• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Letters Again (48)

Letters Again

"Oh Luuuuuuna. Guess what I've got?" Celestia called out with a playful tone.

"Letters?" The younger sister asked.

"Of course! My faithful student and her friends arrived in Ponyville, safe and sound, just like Griffin said they would. Perhaps I should place a little more faith in him. Enough of that, first letter, and it's for me."

Dear Princess Celestia,

So, are Twilight and her friends home yet? I hope they make it home safe and sound. Who am I kidding, I know they do, I've seen the future, and they're all fine. Speaking of the future, at the national dessert competition, make sure to sneak a slice of cake before Pinkie eats the whole winning entry. I KNOW how much you like cake, and I'd hate for you to miss out. I'd tell you to save me a slice, but no matter how good it is, I don't think it's worth going to prison for.

I told Twilight how I perform my magic, but I didn't give her any of the specifics. I think she'll be really frustrated when she tries it and it doesn't work. I wish I could see her face when she realizes she can't research it.

I also like my new wanted poster. The picture is nice. I'm not sure when, but Rarity snapped a photo of me in my new armor. 4000? Celestia you flatter me! I didn't think I was worth that much. Then again, my crimes have been pretty minor compared to the other criminals I ran into. By the way, you're welcome, 21000 bits worth of vicious criminals are no longer climbin in yo windows, snatchin yo ponies up. Let's see, what else, oh! I almost forgot,

Have you ever seen a troll? I know for a fact one of them lives in your bathroom mirror. Try and find it!

Sincerely, The dashing rogue, Griffin.

Ps: Please tell me you hate spiders as much as I do.

"Well, that's..... interesting. Only the most skilled of unicorns could see the future, and it's not something that is done often, as it fills the mind with worry, although I do appreciate being forewarned about the cake. Far too often have I not been able to partake, due to an overzealous crowd digging in. I swear, I'm their princess and they show me unending respect and patience when it comes to everything except sweets." She huffed. Luna giggled.

"I wish I could have seen her face as well. I haven't seen her since she returned, and while remaining professional, she definitely voiced her frustrations at being unable to discover what Griffin apparently did so easily. And now he takes having a high bounty as a compliment? Well, his crimes HAVE been minor compared to other criminals, and given their nature, he would spend a maximum of one year in prison, if he was cooperative. The deaths of those diamond dogs were due to their greed, and while we would have given a lesser sentence than death, it would have been severe. Kidnapping, especially royalty, is a high crime. It's also quite a relief to know that such dangerous fiends are off the streets. A while ago there were a number of murderers and such that had been turned in, he probably had something to do with it."

"See sister? Perhaps Griffin is not so terrible after all." Luna stated. "After all, he prevented the murder of one who is now considered a hero, exposing the corruption of the mayor, rescued your nephew, protected Twilight Sparkle and her friends from a dragon attack, turned in a large number of wanted criminals. Sure, he has committed theft, prison break, and assault, but the nature of those crimes is minor at best, they were all in self defense, and considering his outstanding list of achievements for the betterment of Equestria, surely those can be overlooked."

"True enough, but we still need to interrogate him, learn everything we can, and also determine his intent. Twilight explained it briefly, but I want to hear it from him, which is why the wanted poster states 'Alive' only." Celestia responded.

"Now, the question. Have I ever seen a.... troll? There's one of them in my bathroom mirror? I have in fact seen a troll, they live in mountainous regions, or, lived I should say. They were a very nasty and violent species, like manticores, and they refused to confine themselves, often rampaging through villages near their nesting grounds. Eventually, the ponies got sick of it and killed them whenever they came to town, causing them to die out. One in my bathroom mirror however? I, don't understand."

"Sister, when you look in a mirror, what do you see?" Luna asked.

"I see myself of course."


"Are you saying he...."

"He's calling you a troll Celly."

"Why that little, first he is pleasant, then turns to insults!"

"Perhaps trolls are something different in his culture?"

"Unlikely, although, possible. I'll be sure to ask him. Next letter, and it's for you."

