Hello there, VSauce Tedious_Blizzard here!
First off, I'm happy to say you can expect a new chapter soon. Not sure when exactly, but soon all the same.
Secondly, I have recently become aware of a ton of fanart by a wonderful artist who goes by the name of Galefeather. You can check out her Deviantart account to see it all, and apparently some has even found it's way onto Derpibooru. I'm really grateful for this- I can't believe that my story can inspire people to create stuff based on it. Thanks Galefeather!
And they look AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This made me happy. Pretty happy. It warms my heart knowing that there were enough people who read my latest chapter to give my little baby a nice cushy seat in the featured box until someone comes along and punts it outta there. There are other forms of validation and recognition I've already gotten that mean more to me personally, but this was still pretty nice.
As of tonight, I'm officially together with the most sweet guy on the planet!
He's been my guardian angel for the last few months, helping me overcome not only my depression but also giving me renewed faith about this world in general!
He's truly a gift to my world, and I'm happy to have met him!
I love you, Kobe! 💞
Scootasquee is located at 0:27 (below).
Prepare your pancreas!
Well, that really snuck up on me.
I'll say I'm happy to see so many people like seeing things I have to offer. I really didn't ever think so many people would pay any attention to any of my stuff. Well I'm happy to see that I was...pretty damn wrong.
I don't really know what else to say on this front other than I'm so giddy right now and thank you
Oh hey look, Sheep pony after God knows how long.
As of last night, 150 people are now following me! When I joined here, I honestly didn't expect to get more than maybe 10 or 20. Never expected to get anywhere even near this many. Thank you everypony for bothering to follow me!~
I got the call-back for the subway job, and now I'm waiting for another call-back for the Official Training portion !!!!!
This is so awesome !!!!
If I do get the job though I will be on the site much less than I currently am, but this is so awesome !!!
The anticipation is killing me !!!
As humans, we learn new things everyday. The Earth is a wondrous place full of exciting adventures and fresh information at every turn. As an example, I learned something new today: FIMFiction deletes the spaces between my paragraphs in stories.
So I am somewhat rabidly manic at the moment. Someone just messaged me that dC/dt got a TVTropes page -- which I've always wanted but could never make because of the obvious problem of Author Bias. I probably just spent the last hour reading an intense amount of dedication to catching everything that made my heart grow three sizes today, eliciting manly giggles every so often when a particular trope just fit too perfectly or reminded me of some small moment I had forgotten.
At long last, the final chapter of How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative is done! For those of you who've been waiting until the story's complete, now's the time!
I'll have a Retrospective up on the story later this week!
But for now, enjoy the finale of the Origin Arc!
Good evening!
As of today, I've had my first story featured on Equestria Daily! It's Music for the Mare in the Moon, the selfsame story that I wrote with Miss Spectrum and submitted a few days ago. So sorry, no new story--just me geeking out about appearing there.
I can't believe I missed this in all the E3 news:
A Master of Orion reboot?
And apparently they have some of the team who created the first one on board, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
So long as they don't fuck it up, I'll be more than happy to tell them this:
So, recently a good friend from CTS, Chosen Heart aka Cinderscript, did a recording of Luna's letter to Twilight at the end of Guide.
My birthday's coming up on the 18th, and so, I've got a lot (if three is a lot) special projects in mind to upload that day. Gonna be a super busy month for the first half, but will totes be worth it. And since my B-Day is on the 18th, I'll be one day behind upload schedule. Though, to be fair, I wasn't even meant to update my story till Thursday evening anyway, so fair I guess? P=