• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 423 Views, 13 Comments

The Warrior, Necroesphere - Necroesphere

Necroesphere, a warrior as ancient as time, walks the land of Equestria, banished from his own people. Can he stop the shadows that now threaten the world of the ponies, or will he be swallowed along with his new family?

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Chapter 4: The Garden of Chaos

Chapter 3: Discussions
By: Necroesphere
Balance shall exist,
Light and Darkness cannot be separate.
Chaos must rain.

Necroesphere opened his eyes, visor filtering through the data for him. His dreams were unpleasant but nothing he hadn’t seen before. He noticed a plate of food next to him, sitting on the black bedside table. It was a nice gesture, but Necroesphere knew it was never going to be eaten.

With a swift flick of his wrist, a holographic screen appeared as the data poured onto it. From what he could tell, the drone he had sent out was still mapping out the world and staying out of sight for the moment. As long as it continued to stay out of sight, Necroesphere would have a full layout of the world within another night cycle of the planet.

“Who are we guarding?” A sound from outside Necroesphere’s room asked. It must have been a guard who happened to be passing through the hall on his rounds. Standing, Necroesphere opened the curtain covering the window. The sun was almost directly above him in the sky, a few clouds floating by daintily. “Princess Luna simply stated the guest was a VIP.”

“Do you believe it is what those guards stated? A mechanical being? Living armor?” Another, higher pitched voice asked. “If so, why does it have a room that requires guarding? What could even damage it?”

“I do not know, but what if it is listening to us now?” The first guard stated. Necroesphere chuckled, finding the idea these two ponies believed funny. At least the guards had been closer to the truth than the sisters. He was technically a living armor, though it was more he lived inside his armor. There was no use in moving him from it, as it provided him better protection than anything else.

“Hello, can I help you?” Necroesphere heard a third voice. He recognized the regal voice as Luna’s. “Why are you two waiting outside this room?”

“Princess Luna? Uh... well, we believed we should guard the room.” The first guard said. To make it fun for himself, Necroesphere activated his visor, gazing through the wall and watching the scene unfold for him.

“Has he come out then?” Luna asked, her brow furrowing.

“No, Princess. We have not heard any noise from the room. Were you planning to enter?” The guard to the right of the door asked. He had a light blue mane with dark blue coat, though his armor covered the picture that most ponies had.

“No, though Starry has been looking for him. She has a list of names for his weapons, and she if very enthusiastic. I don’t know how, but she seems to be so more open with our visitor around. Come tell me when he leaves. Though, I don’t think you’ll have much trouble finding me. I’ll be in the library with Starry, going over her lessons.”

“Understood, Princess.” Both guards saluted as Luna walked down the hall. Necroesphere stretched out, looking out the window at the city stretching below him.

“Time for some exploration,” He mumbled, leaping out the window. On his way down, he caught a pillar, swinging around it and landing on a roof with a silent thud. Anything below would definitely be questioning what had just hit their roof. Before anypony could stick their head out a window, Necroesphere leapt again.

As he sailed through the city, he made a mental note to try and find underground routes through the city at some point. Landing on a wall, Necroesphere saw that a forest stretched for a good distance out. He had already known this from his trip, but being able to see it was a way to confirm some facts.

“This planet has such a good flow of energy.” Necroesphere stated, sitting down on the wall and looking out into the forest. “Nothing like the ones I’ve been to before. I could get used to the feeling of being here.”

He felt something tugging at him though, a darker force that was taunting him from somewhere close by. Necroesphere rose, jumping from the wall as he followed where he felt the energy coming from. Somehow, it reminded him a lot of pure chaos, something that he had only been in contact with a few times. The unbridled form of chaos was nothing to laugh at, and even more something that was out of place on this planet.

Necroesphere stopped in a garden just outside the palace, statues all around him. Some were of ponies that must have been something special in the past, others of objects Necroesphere had no description for. Only one truly caught his eye. It was a being of mismatched parts, certainly something no artist would make in sound mind.

