive role?.......... I need time to think, and I can do that while we're underway. Let's get a course first.'

I walked onto the bridge where Steelhorn was sitting in the captain's chair, Cable was at the PA switchboard, and the two dogs were looking at an integrated table map of everywhere we'd been so far.

"So.... what'd he say?"

"...... Well, he made me captain while he's on the mend. What targets to we have?"

"Clay Pallor to the north, Marble Pillars to the west, and...... the Stony Fields to the east. They're all smaller dens, except the fields which is actually the site of a battle. It's contested, with no less than three different dens fighting over it at all times. It would be easy to do some raids, as their attention will be focused elsewhere." Growl explained, laying out a map.

"Hmm.... either of those smaller targets could be good places to start while I figure out what I'm doing, and the battlefield will be a high risk, high reward kind of deal. Might be able to make some allies by influencing the battle to go a certain way. We're definitely going to want to go there at some point...."

"We could always hit the one in the west, then sweep to the north, and finally east." Steelhorn added.

"Sounds good to me. Um..... set sail?"


I was originally going to make Gilda's development into an interactive bit where you get to decide what she learns and where she goes...... then I decided..... Nah.

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