• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 423 Views, 13 Comments

The Warrior, Necroesphere - Necroesphere

Necroesphere, a warrior as ancient as time, walks the land of Equestria, banished from his own people. Can he stop the shadows that now threaten the world of the ponies, or will he be swallowed along with his new family?

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Chapter 2: The Warrior

Chapter 2: The Warrior
By: Necroesphere
Friendship gathers light to it,
Even with one friend,
Light can pierce any darkness.

Luna watched the night sky, her creation at it’s finest. Yet, ponies didn’t seem to care about the stars or her moon that floated above, giving them light. A star flashed in the sky, shooting across the night in a dazzling flash.

Luna froze, unsure of why a star would move without her command. She turned, looking at Celestia who had frozen as well, watching the same thing Luna had. “Lulu, what was that?”

“Something other than mine...” Luna responded. The guards around them seemed uneasy, having a stronger grip on their weapons. “Do not worry. It is not Discord.”

“I’m going to look,” Celestia said, flaring her wings. “Luna, go to court and calm anypony who wishes to know what they just saw. It will be easier to deal with this without a riot of ponies worried that the sky is falling.”

“Be careful Celestia.” Luna cautioned, turning down the hall and continuing towards the throne room. “I do not want to lose you yet,” She said to herself, no guard able to hear.


Necroesphere shook his head, pulling himself out of the crater he just created. His worst enemy after traveling through space for such a long time was the gravity of a planet. Every being on the planet was aware that something was now on their world, though if they weren’t into a space age, they would just assume the fireball was just a falling star.

The wilderness around Necroesphere was alive with both flora and fauna, something the warrior hadn’t seen in a long time. His helmet’s filters registered that the atmosphere was clean enough for him to breathe, though prolonged exposure without safety would result in some of the more poisonous chemicals in the air weakening him. That and Necroesphere wasn’t aware of any diseases on this planet.

“That energy burst came from this planet... It’s been a while though. Maybe some residual energy still exists. I doubt anything here was alive when the burst happened though.” Necroesphere scanned his area, attempting to create a landmark for himself or spot some sort of civilization nearby.

There was a roar of fury as the ground shook. Necroesphere spun, drawing his two scythes as a dragon attempted to cover him in flames. Rolling out of the way, Necroesphere responded with launching himself forward and slashing at the front legs. He cut clean through the scales and bone, severing the arm completely, causing the dragon to screech in pain. It spun, swinging its tail around like a mace. Necroesphere caught the tail, holding tight as the dragon lifted him up and tossed him away.

Spinning in the air, Necroepshere activated his stabilizers and floated through the air. He launched forward, using his fist to smash the dragon in the back of the head, dazing the massive lizard. “Stop!” The dragon screamed.

“You speak?!” Necroesphere asked, bewildered. His entire journey through space over the years had never caused him to meet a dragon that could talk. “Wait, how are we able to understand each other?”

“How would I know?” The dragon rumbled, running off back into the wilderness. Necroesphere was unsure of what to think about a dragon that understood a language spoken primarily by godly beings.

He launched into the air, scanning the surrounding wilderness for any other signs of life. In about ten minutes, he had learned that there was a diverse amount of creatures, many mythical and from Greek mythology. It astounded him that humans had predicted these creatures actually existed without any proof, yet the universe had proven them right.

Humans it seemed, were better at guessing what was out in the universe than most others. Necroesphere was unsure if anything had yet reached a civilized nature, but with a dragon that could speak his language, it should be possible by now.

Necroesphere spotted something flying towards him, going at a decent speed. He activated his helmets zoom to make an analysis before it arrived so he could be ready for in case it was not a friend.

It was a white pegasus, another greek myth come to life on this planet, though something was different about the horse. A horn jutted from her forehead and she was adorned with golden armor.

Necroesphere flew over to meet the unicorn pegasus, not entirely sure if the beast would prove hostile but some power radiating from her told him otherwise. The horse stopped flying as Necroesphere approached, her horn glowing.