“Good catch.” A voice taunted. Necroesphere glared at the statue, not thrown off by where the voice was echoing from. The source was the statue, or rather, the being trapped within the statue. “And it can think? My goodness, Celestia has caught a good little creature, now hasn’t she?”

“Why did you call attention to yourself, being of chaos?” Necroesphere asked, not ruffled. There was no one controlling his hand for the moment. If Celestia believed she could use him, she was horribly mistaken.

“You are a goody two shoes, but I sense some chaos in you. The name’s Discord.” The statue laughed. “Anyways, I just wanted to say hello. I feel like you could outlive us all, so knowing that you’ll be around when I come back is a good thing to note. You are taking notes, aren’t you? Never mind. Some ponies these days come around this garden and just sit around, talking about their lives.

“Some days, I just sit here and suffer through their agonizing speeches. On days I feel nice and decide to talk with the ponies and help them sort things out. Most of the time, they just run off screaming about a ghost or some nonsense. Ponies likely think them batty. Others just listen and thank me before going on their way. I never see them again, regardless. It gets lonely here, you know. Nopony really to talk to who understands me.”

“Discord, would you like some company?” Necroesphere sighed, looking up at the statue’s eyes.

“Would you really?” Discord feigned surprise. “Oh, that would be wonderous. It’s been ages since I’ve had something to talk to, besides the birds. Unfortunately, the birds neither care nor talk back, so I’m just a toilet for them. So, what brings you to Equestria… hmm… didn’t seem to catch your name.”

“It’s Necroesphere. As for why I am here, I came to see why there was a giant explosion of pure energy a few centuries back. I came as soon as I felt it.”

“Must have been some trip. Just a blink for you probably. How old are you, anyway? Come on, I won’t tell anypony.” Necroesphere could have sworn he heard winking.

“Uh… a few dozen millennia. I’ve got some time before I’m considered old among my people though. Or wise. As for now, I’m just a powerful soldier asked to serve on the frontlines as a figurehead. Or I was until I pulled a stupid stunt and got a friend killed.”

“Sounds harsh.” Discord replied. “I hate death. Nothing really deserves it. Alas, all must feel the cold sting of its claws.”

“Yet you are chaos.” Necroesphere stated, sitting down next to the statue. “Isn’t death in the nature of chaos?”

“Really?” Discord spat. “I may be chaos, but killing is one thing I’d never do. Or turning others to stone. This really isn’t something anypony should go through. I guess where you are from, chaos can get really out of hand? Here, I just prefer to mess with the peace and have a good time. But I always am careful not to seriously injure others. Don’t tell Celestia or Luna that, or they will think I’m soft.

“Sure, I’ve done some stuff that could be classified as evil, such as harassment, but it was stopped before the pony was injured.”

“Ever think about mental injuries?” Necroesphere asked, crossing his legs and leaning back. “Sometimes that can happen, you know. It’s ugly when someone gets it on the battlefield. I’ve lost many good friends to it.”

“I mean, insanity is what I am. I can’t help but cause it. If you don’t like it, then you can’t like me. It’s not like I really have a choice.” Discord replied.

“You make a good point. I cannot blame anything for a problem they can’t control. Others may attempt to, but I wish to extend a hand in assistance and give them the benefit of the doubt.” Necroesphere chuckled. “Goody two shoes, remember?”

“Certainly, you must be. I don’t mind though.” Discord laughed back. “To be honest, you may be the balance to me. Or at least, to the other dark creatures on Equestria. I am disposed of for the moment, but I feel another rising in the north. A darkness that shouldn’t really be there. I have a feeling this pony is looking for power and other gruesome methods to attain it. Celestia and Luna are not really figuring it out.”

“Shall I tell them?” Necroesphere pondered.

“Is it really wise to interfere in the affairs of a place that you can play a god in?” Discord questioned back. “You have already acted and shown some of that power. You cannot fool me, however. I can see that you are holding back a lot more than Celestia and Luna know for now. A lot more. Do as you wish, but some events must come to pass.”

“And why is that?”

