"The Lunar Hook, a colossal feat of futuristic technology, has redefined the logistics landscape. Its towering carbon nanotube structures reach skyward, a silent sentinel of the new age. With the grace of a celestial dancer, it moves cargo between Equestria and the Moon, transforming what was once a laborious endeavor into a ballet of efficiency. The Hook's presence is both a bridge and a barrier, a conduit for progress that simultaneously obstructs the old order. As it slices through the heavens, it asks not for accolades but for a reevaluation of what we deem possible, leaving in its wake a trail of innovation and the unspoken question: What will we achieve next?"

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer failed as a pupil of Celestia– The shadows took advantage of her ambitions and the darkness within, and twisted her into a demon.

…And then Twilight Sparkle, saved her. If only she had known Twilight was the newest pupil of Celestia, her replacement, the living proof of all her failures, before she made a paladin pledge to serve and protect her as a life debt.

A conflict of interest, there. Her guilt, her shame, and her regrets, direct her to be as far away from her past as possible. And her debt to Twilight, her desire to repay her for being saved by her, and even her admiration to her replacement keep her close from all of the things that make her feel weak.

…And now that Twilight became an Alicorn, she realizes she needs a fucking break.

This is an illegitimate prequel to the Princess and the Peasant, due to it being set on the same universe, but at an earlier time frame to that fic! Though it's only a prequel, it's fully related to that story, as you might expect. There will be few references, but it's very much a stepping stone to more being done on that universe!

Chapters (2)

In a small town gripped by exploitation, thousands of impoverished residents cling to one another for solace amidst the harshness of their existence. Among them is Wolfgang, a figure whose eyes gleam with the fire of his own clandestine agenda. His life is a tapestry of uncertainty and despair. Just when the shadows of his world seem to deepen, Twilight and her companions arrive at his doorstep. It's evident from the outset that Wolfgang harbors no affection for the company of those who would exploit his kind. His story is about to intertwine with theirs, and the fate of the poor hangs in the balance as the lines between friend and foe blur in the struggle for a better life.

Chapters (1)

Inlight Dust, in order to rejoin his tribe after whole life being an outcast, participates in the Proving. After the attack on the Proving, he leaves his homeland to the princessdom beyond to find the assasins, and uncover the mysteries of the world he in: filled with war, hunters, and machines.

Chapters (3)

Hearthswarming is a wonderful time of the year! It's a time for gifts, family, and friendship. As the royal Hearthswarming Eve Party rolled around, everypony was in a joyous mood...except for Princess Luna. Only months after her return and purification from Nightmare Moon, Luna did not understand why everypony was being so nice to her. As Luna's mind raced with dread, her sister was determined to be by her side every step of the way, making sure it was a night she would never forget...

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia, searching for Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the missing ponies, approaches the Tree of Harmony to see if she can find any clue as to where all of them went, only to be ambushed by the remnants of Nightmare Moon, seeking revenge after her defeat. In an odd twist of fate the two are pulled into a brand new world, full of heroes and villains with all sorts of powers, Quirks, though both figures end up separated from each other in the land of Japan. Celestia ends up in the care of Inko Midoriya with Izuku as her brother, while Nightmare ends up in the care of All For One with Shigaraki Tomura as her brother.

Both must deal with their own Quriks and the school that teaches students on how to become heroes, all while facing those that seek to bring them down.

(MLP/My Hero Academia)
(Part of the Demon War series)
(Will not be covering the Final War Arc.)

Chapters (2)

Soon after Princess Luna tried her first-ever video game out of boredom, playing them became her #1 favorite hobby by far. She especially loved playing them with other ponies. It was just too bad that her competitiveness and hot-bloodedness made ponies start "conveniently" claiming they felt ill when it was their turn to play with her.

However, Princess Celestia could tell the real reason, but couldn't bear telling her little sister out of fear of giving her Nightmare Moon flashbacks. Near her wits' end, Celestia asked Princess Twilight if she knew any ponies with both a fondness for video games and a personality capable of handling "Gamer Luna."

At Spike and Starlight Glimmer's suggestion, Twilight decided to ask Eric Reed, a human but also an experienced gamer, to be Luna's new gaming buddy. Unfortunately, Twilight forgot to warn Eric that Luna could become intense when she played games, which accidentally left him blind to what he was in for.

Things (probably) went as well as you might expect.

This story is also one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. It isn't necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria and can't leave.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

In a distant expanse of the sea, there was once a fleet that carried the weight of honor and purpose, yet it fell victim to the merciless vastness of the ocean. Over the course of a decade, the crew's initial optimism withered into despair. Day in and day out, they sought a path home on a solitary island, but it remained elusive.

One fateful night, a crew member named Clooffi espied an enigmatic golden radiance during his watch. The light appeared to beckon him toward home, but as it vanished, it took the last flickers of hope with it. Amidst a tempest, the sailors sang ballads of their homeland, their voices laden with a poignant yearning for return.

However, it was at this moment of desolation that fate took a surprising turn. Clooffi was rescued by an enigmatic realm known as the Kirin Kingdom. Within its borders, he embarked on a series of adventures that defied belief, including an audience with the sovereign of the Kirin Kingdom and the discovery of a mysterious conduit linking disparate worlds.

What was even more astounding was the stark contrast between time within the Kirin Kingdom and the outside world. Clooffi's brief respite in the kingdom equated to 175 years in the external world. Upon his ultimate return to his homeland, he was met with the jarring unfamiliarity of a world drastically transformed. His hometown, friends, and life as he knew it had all become alien to him.

In this transformed world, Clooffi encountered a group of equine beings who facilitated his adjustment to his new existence. He uncovered that his lineage had deep historical roots in this land and that he shared a blood connection with one of these beings. Taking up residence in the castle of this particular equine, Clooffi set out to delve into his lineage and the possibilities that lay ahead.

He now confronts not only the trepidations and uncertainties within his soul but also the enigmas shrouded within the Kirin Kingdom. How will he confront his destiny?

Chapters (12)

Blueblood is an indolent princeling of Equestria. On a lark he joins the Equestrian army; and finds to his, and others, shock that he has a knack and passion for soldiering.

Soon these talents will be put to the test. As the questions around thestral rights, entrenched pacifism, Stalliongard influence, and the changeling menace threaten Equestria.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hollow Pony

The world is burning.

What once was a small, tropical island in the sacred heart of the dragonlands is now an inferno. The oceans are boiling, the trees have been reduced to ash, the beaches are melting into glass, and the very air itself is aflame. All life on the island has been annihilated. Even the bare stone of the island has begun to liquify into lava.

And yet, one shadow remains, under the unyielding sun.

* * *

A standalone side story to Hollow Pony. No prior knowledge of Hollow Pony or Dark Souls is required; if anything, readers familiar with the story are likely to be more confused.

Story image is a picture of Mount Etna erupting, taken by CNN.

This is also my entry to the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest, though I was actually already planning to write this story. That contest just gave me a good reason to push it up in the schedule a bit.

Chapters (1)