“Stop! Whoever you are, don’t think you can do anything!” The horse shouted. Necroesphere floated to a standstill, less than twenty feet away from her. It was definitely a her with that feminine of a voice.

“I am merely here to investigate a source of energy. Something I felt a long time ago. Would you happen to mind speaking with me? I mean no harm.” Necroesphere asked, unsure of how to address the horse.

“I will listen to you. Come forward, though keep your weapons sheathed.”

Necroesphere put up his scythes, returning them to the astral realm where many of his special larger weapons were stored. He floated forward, stopping a few feet away from the horse, not wanting to scare her anymore. She was nearly as tall as Necroesphere was, though not enough.

“Who are you?” The horse asked, fear on her face.

“I am Necroesphere. Who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler to Equestria. You are trespassing upon our land. Why?” Celestia charged her horn again, energy building.

“There is no need for violence, Princess Celestia. Like I stated, I merely wish to speak with you. I have no need to harm any of your subjects either.” Necroesphere explained, hoping his diplomacy would put the princess at ease. Her horn stopped glowing and her shoulders lowered and Necroesphere noticed her heart rate lower in his HUD. “Princess Celestia, I am just here to ask some questions and learn what I can from your world. Will you allow me to stay?”

“If you feel like we have something of importance, then yes. But be warned, I will not hesitate to stop you should something go wrong.” Celestia responded, dropping her brow. Necroesphere showed his hands as a sign of peace.

“Shall we return to your home? I am interested to know why I can understand you and you understand me. Though, your accent is different.” Necroesphere asked, straightening.

“As is yours. I am quite surprised you speak Equin. I thought you were just a giant mindless bug looking for you next meal. I still think you are a giant bug actually. What are you?” Celestia asked as she flew a full circle around him, carefully looking him over.

“That is something I cannot divulge. Just know that this is armor, that if I were to remove it, your atmosphere would kill me within a few years.” Necroesphere explained, not very happy over being called a bug. His power was anything but buglike.

“Ok, uh... Nec... Necro... what was it?” Celestia smiled, having trouble pronouncing his name. Necroesphere smiled underneath his helmet, knowing that many had trouble with his long and complex name.

“Necroesphere, remember. It means the Bringer of Death or the End of Fates.”

“What?” Celestia froze, her wings stopping for a second. She quickly caught herself, flapping back to her spot. “Do you truly mean no harm to my people?”

“I wasn’t the one to pick my name,” Necroesphere shrugged, floating closer. “But please, understand, none of your people shall be hurt. I truly doubt you would be one of my enemies. You are too nice.”

“Isn’t there something about nice ones being the true villains in stories?” Celestia smiled, making Necroesphere shrug.

“I don’t read that much. To many battles that need to be fought or preparations. Just never get around to going to my libraries. Though, I am literate.” Necroesphere responded, sensing a surge of energy from behind.

“Watch out!” Celestia warned, dropping. Necroesphere spun, both his scythes in his hands before he finished rotating. He was struck with a lightning bolt of dark energy. His scythes caught most of the energy, redirecting it out of the way.

“What was that?” Necroesphere wondered, no enemy within normal sight. He went through his vision spectrum, nothing showing up on his HUD. “This makes little sense. Celestia, are you ok?”

“Yes, though how did you survive that?” Celestia asked, floating behind the warrior. “And to answer your earlier question, that was a chaos storm. Something that happens from time to time. Me and Luna are able to dissipate them, though they pop up without us knowing. It is a hard task to hunt them down.”

“How many have you lost?” Necroesphere asked, looking down at his smoking armor. Nothing was actually broken, just scorched. He was going to have to do proper cleaning with oils later.

“Too many. Just too many...” Celestia sighed. “But... Why were you able to withstand that magic. That pure chaos.”

“I’ve been around a lot worse. A lot worse actually. That blast was nothing, though it would have been worse if I hadn’t dispelled it.” Necroesphere explained, dissipating his weapons again. “Please, lead the way home.”

Celestia inclined her head, turning. Necroesphere followed after her, nothing else of note to do at the moment.