Dear Princess Luna,

Today I learned that no matter how hard you try to plan for the future, no matter what preparations you make, not everything is within control. Basically,

Shit happens.

And when it does, when you mess up, you can count on your friends to help you out.

Sincerely, Trixie.

Ps: Twilight writes your sister friendship reports, I think I'll write you some of my own.

"Oh, and it looks like yet another has set their sights on me. I'm becoming ever more popular lately. I'll be recieving friendship reports from Trixie now. Didn't she used to be a showpony?"

"Yes, she was mentioned in one of my student's letters, where by her bragging, an ursa minor came to town, and she was unable to stop it as she claimed. The town was nearly destroyed. It seems she learned her lesson though, and is now learning more of them, and has decided to write to YOU about her findings."

"Should I feel, honoured?"

"Indeed, it is not often that somepony will chose to share their innermost feelings, their own weaknesses and follies, and how they have grown with another of their own accord. She may see you as a role model, considering that you both have been rather, misunderstood."

"Well then, I look forward to receiving more letters from Trixie. They are certainly more.... colourful.... than your own student's writings. Final letter, and this one is quite long."

Dear Princess Celestia,

A couple things. Geez, the letters I write to you just keep getting longer and longer, but, this is important. First topic,

I feel I owe you an explanation regarding my previous letter. In my own dimension, I was able to look into others, and I saw various events, as well as heard about other events that were set to be shown in the near future, kind of like a program at a concert, telling you what's playing next. Anyways, when I came here, I went back in time by (I think, not entirely sure) eight months, which is how I know of certain events that have yet to occur.

"Well, that explains a lot. Slightly disturbing that beings from another dimension are watching us at certain points, but, if they're all as.... 'benevolent' as Griffin makes himself out to be, then we are in good hooves. Besides, while they may watch us, very rarely are they able to come for a visit, and for the most part, they have been trying to help. Echo, for example, is one such being, and is now considered a hero. Griffin I'm sure will follow suit, however misguided his methods may be, his heart in in the right place."

The second reason for this letter is related to the first, and is a warning. I'm trying to help here, so listen carefully. Around the time of the royal wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, there will be a threat against Canterlot and Equestria as a whole. I don't know the specifics, because they haven't been shown yet, all I know is the gist of it. I don't know who, or what, it is, what the goal is, or the plan, nor do I know how to stop it. All I know is that it is coming. Be on guard.

Celestia and Luna sat there for a moment, letting the words sink in, swallowing hard. A threat against Equestria, and even he doesn't know the details about it.

"Well, considering that they haven't told anypony about their wedding besides us, that validates his explanation. Still, an attack on Canterlot, at the same time as the wedding? This does not bode well. I wish for them to enjoy their wedding, but, Equestria comes first. I hope I don't put too much pressure on Shining Armor, having him defend the city and plan his wedding at the same time, it's only two months away. I am glad to have the warning though. While I refuse to look into the future myself for fear of becoming paranoid, this information is critical, and I am thankful to have it."

The third manner I am addressing is the state of affairs in the north. You know quite well what's going on up there. Dragons threatening diamond dogs for gems, and they have to take slaves in order to meet the quota or else they all get eaten. I recently intercepted a boat of zebra slaves, and we have deduced that the dogs of this particular hold were not able to come up with enough gems to feed the hungry dragon, and so are going to feed it the slaves to spare themselves. I intend to slay the dragon, conquer the hold, and free the slaves. Hopefully, being freed from their oppression by the dragon will cause the dogs to surrender, but, if that is not the case, we have a fair quantity of sleeping gas which we will use to subdue the warren peacefully. The world is changing, and I'm here to make sure it changes for the better. So, basically, what I'm saying is,

Wish me luck.

"I see, so, when Twilight explained his goals, she was correct. I am glad to hear it from him however. His motives are clear, and he plans nothing less than the freedom and prosperity of a kind long oppressed, through as peaceful a means as possible, AND correcting a mistake I made nine hundred years ago. Basically, despite all that we've been through, and our differences, he's asking for my blessing on this endeavor." Celestia suddenly wore a warm smile and gave a satisfied sigh.

