This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: A New Generation

Having survived the return of magic to the human world, an attack by an old enemy and, most dangerous of all, her first year as a high school teacher, Sunset Shimmer and her students are just looking to take a well-deserved break during their stay at Camp Everfree. But there’s history at Camp Everfree, more than anyone had previously realized, and its eyes are about to turn on Sunny and her friends as well as their teacher, for in these woods, events long in the past can still cast dark shadows.

Chapters (2)

James, a formal Crystal Prep student and aspiring bartender, dreams of breaking free from his elitist school life and following his true passion. Struggling between his mother's expectations and his own desires, he transfers to Canterlot High, where a mysterious group of students might hold the key to his future. Will they guide him toward his dreams, or push him to follow the conventional path?

Chapters (1)

"I've come to make an announcement..."

Was all the citizens Equestria would hear before the greatest and most insane callout post ever made is unleashed into the world.

Might make another one of these but with Discord and Izzy.

Not exactly important, but I like to think this is what could've happened if Amending Fences didn't occur.

Chapters (1)

In the Wonderbolts, everyone gets a nickname. Infamously, these names are embarrassing. As a result, most newbies aren't privy to the shameful pasts of their predecessors, but that isn't going to stop Sky Stinger or Vapor Trail from trying to guess what Spitfire's was anyway.

They'll never get it.

Day #5 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes I stumble. I shouldn’t feel the way I do, but I do. I live in a pony world, as a human. People dream of this. Everyone here is so joyful, and yet, here I am… sad. Why am I sad? I have been accepted here with open arms, even through some confusion, so I don’t understand why I feel like this? It’s frustrating. Even with the help of Twilight and her friends, it seems like I’m in a hole I can’t climb out of. What has my old world done to me?

Chapters (1)

A compilation. Can contain anything from any of my stories. Be one offs that take place within the universe, mini one chapter sequels, whatever. Also can have clashing storylines, for example my Nightmare Moon story can have 2 different sequel chapters with conflicting stories, they just take place within their own separate universes/timelines. Also wasn't sure what to do for a cover, so just have my Electric Demon OC. Will update tags as I add more chapters.

Chapters (2)

His name is Jacob Kramer.

He is a tax-paying citizen with a steady if unremarkable day job.

His hobby is breaking boards, cinder blocks, or whatever else he and his buddies can get their mitts on.

He has been dropped into Equestria with the Alicorn Amulet.

This may be a problem.

Chapters (1)

Kobalt is velociraptor of unmatched speed in the Dragon Lands, her people are protected by the dragon lords and had been for generations. Kobalt got noticed in Equestria for all the wrong reasons.

Chapters (1)

The stash of Princess Celestia is hidden deep within Canterlot Castle. Surely, Anon with unrestricted access is not a terrible idea.

Chapters (1)