Luna wanted to bash her head against one of the marble columns nearby, though she had to remind herself that a Princess couldn't do that in court. The royals were aligned before her, complaining about unfair shares of the crops, that the unicorns were being cheated out of their share of food.

Luna had reviewed the report and found the Unicorns were dead wrong, though they were too prideful to change their stance. The guards were leaning on their spears, seeming to die of boredom. Luna could do the same instead of putting on a fake smile.

“Princess, what is your decision?” The head unicorn noble asked, a descendent of Queen Platinum. Luna had to admit, they all were snobs ever since the founding of Equestria and when she and Celestia took all the power from them.

“My decision is to put a stop to this arguing. You got your share of food for the winter. We are all struggling. There was a horrible yield of crops this year after parasprites infested our largest farms. Understand that we are all trying to survive this, but you are not helping by complaining to me.

“Now, Ruby was it? You go tell the unicorns of Equestria that if they want food, they should eat off your table. As I’ve heard, you nobles tend not to share your food with your own tribe.”

“Yes, but...” Ruby attempted to argue. Luna raised a hoof, cutting her off short.

“Ruby, Equestria was founded upon equality among everypony, including the nobility. My sister and I only eat once a day so that the staff can have food for their own family. Isn’t that better, making sure those who help us live our soft and pampered lives can live their own? They can live so we don’t have to work.

“Or, you could go out and work the fields yourself you know. Bring in your own harvest.”

“But my hooves,” Ruby complained, looking down at her bright red coat. “You are actually really good at diplomacy, Princess. I see your point. I will try and direct my family to the right course of action.”

Ruby turned, leaving the throne room. Two guards shadowed her, escorting her out of the throne room. Ruby stopped right before she left, spinning and addressing Luna. “If you ever want to... Oh... Say, go and get a mane cut with me sometime, I’d like that. It would give us time to talk.”

“I’ll consider it.” Luna smiled back, waving at Ruby. ‘Maybe she isn’t so bad.’ Luna thought to herself, glad at the outcome of the meeting. “Send in the next petitioner.”

The next pony to enter was not a pony at all, but a donkey. He wore long robes, dark red with a white lining. Luna was unsure what his affiliation to the donkey hierarchy was, but he seemed important.

“Introducing Duke Bushel’s, second-cousin to King Burrow III.” A guard shouted, giving Luna a better idea of how to address the newcomer.

“How may I help you Duke Bushel?” Luna asked, adjusting herself on the throne. She wondered why there was no comfortable cushions around especially during the longer hours.

“Just one thing really.” Bushel stated, grabbing a cord on his coat. He yanked it, dropping his large coat and rushing forward. Attached to his hooves were two blades and a knife was in his mouth.

The guards couldn’t react quickly enough, nor could Luna think fast enough to cast magic. Bushel was almost upon Luna when he was tossed away, slamming into a wall. Nopony had touched him, yet he now lay on the ground.

“What...? Guards, arrest this donkey.” Luna commanded, standing up.

“Luna!” A voice shouted from the other side of the glass windows behind Luna. She spun, noticing Celestia hovering outside with a massive insect behind her. His hand was outstretched, though Luna couldn’t tell what was going on. Celestia opened the window with her magic, flying into the room along with the insect.

“Are you alright?” Celesia asked, wrapping her wings around Luna. “Necroesphere, thank you for saving Luna.”

“‘Twas not a problem, Princess.” Necroesphere responded, stalking towards the assassin. “Though, I think I can see a problem coming up fast.”

“What would that be?” Celestia sighed, turning her head. Necroesphere picked up the donkey, slamming him against the wall. He put his hand against Bushel’s face. There was a slight flash through the donkey’s eyes before Necroesphere released him.

“He is indeed who he claims to be, a duke from the... Donkey Kingdoms. If we were to arrest him, as he wants, the Donkey’s will go to war. If he had succeeded, you would have undoubtedly gone to war with them. At least, that is what he believes.” The donkey attempted to move, but stopped when Necroesphere glared at him.