“Because even chaos has a schedule that it follows.” Discord answered. “For this, I say that you don’t get involved. Just let the events unfurl as they may. Celestia cannot argue against your choices while you are a guest. At least, she would avoid asking a favor when she has done nothing much for you. Luna would lean on you, but only if you show a point of weakness. Have you?”

“I told her stories of my youth, but those wounds have long since closed.” Necroesphere answered, standing. “I’ll be going then Discord. I’ll be back soon. Possibly with a brush and bucket to clean you off.”

“If you would be so kind.” Discord said. “Well, ta-ta for now.”

Necroesphere was ready to walk away when a thought struck him from a recent conversation. “Discord… Are you lying to me? About killing others?”

“Celestia and Luna told you their story, did they?” Discord sighed. “Fine, my hands are stained with the blood of others. Are you going to lecture me? You don’t seem like your hands are any cleaner than mine. At least mine was self-defense. How much blood have you spilled just to kill?”

Necroesphere didn’t respond to that question, walking away back towards the castle. “I still expect that cleaning, you know!” He heard Discord shout after him. Necroesphere sighed, jumping into the air as he manipulated gravity to ascend to the roof. He landed, keeping gravity light on him so he wouldn’t crash through the roof.

Walking over to the court, Necroesphere glanced through the window where Celestia and Luna were holding a lesson with their pupils. “Too much. Too much blood, Discord.” Necroesphere whispered, feeling tears rolling down his cheeks. Nopony, however, would ever see his emotions or reactions. Not while he was trapped in his suit.

“This is a fine mess I’ve gotten myself into.” Necroesphere thought, leaning against a support pillar. “I always have to play the hero, don’t I? One would think I’d have learned the problems that happen when I do such things. Foolish. I think I see now why I am still considered unwise.”

“Hey, Necroesphere!” Starry called out, nearly making him fall off his perch. “I’ve got a list of names. Come down so we can give a name to one of your weapons!”

Celestia and Luna both looked up, smiles on their faces as they each waved a hoof for him to join. Sighing, Necroesphere jumped down into the courtroom, using a massive amount of force to stop himself before he smashed into the floor. He landed gently instead, though he felt a bit out of it. His magic wasn’t as full as he liked, though it couldn’t be helped at the moment. He would need to recharge what he had burned to give to Luna and from his trip.

“Did you sleep well?” Astra asked. Necroesphere kneeled down so he was closer to the ground.

“Like a star during the day.” Necroesphere answered with a riddle that he enjoyed.

“But aren’t stars something that Princess Luna puts into the sky?” Astra questioned, looking to Celestia for an answer.

“I don’t think that is entirely true.” Celestia responded, turning to her sister. “Only the Sun and the Moon are objects we move. The stars are more natural, there but always moving. I would think our traveler from the sky would know more about the stars.”

Astra and Starry both turned to look at Necroesphere for an answer now. He chuckled, enjoying the duck-like routine from the two fillies. “Well, girls, stars are actually other suns where many planets exist as well. Some stars though no longer exist. It takes time for the light that a star puts off to reach a place. I know a few in this sky that don’t exist any longer. But, there are always more stars that form, farther away than we can see.”

“Have you been there?” Starry asked? “To the places farther away than we can see?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve never left the visible sight of the places I’ve known. Your star is familiar to me from many places, though I did not know life existed around it.” Necroesphere chuckled in response. “I’m glad to know that there is still some peace out there.”

“That’s a nice thought.” Celestia smiled at Necroesphere, standing next to the warrior. “Though I’m sure there are other places where peace flourishes just like ours.”

“Sure, though none that I have thus visited.” Necroesphere sighed, knowing that Celestia spoke true. There were worlds farther out there, yet untouched by the wars that flourished among the stars. “Anyways, may I watch the lesson? I would rather enjoy a demonstration of magic that unicorn’s possess. The best way I know is first-hand experience of it.”

“I don’t see a harm to it.” Luna answered. “Just be warned that objects could come flying violently at you.”