Finally, this wouldn't be a letter from me if I didn't ask you a question, so,

Trixie has decided to start sending friendship reports to your sister, How does that make you feel?

Sincerely, your friendly extradimensional revolutionary, Griffin.

Ps: One day, I'm going to found my own nation of liberated griffins, diamond dogs, ponies, and whoever else is being oppressed, if I live that long. I hope if and when the time comes, we can be friends. I'm pretty sure I'll be needing your help, I am kind of new to this whole thing, and while I know it won't be nearly as good as Equestria is, I want to make it the best it can be. Here's to us meeting face to face one day, and not on opposite sides of prison bars.

"And now he tells me he's going to usher in a new era of peace, and he's wondering if I'll help him do it and give him advice? I must say...... Luna, it seems we've misjudged this griffin. While he didn't give us any clear indication of his intention, and we believed him dangerous by being an unknown, now that we know his purpose...."

"He's not a threat at all, but possibly one of our greatest allies." Luna finished with a smile.

"It seems so. This whole time, he's been playing games with us, trying to lighten our mood, and at the same time working to better this world. It makes sense now. I suppose when we made a guess that these aliens were here to help, we were correct. Strange, he reminds me of a certain draconequuis, although with far better manners, sense of humor, wit, and is actually responsible and good natured instead of a cruel trickster."

"And the question?" Luna asked.

"You'll see in a minute."

Dear Griffin and Crew,

Thank you for warning me about the cake.... oh, and the attack as well. Rest assured we will take the necessary precautions to protect the city. It is also a relief that there are far fewer criminals, as you said, 'climbin in my windows, snatchin my ponies up'. I have seen a troll, they live in forests and mountains, but they died out centuries ago. Is a troll something different in your culture? I dislike spiders, very much so. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was for me to restrain myself against setting 'Betsy' on fire.

As for your conquest... Many years ago, the Dominion increased hostilities against Equestria, at one point, threatening to invade. I dissolved their government in order to prevent a war, but this action left the innocents defenseless. I do not have the power to help them, as I am already stretched thin as it is, and if I were captured, it would mean doom for all of Equestria, as the ponies would have become slaves to the diamond dogs as well. It was with a heavy heart that I did what I did, and it is one of the few things I regret in my long life. That you are rectifying the mistake I made so long ago brings me joy, and so, you have my blessing.

I am also glad that should you succeed, you would choose to seek my counsel. The wisest of us are the ones willing to ask for help, and so, upon founding your new nation, I would gladly lend my aid and advice. Also, should you decide to assist us in protecting Canterlot against the coming attack, during the wedding two months from now, we would be thankful. Since you have declared your intentions, and we have deemed you to no longer be a threat to Equestria, as well as the fact that your service far outweighs your crimes, I am hereby providing your entire crew with pardon. Go, and bring harmony to those I cannot.

Finally, that my sister has been so openly accepted and adored by an increasing number of subjects, as well as those not in our rule, to the point that one has decided to share her lessons of friendship with her,

I couldn't be happier.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia

"Inkwell? Come here please. Send these updated wanted posters out to every corner of the world, the Griffin Pirates have been pardoned. Oh, the press is going to have a field day with this one."

"I look forward to you trying to explain it, 'Oh, he's not so bad after all! It was all just a big misunderstanding!' Like that'll work." Luna pouted.

"Sure it will. After all, his only serious crime was killing the diamond dogs, and even then, it was warranted. As for theft, assault, resisting arrest and prison break, the first three were direct results of him being persecuted by ponies based on race alone, and the last one he was only doing what he thought was right. All we have to do is list off his various credits. Saving my nephew and his servants, as well as guards, bringing wanted criminals to justice, protecting the innocent from a dragon attack, and providing us with important information that will be vital in the days to come, and the ponies will come to accept him as what he really is, despite him not wanting to be labeled as such." Celestia explained.

"And that is?"

"A hero."

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