“This is just wrong...” Celestia sighed, dropping her head. “We cannot afford a war now. Our people would starve before we could even march and we cannot fight a defensive war. Luna, what do you think is the best line of action?’

“I-I don’t...” Luna stuttered. She was still shaken from the attempt on her life.

“May I suggest something, after your guards stop pointing sticks at me?” Necroesphere responded, poking a spear.

“Leave him alone, gentlecolts. He is a friend, for now.” Celestia told the guards, who reluctantly lowered their weapons. “What is your idea?”

“Allow me to go deal with this little problem of yours. A small change of leadership to a royal more likely to be sympathetic to your realm. Does that work? I’ll be discrete and fast. They won’t even know until I return.” Necroesphere took hold of the assassin, dragging him back up against the wall.

“So, you want to prove that you are going to be helpful?” Celestia asked, glaring at him.

“I just want to protect you and your sister. I have never truly liked those who wish to bring war on a country that would rather not have it. So, allow me to take care of your little problem, ok?”

“Tia, what does he mean?” Luna asked, looking straight at Necroesphere.

“I give you permission to do this, Necroesphere. But please, don’t get carried away. And make sure that the donkey’s cannot figure out this was a part of us.” Celestia cautioned. Necroesphere clapped a fist to his chest.

“I’ll be taking our friend here, so I can find my way. Don’t worry, none will be the wiser on who actually overthrows their current king. Wish me luck, Celestia.” Necroesphere said, grabbing the donkey and walking out of the hall.

Luna shuddered, trying not to think of what could possibly happen with that much power on the loose. She glanced around, checking to see if anything was damaged. Fortunately, nothing had been seriously damaged except the wall that Bushel had been tossed against like a rag doll.

“Celestia, don’t you think letting him go about on his own might be bad?” Luna questioned her sister, nuzzling against her. Celestia smiled down at Luna, nuzzling her back.

“Don’t worry, Luna. I have faith that Necroesphere will be able to control himself. He did not attack me even when I threatened him. I believe he will show constraint.” Celestia responded, drawing back her wings. Luna shook slightly, walking back over to the throne. “Are you ok?”

“I will be fine, I believe. It was mostly just a shock to me. To many things happened in such a short time. I’m not what I used to be.” Luna sighed, taking a seat on the throne. “Now Celestia, why is it that Necroesphere is here?”

“He is here, looking into the power of Harmony. He is looking for the Elements.” Celestia responded, looking out towards the reception area where the Elements rested. They glistened in the afternoon sun, a testimony to Equestria’s past and future. “Do not worry though, Luna. He only wishes to know what they are.”

“I hope you are right, sister.” Luna responded, preparing herself for the rest of court.


“So, Bushel, what was the point of trying this?” Necroesphere asked, throwing his prisoner against a tree. They were in a forest right outside of the Donkey capitol, Burri. At least, that was the name Necroesphere had gotten out of Bushel.

“W-what are you?” Bushel shuddered, scrambling back. One of his legs was broken after having been tossed about earlier by Necroesphere. The Duke was going to pass out from shock, though his use was coming to an end very soon.

“Come now, let’s be civil.” Necroesphere stated, drawing a sword. “Or, I could just be done with you. I have all the information I need for a successful coup. Though, I believe your family would miss you.”

“Please, just let me go! I promise, I won’t say anything. Just let me go!” Bushel screamed, hoping to attract some attention possibly. Necroesphere had placed a noise proof sphere around them, though Bushel never would have guessed.

“Fair enough. But you dare lay a hand on the Princesses, I’ll make sure you don’t return from your vacation. That fair?” Necroesphere asked, his sword tracing around Bushel’s neck. The donkey nodded viciously, scrambling back as hard as he could. Necroesphere smiled under his helmet, glad that his enemies knew to fear him. “Go then. Return to your family and speak nothing of our meeting.”

