
Viewing 1 - 20 of 107 results

a thought. and a challenge · 5:15am Dec 21st, 2015

thinking of what silver quill said about the season five finale. that there wasnt a person who could stand up in each universe..... i want to write a story of somepony or something standing up and fighting the forces that took over in each universe. and i challenge each of you at one time or another try and write a story along these lines. i dont really care how well its written im not so good myself. but the one rule for my challenge it must end in the cannon verse, no exceptions. GOOD LUCK!


Looking for an editor/co-author · 3:06am Apr 29th, 2016

I'm currently working on a project, that I plan to have running for a bit and I'm looking for an editor or co-author of some kind. Send me a Private message or write a post. Either way ill get a notification. See ya!


Twilight and her Human Questioning. · 12:25pm Aug 1st, 2020

okay so here's a thing: in virtually ALL HiE fanfic's that i read that has Twilight question a human about, Earth, it's cultures, its technology, and many other things that Twilight wants to question the human. lately, whenever i see this in any fic i find my myself thinking: "Why do you need to know this Twilight?"

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Human In Equestria Spawn Zones? · 10:01pm Feb 1st, 2021

Where would you like to appear in Equestria? Some notable locations; Ponyville, Canterlot, the Ever Free Forest. There are others, but these are some of the most key places.

Report Bendy · 247 views · #Human In Equestria #HIE

My First Serious Human in Equestria Story Comes Tomorrow! (Preview) · 1:48am Aug 15th, 2020

Yes, almost a year after the show is over, I finally get an idea in my head of how to finally make a Human in Equestria story work. The genre has a bad rap, I know, but I finally came up with an idea that I absolutely could not resist writing about, something that I have never seen before. I'm sure it's been done before, but this is something I came up with without any inspiration from other HiE fics, as I have not recently read any discounting the fantastic I Am Not Sombra. It's about how a

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Hands Short: The Truth About Human/Pony Romance · 2:26pm Nov 12th, 2019

Finally he asks...

Shepherd: "I don't get it! I'm a big, goofy alien! How am I so attractive to ponies?"

Twilight: "Well, aside from your kind and stupidly heroic personality-"

Shepherd: "Not just stupidly heroic, hmph."

Twilight: "The fact you can scratch, scritch, massage, caress and cuddle us in ways no stallion ever could also helps a lot."

Pinkie: "Also your skin tastes like salt!" *Licks him* "Mmmm... A mare could get drunk off you!"

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Need help with story ideas for HIE and displaced stories. And possible co-author help · 2:11am Jan 1st, 2016

So I'm fairly new to the fandom, and I wouldn't consider myself a brony but it could be debated. Anyway I require assistance for some ideas for an HiE or displaced story. I mean I have one idea but have no idea how to go about writing it. Also I work better with someone else so if anyone is interested in being a co-author let me know, I would love the help. Thanks for stopping by.


Another delay · 4:15am Apr 7th, 2021

Just dropping by the next chapters also going to be in a delay.

but also, for now, I would like some answers like:

1) those who read the story so far, do you enjoy it?

2) Would you be interested if I make more type of story like this? like a sequel to this?


HiE Quartet · 2:26pm Oct 20th, 2024

Yet another idea popped into my mind recently.

If I ever get to the point of making at least four HiE stories, would any of you be open to the idea of making an Isekai Quartet-style crossover story?


Human in Equestria fics where ponies cuddle up to "warm" humans. · 8:08pm Jul 28th, 2015

Temperature: 99-101 degrees F, high temp could be heat stroke, infection, recent exercise; low temp could be shock, hypothermia or unable to produce heat.
Temperature: 98.6°F

Sorry its just funny because humans are a few degrees lower. It is definitely possible that because of the smaller size and magical nature of Equestrian ponies that they have a natural temperature of around 96-97°F.

For your consideration.


The Common Flaws and Failures of HiE Fanfiction · 11:59am May 30th, 2017

The Common Flaws and Failures of HiE Fanfiction

By MidnightChaos

To understand why HiE has fallen flat recently and why many people no longer write it or give up on their fic, the flaws of these kinds of fics must be examined under a magnifying glass.

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Molestia and Shepherd · 3:00am Dec 17th, 2019

Shepherd, lone human in Equestria, is walking home from grocery shopping when he sees Princess Celestia tied up in the road.

Shepherd: "Uh... Your Highness?"

Celestia: "Oh no! Woe is me! A fearsome human has caught me, when I am at my weakest!"

Shepherd: "..."

Celestia: "I am tangled in these ropes! And the devious, evil human could do anything he wanted with me! Anything at all!"

Shepherd: "... Uh huh."

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Human In Equestria Story Ideas? · 11:59am Nov 26th, 2020

You know, since like 99% of my stories are HIE stories.

So, got any Human In Equestria story ideas?

Report Bendy · 281 views · #HIE #Human In Equestria

Some notes on HiE (That may or may not be useful) · 2:58am Nov 20th, 2022

Human in Equestria, or HiE from now on, is one of the most popular genres on FiMFic. This blog post is meant to go over a few thoughts I have on the genre that could be seen as tips. So this is essential a blog for those of you who plan on writing HiE, or know someone who plans on doing so. A lot of these tips are only really useful prior to starting the story, but regardless this might be an interesting read.

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Writing Shameless HIE · 8:01am Apr 14th, 2021

Does anyone think writing cliches and not caring sometimes is quite fun when making HIE stories? I find myself not caring a lot of the time. I am not trying to write some epic story like LOTR, just comedy smut. I found writing shameless, cheesy HIE fun. It's not a realistic scenario, sure, but fun.

Take my story Super Secret Petting as a perfect example of a trashy HIE story. Little to no build up to the romance. Just plain smut really.


I hate mondays · 6:06pm Jan 4th, 2016

I have one day before school starts back up, i have laundry to do, i have to apply to colleges, and who knows what else will pop up. Faust how i hate mondays.

now that i think about it this kinda sounds like a start to a HIE/Displaced story and the other thing is being transported to Equestria. i have too much to do in writing stories but if any of you guys could do it, then go on right ahead.


Sneak peak at a new story. · 8:49am Apr 4th, 2016

My first story is on hold cause I'm just not comfortable writing it anymore. My writing style has changed since I wrote those stories. So, after reading the Arrow 18 Mission logs, a fantastic work of literature, I decided to make a new story. Link to Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger
So, here it is. A sneak peak at my new story, "A million miles from home."

International Times. September 35th, 2353.

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Survival strategies · 5:00pm Dec 1st, 2021

What would be some good survival strategies as a human in Equestria?

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A story is coming! · 6:42am Jan 5th, 2020

I've started working on my first story. It will be a Human in Equestria type, but I am looking to subvert or break with most of the usual tropes and normals found in these types. The first chapter will have almost no pony in it at all; the human is going to get plenty of time before we get him to Equestria.


You know what I noticed in most Human-In-Equestria stories? · 11:06pm Jun 25th, 2015

The human always seems to be:
A very edgy person where the tiniest thing will set him off.
The human always acts like they can do whatever they want without any consequences.
The human sounds like a rebellious teenage trying to fit into high school freshman.
He loves to use vulgar language to make him sound cool.
He is always being given the "VIP" treatment from the Princess.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 107 results