“I’ll be sure to keep my head down when that happens.” Necroesphere chuckled, taking a seat on the stairs that led to the throne. The fillies turned their attention back to Celestia and Luna as best they could, though they both knew that Necroesphere was watching and possibly judging them.

“So, as I was saying.” Celestia coughed, returning to her lecture. “The proper way of levitation…”

The lesson continued mostly on the lines of a lecture by Celestia on the concept of using levitation based spells. From what Necroesphere began to understand, the spell was simply a way for any unicorn to use magic as a form of grasping. In a sense, the spell just gave unicorns the ability to hold any object, just as Necroesphere could.

Eventually, Luna cut off Celestia’s lecture when the solar princess began to drone on about how the spell originated and other such history lessons that began to bore even Necroesphere. Eternal patience may last for war, but for a lesson, it really wasn’t as effective. Both Astra and Starry perked up when Luna finally cut Celestia’s lecture short. They both smiled as they stretched their legs.

The lesson followed with some attempts to move objects that the Princesses had brought with them or were already located in the room. Necroesphere soon realized why they needed such a large practice area and why Luna had warned him to keep his head down. Soon, furniture was flying around the room in a storm of magic as the two fillies quickly realized they couldn’t control the spell.

“Grav.” Necroesphere murmured, using a small hand gesture to complete the spell. The furniture gained a huge pull of gravity, forcing it to the ground and stopping the levitation spell before it got out of hand.

“What stopped that?” Starry asked as she stood, shaking slightly.

“I-I’m not sure.” Luna answered, pushing her mane out of her face. She glanced over at Necroesphere, who only waved at them. “I can take a guess though.”

“I doubt you would be far off, sister.” Celestia sighed, blowing part of her mane out of her face. Necroesphere rose, aware that the time was becoming late and that the sun and moon would soon change places in the sky. “Luna, it’s your turn.”

“I know, Celestia.” Luna sighed, turning to a window. Necroesphere again felt the massive wave of magic coming from her as the moon rose to take its place in the night sky. Necroesphere felt his aura change with the difference in the sky, like it normally did depending on the light that hit him. It always felt odd to him that he was one of few beings to ever experience such changes.

“Well, I guess it is time for us to get some sleep.” Starry looked down, seeming a bit sad.

“Or we could play a few games before bed.” Luna giggled in response, jumping to her pupil’s side. “Just because the moon is out doesn’t mean the fun has to end. We can do anything now that we could do when the sun was out.”

“It is true, young one.” Necroesphere said, walking over to the four ponies. “The moon gives one many opportunities to do many things not available during the day. Study the stars, explore areas that change when it is dark. The light can hide stuff just as the dark can. Some of the most beautiful things I have experienced have occurred under the moon, not the sun. Though, the sun has offered just as many fond memories.”

“Thank you for saying as much, Necroesphere.” Celestia smiled up at him. “I’m glad that-” The door to the throne room opened in a loud bang. Necroesphere instantly responded faster than Celestia or Luna could even track his movements as he jumped to a window sill up high. From there, he was able to observe the situation that would unfold.

“Your majesties.” A guard gasped as he fell onto the ground, obviously winded. Necroesphere gripped one of his swords as he felt a dark wind howl through the hall, coming from the north. He turned, glancing towards the direction. “Th-the Crystal Empire. Sombre has taken control.”

“What?” Luna asked, rushing to the guard’s side. “Speak slowly soldier. What has Councilor Sombre done? What happened to the Crystal Empire?”
“Sombra… dark magic.” The guard coughed, obviously suffering from some internal injury. “I was barely able to escape from the realm. H-he… My wife… my son. No. NO!” The guard started to convulse, rolling onto his side as he coughed up blood. Necroesphere stayed his hand this time, knowing that some deaths could not be avoided and he had no right in changing such things.

“Tia.” Luna shook, tears streaming down her face. “We- We must stop this lunatic. I cannot allow something like this to go overlooked.” Necroesphere could feel her emotions as his own, though he knew better than to let his rage explode forth. Discord’s warning echoed in Necroesphere’s mind. ‘Some events must come to pass.’