Necroesphere pulled away, letting Bushel dash off into the woods. He put his sword back, scanning the castle. It was only about 20 feet tall and manned by a garrison of sorely undertrained guards. At least, undertrained in terms of Necroesphere’s skill. The castle itself was easily accessible and eliminating the king would be a matter of pace and skill.

Watching the guard closest to him, Necroesphere quickly scaled the wall and landed on the other side in a pile of hay. He switched his visor to heat seaking, able to locate any guards who were nearby and waiting for him. When he verified that no donkey was searching for him, he poked his head out, charting a path into the castle.

The cover of night worked well for him, his dark armour able to blend into the surrounding world. It may be his size, but everything seemed smaller except for the nature. Most houses would barely allow him to stand inside let alone enter.

With a swift move, he was across the inner yard of the castle and against the wall that would allow him to enter through a window farther up. He kicked off the wall, launching himself up to the nearest ledge, a gutter that lead to a roof. This was about 30 feet off the ground as Necroesphere hoisted himself over the edge, lowering his gravitational force to make sure he wouldn’t make a noise.

He waited, not breathing as he waited for any of the guards to notice his movement. Luckily, nothing was out of place and the guards were continuing along their path. “Now, where is this king likely to be?”

Necroesphere glanced about, finding a window that he gently walked over to and pushed the door open slightly. He noticed a guard standing not that far off in a marble hall, columns dotting every few yards.

“What was that?” The guard jumped, snapping his spear down. Necroesphere kept his position, the guard having turned the opposite direction towards another sound farther down the hallway. “Who goes there?”

“Relax, Slow Foot.” A donkey called out. Slow Foot quickly kneeled, dropping his spear. Necroesphere knew this was a very untrained guard to drop his weapon with no knowledge of any enemy around. “And please, there is no need to bow to me. I may be the crown prince, but I am not my father’s son.”

“Why is that sire?” Slow Foot asked, rising with spear in hoof.

“This war on Equestria? A foolish waste of resources in a time we cannot afford to spare any. I also doubt that the pony kingdom was spared from this famine as well.” The prince stated, rubbing his forehead. “I wish to be rid of him, but I cannot do anything.”

Necroesphere entered the hallway, entering the light of a nearby lantern. “Maybe I may be of use.”

Slow Foot turned, spear pointed straight at Necroesphere’s leg. His eyes grew wide as he took in all that Necroesphere had to offer. The prince backed up, his mouth agape in awe.


“I offer my assistance. I am an envoy, helping the Princesses of Equestria. Earlier today, Princess Luna was almost killed by a Duke named Bushel. I made sure he will never think of such deeds again.” The prince look scared, staring at one of Necroesphere’s swords. “I did not kill him, if that is what you believe. He is currently running through the forest outside the castle, no doubt on his way back home.”

“Then why are you here?” The prince asked, putting a hoof down.

“I heard your words, about your father’s plans. I was looking for someone like you who sympathetic towards peace. It seems I did not have to look far.” Necroesphere said, kneeling down to meet the prince and Slow Foot’s eye level.

“I see. You plan to kill my father then?” The prince stated, looking into Necroesphere’s faceplate. “There is no need to confirm that. From the way you act, that is your plan, there is no denying it. My father is in the throne room, discussing plans for war with his generals. No doubt he believes Bushel succeeded with killing Luna. I must thank you for that. An enraged Celestia would be horrible.”


“You work for them. I assumed you would know.” The prince stated, walking past Necroesphere. “Thank you. I will find someway to repay you. My name is Hans.”

“Thank you, Hans. I need no repayment though. Is there anyone else who could contest the throne with your father out of the way?”

“No, my mother died while giving birth to my sisters and my uncle is illegitimate. I am the only one who can now assume the throne. Now go, do your deed and leave. I cannot speak for anypony except Slow Foot here that we will not harm you.” Hans stated, walking farther down the hall.

“You’d best stick to the shadows sir. Also, the throne room is down the stairs at the end of this hall. Be careful though, there will be guards all over the place. Please, don’t hurt them. Somepony special to me is down there watching over the king.” Slow Foot cautioned.

