
Okay you know how this kind of story starts. A guy bought something at a Convention from a certain Merchant and gets thrown into some version of Equestria. Problem though for our Human here, there is just NOTHING exciting happening. The World seems to be completely at peace. Well Equestria is at least.

Chapters (1)

What does Discord do to pass the time? Where is he when he's not in focus of the show? The CMC intends to find out!

The problem is, are they ready to find out? Because the truth may be crazier than any of their theories.

[introducing a long-held idea I've had, trust me, you won't want to miss chapter two]

[Art by Unfiltered]

Chapters (1)

Miss Cheerilee tries to take a day off, but ends up being involved in an adventure with Daring Do, a magic competition against dozens of unicorns who know way more magic than she does, and a feud with her evil self from a bad future who is trying to stop her from saving the world, all in the same day. Things somehow go even more downhill from there.


As for all of my other stories, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I'm really not writing this seriously though.

Chapters (2)

Ali and Sean had been the best of friends for eight long years, but when a bad car accident takes Ali away from Sean, he wallows in guilt and grief for two years. One fateful day, however, a strange portal opens in Sean's room, taking both Sean and the spirit of Ali to Equestria. Ali is now flesh and bone, and Sean can't believe it. Can they get back home? Will Ali be alive if they go back? They embark on a great quest to find a way to get back, however, meet a few monsters and friends along the way. Will they go home, or is Equestria going to become their home? Will they survive? Will they meet a gruesome end? Will I ever stop asking these questions? Who knows! Find out in this thrilling adventure of two humans in a world of multi-coloured lastel ponies!

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Map had assigned a new friendship mission to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The only catch is that this is a very special mission, because it requires them to go to outer space! They get set to spread the magic of friendship to the farthest reaches of the universe!

Collaboration with Tane4041 and me.

Chapters (3)

In the narrow alleys of Canterlot, Twilight, a dreamy orphan, grows up hidden in the shadows of the mighty Sun Empress Celestia. Through a series of surprising events, Twilight suddenly finds herself in the role of Celestia's personal apprentice. However, with this new position also come strange dreams that haunt her at night, and the monarch's behavior towards her becomes increasingly enigmatic and atypical.

Twilight's life takes a dramatic turn when she looks behind Celestia's carefully maintained facade. While rummaging through forbidden archives, she discovers censored documents that not only reveal the truth about her past but also Celestia's secret plans for the fate of the world. Caught between loyalty to Celestia and the urge to find her own identity, Twilight must decide how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth and avert the impending doom.

Every lover of a strong and clever Twilight will get their money's worth here. There are some very dark, but also very sweet scenes.

I appreciate any help, feedback, and criticism.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Mississippi Voyager

The Mississippi Voyager's mission for 2018 is to explore north of Saint Louis along the Mississippi, to see who's there. Radio contact with a group further north led to the tasking. What will they find along the way?

Made it to Popular Stories list 7-24-24. Now, how did I manage that?

Chapters (1)

Next stop, Bridlewood, as an Erebus stomps his way into Bridlewood. The third part in the war robots anthology in modern day Equestria. Here’s an Erebus: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarrobots.com%2Fen%2Frobots%2F77&psig=AOvVaw3v6k9mzSeYbyjDfXzEwb92&ust=1714238995429000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCPjwoIW04IUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

Chapters (1)

Kirins have lived for centuries in the grove within the Peaks of Perils. They have their own legends and heroes.
One of their tale, starting a thousand year before the friendship adventures of Twilight Sparkle, is the "Thorn of the Frozen Star", where we learned how a kirin, named Ivory Frost, saved the grove from the threat posed by an ice wyrm, Zuriak.

Written the story on impulse, and proposed to original author. Original settings, characters and composition of Frozen Night : you can listen the Album of the Thorn of the Frozen Star on youtube.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer has always been a hot-headed, impetuous girl. She's always been prone to making snap decisions, and later finding herself regretting them. It was exactly this temperament that had brought her to the human world, penniless and alone. When the opportunity to get back on her feet presented itself in the form of a stranger's outstretched hand, she leaped at the chance.

This is the story of a woman who has made many bad choices, and the life those choices have made for her.

Tags, and even rating, may change as the story goes on.

Thanks as usual to Magello for the cover art!

Chapters (13)