“I realize Lulu. But we cannot just storm into the Crystal Empire without knowing more information. Guards. Send a scouting party to the Crystal Empire. We need to know what is going on as of yesterday.” Celestia commanded, her voice full of power. Necroesphere saw Starry and Astra glance at the guard who still laid on the ground, obviously dead.

“Luna, get the girls to their rooms.” Celestia sighed, shaking her head. She was obviously stressed and tired now, both obviously not a good pair for the Solar Princess. “Necroesphere, what is your take on the situation as a whole?”

Necroesphere jumped back down to the ground from his perch, rolling as he landed. “Seems like something I am not going to be helping with.” He responded, leaning against a pillar. “I acted rashly earlier when I interrupted the donkey ambassador. However, such things should not be acted upon by a source that doesn’t truly belong on this planet. Also, I am your ally, but I am not a weapon to be used as you pleased.”

“I understand, Necroesphere.” Celestia sighed, sitting down in her throne. A few guards entered the room, grabbing the body and removing it from the room. If they noticed the great warrior in the room, none made a motion to state it. “I would appreciate some assistance in the matter, but you are right. I cannot depend on you. I barely know you and it is not right that I asked of your assistance so soon.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Necroesphere sighed, moving to take a seat next to Celestia. She adjusted so she could look at him as he sat down. “I understand your situation, but I really shouldn’t meddle in the affairs of other planets. I overreacted earlier when I saved Luna. I don’t regret it, but I wonder how things would be if I wasn’t here.”

“Likely it would have been me in court at the time and he would have been disarmed by Luna. We always are together in the court, whether others can tell or not.” Celestia whispered to Necroesphere. “I would not have issued for any aggression against him.”

“And likely the king would have been taken out by one of his family members.” Necroesphere whispered back. “His family was not in support of the idea behind invading Equestria. I actually listened in to a lot of different conversations while there. Very few actually supported the king, though they were terrified of what would happen if they spoke against him. Hopefully Hans can rule the country better than his tyrant father.”

“I’ve heard that one of the princesses claimed a giant killed her father.” Celestia spoke up, her face hard to read. “It landed in front of her and slayed her father. Before he could kill her. You never told us that, Necroesphere.”

“The details of how I do something are rarely needed.” Necroesphere gritted his teeth. “I take no pleasure in killing, though others have disagreed with me on that point. I only kill to make sure evil and bad judgment never come about. What the king was planning to do at that moment… I could not sit by and wait, Celestia. I hope you understand that.”

“I was not judging you, if that was your thought.” Celestia smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips. “I am quite grateful that you were able to protect the little donkey princess without ruining her life.”

“I’m just wondering.” Necroesphere tapped the side of his helmet. “How did word of my appearance already reach your ear? You yourself said even by flying, the trip would take at the least two days. Yet today would be the second after which I killed the king.”

“We royalty have our own special way of keeping in touch, Necroesphere.” Celestia smiled coyly. “I am not going to share all my secrets with you.” Necroesphere chuckled at that statement, having used it many times before himself. Celestia definitely how to use secrets to her advantage. “Anyways, I must go prepare for bed. I must be up before the dawn, to raise the sun. What about you?”

“I don’t know yet.” Necroesphere leaned back, crossing his legs. “I really don’t need much sleep at the moment. I’m able to keep going for a few more days without sleep now, after getting some rest to recover some more energy.”

“Are you planning to explore the castle?” Celestia asked, rising from her throne.

“That would be an interesting plan, but I think not. If you need me, however, just whisper my name into the wind and I will come as fast as I can.” Necroesphere explained. “It’s a certain magic that I know of. It will work, do not worry.”

“Ok, Necroesphere. Have a nice night.” Celestia waved, walking out of the court room, leaving Necroesphere alone to his own devices.

“Good night, Celestia.” Necroesphere whispered to himself, turning to look out the window behind him. “Good night.”

Author's Note:

Hooray, a week later and a new chapter! Hooray for Scheduling. I'm still ahead and am working hard to get material out. We are almost done with the history it seems, only one more chapter to go before we get to something fun. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story.

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