“Don’t worry.” Necroesphere chuckled, launching himself into the rafters and disappearing into the shadows. Slow Foot just stood there, confused for a moment before continuing to watch his post. Necroesphere slinked through the rafters, keeping as silent as possible as he continued forward.

The wooden post were still fresh enough to keep Necroesphere from having to change his gravity again, but they still creaked when he landed at an odd angle that didn’t agree with the architecture. He knew no guard would truly care about a creaking building, he had been through enough security to know that.

“So... We assault from the north in two weeks time, cutting off their larger farms. While their forces are bogged down with the assault, you lead a smaller force and set fire to the East and Southern parts of Equestria, causing trouble across the land.” Necroesphere heard, his super-hearing and enhancements from his armor helping.

“That is the plan as of now. When Bushel get’s back, we begin our march and empty the lands so that when Celestia brings down her wrath, it will be on nothing but a husk.” Another voice stated. Necroesphere jumped into a spot better situated to see what was going on. At the head of a table with a world map sat a donkey dressed in extravagant garb far beyond those around him.

It was this donkey that was his target.

“Alright. It is time for some rest. We will not get anywhere if we do not sleep and rest while we can.” The king stated, rising from his throne. The generals stood, snapping a hoof to their chest before leaving. The king himself stood alone in the throne room, looking over the map and playing with the figures.

“I know you are there, assassin.” The king stated, turning around. From the shadows walked another figure, this one on just two legs. The donkey was small and wasn’t heavily armed. “Daughter, you choose to stand against me?”

“You want to bring more pain to our family, papa! Why?” The daughter asked, tears streaming from her eyes.

“I wish to right what we have lost. Celestia and Luna are the ones to blame for our suffering, they move both Sun and Moon. It is not right.” The king said, walking towards his daughter. “Now, give me the knife. Enough of this foolishness.”

“No, papa.” The little donkey stated, taking a defensive stance, knife in her mouth.

“Then you leave me no choice,” The king sighed, drawing a sword. The princess backed away from her father, shaking. Necroesphere quickly moved, dropping straight down. His landing caused both the royals to freeze up, stopping in their tracks as Necroesphere drew forth two swords, both hooked at the end.

“You shall not harm her,” Necroesphere hissed, aiming a sword at the king. The donkey king backed away, visibly shaking with fear. “This ends now, you tyrant. Not only have you endangered the peace of the realm, but you dare threaten your own daughter. You make me sick.”

“W-what are you?” The King managed to get out, backing away. Necroesphere glanced behind him, noticing the daughter had dropped her knife, mouth agape with surprise.

“Your reaper. Don’t bother saying anything more, just embrace the end I give you now. You have failed, King.” Necroesphere said, his blade entering the donkey’s body. There was no resistance as the blade slid out, flinging blood across the floor.

“W-w-what?” The little girl cried. Necroesphere moved again, disappearing into the darkness again, leaving the princess to question what had happened for the rest of her life. Using his mind reading skills, Necroesphere quickly extracted all the information he could from the king before his memories died with his body.

His job done, Necroesphere slipped silently out into the night, returning to Equestria.


“I wonder how long he will be,” Luna pondered, resting on her bed. Celestia had forced her to retire early and leave the night court to the sun princess. Luna had attempted to complain, though it had been in vain.

From her bed, she had raised the moon and decorated the sky with stars. With nothing else to do, Luna had contented herself with thinking of Necroesphere. Her questions had gone unanswered earlier, Celestia forcing her to retire out of fear of Luna dropping from shock. Though she may be younger, Luna knew that she was just as strong as Celestia.

There was a sound on the banister, a clacking of armor. Luna jumped from her bed with a start, glaring out her window. On the banister was Necroesphere, his cape billowing in the wind. Luna attempted to say something but couldn’t bring herself to find any words or even move her tongue.

“Princess Luna,” Necroesphere stated, opening the glass door between them. “The deed is done. You have no need to worry. All is going to be fine now.”

Luna sighed, sitting back down on her bed. Necroesphere clapped a fist to his chest, moving to leave again. He stopped at the door, glancing back over his shoulder at Luna’s primary door.

