Ellana Glacia. An alien being from another world across space and time. With powers untold and unknown, alongside some near blindness, is going to save Equestria without harming a soul. She finds herself upon the merry world of My little Pony... or not so merry. Everything is not as it should be. The ponies of Equestria act differently, talk differently, even have obscene morals compared to the show she once knew. Now there is talk of a war, a great war, the final apocalyptic war with shadow. An untold silly notion to her as a wishing star incarnate. The final days of Equestria seem upon the minds of every equine, diamond dog, and dragon in the land. As an army of stupid shadow beings led by the immortal twin kings of hate and fear bear down upon the queendom of Equestria, the last standing nation in the world, there seems to be no hope in sight. That is until Ellana takes a stand and shows the world that hope never truly dies, that hope is truly... bizarre and that the platinum dawn has come.

Chapters (4)

Luna and Celestia have just formed the city of Canterlot, soon after a couple of years after the defeat of Tierk and Discord. Through some vistors they discover the crystal empire, along with it's charming and great king.

Chapters (4)

Flash Sentry is on a quest to pursue love and justice in a bright, pastel-colored world full of bitter judgments and harsh verdicts passed down on the innocent. He will be tasked to perform countless feats of heroism, and he will take on an immeasurable number of trials designed to test the strength of his character, the mettle of his fighting spirit, the pain of being himself, and work his way towards redemption in order to be the hero that everypony justly desserts. He's also going to become mayor of Fillydelphia, bull wrangler at Dodge, lead guitarist, pie-eating champ, Somalusian pirate, and the list just keeps on going because this piece of pony fanfiction is about to make fun of itself, its fellow brethren, and basically all of us in 3...2...

Chapters (1)

Twisted Wind was just a regular middle-schooler when he gets his wish granted and goes to equestria! But what awaits him there is a force of untold evil, waiting for the best time to strike! Join Twisted Wind as he goes about on a quest to defeat the menacing forces of darkness!

A/N this is my first story so please be nice in the comments also no vulgar please

Chapters (1)

Vindictus Vulnere grew up in the cold. Both his environment was cold and the other ponies' behaviour towards him. He grew up fighting and alone, save for one stallion who he saw as a father.

Chapters (8)

This is the story I wrote for the Iron Author competition at Everfree NW. I haven't edited it, so there'll be a lot of mistakes. Also, as the time limit crept up on me, the ending is a bit lame. I hope you enjoy it anyway! (It also has not yet been named)

When Cadence spots King Sombra preparing for another attack, she calls for help from the Mane 6 and the elements of harmony. However, the elements have been hidden in the Canterlot Vault, a safe under Canterlot only accessible to Princess Celestia. Together with her friends, Twilight Sparkle must retrieve the elements and face her fear of failure.

Chapters (1)

A young filly was found in the tundra wasteland, but she is so curious about a topic that not many wish to study

King Sombra. After so many years he has returned, and this filly reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. Can this filly warm his cold heart?

Chapters (2)

With the conquering of the nightmare essence and the snake siren Genevieve, it would appear that things are starting to calm down but now there are more threats coming to Metropolis. One of those threats has a keen eye for the brute of the team Fluttershy and drive her quite batty.

Chapters (4)

Sombra doesn't need to ask himself what he did to deserve this... he knows everything he did to deserve this: he had won, but now he needs urgent care, he is sick. If he is a good patient, he may get out of... the hospital.

it's more dark than humor. Honestly, this was originally supposed to be horror, but this is how it turned out.

The way its written can be a bit jarring, but it is intended to give the feeling I was looking for, I'm still not sure if I got it right though.

This story is Just a random idea I thought of while discussing another story with a friend. Been sitting on it for a long time, but this is just a story I wrote in a few hours. I plan on working on more projects and hopefully doing much better, feedback is appreciated as I'm still new to writting.

Chapters (1)

Celestia brings forth her most faithful student, and now princess Twilight Sparkle to Canterlot for a important meeting. When Twilight arrives, she finds all three princess waiting for her in one of the many conference rooms of the castle wishing to give her knowledge. Knowledge that will must forever remain a secret from those outside of the room. Knowledge of a vast part of history left out of all textbooks. Knowledge of Equestria's reckoning.

I don't have enough tags for this...everybody panic

Chapters (0)