“What is it?” Luna asked, annoyed of the strange being’s behavior. Didn’t he understand that he was in her private sanctuary. The door opened behind her, Celestia walking into Luna’s room.

“Oh... Necroesphere, you are back. So soon?” Celestia asked, raising one of her eyebrows. “Normally, it is a two day flight to the border of Equestria and another day of travel to reach the palace. How did you get there so fast?”

“I traveled over 30 Light Years to get here, and that only took me 500 years. It took me no time at all to fix this problem of yours. The crown prince, Hans, is going to be taking over the throne soon. He is sympathetic to the peace between your kingdoms. Also, one of the princesses will eventually start asking about me. Dissuade her if you can.”

“Why?” Luna asked, looking straight into the beings reflective face. “Your entire purpose here is still a mystery to me. And I doubt that Celestia herself knows why you arrived.”

Necroesphere seemed to hum, though it may have been his armor. He sat down on a nearby cushion, nearly flattening it as he became the height of Celestia. Luna thanked whatever pony had designed the castle to think of high ceilings.

“I am going to stay and observe your species, though that sounds a bit mean now that I say it.” Necroesphere started. “I need to ask for your permission to stay and study. I am prepared to accept any guidelines you wish to place on me. I also would be helpful with dealing with your random chaos storms. As Celestia may attest to, I can sense and dispel them easily.

“My services can stretch even further, depending upon the situation. I would however ask to be allowed free roam when I have free time. I will teach you how to summon and contact me when you need me, no worries.”

“Necroesphere...” Luna sighed, stopping the warrior before he could continue. “You can stay. Though, where you would sleep is beyond me.”

“I’ll sleep where I will. The roof looks comfortable for now.” Necroesphere said, chuckling beneath his helmet. Luna shook her head, a small smile spreading across her face. A small glowing appeared from Necroesphere, causing her to look up again. In the warrior’s hand was a small orb that radiated energy.

“Princess Luna, I give you my energy, so that you can control and have power over me should I go bezerk. The chances are slim, very slim. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you and my energy will be diminished so that I cannot cause large amount of power.”

“Is this something sacred and special?” Luna asked, reaching a hoof out to touch the sphere. As she broke the surface, the energy entered her body as she jumped back, shocked. The sphere was gone and Necroesphere’s armor shifted, changing design and details. “What just happened?”

“It is as I stated. You and I are linked, Luna.” Necroesphere said, patting her on the shoulder. “You should rest though, before I tell you what comes with this responsibility. Make sure you clear your schedule for tomorrow, as there is a lot I must say and it would be best if both Princesses were present.”

“We cannot just...” Celestia started before stopping herself. “You know what, we really need a break, especially after the events of earlier today. It is almost time for the Summer Festival, where we allow the Sun and Moon to cover each other.”

“An eclipse...” Necroesphere said, resting his chin on his... hoof, Luna wanted to call it. Yet, there was nothing hooflike about it.

“Before you go, what are those? They look like hooves, but...”

“Didn’t think about that before. From where I come, these are named hands. It actually makes gripping things easier, due to these separate bone structures called fingers and this larger finger called a thumb.” Necroesphere explained, pointing things out to the sisters.

“Thank you,” Luna smiled. Celestia yawned, reminding Luna of the late hour. “It is best that we all get some sleep. You can explain everything tomorrow Necroesphere, I promise.”

Necroesphere put up one of his thumbs, getting up and jumping off the banister. Luna quickly ran after him before she realized he was floating right below, floating towards a nearby roof. He descended to it and laid down, seeming to go to sleep as his armor
dimmed in color. “That is one strange being,” Celestia yawned. “I look forward to what he has to say tomorrow. Good night, Luna.”

“Good night, Tia.”

Author's Note:

Hard to believe I just let this chapter sit for almost 3 months... The next three chapters are also done and I just forgot about the story... OOOPPPS. OH well, that means I can update on some sort of schedule for now. Enjoy this longer chapter.